- 陳教授畢業於國立成功大學土木工程系取得學士及碩士學位、並於美國伊利諾大學土木工程系獲得博士學位。曾任職於中華顧問工程司工程師、交通大學講師、成功大學副教授,於民國七十五年進入本中心服務。並於三年後與土木工程學系合聘迄今。
- 陳教授之專長學科為遙測幾何處理、數位航空測量、工程測量、以及數值地形模型。
- 現任太空及遙測研究中心教授、中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會常務理事及學術委員會主任委員、Asian Journal of Geoinformatics 編輯委員、測量工程學刊編輯委員、國家實驗研究院諮詢委員、及內政部多項工作推動委員。
- 主持:數位攝影測量實驗室
- 太遙中心主聘
- 土木系從聘
- 美國伊利諾大學土木工程研究所博士,1985/05
- 國立成功大學土木工程研究所碩士,1974/06
- 國立成功大學土木工程系學士,1972/06
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 兼任教授 (2017/09-now)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授 (1993/08-2017/07)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授兼主任 (2010/08-2013/07)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授兼主任 (1995/08-1998/07)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 副教授 (1986/08-1993/07)
- 國立成功大學 航空測量研究所 副教授 (1985/10-1986/07)
- 國立交通大學 土木工程系 講師 (1978/08-1981/07)
- 中華顧問工程司 土木部 工程師 (1976/08-1978/07)
期刊論文 研討會論文
» 期刊論文 Journal Papers
2014 (2 papers)
- Lo, C.Y., Chen, L.C., and Pu, S., 2014. Topological elevation connection analysis for 3D line detection from dense airborne LIDAR data, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Wu, C.H., Shen, T.S., Chou, C.C., 2014. The application of geometric network models and building information models in geospatial environments for fire-fighting simulations, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 45 , pp. 1-12. (SCI/EI)
2013 (1 papers)
- Lo, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2013. Topological gradient connection analysis for feature detection, The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 28 , No. 141, pp. 7-26. (SCI/EI)
2012 (3 papers)
- Chen, L.C., Chang, W.C., and Teo, T.A., 2012, Geometric Integration of Heterogeneous Models for Multi-Satellite Image Positioning, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, No 7. PP. 2802-2809. (SCI/EI)
- Wu, C.H., and Chen, L.C., 2012, 3D spatial information for fire-fighting search and rescue route analysis within buildings, Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 48, pp. 21-29. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Huang, C.Y., and Teo, T.A., 2012. Multi-type change detection of building models by integrating spatial and spectral information, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1655-1681. (SCI/EI)
2011 (2 papers)
- 施學延, 陳良健, 2011, 衛星雷達影像反投影定位與有理函數模式, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.16, No.1, pp.23-44.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Hsieh, C.C., and Huang, T.M., 2011, Static error budget analysis for a land-based dual-camera mobile mapping system, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 849–862. (SCI/EI)
2010 (8 papers)
- 黃祐祥, 陳良健, 2010, 多重影像匹配於房屋模型重建, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.15, No.4, pp.343-366.
- 黃韋凱, 林銘郎, 陳良健, 林彥享, 蕭震洋, 2010, 物件導向分析方法應用於遙測影像之分區及崩塌地與人工設施分類, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.15, No.1, pp.29-49.
- Chia-Hao Wu., and Chen, L.C., 2010, Spatio-temporal Fire-fighting Rescue Route Analysis within Building, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 37-42.
- Liang-Chien Chen., and Li-Jer Lin., 2010, Detection of building changes from aerial images and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing., Vol. 4. 041870. pp. 1-19.(SCI/ EI)
- Tsai, F., Hwang, J. H., Chen, L. C., and Lin, T. H., 2010, Post-Disaster Assessment of Landslides in South Taiwan after 2009 Typhoon Morakot Using Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, Vol. 10, pp. 2179-2190. (SCI/ EI)
- Chang, N.B., Han, M., Yao, W., Chen, L.C., Xu, S., 2010, Change Detection Of Land Use And Land Cover In An Urban Region With SPOT-5 Images And Partial Lanczos Extreme Learning Machine, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 4. 043551. pp. 1-15. (SCI/ EI)
- Kun-Shan Chen, An-Ming Wu, Jeng-Shing Chern, Liang-Chien Chen, and Wen-Yen Chang, 2010, FORMOSAT-2 Mission: Current Status and Contributions to Earth Observations, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 98, No. 5, May, pp. 878-891. (SCI/EI)
- Teo, Tee-Ann., Chen, Liang-Chien, Liu, Chien-Chien., Tung, Yi-Chung., and Wu, Wan Yu, 2010, DEM-Aided Block Adjustment for Satellite Images with Weak Convergence Geometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, NO. 4, pp. 1907-1918. (SCI/EI)
2009 (7 papers)
- 陳良健, 江孟璁, 2009, 房屋模型面與空載影像之套合, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.4, pp.255-275.
- 張紋綺, 陳良健, 2009, 整合式光學衛星影像區域平差, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.4, pp.237-253.
- 羅詔元, 陳良健, 2009, 使用空載光達資料萃取森林區立木樹冠, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.3, pp.201-223.
- 陳良健, 黃智遠, 2009, 整合空載點雲與航照影像進行房屋模型之變遷偵測, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.2, pp.95-113.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2009, 整合空載點雲與地形圖模塑房屋之分治策略, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.2, pp.83-94.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2009, Worldview-1高解析衛星影像幾何分析, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.14, No.1, pp.25-35.f
- Liang-Chien Chen., and Chao-Yuan Lo, 2009. 3D Road Modeling Via the Integration of Large-Scale Topomaps and Airborne LIDAR Data, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 811-823. (SCI/EI)
2008 (4 papers)
- 陳良健, 李唐宇 2008, 結合多元資料重建三維房屋模型, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.13, No.3, pp.159-168.
- 李訢卉, 陳良健, 2008, 整合房屋、道路及地型模型之航空影像真實正射校正, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.13, No.2, pp.101-116.
- Shao, Y. C., and Chen, L. C., 2008, Automated Searching of Ground Points from Airborne LIDAR Data Using a Climbing-and-Sliding Method, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 74, No. 5, pp. 625-635. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., Kuo, C.Y., and Rau, J.Y., 2008, Shaping Polyhedral Buildings by the Fusion of Vector Maps and LIDAR Point Clouds, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. Vol. 74, No. 5, pp.1147-1157. (SCI/EI)
2007 (7 papers)
- 陳良健, 仝宜中, 2007, 以DEM 為高程控制之弱交會幾何衛星影像區域平差, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.12, No.1, pp.17-35.
- 陳良健, 羅詔元, 2007, 整合光達資料與二維路網重建三維道路模型, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.12, No.2, pp.179-195.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2007, 有理函數模式於高解析衛星影像幾何改正之應用, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.12, No.3, pp.257-272.
- Teo, T.A., Chen, L.C., Rau, J.Y., and Chen, S.J., 2007, Building Reconstruction using a Split-Shape-Merge Method, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 31-34.
- Chen, L.C., and Y.C. Shao, 2007. Automatic Selection of Ground Points for DEM Generation from Airborne LiDAR, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 625-636. (EI)
- Rau, J. Y., Chen, L. C., Liu, J.K., and Wu, T.H., 2007, Dynamics Monitoring and Disaster Assessment for Watershed Management Using Time-Series Satellite Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.45, No.6, pp.1641-1649. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., Wen, R.Y., and Rau, J.Y., 2007, Occlusion-compensated True Orthorectification for High Resolution Satellite Images, The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 22, No.117, pp. 39–52. (SCI/EI)
2006 (12 papers)
- 陳良健, 郭志奕, 2006, 結合光達資料與大比例尺向量圖重建三維建物模型, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.4, pp.361-380.
- 陳良健, 林士哲, 2006, 空載三線式掃描儀影像立體定位之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.4, pp.381-402.
- 陳良健, 溫仁佑, 2006, 高解析力衛星影像真實正射改正及遮蔽區域補償, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.3, pp.249-260.
- 劉建良, 陳良健, 2006, 多航帶推掃式衛星方位平差及影像正射化, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.2, pp.213-236.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2006, 利用光達資料模塑建物之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.2, pp.175-189.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2006, 空載光達點雲於DEM自動生產與精度評估-使用ISPRS測試資料為例, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-12.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Tsai, F., Hsiao, K.H., and Hsu, W.C., 2006, LOD Generation for 3D Polyhedral Building Model Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4319, PP.44-53. (SCI/EI)
- Rau, J.Y., Teo, T.A., Chen, L.C., Tsai, F., Hsiao, K.H., and Hsu, W.C., 2006, Integration of GPS, GIS and Photogrammetry for Texture Mapping in Photo-Realistic City Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4319, pp.1283-1292. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., and Chiang, T.W., 2006, The Generation of 3D Tree Models by the Integration of Multi-Sensor Data, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4319, pp.34-43. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., Hsieh, C.H., and Rau, J.Y., 2006, Reconstruction of Building Models with Curvilinear Boundaries from Laser Scanner and Aerial Imagery, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4319, pp. 24-33. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L.C., Shao, Y.C., Jan, H.H., Huang, C.W., and Tien, Y.M., 2006, Measuring System for Cracks in Concrete Using Multi-Temporal Image, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 132. No. 2. PP.77-82. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Liu, J. L., 2006, The Geometrical Comparisons of RSM and RFM for FORMOSAT-2 Satellite Images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.72, No.5, PP.573-579, (SCI/EI)
2005 (10 papers)
- 饒見有, 王冠華, 陳良健, 2005, 基於SMS演算法進行半自動化房屋模型之重建, 航測及遙測學刊,Vol.10, No.4, pp.337-350.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2005, 整合光達資料與高解析衛星影像於建物偵測, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.10, No.4, pp.361-372.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2005, 利用IKONOS立體影像進行數值地表模型重建之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 10, No.3, pp. 265-274.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2005, 嚴密幾何模式與有理函數模式於QuickBird衛星影像幾何改正之比較, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 10, No.2, pp. 183-190.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2005, 利用光達資料於DEM生產及房屋偵測之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 10, No.1, pp. 47-58.
- 賴彥中, 陳良健, 饒見有, 2005, 整合光達點雲與空照影像重建三維建物模型, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 10, No.1, pp. 27-45.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Tseng, C., Wu, D.H., and Xie, M.H., 2005, Disaster Detection and Damage Estimation Using Satellite Imagery and Land-Use Information, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.Vol.5, pp.3607-3610. (EI)
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Liu, C. L., 2005, Rigorous Georeferencing for Formosat-2 Satellite Images by Least Squares Collocation, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol.5, pp.3526-3530. (EI)
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., Rau, J. Y., Liu, J. K. and Hsu, W.C., 2005, Building reconstruction from LIDAR data and aerial imagery, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol.4, pp.2846-2849. (EI)
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Rau, J. Y., 2005, Adaptive Patch Projection for The Generation of Orthophotos from Satellite Images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 71, No. 11. pp. 1321-1327. (SCI/EI)
2004 (3 papers)
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2004, “利用二維房屋圖資及立體影像自動重建房屋外圍輪廓” , 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 9, No.3, pp. 1-7.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2004, “建築物幾何模塑及其於航照影像正射化之應用”, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol 9, No.1, pp. 53-76.
- 陳良健, 黃成偉, 2004, “時間序列之混凝土影像半自動裂縫變遷偵測”, 航測量及遙測學刊, Vol 9, No.2, pp. 77-88.
2003 (7 papers)
- 羅秋月, 陳良健, 2003, IKONOS衛星影像正射改正之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 9-28.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2003, EROS A衛星影像幾何改正之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 73-94. [NSC 91-2212-E-008-019]
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2003, 利用數學型態學方法於高程空間區隔地貌與地物之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 1-14.
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2003, Fast Straight Lines Detection Using Hough Transform with Principal Axis Analysis, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 15-34. [NSC 89-2211-E-008-086]
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Rau, J. Y., 2003. Fast Orthorectification for Satellite Images Using Patch Backprojection, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol. 2, pp.803-805. (EI) [NSC 91-2212-6-008-019]
- Chen, L. C., Lo, C. Y., and Rau, J. Y., 2003, Generation of Digital Orthophotos from IKONOS Satellite Images, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp. 73-78. (SCI/EI) [NSC 90-2211-E-008-047]
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2003, Robust Reconstruction of Building Models from Three-Dimensional Line Segments, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 69. No.2, pp. 181-188. (SCI/EI) [NSC 89-2211-E-008-086]
2002 (5 papers)
- 陳良健, 2002, 遙感探測於災害防治之應用, 中國土木水利工程學會會刊, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 35-45.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2002, 棋盤式都會區航空照片中矩形建築物直線偵測之研究, 中國土木水利工程學刊, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 123-131. [NSC 89-2211-E-008-086]
- 陳允麾, 陳良健, 2002, 含房屋之中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及校正, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-14.
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2002, Semi-Automatic Approach for Building Reconstruction Using SPLIT-MERGE-SHAPE Method, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 43-48. [NSC 89-2211-E-008-086]
- Rau, J. Y., Chen, N.Y, and Chen, L. C., 2002, True Orthophoto Generation of Built-Up Areas Using Multi-View Images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 581-588. (SCI/EI)
2001 (2 papers)
- 陳良健, 田永銘, 詹皇祥, 2001, 近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 75-86.
- 吳怡瑛, 陳良健, 2001, 中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及方位重建, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1-21. [NSC 88-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-01]
2000 (3 papers)
- 陳正穎, 陳良健, 2000, 多重疊航測影像中人工建築物三維模型之重建, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 1-13. [NSC 89-2211-E-008-041]
- 陳良健, 李政道, 2000, 特徵匹配於影像起始套合應用之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 15-29. [NSC 88-2612-E-008-04]
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2000, Occlusion Compensation in Orthophotos, GIM International, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 49-51.
1999 (1 papers)
- 陳良健, 徐啟崇, 1999, 多光譜影像特徵分析於灘線萃取之研究, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 17-30. [NSC 87-2612-E-008-002]
1998 (3 papers)
- 叢蕙滋, 陳良健, 1998, 特徵匹配於衛星影像套合之應用, 航測及遙測學刊, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 49-69. [NSC 86-2612-E-008-003]
- Chen, L. C. and Rau, J. Y., 1998, Detection of Shoreline Changes for Tideland Areas Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.19, No. 17, pp. 3383-3397. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L. C., and L. Y. Chang, 1998, Three Dimensional Positioning Using SPOT Stereo Strips with Sparse Control, Journal of Surveying Engineering, ASCE, vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 63-72. (SCI/EI) [NSC 86-2612-E-008-010]
1997 (1 papers)
- 張立雨, 陳良健, 1997, 軌道修正及光線追蹤應用於SPOT衛星影像正射化, 航測及遙測學刊, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 43-60. [NSC 85-2612-E-008-004]
1996 (1 papers)
- Chen, L. C. and Chang, L. Y., 1996, Three Dimensional Positioning Using On-Borard Data for SPOT Stereopairs, 中國土木水利工程學刊, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 427-436. [NSC 84-2612-E-008-006]
1993 (3 papers)
- Chen, L. C. and Rau, J. Y., 1993, Geometric Correction of Airborne Scanner Imagery Using Triangulated Feature Point Matching, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 16, pp. 3041-3059. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L. C. and Rau, J. Y., 1993, A Unified Solution for Digital Terrain Model and Orthoimage Generations from SPOT Stereopairs, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1243-1252. (SCI/EI)
- Chen, L. C. and Lee, L. H., 1993, Rigorous Generation of Digital Orthophotos from SPOT Images, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 655-661. (SCI/EI)
1992 (4 papers)
- 陳良健, 鄭石源, 1992, 空載多譜掃描影像幾何改正中控制點自動化選取, 中國土木水利工程學刊, vol. no. 2, pp. 117-125. [NSC 81-0410-E-008-01]
- Chen, L. C. and Chen, C. C., 1992, Dominant Point Selection for Digital Curves by Refined 1-D LoG Operator in Freeman Chain Code Space, 測量工程, 第34卷, 第4期, pp. 21-32. [NSC 82-0410-E-008-020]
- Chen, L. C. and Rau, J. Y., 1992, Recursive Surface Reconstruction Using SPOT Stereo Images, 航空測量及遙感探測, 第二十三期, pp. 27-39.
- Chen, L. C. and Lee, L. H., 1992, Progressive Generation of Control Frameworks for Image Registration, Photogrammetic Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 1321-1328. (SCI/EI) [NSC 80-0410-E-008-04]
1990 (3 papers)
- 夏榮生, 陳良健, 1990, 計算機視覺於自動化相對方位建立之研究, 測量工程, 第32卷, 第四期, pp. 2-18.
- 陳良健, 蕭翰文, 1990, 混合式匹配於使用SPOT立體像對產生數值地形模型之研究, 航空測量及遙感探測, 第十九期, pp. 3-21.
- Chen, L. C. and Lee, L. H., 1990, A Systematic Approach in Digital Mapping for SPOT Satellite Imagery, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Series D., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 53-62.
» 研討會論文 Conference Papers
2014 (15 papers)
- Chang, W. C. and Chen, L.C., 2014, THE DSM RECONSTRUCTION USING OBJECT-BASED DENSE MATCHING AND SELF-ORGANIZED 3D LINE SEGMENTS. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Shih, H. Y. and Chen, Y. Y. and Chen, L. C., 2014, FEATURE EXTRACTION FROM CLOSE-RANGE IMAGERY FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PARTS. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, Y. Y., Chen, L.C., Leo, C. L and Wang, C. G., 2014, Change Detection for Sand Barriers Using Very High Resolution Satellite Images. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Yen, J. Y. and Chen, L.C., 2014, FEATURE LINE MATCHING AND POSITIONING FOR UAV IMAGES. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Lan, Y. X. and Chen, L.C., 2014, MULTIPLE IMAGE MATCHING FOR THE GENERATION OF DIGITAL SURFACE MODELS WITH BOUNDARY CONSTRAINTS. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, L. C. and Chang, W. C., 2014, BUILDING CHANGE DETECTION ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT URBAN TYPES. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- Chan, L. L. and Chen, L. C., 2014, KNOWLEDGE-BASED FACADE TEXTURE MAPPING FOR BUILDING MODELS USING TLS POINT CLOUDS AND CLOSE RANGE IMAGES. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2014, April. 16-18, Busan, Korea.
- 藍裕翔, 陳良健, 2014, 多航照影像匹配於部分房屋遮蔽區之定位分析, 第七屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會, 山東青島, 中國, 2014年10月20-22日。
- 顏柔矞, 陳良健, 2014, 高重疊航照影像線型特徵多視窗匹配, 第七屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會, 山東青島, 中國, 2014年10月20-22日。
- 張紋綺, 藍裕翔, 陳良健, 2014, 多航帶空照影像密匹配建立房屋區數值地表模型, 第七屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會, 山東青島, 中國, 2014年10月20-22日。
- Chan, L. L. and Chen, L. C. 2014. TEXTURE MAPPING FOR BUILDING FAC ADES USING TERRESTRIAL LIDAR POINT CLOUDS AND CLOSE RANGE IMAGES. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 27-31, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W. C. and Chen, L. C. 2014. Object-based Dense Matching with Feature Constraints for DSM Generation. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 27-31, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar, CD-ROM.
- Yen, J. Y. and Chen, L. C. 2014 Comparison of Normalized Cross Correlation and Mutual Information for Feature Line Matching. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 27-31, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar, CD-ROM.
- Hung, C. H. and Chen, L. C. 2014. ORIENTATION DETERMINATION OF UAV IMAGES USING POINT AND LINE CONTROL. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 27-31, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L. C., Lan, Y. X. and Chang, W. C. 2014. Parameter Optimization of Feature-Aided Dense Matching for Multi-angle Images. 35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 27-31, NayPyiTaw, Myanmar, CD-ROM.
2013 (17 papers)
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Lin, L.J., and Chen, C.T. (2013, Mar). Building Change Detection using LIDAR Data and Aerial Images. 2013海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 中壢, 台灣.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C. (2013, Mar). Analyses of Matching Parameters for Object-Based Matching Using Formosat-2 and THEOS Images. 2013海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 中壢, 台灣.
- Lo, C.Y., Chen, Y.Y., and Chen, L.C. (2013, May). INTEGRATION OF FEATURE ANALYSES AND MULTI-BAND CLASSIFICATION TO ASIST IMAGE MATCHING FOR CLOSE-RANGE IMAGERY. the International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Chen, Y.Y., Chen, L.C., and Chang, W.C. (2013, May). Integration of Gradient Analysis and Multi-spectral Classification for Image Matching. the International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Yen, J.Y. and Chen, L.C. 2013. 3D LINE RECONSTRUCTION BY MATCHING MULTIPLE AERIAL IMAGES AND SPACE PLANE INTERSECTION. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Yang, Y.C., Liu, C.Y., Chen, C.Y., Liu, G.R., Lin, T.H., Liu, C.C., and Chen, L.C. 2013. INVESTIGATING OF AMSU DATA ON REGIONAL NUMERICAL WEATHER SIMULATION. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Yang, C.J. and Chen, L.C. 2013. QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF 3D OBJECT POSITIONING USING HETEROGENEOUS SATELLITE IMAGES. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C. 2013. QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR EDGE-BASED DATA REGISTRATION USING AERIAL IMAGERY AND 3D BUILDING MODELS. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Liu, C.Y., Liu, G.R., Chen, L.C., Yang, Y.C., and Lin, T.H. 2013. IMPROVING THE FORECAST OF MESOSCALE CONVECTION SYSTEM BY ASSIMILATION OF SATELLITE DATA. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C. 2013. RECONSTRUCTION OF DIGITAL SURFACE MODELS USING THEOS AND FORMOSAT-2 IMAGES. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Chang, K.W., Liu, C.Y., Ren, H., and Chen, L.C. 2013. PHYSICAL RETRIEVAL OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY USING RADIO-OCCULTATION REFRACTIVITY AND INFRARED RADIANCE. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, May. 15-17, Chiba, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Yen, J.Y. and Chen, L.C. 2013. Building Reconstruction using Line Matching and Intersection from Multiple Aerial Images. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 20-24, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C. 2013. Integration of Corners and Edges for Image Matching using Aerial Images. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 20-24, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
- Lan, Y.X. and Chen, L.C. 2013. Multiple Image Matching for the Generation of Digital Surface Models with Feature Line Constraints. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 20-24, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Chang, W.C., and Chen, C.T. 2013. Building Change Detection Using Lidar And Imagery Data. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C. 2013. Multi-Image Matching For Object Line Groups. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 20-24, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
- Chan, L.L. and Chen, L.C. 2013. Facade Texture Mapping for Building Models using TLS Data and Close Range Images. 34th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 20-24, Bali, Indonesian, CD-ROM.
2012 (21 papers)
- Chen, Y.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2012.Multiple window matching for building texture mapping, 2012 Conference on Surveying and Geoinformatics (第31屆測量及空間資訊研討會), 9月27~28日, 中國文化大學, 台北, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C., 2012. Feature Analysis for Multi-window Matching, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug. 25 – Sep. 1, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. XXXIX-B6, 107-110.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C., 2012. Structure line detection from lidar point clouds using topological elevation analysis, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug. 25 – Sep. 1, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. XXXIX-B3, 143-147.
- Chen, L.C. and Lo, C.Y., 2012. Edge-based registration for airborne imagery and lidar data, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Aug. 25 – Sep. 1, Melbourne, Australia, Vol. XXXIX-B3, 265-268.
- Teo, T.A., Tsai, F., Chen, L.C., Lin, Y.T. and Li, S.H., 2012. Three-dimensional modeling of urban underground utility networks for digital city, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Lin, T.H., Liu, G.R., Chen, L.C., Liu, C.Y., Tsai, F., Hsu, M.C. and Yen, L., 2012. Investigation on urban heat island effect over greater taipei region using landsat imagery, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Chang, W.C., and Chang, L.H., 2012. Dem generation from theos and formosat-2 satellite images, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Lin, Y.J., and Chen, L.C., 2012. Reconstruction of pitched roof buildings using lidar data and aerial imagery, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Lin, L.J., and Huang, P.Y., 2012. Texture-aided detection for building changes using aerial imagery and lidar data, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Yang, C.J., and Chen, L.C., 2012. 3d positioning for ground points using heterogeneous satellite images, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Kao, H.H., and Chen, L.C., 2012. Building detection by multiple image matching with spectrum and texture analysis, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Wu, C.H., and Chen, L.C., 2012. 3D Spatial Information for Fire-Fighting Simulation of Building Fires, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Liu, C.L., Lin, Y.T., and Li, S.H., 2012. Minimization of hidden areas for flight planning in aerial image acquisition, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2012, Oct. 10-12, Songdo Covensia, Incheon, South Korea, CD-ROM.
- Yen, J.Y., and Chen, L.C. 2012, Line Matching from Multiple Aerial Images for Building Reconstruction, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Yang, C.J., and Chen, L.C. 2012, Geometric Analysis of 3D Object Positioning Using SAR And Optical Images, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C. 2012, Feature Analyses for Geodatabase Maintenance using Aerial Imagery and Lidar Data, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Lin, Y.J., and Chen, L.C. 2012, Reconstruction of Building Models with Roof Patch Classification, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Kao, H.H., and Chen, L.C. 2012, Multi-Window Matching with Feature Line Direction Constraints for The Generation of Digital Surface Models, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Chen, Y.Y., and Chen, L.C. 2012, On The Aid of Spectrum Analysis for Image Matching, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Lin, L.J., Chen J.X., and Huang P.Y. 2012, Comparative Analysis of Building Change Detection Using Aerial Imagery and Lidar Data, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Chang, L.H., Chen, L.C., and Chang, W.C. 2012, Integration of THEOS and FORMOSAT-2 Images to Generate Digital Elevation Models, the 33rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 26-30, Pattaya, Thailand, CD-ROM.
2011 (18 papers)
- 陳良健, 羅詔元, 2011. “應用多時期地形圖分析台北市房屋變遷趨勢”, 第十五屆臺灣地理國際學術研討會, 5月21~22日, 台北.
- Chen, Y.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2011. Acquisition of Building Facade Texture from Close-range Images, 2011 Conference on Surveying and Geoinformatics, (第30屆測量及空間資訊研討會), 9月1日~2日,國立中興大學,台中, CD-ROM.
- 高惠欣, 陳良健, 2011. “多視窗匹配結合房屋主軸分析建立數值地表模型”, 第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- 楊金融, 陳良健, 2011. “多重解析度衛星影像匹配重建三維地表模型”, 第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- 陳玉鴛, 陳良健, 2011. “高重疊近景影像獲取房屋牆面紋理”, 第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- 張紋綺, 陳良健, 劉建良, 林耀宗, 李訢卉, 2011. “房屋遮蔽區最小化之航空攝影航線規劃”,第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- 羅詔元, 陳良健, 2011. “整合多時序地形圖進行房屋區域變遷分析”, 第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- 陳良健, 羅詔元, 2011. “三維房屋模型與空載光達精密套合”, 第五屆海峽兩岸遙感遙測會議, 8月8~12日, 哈爾濱.
- Lin, Y.J., Chen, L.C., Liu, C.L., Lin, Y.T., and Li, S.H., 2011. Feature Integration from Airborne Imagery and LIDAR Point Clouds, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Kao, H.H., and Chen, L.C., 2011. Building Detection by Dempster-Shafer Method Using Multi-View Images, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Yang, C.J., and Chen, L.C., 2011. Combined Adjustment of ALOS Optical Images for 3D Object Positioning, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Liu, C.L., Lin, Y.T., and Li, S.H., 2011. Color Correction for Orthophotos Generated from Multi-View Images, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Wu, C.H., and Chen, L.C., 2011. 3D Geo-Information for Ladderl Truck Fire-Fighting Simulation in Urban Areas, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2011. Building Boundary Detection Using Topological Gradient Analysis, Proceedings of the 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 3-7, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Chen, Y.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2011. “Image matching analysis for close-range images”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Nov. 2-4, Yeosu, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., Liu, C.L., Lin, Y. T., and Li, S. H., 2011. “Minimization of Hidden Areas for Fight Planning in Aerial Image Acquisition”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Nov. 2-4, Yeosu, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2011. “Edge-based Image Matching using Aerial Imagery”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Nov. 2-4, Yeosu, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Chang, W.C., and Yang, C.J., 2011. “RPC generation for satellite SAR imagery”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Nov. 2-4, Yeosu, Korea, CD-ROM.
2010 (24 papers)
- 陳良健, 2010, “三維建物模塑與應用”, 內政部國土測繪中心2010測繪科技成果發表暨研討會論文集, 3月31日, 國立成功大學, 台南, pp. VII-1-11.
- 陳良健, 林立哲, 黃智遠, 2010, “航照影像及光達資料之房屋變遷偵測”, 2010兩岸非常規攝影測量研討會, 4月1~2日, 國立成功大學, 台南, CD-Rom.
- Chang, N.B., Han, M., Yao, W., Chen, L.C., and Xu, S.G., 2010. 2010.Land Use and Land Cover Classification with SPOT-5 Images and Partial Lanczos Extreme Learning Machine (PL-ELM), Proceedings of SPIE - Symposium of 2010 Europe Remote Sensing.(EI)
- Hepi, H.H., and Chen, L.C., 2010, Orthorectification for Formosat-2 satellite images in Surabaya and Yogyakarta of Indonesia, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C., Chen, L.C., and Teo, T.A., 2010, Combined adjustment for high resolution satellite images, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- hih, H.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2010, The feasibility of back projection correction for satellite sar imagery, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Lin, L.J., and Chen, L.C., 2010, Change detection of 3D building models, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Huang, Y.H., and Chen, L.C., 2010, Multi-epipolar image matching for the determination of 3D building boundary, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2010, Generation of Road Models from Stereoscopic Images, 2010 Remote Sensing Symposium accross Taiwan Strait(2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會), National Central University, Jhongli , Taiwan, CD-ROM.
- Liang-Chien Chen, Li-Yu Chang. Chiung-Min Huang and Chao-Yuan Lo., 2010. “Hazard Monitoring using Time Series Satellite Images and Digital Elevation Models”, The 48th Spring Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, May, 27-28, Ibaraki, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Liang-Chien Chen, Li-Jer Lin, Hong-Kuei Cheng and Shin-Hui Lee., 2010, “Change Detection of Building Models from Aerial Images and Lidar Data”., Proceedings of ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium – 100 Years ISPRS- Advancing Remote Sensing Science, July 5–7, 2010, Vienna, Austria, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B, pp.121-126.
- W. C. Chang, L. C. Chen, T. A. Teo., 2010, “Collocation-Aided Adjustment of Heterogeneous Models for Satellite Images”, Proceedings of ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium – 100 Years ISPRS- Advancing Remote Sensing Science, July 5–7, 2010, Vienna, Austria, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B, pp.117-120.
- T. A. Teo, L. C. Chen, 2010, “The Registration of 3-D Models and a 2-D Image Using Point and Line Features”, Proceedings of ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium – 100 Years ISPRS- Advancing Remote Sensing Science, July 5–7, 2010, Vienna, Austria, International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7A, pp.251-256.
- Lo, C.Y., Chen, L.C., Chang, L.Y. and Huang, C.M., 2010, “Hazard Survey using Multitemporal Satellite Imagery, ISPRS Technical Commission VIII Symposium”, August 9-12, Kyoto, Japan, CD-ROM.
- Lin, Y.J. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “Integration of Lidar data and digital imagery for building reconstruction”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Kao, H.H. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “Building detection by multiple image matching and spectrum analysis”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Yang, C.J., Chen, L.C., and Chang, W.C., 2010. “Surface reconstruction by matching multiresolution satellite images”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “Block adjustment with collocation for multisatellite optical images”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Wu, C.H. and Chen L.C., 2010. “The algorithms for fire-fighting search and rescue route analysis wihtin buildings”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “On the analysis of building evolution in urban areas using multi-temporal topomaps”, International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2010, October 27-29, Jeju, Korea, CD-ROM.
- Chen, Y.Y. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “Acquisition of building facade texture from close-range images”, Proceedings of the 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 01-05, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “True-orthorectification by mosaicking aerial images”, Proceedings of the 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 01-05, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C., 2010. “Feature-based registration for aerial images and 3d building models”, Proceedings of the 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 01-05, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Shih, H.Y., and Lo, C.Y., 2010. “Back projection and rational function modeling for sar satellite imagery”, Proceedings of the 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 01-05, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
2009 (22 papers)
- 陳良健, 劉建良, 張智安, 張立雨, 2009, “福衛二號影像區域平差及校正鑲嵌”, 福衛二號五週年成果發表會論文集, 5月21日, 國家奈米元件實驗室國際會議廳, 新竹, pp. A1-1-12.
- 陳良健,張智安, 蔡富安, 2009, “數碼城市於災害防治之應用”, 桃園縣政府2009災害防救災國際研討會論文集, 6月12日, 桃園縣政府消防局, 桃園.
- 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 張紋綺, 張智安, 劉建良, 2009, “多元衛星影像正射校正技術”, 內政部國土測繪中心2009測繪科技成果發表暨研討會論文集, 7月15日, 國立成功大學, 台南, pp. IV-1-13.
- 朱展毅, 饒見有, 陳良健, 陳杰宗, 陳佳勳, 2009. “利用空載傾斜影像自動化產生牆面紋理貼圖”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 劉建良, 張智安, 陳良健, 2009. “區域平差及幾何校正技術應用於福衛二號影像鑲嵌”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 張紋綺, 陳良健, 張智安, 陳哲俊, 2009. “光學衛星影像之整合平差”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 吳家豪, 陳良健, 2009. “三維地理資訊用於地下車站救災路徑之分析”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 蔡函芳, 陳良健, 鄭宏逵, 李訢卉, 2009. “多重影像匹配於房屋邊緣線三維定位”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 江孟璁, 陳良健, 陳杰宗, 陳佳勳, 2009. “空載影像於三維房屋模型面影像紋理敷貼之研究”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- 陳良健, 羅詔元, 2009, “整合航照立體對與空載光達點雲重建地層下陷區三維房屋模型”, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 8月27~28日, 國立中央大學, 中壢, CD-Rom.
- Tsai, F., Teo, T.A., Chen, L.C., and Chen, S.J., 2009. “Construction and Visualization of Photo-Realistic Three-Dimensional Digital City”, The 5th IEEE GRSS/ISPRS Workshop on Data Fusion and Remote Sensing over Urban Areas, 1-3:1222-1228. (EI)
- Teo. T.A., Lau, C.C. and Chen, L.C., 2009. “Two-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition for the fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images”, Proceedings of SPIE - The Sixth International symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 7494: 74940T (EI)
- Teo. T.A., Chen, L.C., Chen, H.K. and Lee, S.H., 2009. “Three-dimensional building reconstruction using highly overlapped aerial images”, Proceedings of SPIE - The Sixth International symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 7496: 74960D-1 (EI)
- Lo, C.Y., Chen, L.C., Chen, C.T., and Chen, J.X., 2009, Surface Modelling For Road Networks Using Multi-Source Geodata, ISPRS Workshop “Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms and Evaluation”, September 3-4, Paris, France.
- Wen-Chi Chang., Liang-Chien Chen., Tee-Ann Teo and A. J. Chen., 2009, “Combined Adjustment for Multi-Satellite Optical Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Hsueh-Yen Shih and Liang-Chien Chen., 2009, “Back Projection for Satellite SAR imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Yu-Hsiang Huang and Liang-Chien Chen., 2009, “Multi-Window Matching with Multi-Epipolar Constraints for 3D Building Boundary Determination”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Li-Jer Lin., Liang-Chien Chen., Hong-Kuei Cheng and Shin-Hui Lee., 2009, “Fusion of Lidar Data and Aerial Imagery for Change Detection of 3D Building Models”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Chao-Yuan Lo and Liang-Chien Chen., 2009, Parametric Registration Between Building Models and Aerial imagery, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Tee-Ann Teo., Liang-Chien Chen., A. J. Chen and Chien-Liang Liu., 2009, “The Development of Geometric Correction System for Multi-Satellite Imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Chia-Hao Wu and Liang-Chien Chen., 2009, “3D Geo-information for the Rescue Route Analysis of Inner Buildings”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
- Liang-Chien Chen., Tee-Ann Teo., Fuan Tsai., Jiann-Yeou Rau., Chieh-Tsung Chen and Jia-Xun Chen., 2009, “Building Modeling from Multi-source Geodata”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct., 18-23, Beijing, China, CD-ROM.
2008 (23 papers)
- 陳良健, 陳哲俊 , 劉建良, 張智安 , 饒見有 , 2008, “多源光學衛星影像幾何校正系統之研發” , 內政部國土測繪中心測繪科技成果發表暨研討會 , 成功大學, 台南 , 台灣 , pp. III-1-25.
- 巫婉瑜, 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 張智安, 2008, 以DEM位高程控制之有理函數模型區域平差, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 74-82.
- 黃智遠, 陳良健, 2008, 結合光達點雲與航照影像於房屋模型之變遷偵測, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 188-197.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 溫仁佑, 黃鼎名, 陳杰宗, 許淑珍, 2008, 應用DSLR相機於空載傾斜攝影之研究, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 459-468.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 曾義星, 陳杰宗, 許淑珍, 2008, 連貫多弧形頂與山形頂房屋模型之模塑, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南,國立成功大學, pp. 469-478.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 饒見有, 鄭宏逵, 劉新達, 2008, 用高重疊數位航空影像進行半自動化房屋重建之研究, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 507-515.
- 陳哲俊, 陳良健, 張智安, 羅詔元, 2008, 整合多元資料發展高解析度衛星影像真實正射糾正技術, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 566-575.
- 羅詔元, 陳良健, 2008, 使用多時期衛星影像萃取水域與地層下陷相關分析, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 587-593.
- 王聖鐸, 曾義星, 陳良健, 陳杰宗, 許淑珍, 陳思仁, 2008, 以浮測模型套合多重來源資料重建三維建物模型, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 31-43.
- 張紋綺, 張智安, 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 2008, 整合式光學衛星影像區域平差, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月4~5日, 台南, 國立成功大學, pp. 559-565.
- Liang-Chien Chen, Tee-Ann Teo, and Chao-Yuan Lo., 2008, “Elevation-Controlled Block Adjustment for Weakly Convergent Satellite Images”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 37, No. B1, pp. 761-768.
- C. Y. Lo, and L. C. Chen., 2008, “Canopy Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Forestry Areas”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 37, No. B3b, pp. 367-372.
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., Chen, C.T. and Hsu, H.C., 2008. 3-D Building Models: Geoinformation for Cyber City. 2008海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會(Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait), September 15-17, 桂林, 中國, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A. and Liu, C.L., 2008. RFM-based Geometric Correction for Formosat-II Satellite Imagery, The Fourth Asian Space Conference 2008, October 1-3, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-Rom.
- Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A. and Liu, C.L., 2008. RFM-based Geometric Correction for Formosat-II Satellite Imagery, The Fourth Asian Space Conference 2008, October 1-3, Taipei, Taiwan, CD-Rom.
- Chen, L.C., Huang, C.Y., Teo, T.A. and Lo, C.Y., 2008, “Change Detection of Building Models From Multi-Source Geodata”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Teo, T.A., Chen, L.C., Cheng, H.K. and Liu, H.T., 2008, “Building Reconstruction By Combining 2-D Topographic Maps And Highly Overlapped Aerial Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y. and Chen, L.C., 2008, “An Experimental Test for The Extraction of Structure Lines Using Empirical Mode Decomposition”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Chiang, M.T. and Chen, L.C., 2008, “The Registration Between Building Facets and Aerial Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Tsai, H.F. and Chen, L.C., 2008, “Three-Dimensional Positioning for Building Boundaries Using Highly Overlapped Aerial Images and Large-Scale Vector Maps”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Chang, W.C. Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A. and Chen, A.J., 2008, “Integrated Adjustment of Multi-Sensor Blocks for Optical Satellite Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Wen, J.Y., Huang, D.M., Chen, C.T. and Hsu, H.C., 2008, “Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Oblique Imagery from Multiple DSLR Cameras”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
- Chu, C.Y., Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Chen, C.T. and Hsu, H.C., 2008, “Auto-Selection of Airborne Oblique Images for Automatic Facade Texture Mapping”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 10-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka, CD-ROM.
2007 (21 papers)
- Teo, T.A. and Chen, L.C., 2007, Registration of Image and Vector Data Using Point and Line Features, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Mar. 19-24, Jhongli, Taiwan, on CD-Rom.
- Lo, C.Y., Chen, L.C., and Shao, Y.C., 2007, 3D Road Modeling by the Integration of Multi-source Data, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Mar. 19-24, Jhongli, Taiwan, on CD-Rom.
- Rau, J.Y., Shao, Y.C., Chen, L.C., Lau, C.C., and Hsiao, K.H., 2007, Spectral and Terrain Analysis Using Aerial Images and LiDAR Data for Landslides Detection, 2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait, Mar. 19-24, Jhongli, Taiwan, on CD-Rom.
- 陳良健, 李訢卉, 陳哲俊, 饒見有, 2007, 整合房屋、道路及地形之高解析影像真實正射改正, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭,國立宜蘭大學, pp. 49-56.
- 陳良健, 黃智遠, 張智安, 2007, 結合光達點雲與航照影像進行建築物之變遷偵測, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭, 國立宜蘭大學, pp. 1311-1318.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 張智安, 曾義星, 陳杰宗, 陳思仁, 2007, 運用空載數位影像及大比例尺數值地形圖產製三維房屋模型, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭, 國立宜蘭大學, pp. 57-66.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 許文科, 唐治平, 蔣偉寧, 黃世忠, 2007, 數碼城市於災害管理之應用研究, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭,國立宜蘭大學, pp. 499-508.
- 饒見有, 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 劉治中, 蕭國鑫, 2007, 監督式崩塌地偵測及三維編修系統, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭,國立宜蘭大學, pp. 67-76.
- 劉建良, 張智安, 陳良健, 2007, ALOS衛星PRISM感測器影像之幾何改正, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭, 國立宜蘭大學, pp. 161-168.
- 王聖鐸, 曾義星, 陳良健, 陳杰宗, 陳思仁, 2007, 整合空載光達資料及數值地形圖之模型式建物萃取法, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭, 國立宜蘭大學, pp. 917-926.
- Lo, C.Y., Liu, C.L., Chen, L.C., and Chen, A.J., 2007, Template Matching for Control Point Marking and Orientation Modeling, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月6~7日, 宜蘭, 國立宜蘭大學, pp. 1169-1176.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., Tseng, Y.H., Chen, C.T., and Chen, S.J., 2007. Adopting 2D Maps and Aerial Imagery for Semi-automatic 3D Building Modeling, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Optical 3D Measurement Techniques. 278-285.
- Chen, L.C., Lo. C.Y., Shao, Y.C., and Teo, T.A., 2006, “Automatic reconstruction of 3d road models by using 2d road maps and airborne lidar data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
- 陳良健 , 李唐宇 , 張智安 , 陳思仁 , 2007, “結合多元資料重建三維房屋模型” , 第五屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會 , 11月19-25日, 新竹 , 台灣 , CD-Rom.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 黃智遠, 2007, “利用多時期光達點雲於建物變遷偵測” , 第五屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會 , 11月19-25日, 新竹 , 台灣 , CD-Rom.
- Chen, L.C., Lo, C.Y., Liu, C.L., and Chen, A.J., 2007, “Orientation Modeling by Matching Image Templates of a GCP Database”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
- Teo, T.A., and Chen, L.C., 2007, “On The Analysis of Lidar Point Density for Roof Shaping”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
- Wu, W.Y., Chen, L.C., and Teo, T.A., 2007, “RFM-Based Block Adjustment for Satellite Images with Weakly Convergent Geometry”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
- Huang, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2007, “Detection of Building Changes from Lidar Data and Aerial Imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Teo, T.A., Tseng, Y.H., and Chen, S.J., 2007, “A Hubrid System for Semi-Automatic 3D Building Modeling”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
- Lo, C.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2007, “The Extraction of Forest Canopy Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 12-16, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, CD-ROM.
2006 (19 papers)
- 陳良健,邵怡誠,羅詔元,江采薇,2006,整合高解析衛星影像、光達資料與大比例尺向量圖重建三維道路,中國航太學會/中華民航學會聯合學術研討會,CD ROM.
- 陳良健, 張智安, 江采薇, 2006, “融合光達及捷鳥衛星影像建立三維森林覆蓋模型”,農委會九十四年遙測應用計畫成果發表會專刊, pp.79-87.
- 陳良健, 劉建良, 饒見有, 2006, “高精度數值地形模型於福衛二號影像正射化之精度分析”, 內政部『高精度及高解析度數值地形模型建置計畫』成果發表及相關應用研討會論文集, 9月28日~29日,台北, pp.1-8.
- 邵怡誠,陳良健, 2006, “航測與空載光達產製DEM之地形特徵分析”, 內政部『高精度及高解析度數值地形模型建置計畫』成果發表及相關應用研討會論文集, 9月28日~29日, 台北, pp.9-34.
- 陳良健, 江采薇,張智安,2006, 整合影像及光達點雲建立三維林木模型, 第二十五屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月7~8日, 中壢, 清雲大學, pp. pp.79-87.
- 陳良健, 謝其亨,張智安,2006, 結合光達點雲及航照影像重建直線與圓弧輪廓建物模型, 第二十五屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月7~8日, 中壢, 清雲大學, pp.1083-1090.
- 陳良健,羅詔元,邵怡誠,張智安,2006, 整合光達資料與道路輪廓圖重建三維道路模型, 第二十五屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月7~8日, 中壢, 清雲大學, pp. 1075-1082.
- 李宜臻,張智安,陳良健,2006, 以有理函數模式進行福爾摩沙二號衛星影像真實正射校正, 第二十五屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集, 9月7~8日, 中壢, 清雲大學, pp.1-8.
- Chen, L.C., Wen, J.Y., and Teo, T.A., 2006. “The Generation of True Orthophotos from High Resolution Satellites Images with Rational Function Model”, Proceedings of the Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Vol. 40, pp. 49-52.
- Teo, T.A., Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Liu, J.K., and Hsu, W.C., 2006. “Reconstruction of complex buildings using LIDAR and 2D maps”, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp.345-354.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Tsai, F., Hsiao, K.H., and Hsu, W.C., 2006. “Automatic generation of pseudo continuous LoDs for 3D polyhedral building model”, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, pp.333-343.
- Teo, T.A., Rau, J.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2006, 3D building models: geoinformation for disaster management, Proceeding of 2006 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, pp. A13-1~A13-8.
- Lo, C.Y., Rau, J.Y., and Chen, L.C., 2006, Landslide monitoring using multi-temporal satellite images and digital terrain models, Proceeding of 2006 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, pp. A08-1~A08-8.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Liu, J.K., and Wu, T.H., 2006, Integration of GIS and remote sensing for disaster monitoring and assessment of watershed, Proceeding of 2006 Taiwan-Japan Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, pp. A03-1~A03-8.
- Chen, L.C., Li. T.Y., and Teo, T.A., 2006, “Building modeling by the integration of multi-source data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Li. S.H., and Teo, T.A., 2006, “The generation of true orthoimages using DTM, 3D road models, and multi-view aerial images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Lo. C.Y., Shao, Y.C., and Teo, T.A., 2006, “Automatic reconstruction of 3d road models by using 2d road maps and airborne lidar data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
- Teo, T.A., Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., Liu, J.K., and Hsu, W.C., 2006. “A split-and-merge technique for building shaping”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
- Rau, J.Y., Shao, Y.C., Chen, L.C., Lau, C.C., and Hsiao, K.H., 2006. “Landslides Detection using Aerial Ortho-Image and LiDAR Data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Oct. 9-13, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia, CD-ROM.
2005 (26 papers)
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 鄭幸珍, 吳東雄, 謝明和, 2005, “利用衛星影像與土地利用資料進行災害偵測與災情評估”, 氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展論文集下冊, pp.301-308.
- 陳良健, 張智安, 仝宜中, 2005, “以高程控制之衛星影像光束平差”, 中國航空太空學會 / 中華民用航空學會學術研討會, CD ROM.
- 陳良健, 羅詔元, 邵怡誠, 張智安, 2005, “整合光達點雲與街廓圖重建三維道路模型”, 內政部LiDAR計畫案成果發表暨研討會論文集, pp.37-46.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2005, “空載光達點雲產製DEM之自動過濾法及精度評估”, 內政部LiDAR計畫案成果發表暨研討會論文集, pp.109-118.
- 陳良健, 江采薇, 張智安, 2005, “融合光達及空照影像建立三維森林覆蓋模型”, 內政部LiDAR計畫案成果發表暨研討會論文集, pp.169-178.
- 張智安, 饒見有, 陳良健, 劉進金, 徐偉城, 2005, “使用光達等高線資料於房屋模型重建之研究”, 內政部LiDAR計畫案成果發表暨研討會論文集, pp.229-236.
- 饒見有, 張智安, 蔡富安, 陳良健, 蕭國鑫, 徐偉城, 2005, “像真城市模型之建構與淹水視覺模擬應用”, 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集, 9月1~2日, 台南, 成功大學, CD-ROM.
- 劉建良, 張智安, 饒見有, 陳良健, 2005, “多航帶資源衛星系統校正影像之區域平差”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 政治大學, pp.159-166.
- 陳良健, 仝宜中, 張智安, 2005, “以高程控制為基礎之衛星影像方位重建及幾何校正”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.285-292.
- 陳良健, 郭志奕, 饒見有, 2005, “整合點雲與輪廓線模塑建物模型之研究”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.293-300.
- 陳良健, 林士哲, 張智安, 2005, “空載三線式掃描儀影像之區域平差”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.301-308.
- 張智安, 劉建良, 陳良健, 2005, “應用衛星載體參數產生有理函數係數之研究”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.405-412.
- 張智安, 李宜臻, 陳良健, 2005, “應用光達與道路中心線分離道路立體交叉區域”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.413-422.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2005, “使用CAS法於空載光達點雲自動搜尋地面點”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.519-526.
- 饒見有, 張智安, 蔡富安, 陳良健, 蕭國鑫, 徐偉城, 2005, “三維製圖科技於像真城市模型之製作”, 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 9月8~9日, 台北, 政治大學, pp.1057-1064.
- 饒見有, 郭志奕, 陳良健, 蕭國鑫, 徐偉城, 2005, “融合光達與建物輪廓於重建三維房屋模型之研究”, 2005年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 10月27~28日, 台中, 逢甲大學, CD-ROM.
- 饒見有, 張智安, 陳良健, 蔡富安, 蕭國鑫, 徐偉城,2005, “建構像真城市模型之研究”, 2005年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 10月27~28日, 台中,逢甲大學, CD-ROM.
- 劉建良, 張智安, 陳良健, 2005, “福爾摩沙衛星二號衛星影像正射改正之研究”, 第三屆數位地球國際研討會論文集, pp. 330-338.
- 饒見有, 張智安, 蔡富安, 陳良健, 蕭國鑫, 徐偉城, 2005, “建構三維擬真程式模型之研究”, 第三屆數位地球國際研討會論文集, pp. 389-400.
- 張智安, 饒見有, 陳良健, 2005, “福衛二號立體對影像產生數值地表模型之研究”, 第三屆數位地球國際研討會論文集, pp. 130-137
- 陳良健, 張智安, 2005, “結合光達及高解析衛星影像於自動化萃取建物區域”, 2005海峽兩岸遙感研討會論文集,雲南,中國, CD ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Kuo, C.Y., Rau, J.Y., and Hsieh, C.H., 2005. “Fusion of LIDAR data and large-scale vector maps for building reconstruction”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 7-11, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Chao, Y.L., Shao, Y.C., and Teo, T.A., 2005. “Fusion of LIDAR point clouds and large-scale vector maps for the reconstruction of 3-D road models”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 7-11, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L.C., Chiang, T.W., and Teo, T.A., 2005. “Fusion of LIDAR data and high resolution images for forest canopy modeling”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 7-11, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Rau, J.Y., Chen, L.C., and Tseng, D.C., 2005. “Automatic generalization of digital building models”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 7-11, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
- Teo, T.A., Chen, L.C., Liu, J.K., and Hsu, W.C., 2005. “Building reconstruction from LIDAR data using iterative regularization approach”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 7-11, Hanoi, Vietnam, CD-ROM.
2004 (20 papers)
- 陳良健, 張智安, 饒見有, 2004, “地形分析於高解析衛星影像快速正射化之研究 ”, 中國航空太空學會 / 中華民用航空學會學術研討會, CD ROM.
- 賴彥中, 陳良健, 饒見有, 2004, “使用光達資料與數位空照影像於房屋之偵測及模型重建”, 台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, CD ROM.
- 陳良健, 溫仁佑, 張智安, 2004, “以有理函數模式進行高解析力衛星影像真實正射改正”, 台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, CD ROM.
- 陳良健, 劉建良, 張智安, 2004, “多航帶衛星影像幾何改正之研究”, 台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, CD ROM.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2004, “中華衛星二號衛星影像方位重建之研究”, 台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, CD ROM.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2004, “利用光達資料於DEM產製與精度評估”, 台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會論文集, CD ROM.
- 陳良健, 劉建良, 張智安, 2004, “多航帶推掃式衛星方位平差及影像正射化”, 第二十三屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台中, 國立中興大學, pp. 281-289.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2004, “中華衛星二號衛星影像正射改正之研究”, 第二十三屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台中, 國立中興大學, pp. 257-264.
- 陳良健, 張智安, 賴彥中, 2004, “結合光達資料與數位空照影像於房屋模型重建之研究”, 第四屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會, 吉林省,中國, CD ROM.
- Rau, J. Y., Chen, L. C., and Wang, G. H., 2004, “An Interactive Scheme for Building Modeling Using the Split-Merge-Shape Algorithm”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No. B3, pp. 584-589.
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., Shao, Y. C., Lai, Y. C., and Rau, J. Y., 2004, “Fusion of LIDAR Data and Optical Imagery for Building Modeling”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No. B4, pp. 732-737.
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T, A., and Rau, J. Y., 2004, “Optimized Patch Backprojection in Orthorectification for High Resolution Satellite Images”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No. B2, pp. 586-591.
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Rau, J.Y., 2004, “Geometric Rectification for Pushbroom Scanner Satellite Images”, Proceedings of Rocsat-2 Science Workshop: Red Sprites and Remote Sensing, 2004. 18, May, Acer Aspire Park, Taiwan. pp. 54-57.
- Chen, L. C., Wen, J.Y., and Teo, T. A., 2004, “True Ortho-rectification of Building-up Areas for High Resolution Satellite Image”, Proceedings of Rocsat-2 Science Workshop: Red Sprites and Remote Sensing”, 2004. 18, May, Acer Aspire Park, Taiwan. pp. 50-53.
- Rau, J. Y., T. A. Teo, Jonah Lin, B. C. Lai, L. C. Chen, Fuan Tsai, 2004, “Near Photo Realistic Visualization of City Model”, International Workshop on Processing and Visualization using High-Resolution Imagery, Nov. 18-20, Pitsanulok, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L. C., Tung, Y. C. and Teo, T. A., 2004, “DTM-controlled block adjustment for satellite images with weak converging geometry”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 22-26, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Chen, L. C., Lin, S. C. and Teo, T. A., 2004, “Three dimensional positioning for airborne three-line-scanner images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 22-26, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Shao, Y. C. and Chen, L. C., 2004, “DEM generation from LiDAR data using morphology filtering methods”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 22-26, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Teo, T. A., and Chen, L. C., 2004, “Object-based building detection from LiDAR data and high resolution satellite imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 22-26, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, CD-ROM.
- Rau, J. Y., L. C. Chen, Cindy Tseng, D. H. Wu, T. M. Lee, 2004. “Monitoring the Dynamics of Shihmen Reservoir Watershed from Satellite Imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nov. 22-26, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, CD-ROM.
2003 (19 papers)
- 張智安, 饒見有, 陳良健, 2003, “應用EROS A衛星立體對影像產生數值地表模型之研究”, 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會與論壇論文集, CD-ROM.
- 饒見有, 張立雨, 張智安, 許書敏, 陳珠燕, 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 陳錕山, 2003, “網路下單與衛星影像幾何糾正作業系統之研發”, 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會與論壇論文集, CD-ROM.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2003, “QuickBird衛星影像正射改正之研究”, 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 69-76.
- 卲怡誠, 陳良健, 2003, “利用光達資料於DTM產生及房屋偵測”, 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 87-94.
- 陳良健, 田福安, 2003, “由EROS A衛星立體對影像產生正射影像及數值地表模型之研究”, 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 163-170.
- 陳良健, 溫仁佑, 張智安, 2003, “衛星影像真實正射改正” , 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 267-272
- 陳良健, 賴彥中, 饒見有, 2003, “結合光達資料與數位空照影像建立三維建物區塊” , 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 273-279.
- 陳良健, 劉建良, 張智安, 2003, “多航帶資源衛星軌道整體平差及影像正射化” , 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, pp. 281-288.
- 饒見有, 張立雨, 張智安, 許書敏, 陳珠燕, 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 陳錕山 ,2003, “作業型多元資源衛星影像幾何處理系統”, 第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 國防大學中正理工學院, pp. 19-28.
- 陳良健, 張智安, 饒見有, 2003, “EROS A衛星影像正射化校正之研究”, 中國航空太空學會/中華民用航空學會學術研討會, CD ROM.
- Teo, T. A., and Chen, L. C., 2003, “Three Dimensional Positioning Using EROS A Stereopairs”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 109-111, Busan, Korea.
- Rau, J. Y., Teo, T. A., and Chen, L. C., 2003, “DSM Generation from IKONOS Stereo Imagery”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 115-117, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, L. C., Lai, Y. C., and Rau, J. Y., 2003, “Fusion of LIDAR Data and Aerial Images for Building Reconstruction”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 654-656, Busan, Korea.
- Shao, Y. C., and Chen, L. C., 2003, “DTM Generation and Building Detection Using LIDAR Data”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 657-659, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, L. C., Teo, T. A., and Rau, J. Y., 2003, “Fast Orthorectification for High Resolution Satellite Images Using Quadtree-Based Patch Backprojection”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 816-818, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, L. C., Wen, J. Y., and Teo, T. A., 2003, “The Generation of True Orthophotos from High Resolution Satellite Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 819-821, Busan, Korea.
- Chen, L. C., Liu, C. L., and Teo, T. A., 2003, “Block Adjustment and Orthorectification for Multi-Orbit Satellite Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 822-824, Busan, Korea.
- Teo, T. A., and Chen, L. C., 2003, “Geometric Comparisons between Rigorous Sensor Model and Rational Function Model for Quickbird Images”, Proceedings of Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 1007-1009, Busan, Korea.
- J.Y. Rau, L.Y. Chang, T.A. Teo, K. Hsu, J.Y. Chen, L. C. Chen, A. J. Chen, and K. S. Chen, 2003. “An operational Multi-Sensor Geocoded Production System for Earth Resources Satellite Images”, Proceedings of the 5th Int. Symposium on the Reducing Cost of Spacecraft and Ground Systems and Operations (RCSGSO), Pasadena, USA, July 8-11, 2003, CD-ROM.
2002 (9 papers)
- 陳良健, 羅秋月, 2002, “IKONOS衛星真實正射影像改正之研究”, 第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 新竹, 交通大學, pp. 345-352.
- 陳良健, 黃成偉, 2002, “時間序列之混凝土影像半自動裂縫變遷偵測”, 第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 新竹, 交通大學, pp. 353-360.
- 邵怡誠, 陳良健, 2002, “利用房屋位相圖及立體影像進行房屋外圍輪廓自動重建”, 第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 新竹, 交通大學, pp. 45-52.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2002, “利用都市區大比例尺數值航測地形圖重建三維房屋模型”, 第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 新竹, 交通大學, pp. 63-70.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2002, “EROS A衛星影像正射改正之研究”, 第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 新竹, 交通大學, pp. 171-178.
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2002, “An Interactive System for Producing Polyhedral and Prismatic Building Models Using Building Outline Segments”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, Part 4, pp. 16-21.
- Chen, L. C., and Teo, T. A., 2002, “Rigorous Generation of Digital Orthophotos from EROS-A High Resolution Satellite Images”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, Part 4, pp. 620-625.
- Shao, Y. C., and Chen, L. C., 2002, “Automatic Building Outline Reconstruction Using Topo Maps and Stereo Images”, Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nepal, CD ROM.
- Chen, L. C., and Lo, C. Y., 2002, “The Generation of True Orthophotos from IKONOS GEO Images”, Proceedings of the 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Nepal, CD ROM.
2001 (12 papers)
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2001, “使用三維線段以「分割-合併-成形」演算法進行房至模型之研究”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 9-17.
- 卲怡誠, 陳良健, 2001, “利用數學型態法於高程空間區隔地表地物”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 131-138.
- 陳良健, 陳衍豪, 2001, “立體航測影像直線與圓弧輪廓建物半自動之三維模型重建”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 199-206.
- 陳良健, 田永銘, 詹皇祥, 2001, “近景數化影像半自動式混凝土裂縫量測”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 207-214.
- 陳良健, 陳允麾, 2001, “含房屋之中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬及校正”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 231-238.
- 張智安, 陳良健, 2001, “EROS A1衛星影像軌道修正之研究”, 第二十屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 329-336.
- 陳良健, 饒見有, 2001, “多時衛星影像於潮間帶地形變遷偵測之應用”, 2001年兩岸自動化數字工程測量研討會論文集, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 128-137.
- Rau, J. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2001, “Semi-Automatic Approach for Building Reconstruction Using Split-Merge-Shape Method”, Proceedings of The 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, pp. 249-255.
- Shao, Y. C., and Chen, L. C., 2001, “Object Segmentation in Elevation Space Using Mathematic Morphology”, Proceedings of The 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, pp. 227-232.
- Chen, L. C., Jan, H. H., and Huang, C. W., 2001, “Mensuration of Concrete Cracks Using Digital Close-Range Photographs”, Proceedings of The 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, pp. 1248-1253.
- Chen, L. C., and Lo, C. Y., 2001, “Generation of Digital Orthophotos from IKONOS GEO Images”, Proceedings of The 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, pp. 1159-1164.
- Chen, L. C., and Teo, T. A., 2001, “Geometric Rectification for EROS A1 Satellite Images”, Proceedings of The 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, pp. 1169-1174.
2000 (10 papers)
- 陳良健, 2000, “遙測科技發展之建議與展望”, 八十九年國科會工程處航太學門產學研討會論文集, pp. 70-74.
- 陳良健, 徐偉城, 2000, “以CLR特徵匹配法提升高程不連續處匹配成果之研究” 八十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集, pp. 1209-1218.
- 陳良健, 李政道, 2000, “特徵匹配於影像起始套合應用之研究” 八十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集, pp. 1100-1208.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 2000, “數化空照影像正射化中房屋遮蔽與補償之研究”, 八十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會論文集, pp. 1135-1141.
- 饒見有, 陳乃宇, 陳良健, 2000, “真實正射影像遮蔽區補償與陰影區增顯之研究”, 第十九屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 彰化, 建國技術學院, pp. 732-740.
- 陳良健, 郭子審, 2000, ”空照立體像對中半自動化矩形人工建物” 第十九屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 彰化, 建國技術學院, pp. 607-614.
- 陳良健, 吳怡瑛, 張志立, 2000, “中華二號衛星影像幾何模擬” 第十九屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 彰化, 建國技術學院, pp. 599-606.
- Chen, L. C., and Hsu, W. C., 2000, “Extraction of Man-made Buildings in Multispectral Stereoscopic Images”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 33 (B3/1):169-176.
- Chen, L. C., and Wu, Y. Y., 2000, “Image Geometric Simulation and Orientation Modeling for ROCSAT-2”, Proceedings of the 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Vol. 2., pp. 948-953.
- Rau, J. Y., Chen, N. Y., and Chen, L. C., 2000, “Hidden Compensation and Shadow Enhancement for True Orthophoto Generation”, Proceedings of the 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Vol. 1. Pp. 112-118.
1999 (6 papers)
- 徐偉城, 陳良健, 1999, “空照彩色立體像對中人工建物萃取之研究”, 第十八屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 宜蘭, 宜蘭技術學院, pp. 833-842.
- 陳正穎, 陳良健, 1999, “多重疊航測影像中人工建築物三維模型之重建”, 第十八屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 宜蘭, 宜蘭技術學院, pp. 823-832.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1999, “航照立體像對半自動化建物外型重建之研究”, 第十八屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 宜蘭, 宜蘭技術學院, pp. 725-733.
- 陳良健, 李政道, 1999, “特徵匹配於影像起始套合應用之研究”, 第十八屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 宜蘭, 宜蘭技術學院, pp. 683-693.
- Rau, J. Y. and Chen, L. C., 1999, “Digital Orthoimage Generation from Large-Scale Aerial Photography”, Proceedings of the 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. pp. 707-712.
- Chen, L. C., and Lee, J. D., 1999, “Initialization for Image Registration Using Feature Matching”, Proceedings of the 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, pp. 723-728.
1998 (4 papers)
- 陳良健, 黃智仁, 1998, “影像特徵萃取與立體匹配之結合於人工建築物偵測之研究, 第十七屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 777-786.
- 陳良健, 徐啟崇, 1998, “光學與合成孔徑雷達影像特徵分析於灘線萃取之研究”, 第十七屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 787-797.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1998, “利用Hough轉換於直線主要結構分析與偵測”, 第十七屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 983-992.
- Chen, L. C., and Shyu, C. C., 1998, “Automated Extraction of Shorelines from Optical and SAR Images”, Proceeding of the 19th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Manila, pp. R-13-1~R-13-6.
1997 (5 papers)
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1997, “局部最大值追蹤法於邊緣影像細化及向量化之研究”, 八十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會論文集, pp. 805-813.
- 陳良健, 叢蕙滋, 1997, “自動化影像套合中起始對應關係之建立”, 八十六年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會論文集, pp. 815-826.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1997, “結合量測資訊於人工建築物辨識之研究”, 第十六屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, pp. 471-476.
- 陳良健, 叢蕙滋, 1997, “特徵匹配於影像套合之應用”, 第十六屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 487-496.
- 陳冠宇, 陳良健, 1997, “數位空照影像中人造建築萃取之研究”, 第十六屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 741-750.
1996 (6 papers)
- 陳良健, 陳慶鵬, 饒見有, 1996, “數化空照影像對邊緣萃取與匹配之研究”, 第十五屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台北, 政治大學, pp. 687-696.
- 陳良健, 許才仁, 1996, “應用局部過濾及邊緣線對應改善數化空照立體對之區域匹配”, 第十五屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台北, 政治大學, pp. 803-812.
- 張立雨, 陳良健, 1996, “應用稀疏控制點於SPOT影像航帶平差與影像正射化”, 第十五屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台北, 政治大學, pp. 707-716.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1996, “紋理分析於SPOT立體像對影像匹配動態視窗之應用”, 第十五屆測量學術及應用研討會論文集, 台北, 政治大學, pp. 717-726.
- 陳良健, 陳哲俊, 王顯達, 陳錕山, 吳究, 1996, “遙測影像之整合於地表變遷偵測之應用”, 太空科技研究成果研討會論文集, pp. 104-108.
- Chen, L. C., and Rau, J. Y., 1996, “Quantitative Assessment of Shoreline Changes Using Malti-Temporal Satellite Images”, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(B7) :118-122.
1993 (2 papers)
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1993, “SPOT立體像對自動化產生數值地型:覆蓋面與地表面之比較”, 第十二屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 285-300.
- 李良輝, 陳良健, 1993, “無地面控制之SPOT衛星影像製圖”, 第十二屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 中壢, 中央大學, pp. 241-252.
1992 (4 papers)
- Chen, L. C. and Rau, J. Y., 1992, “Geometric Correction of Airborne Scanner Imagery Using Automated Local Rubber Sheeting”, Proceedings of Resource Technology 92 Taipei, pp. 104-117.
- 陳良健, 李良輝, 饒見有, 1992, “以間接法產生SPOT正射影像”, 第十一屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 585-595.
- 顏志學, 陳哲俊, 陳良健, 1992, “資料完整保存用於數值地形模型之彩色展現”, 1992遙測與地理資訊系統應用研討會, pp. 217-225.
- 陳良健, 饒見有, 1992, “以地表面DTM產生覆蓋面DTM:使用SPOT立體像對”, 1992遙測與地理資訊系統應用研討會, pp. 251-265.
1990 (5 papers)
- 李良輝, 陳良健, 1990, “地形曲面模組之區域指定演算法”, 第九屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 301-310.
- 陳良健, 李良輝, 1990, “光束法SPOT影像之全區平差”, 第九屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 台南, 成功大學, pp. 335-342.
- Lee, L. H. and Chen, L. C., 1990, “A New Method for Automated Control Point Selection in Image Registration”, Proceeding of SPIE vol. 1395, Close-Range Photogrammetry Meets Machine Vision (1990), pp. 630-637.
- Chen, L. C., Lee, L. H., and Hsia, J. S., 1990, “Automated Relative Orientation Modeling Using Feature Matching”, Proceeding of SPIE vol. 1395 Close-Range Photogrammetry Meets Machine Vision (1990), pp. 932-939.
- Lee, L. H., & Chen, L. C., 1990, “Surface Modeling and Automated Terrain Feature Extractions”, International Archives of Photo-grammetry and Remote Sensing, 28(4): pp. 77-85.
1989 (10 papers)
- 李良輝, 陳良健, 1989, “數位影像處理於地形景觀模擬之應用”, 七十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會, pp. 359-374.
- 陳良健, 李良輝, 1989, “數值地形資料於水系特徵粹取之應用”, 七十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用論文研討會, pp. 375-389.
- 饒見有, 陳良健, 1989, “佈標點次像元座標量測於物空間三維定之研究”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 473-484.
- 姚建中, 陳良健, 1989, “三像式SPOT立體像對之幾合性分析”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 373-387.
- 李良輝, 江渾欽, 陳良健, 1989, “數值地形在地形特徵粹取與景視覺上之應用”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 405-418.
- 李良輝, 陳良健, 1989, “PC級交談式數位影像座標量測系統”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, 桃園, 中正理工學院, pp. 389-404.
- 陳良健, 李良輝, 1989, “載體資料於SPOT光束法平差中之應用”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, pp. 279-288.
- 陳良健, 李良輝, 1989, “數化像片之精密幾何糾正處理”, 第八屆全國測量學術及應用研討會, pp. 263-277.
- 陳良健, 饒見有, 1989, “佈標點次像元座標量測”, 航測自動化研討會, 台南市, 成功大學, pp. D1-D23.
- Chen, L. -C. & Lee, L. -H., 1989, “Least Squares Prediction Using On-board Data in Bundle Adjustment for SPOT Imagery”, Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 450-453.
年度 |
計畫名稱 |
計畫內擔任之工作 |
委託單位 |
104 |
104年度三維城市模型與建築等級模型之整合機制工作案 |
共同主持人 |
內政部 |
104 |
104年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
104 |
104年度使用地面光達點雲與近景影像敷貼房屋牆面紋理 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
104 |
104年度影像與建物模型之特徵整合於變遷偵測及物面重建 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度三維城市模型技術發展與更新機制工作案 |
共同主持人 |
內政部 |
103 |
103年度福衛二號全台正射影像及國內影像應用委辦服務案 |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
103 |
103年度影像與建物模型之特徵整合於變遷偵測及物面重建 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
103 |
103年度氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫(II)-海洋環境分析與資料加值(II) |
共同主持人 |
科技部 |
102 |
102年度三維城市模型技術發展與更新機制工作案 |
共同主持人 |
內政部 |
102 |
102年度福衛二號全台正射影像及國內影像應用委辦服務案 |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
102 |
102年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
102 |
102年度東海及南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
102 |
102年度車載行動測繪系統於公路設施模型建置之技術研發 |
主持人 |
台灣世曦工程顧問(股)公司 |
102 |
102年度高重疊航照影像多特徵匹配於房屋區偵測之應用 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度東南亞區域共同研究培訓計畫(衛星遙測基礎人才培訓計畫) |
共同主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度三維城市模型技術發展與更新機制工作案 |
共同主持人 |
內政部 |
101 |
101年度福衛二號與泰國THEOS衛星聯合DEM萃取研究 |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
101 |
101年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(II) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度高重疊航照影像多特徵匹配於房屋區偵測之應用 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度多元空間資料整合應用於房屋變遷偵測及重建 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度三維管線之空間資訊建置及應用 |
主持人 |
台灣世曦工程顧問(股)公司 |
101 |
101年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫-區域陸地監測計畫 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度高重疊航照影像多特徵匹配於房屋區偵測之應用 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
100 |
100年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作案 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
100 |
100年度三維航測製圖全方案(3/3) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(1/3) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度多元空間資料整合應用於房屋變遷偵測及重建 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度三維航測製圖全方案(第三年) |
主持人 |
台灣世曦工程顧問(股)公司 |
99 |
99年度設置資源衛星接收站(三)運轉及發展階段(18) |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
99 |
99年度東海與南海島礁資料蒐集及建置工作 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
99 |
99年度多元空間資料整合應用於房屋變遷偵測及重建 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
99 |
99年度金馬地區島礁衛星影像及基點基線資訊建置工作 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
99 |
99年度三維航測製圖全方案(2/3) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
99 |
99年度產學合作計畫-三維航測製圖全方案(2/3 |
主持人 |
台灣世曦工程顧問(股)公司 |
99 |
99年度多核線影像匹配及於房屋建模之應用(第三年) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
98 |
98年度多時序三維空間資訊於地層下陷監測及分析-總計畫暨子計畫:地層下陷區域三維空間資訊之建立及展現 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
98 |
98年度三維航測製圖全方案(1/3) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
98 |
98年度產學合作計畫-三維航測製圖全方案(1/3) |
主持人 |
台灣世曦工程顧問(股)公司 |
98 |
98年度資源衛星接收站(三)運轉及發展階段(17) |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
98 |
98年度多核線影像匹配及於房屋建模之應用(第二年) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
96 |
96年度設置資源衛星接收站(三)運轉及發展階段(15) |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
96 |
三維數位城市模型先期建置工作 |
主持人 |
內政部 |
96 |
96年度數碼城市中空間資訊獲取、分析、整合及視覺化研究-子計畫一:整合空載多元探測技術空間資料重建都 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
96 |
96年度數碼城市中空間資訊獲取、分析、整合及視覺化研究-總計畫 |
共同主持人 |
國科會 |
96 |
多時序三維空間資訊於地層下陷監測及分析-總計畫暨子計畫:地層下陷區域三維空間資訊之建立及展(I) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
- 2018 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
Chen Shupeng Award