國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, NCU

劉說安 教授| 太空及遙測研究中心

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劉說安 教授


  • 遙測: 微波、熱紅外線及光學遙測; 衛載及空載遙測
  • 科學: 邊界層(微氣象)、大氣科學
  • 工程: 電機工程(電磁波)、GPS氣象


  • 學歷:國立中山大學電機工程學士、美國密西根大學安娜堡校區電機及電腦工程碩士、大氣太空科學碩士與電機及電腦工程暨大氣海洋太空科學雙博士
  • 現職: 1996年至國立中央大學服務迄今,現職為國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心特聘教授、水文遙測實驗室負責人、太空科學研究所合聘教授及客家學院客家語文及社會科學學系支援教授。2010年至今為台灣地球觀測學會創會理事長。2016年至今為在台越南專家協會榮譽理事長
  • 行政經歷: 2001年擔任水文科學研究所籌備小組委員會委員兼執行秘書,創立水文科學研究所(2008年更名為水文與海洋科學研究所)。2005-6年國家實驗研究院顧問(2005年兼國家太空中心科學發展組組長)。2006-7年健行科技大學電資學院院長。2007-2010年太空及遙測研究中心中心主任。2008-2010年創辦國立中央大學「遙測科技碩士學位學程」,擔任首屆主任。2010年創辦「台灣地球觀測學會」(Taiwan Group on Earth Observations),擔任首兩屆理事長(2010-2016年)。2011-2015年擔任台灣密西根大學校友會理事長。2012年起擔任中央大學教職員工桌球社社長。2014-2016年擔任(國發會)台灣地理資訊中心總經理。
  • 榮譽: 2006年清雲科技大學講座教授。2007年Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy。2007年韓國遙測學會榮譽終身會員(Honorary Life Member)。2008年俄羅斯聯邦工程科學院外籍院士(Foreign Member, Prokhorov Academy of Engineering Sciences, Russian Federation)。2008年密西根大學台灣校友會傑出校友獎。2008年國立中山大學傑出校友獎。2010年、2013年(2014-2016借調台地中心)、2018、2021年國立中央大學特聘教授。2012年馬來西亞泰萊大學訪問教授。2013年密西根大學AOSS官方首頁焦點人物。2013年國立中山大學電機系金心獎。2014年國際宇宙航行科學院院士(Member, International Academy of Astronautics)。2015年國際工程與科技學會會士(Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology)。2015年國際掩星科技工作小組(IROWG)排序衛星掩星科技學者表現前五名。2018年獲Energies期刊“十週年最佳論文獎”; Energies期刊 “十週年最佳論文獎” 及Remote Sensing of Environment期刊“傑出論文審查獎”。2019年獲越南國家科學與工程翰林院頒發水晶傑出貢獻獎 (Crystal Achievement Award)獎章。2019年獲科技部108年度傑出研究獎。2019年獲科技部工程司航太學門成果發表會評選優秀成果海報獎第一名。史丹佛大學(Stanford University)於2020-2022年列入“全世界前2%領航科學家”; 2020年兩次AGU-EOS科學報導成果:(2020/8/12)“Typhoons Getting Stronger, Making Landfall More Often” https://eos.org/articles/typhoons-getting-stronger-making-landfall-more-often; (2020/8/26)“Storms Interact but Rarely Merge into Bigger Tempests” https://eos.org/articles/storms-interact-but-rarely-merge-into-bigger-tempests。2021/10/21年獲駐臺北越南經濟文化辦事處(VECO)傑出貢獻獎。2021/12年國立海洋科技博物館榮譽講座。2021、2022年兩篇論文成為Web of Science高被引用論文(被引用排序進入全世界前1%)。
  • 學術獎勵(助)審查委員: 教育部玉山學者計畫審查委員、(李遠哲院士)「財團法人傑出人才發展基金會」傑出人才講座審查委員、科技部傑出研究獎審查委員、科技部政府科技計畫審議作業群組專家、科技部工程處航太學門專題計畫複審會委員。
  • 學術編輯: 編輯委員-GPS Solutions (2001-);遙感技術與應用(Remote Sensing Technology and Application)(2011-);Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (2017/5-);Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (2017/9-); Remote Sensing (2017/11-); Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India (2019-)。擔任專刊主編(2005、2010年GPS Solutions; 2008年IEEE Tran. Geoscience and Remote Sensing; 2013、2015年Advances in Meteorology; 2014年TAO; 2016年Atmospheric Research; 2015-2019年、2021-2023年Remote Sensing; 2016年Journal of Marine Science and Technology).
  • 國際組織: 東亞空間環境監測常委會Standing Committee of Environmental Monitoring from Space of East Asia (EMSEA)台灣主席 (2006/11-);國際宇宙航行科學院之際全球航空航天監測系統International Global Monitoring Aerospace System(IGMASS)國際執行委員會委員(2010/04-);亞太生物多樣性觀測網絡第七工作小組成員(AP BON WG7)(2010/10-);全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)中華民國委員會委員(2011/04-);IAG WG4.3.3 Integration of GNSS atmosphere models with NWP models工作小組成員(2012/05-)。亞太水論壇理事會觀察員(Asia Pacific Water Forum Governing Council Observer)(2012/11-)。COSPAR Task Group on GEO (2013/6/21-)。俄羅斯聯邦Skolkovo基金會(Skolkovo Foundation)專家團委員會委員(2014/1-2018/12/31)。
  • 學術著作: 發表期刊論文逾百篇(Google Scholar/ResearchGate/Scopus (至2022/10)資料庫,分別被引用逾5501/4799/3134次,H-Index=43/40/31)、專書三冊、專書論文二十篇、會議論文逾四百篇。

  • 美國密西根大學安娜堡校區電機及電腦暨大氣、海洋、太空科學博士,1994/04~1996/08
  • 美國密西根大學安娜堡校區大氣及太空科學碩士,1992/05~1994/04
  • 美國密西根大學(Ann Arbor, 安娜堡校區)電機及電腦工程碩士,1990/09~1992/05
  • 國立中山大學電機工程學士,1987/06
  • ►碩博士學位指導教授: 美國航空暨太空總署(NASA)太空人Anthony England 博士

  • 國立中央大學 客家學院客家政治研究所 (支援)教授 (2010/08-迄今)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 (特聘)教授 (2001/08-迄今)
  • 國立中央大學 太空科學研究所 (特聘)教授 (2001/08-迄今)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 主任 (2007/08-2010/07)
  • 國立中央大學 「遙測科技碩士學位學程」 主任 (2008/08-2010/07)
  • 清雲科技大學 電資學院 講座教授兼院長 (2006/08-2007/07)
  • 中央研究院 環境變遷研究中心 訪問研究員 (2006/07-2006/09)
  • 國家實驗研究院 國家太空中心 顧問/組長 (2005/01-2006/12)
  • 國立中央大學 水文科學研究所(從聘) 教授 (2001/08-2005/07)
  • 國立中央大學 電機工程系(從聘) 教授 (1996/08-2001/07)
  • 國立中央大學 太空科學研究所 副教授 (1997/08-2001/07)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 副教授 (1996/08-2001/07)
  • 美國密西根大學安娜堡校區 電機工程 研究助理 (1991/07-1996/07)
  • 陸軍 通訊 少尉軍官 (1989/07-1990/07)
  • 國立臺灣大學 機械工程 研究助理 (1989/07-1990/07)



  • 2022: [榮譽] Journal Remote Sensing’s Most Cited Paper (citation: Talukdar, S., Singha, P., Mahato, S., Shahfahad, Pal, S., Liou, Y.-A*, and Rahman, A. 2020. Land-use land-cover classification by machine learning classifiers for satellite observations—A review. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1135; https://doi: 10.3390/rs12071135 ).
  • 2021, 2022: [榮譽] Two papers were recognized as Highly Cited Papers by Web of Science, citations: (1) Talukdar, S., Singha, P., Mahato, S., Shahfahad, Pal, S., Liou, Y.-A*, and Rahman, A., 2020. Land-use land-cover classification by machine learning classifiers for satellite observations—A review. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1135; https://doi: 10.3390/rs12071135; (2) Liou, Y.-A.* and Kar, S. K., 2014. Evapotranspiration estimation with Remote Sensing and various surface energy balance algorithms – a review. Energies, 7 (5), 2821-2849; https://doi:10.3390/en7052821.
  • 2021: Journal “Progress in Earth and Planetary Science” Most Downloaded Paper Award 2021, citation: Nguyen, K.A., Liou, Y.-A.*, H.-P. Tran, P.-P. Hoang & T.-H. Nguyen, 2020. Soil salinity assessment by using an indicator derived from Landsat 8 OLI data: a case study in the Tra Vinh Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 1 (2020); https://doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0311-0.
  • 2021: 國立海洋科技博物館榮譽講座。
  • 2021: 榮獲第一屆 IET 工程技術與應用研討會(IET CETA 2021-The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications)傑出最佳論文獎。2021/11/26。
  • 2021: 榮獲科技部工程司航太學門成果發表會評選優秀成果海報獎第一名。2021/10/30科技部工程司航太學門成果發表會在虎尾科技大學舉辦,在所有計畫成果海報中脫穎而出,評選榮獲第一名。
  • 2021: 2021/10/21年榮獲駐臺北越南經濟文化辦事處(VECO)頒發的傑出貢獻獎。以表彰:“在人力資源培訓和促進越南與台灣科技合作方面的卓越成就。”
  • 2021: 2021/06/06獲2021年 “地球和行星科學進展”期刊最多下載論文獎(Progress in Earth and Planetary Science Most Downloaded Paper Awards 2021)。比較PEPS 期刊所有獲獎論文下載次數,我們論文是其他所有論文的近三倍或三倍以上。
  • 2019: 2019/11/17 榮獲越南國家科學與工程翰林院頒發水晶傑出貢獻獎 (Crystal Achievement Award)獎章。此次獲得越南國家科學院水晶傑出貢獻獎獎章,係該院地理研究所自1983 年成立以來推薦人選,首次獲得科學院認可,以表彰對越南國家教育、科學和技術方面的傑出貢獻。
  • 2019: 榮獲科技部108年度產學合作計畫成果發表會口頭海報展示優良獎。2019/11/28 科技部工程司08年度產學合作計畫成果發表暨績效考評會議在中興大學盛大辦理,從近五百個產學合作計畫挑選做口頭報告及海報展示,最終僅極少數獲獎。
  • 2018: Remote Sensing of Environment "Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing," in recognition of contributions made to the quality of the journal. Remote Sensing of Environment期刊“傑出論文審查獎”
  • 2018: Energies期刊“十週年最佳論文獎”; Energies “10th Anniversary Best Paper Awards” : Liou, Y.-A.* and Kar, S. K., 2014. Evapotranspiration estimation with Remote Sensing and various surface energy balance algorithms – a review. Energies, 7 (5), 2821-2849; https://doi:10.3390/en7052821. (citations: 308)
  • 2018年榮獲Remote Sensing of Environment期刊 “傑出審查論文獎”。
  • 2018年榮獲國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎勵-(終身)特聘教授(領有彈性薪資)。
  • 2015年國際工程與科技學會會士(Fellow, The Institution of Engineering and Technology)
  • 2015年國際掩星科技工作小組(IROWG)排序衛星掩星科技學者表現前五名。
  • 2014年榮膺國際宇宙航行科學院院士 (台灣獲頒IAA(基礎科學領域)院士另有兩人,包括中央研究院葉永烜院士及李羅權院士。)
  • 2013年榮獲國立中山大學電機系金心獎。
  • 2013年榮獲國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎勵-特聘教授。
  • 2013年以焦點人物登上密西根大學AOSS官方首頁。
  • 2013年獲聘南昌大學“贛江學者”講座教授。
  • 2012年獲聘馬來西亞泰萊大學訪問教授。
  • 2010年榮獲國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎勵-特聘教授(2009學年度起)
  • 2009年榮膺國際宇宙航行科學院(基礎科學領域)通訊院士(Corresponding Member, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA))(2009/07/01膺選; 於2009/10/11頒發證書)。
  • 2008年以學術傑出成就,獲國立中山大學頒予傑出校友獎。(2008/04獲推薦; 2008/10/24決選; 11/09頒發證書。於二ΟΟ八年僅二人受頒此獎項。)
  • 2008年榮獲密西根大學台灣校友會頒予傑出校友獎。(2008/06/14膺選; 2008/8/30頒發證書)。(前一位獲頒相同獎項者為一九七六年諾貝爾物理獎得主、中研院院士丁肇中博士。)
  • 2008年榮膺俄羅斯聯邦工程科學院(Prokhorov' Academy of Engineering Sciences, Russian Federation)國外院士。(2007/11獲推薦; 2008/02/14膺選; 2008/05/23頒發證書)。(第五位華人、最年輕的當選人; 其他四位包含一位中研院院士及三位中國兩院院士。) 肯定對於發展衛星掩星觀測關鍵技術及其應用於大氣科學研究的貢獻。[首任院長為1964年諾貝爾物理獎得主普羅霍羅夫(Prokhorov),創始單位有俄羅斯科學院、俄羅斯科工部、國防部、航空航太署等部門和企業。之前僅五位華人受獎,包括(1994)王淀佐院士(中國工程院(CAE)前副院長)、(2000)周立偉院士(CAE院士)、(2001) 蔡振水先生(中研院院士)、(2006)徐匡迪院士(CAE院長)、(2006)杜祥琬院士(CAE副院長); 之後一位華人受獎,(2009) 程國棟院士(中國科學院蘭州分院前院長)
  • 2007年榮膺韓國遙測學會(The Korean Society of Remote Sensing)「榮譽終身會員(Honorary Life Member)」 (2006/11/02膺選; 2007/11/02頒發證書)。(目前共三人獲頒此項榮譽; 其他二位為韓國及日本學者各一位。) [台灣唯一受獎者,全世界受獎者共三人,其他兩位為Prof. Soon-Dai Choi, President of Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology; Dr. Hajime Fukushima, Chair Professor of Tokai University.]
  • 2007年Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy (an honor in recognition of scholarly achievements and distinguished educational and professional services in electromagnetics research.)
  • 2007年榮獲國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎(2008/09頒發證書)
  • 2006年榮獲國立中央大學學術研究傑出獎(2007/09/28頒發證書)
  • 2006年獲聘健行科技大學講座教授: 學術研究成果豐碩,可為楷模(2006/08/01)。
  • 2006年榮獲國家太空中心頒發對福爾摩沙衛星三號星系貢獻獎: 肯定長期投入福爾摩沙衛星三號星系科學任務,帶領研究團隊開發觀測技術,創新掩星觀測理論,有效應用於研究大氣重力波,成效卓越(2006/07/20)。
  • 2005年榮登“科學工程名人錄”(Marquis forthcoming 2005-2006 (8th) Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering)
  • 2004-2006年榮獲國科會專題研究第一級主持獎助: 研究成果排學門前5-10%以內。
  • 2004年榮獲國立中央大學首屆學術研究傑出獎
  • 2004年榮登“電磁學名人錄” (Who's Who in Electromagnetics)
  • 2002年當選斗六國中傑出校友
  • 2001-2004年國科會專題研究主持獎助。
  • 1999年榮登“世界名人錄” (Marquis Who’s Who in the World)
  • 1998-2000年度國科會研究獎勵甲種獎。


  • 2022年指導博士生陳德帆同學獲得 越南在台專家協會(Vietnamese Experts Association in Taiwan)越南菁英論文競賽第二名(Second Best Student Paper Award) ; 博士生黃德榮同學獲得第三名(Third Best Student Paper Award) (2022/09/02)
  • 2021年指導博士生陳德帆同學獲得 越南在台專家協會(Vietnamese Experts Association in Taiwan)越南菁英論文競賽第三名(Third Best Student Paper Award) (2021/10/15)
  • 2019年指導博士生林榮潤同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2019/06/21-24)
  • 2018年指導博士生黎梅山同學獲得Outstanding Student Paper Awards, AGU Fall Meeting 2018, by Earth Science Research Promotion Center (2018/12/10-14)
  • 2018年指導博士生黎梅山同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2017/07/01-03)
  • 2017年指導博士生阮金英同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2017/06/25-27)
  • 2016年指導博士生阮金英同學獲得美國國家科學院主辦International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology論文張貼競賽第三名及學生論文競賽第三名, Houston, Texas, USA (2016/06/06-10)
  • 2016年指導博士生阮金英同學獲得APEC Typhoon Symposium (亞太颱風會議)學生論文張貼競賽第二名(Student Poster Competition Award, 2nd Prize) (2016/05/24)
  • 2015年指導博士生林榮潤及阮金英同學獲得KAGIS(Korean Association of GIS Studies)最佳年輕學者論文獎, Busan, Korea. (2015/11/5-7)
  • 2015年指導博士生阮金英同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2015/06/28-30)
  • 2014年指導碩士生陶德方同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2014/06/25)
  • 2013年指導研究助理詹海柏獲得KAGIS(Korean Association of GIS Studies)最佳年輕學者論文獎 (2013/10/31)
  • 2012年指導碩士生孟可竹同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2012/06/27)
  • 2012年指導碩士生孟可竹同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2012/06/27)
  • 2011年指導碩士生李育齊同學獲得International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Paper Award) (2011/08/16)
  • 2010年指導博士生王傳盛先生獲得台灣省測量技師公會年度最佳博士論文獎(2010/03/30)
  • 2010年指導碩士生陳坤新同學獲得「2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會(2010 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait; RSATS 2010 )」「傑出論文獎 Outstanding Paper Award」(2010/03/17)。
  • 2009年指導碩士生陳坤新同學獲得International Symposium on Remote Sensing學生(口頭報告)論文競賽獎((Oral) Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2009/10/30)。
  • 2009年指導碩士生何漢傑同學獲得國際電機電子工程師學會地球科學與遙感探測學會(GRS29)台北支會 (IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society,Taipei Chapter)最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Thesis Award) (2009/02/20)。
  • 2008年指導博士生葉文豪同學獲得International Symposium on Remote Sensing學生(口頭報告)論文競賽獎((Oral) Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2008/10/31)。(共同指導為丘增杰教授)
  • 2008年指導博士生張子瑩同學獲得「2008 Asian Space Conference」學生論文競賽獎(Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2008/10/03)。
  • 2008年博士生王傳盛同學榮獲傑出研究生獎:三十萬元獎學金(2008/07)。
  • 2007年指導博士生葉文豪同學獲得International Symposium on Remote Sensing學生(口頭報告)論文競賽獎((Oral) Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2007/11/02)。 (共同指導為丘增杰教授)
  • 2007年指導博士生張子瑩同學獲得International Symposium on Remote Sensing學生(張貼)論文競賽獎 (Poster Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2007/11/02)。
  • 2007年指導博士生王傳盛同學榮獲傑出研究生獎:三十萬元獎學金(2007/07)。
  • 2007年指導碩士生余竹樺同學獲得國際電機電子工程師學會地球科學與遙感探測學會(GRS29)台北支會 (IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society, Taipei Chapter)最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Thesis Award) (2007/10/19)。
  • 2007年指導博士生張子瑩同學獲得「2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會(2007 Remote Sensing Symposium across Taiwan Strait; RSATS 2007 )」「傑出論文獎 Outstanding Paper Award」(2007/03/20)。
  • 2006年指導博士生張子瑩同學獲得International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) and Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) 2006 (ISRS 2006 PORSEC)學生論文競賽獎 (Student Prize Paper Competition Award) (2006/11/04)。
  • 2006年指導碩士生簡子杰同學獲得國際電機電子工程師學會地球科學與遙感探測學會(GRS29)台北支會 (IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society, Taipei Chapter)最佳學生論文獎 (Best Student Thesis Award) (2006/09/19)。
  • 2006年指導博士生王傳盛同學獲得第25屆測量及空間資訊研討會青年學子論文獎(2006/09/08)。
  • 2005年指導博士生黃成勇同學獲得國立中央大學校長獎學金:四十二萬元獎學金(2005/7/8)。

Keynote/Plenary Speech/Panelist大會特邀報告/與談人

  • 2022年「International Association of Geoinformatics; IAG’i」大會邀請(keynote)報告:講題—「Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazard Research」;地點— 濟州(Jeju), 韓國;日期—11月3-5日。Liou, Y.A. 2022. Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazard Research," IAG’i, 3-5 November 2022, Jeju, Korea. [Keynote speech]
  • 2022年Liou, Y.-A., “Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazards by Geoinformatics & AI at Hydrology Remote Sensing Lab,” [At Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam on 2022/09/27; and at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam on 2022/09/28; and at Soils and Firtilizers Research Center, Vietnam on 2022/10/01. [International Visit Speech]
  • 2022年Liou, Y.-A., “Assessment of Ecosystem Services, and Natural Hazards using Remote Sensing Techniques for Sustainable Future,” The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Hybrid Meeting, August 30-31, 2022. [Keynote speech]
  • 2021年Liou, Y.-A., “Influence of Natural Calamities under the Context of Climate Change for Sustained Development,” The 33rd Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphology (IGI), Virtual Meeting, December 3-4, 2021. [Keynote speech]
  • 2021年Liou, Y.-A., “Engagement of Copernicus data and information to monitor water use for agricultural crop and natural hazards,” The Ministry of Science and Technology Aerospace Studies Research Project Outcomes Presentation Workshop, October 30, 2021. [Keynote speech]
  • 2021年Liou, Y.-A., “Analyzing the Influence of Natural Calamities under the Context of Climate Change for Sustained Development,” Taiwan-Russia online meeting on Sustainable Development and Disaster Prevention, Taipei, Taiwan, October 4, 2021. [Invited speech]
  • 2021年Liou, Y.-A., “Data analysis for climate change and its induced challenges facing the humanity,” Presidential Hackathon, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1, 2021. [Invited speech]
  • 2021年Liou, Y.-A., “Fewer typhoons and water shortage in Taiwan,” No Water No Future, Taipei, Taiwan, April 23, 2021. [Invited speech]
  • 2020年Liou, Y.-A., “Geoinformatics Advancements for environmental studies and magagement strategies,” Recent Advances in Environmental Research, Virtual Meeting, Sept. 24-25, 2020. [Invited speech]
  • 2020年Liou, Y.-A., “Observed increasing super-typhoons in the Northwest Pacific basin in recent decades,” The AOGS-EGU Joint Conference Series on New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia, Virtual Meeting, Sept. 21-23, 2020. [Invited speech]
  • 2019年「2019 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2019)」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「Formulas for defining dual-typhoon interactions and eco-environmental vulnerability assessment frameworks with earth observations & GIS」;地點— 台北,台灣;日期—12月3-6日。Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. 2018. A generalized conceptual framework for eco-environmental vulnerability assessment at different scales and timespans. 2019 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2019), Dec. 3-6, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. [Invited speech]
  • 2019年「International Association of Geoinformatics; IAG’i」大會邀請(keynote)報告:講題—「A generalized conceptual framework for eco-environmental vulnerability assessment at different scales and timespans」;地點— 東京(Tokyo), 日本;日期—10月18-20日。Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. 2018. A generalized conceptual framework for eco-environmental vulnerability assessment at different scales and timespans. IAG’i, 18-20 October 2019, Tokushima, Japan. [Keynote speech]
  • 2018年「International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling」大會邀請(keynote)報告:講題—「GIS for Environmental Sciences and Educational Programs」;地點— 東京(Tokyo), 日本;日期—9月8-9日。Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. 2018. GIS for Environmental Sciences and Educational Programs. International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-9, 2018. [Keynote speech]
  • 2018年「International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling」大會邀請(keynote)報告:講題—「GIS for Environmental Sciences and Educational Programs」;地點— 東京(Tokyo), 日本;日期—9月8-9日。Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. 2018. GIS for Environmental Sciences and Educational Programs. International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-9, 2018. [Keynote speech]
  • 2018年「Taiwan Strait and South China Sea Dynamics Process Workshop」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「Impacts of nature and manmade disturbances on global eco-environment」;地點—Machu, Taiwan;日期—6月21日-24日。
  • 2018年「JpGU」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「A global eco-environmental vulnerability map by utilizing essential datasets」;地點— 千葉(Chiba), 日本;日期—5月20日-5月24日。
  • 2017年「The International Conference on Earth Observations and Natural Hazards (ICEO&NH)」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「Satellite remote sensing for typhoon, inundation, earthquake, land subsidence, and drought」;地點—Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 21-26, 2017;日期—11月21日-26日。
  • 2017年「The 3rd International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS)」大會特邀(keynote)報告:講題—「Hydro-meteorological remote sensing for disaster management: A conceptual framework for climate change adaptation」;地點—Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia;日期—10月31日-11月1日。
  • 2017年「Conference of SBKS on SNOW - an ecological phenomenon」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「Environmental remote sensing and GIS for land surfaces」;地點—Smolenice, Slovakia;日期—9月18日-21日。
  • 2017年「JpGU-AGU」大會邀請(invited)報告:講題—「Remote sensing and GIS based method for mapping changes in green patterns and its impact on urban environment」;地點— 千葉(Chiba), 日本;日期—5月20日-5月25日。
  • 擔任2016年「The First International Association of Geo-informatics Symposium」大會特邀報告:講題—「GIS & RS framework for monitoring eco-environmental changes and influential factors」;地點—東京 (Tokyo), 日本;日期—10月14日-10月16日。
  • 擔任2016年「台灣省測量技師公會第六屆第二次會員大會暨測量科技研討會」大會專題演講:講題—「Analysis of eco-environmental vulnerabilities and influential factors by remote sensing data (利用遙測資料分析生態環境的脆弱度及影響因素」; 地點—宜蘭 (IIan), 台灣; 日期—8月13日.
  • 擔任2016年「International Conference on Hydro-meteorological Hazards by Earth Observations」大會特邀報告:講題—「Earth Observations for Societal Challenges by HRSL」;地點—河內 (Hanoi), 越南;日期—7月22日-7月28日。
  • 擔任2015年「Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting」大會特邀報告:講題—「On the interactions among two tropical depressions and two typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) 」;地點—台北 (Taipei), 台灣;日期—9月15日-9月17日。
  • 擔任2014年「第六屆海峽兩岸人工濕地研討會暨高層論壇(The Sixth Cross-Strait Symposium of Constructed Wetland and Summit Forum)」大會特邀報告:講題—「The applications of high-spatial resolution satellite images高解析度衛星影像之應用」;地點—杭州 (Hangzhou), 中國;日期—10月27日-11月1日。
  • 擔任2014年「全球水遙感技術與應用專題研討會(Global Water Remote Sensing Technology and Application Workshop)」大會特邀報告:講題—「Analysis of Interactions among Two Tropical Depressions and Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by Using Satellite Cloud Images雙熱帶低氣壓與雙颱間交互作用影響之新觀點」;地點—蘭州 (Lanzhou), 中國;日期—10月18日。
  • 擔任2014年「衛星土壤濕度:產品與應用國際研討會(Satellite Soil Moisture: Development and Applications)」大會特邀報告:講題—「Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of the L-MEB Model for Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrieval」;地點—南京 (Nanjing), 中國;日期—5月16~18日。
  • 擔任2014年「全國大型測繪及空間資訊應用及發展趨勢研討會」(暨「中國測量工程學會」及「中華空間資訊學會」年會)大會特邀報告: 講題—“Scientific values of Geoinformatics and Surveying Data”(測繪資料及空間資訊之應用於科學研究); 地點—苗栗(Miaoli), 台灣; 日期—April 1.
  • 擔任2014年「中華測繪聯合會」年度大會特邀報告:講題—“Advancement of Taiwan Group on Earth Observations”(台灣地球觀測之進展); 地點—台北 (Taipei), 台灣; 日期—February 13.
  • 擔任2014年「HiWATER」國際學術研討會大會特邀報告: 講題—Assimilating ground-based navigation satellite data to improve weather forecast – Afternoon thunderstorms and the Great 612 flood (2012) 同化地基導航衛星數據觀測於提高天氣預報 - 午後雷陣雨和大洪水612(2012); 地點—北京 (Beijing), 中國; 日期—January 8-10.
  • 擔任2013年「遙感與社會發展」國際學術研討會大會特邀報告: 講題—Taiwan’s contributions in monitoring and loss assessment for Wenchuan earthquake and beyond; 地點—上海 (Shanghai), 中國; 日期—December 2 - 5.
  • 擔任2013年「國際生態城市建設高端論壇」大會特邀報告: 講題—Smart and Green Taoyuan Aerotropolis Project; 地點—北京 (Beijing), 中國; 日期—November 28-29.
  • 擔任2013年「環境遙測: 亞太地區科學與應用研究Remote Sensing of the Environment: Scientific and Applied Research in Asia-Pacific Region (RSAP2013)」: 講題— On the achievements of Formosat-3 space mission and its follow-on Formosat-7 space mission status; 地點—海參崴 (Vladivostok), 俄羅斯; 日期—September 24-27.
  • 擔任2013年「第4屆中國衛星導航學術年會(the 4th China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2013))」大會特邀報告: 講題—Taiwan Ground-based GPS Observation Network for Improving Weather Forecast – A Case Study on 612 Flood Disaster in 2012; 地點—武漢 (Wuhan), 中國; 日期—May 15 to 17.
  • 擔任2013年「The 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation」大會Panel Discussion on “Small Satellites For Low Cost Solutions In Climate Change And Disaster Monitoring” 特邀與談人: 講題—On the monitoring of various recent disasters;地點— 柏林 (Berlin), 德國; 日期—April 08 - 12, 2013.
  • 擔任2012年「第3屆中國衛星導航學術年會(the 3rd China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2012))」大會特邀報告: 講題—A Review on FORMOSAT-3 Mission Achievements and Current Status of FORMOSAT-7 Mission; 地點—廣州 (Guangzhou), 中國; 日期—May 15 to 19.
  • 擔任2011年「KAGIS Autumn Conference 2011 & The 13 Korea & Japan International Symposium on GIS」大會演講: 講題—On the concern of diminishing Northern Polar ice cap; 地點—清州(Cheongju), 韓國; 日期—November 4-5.
  • 擔任2011年「海峽兩岸生態環境與生物多樣性資訊技術及應用學術研討會」大會專題演講: 講題—整合地球觀測資源於探討貢嘎山冰川退縮與區域生態環境之演變; 地點—北京 (Beijing), 中國; 日期—July 25-29.
  • 擔任2011年「The 2011 International Conference on Ecological Protection of Lakes-Wetlands-Watershed and Application of 3S Technology (EPLWW3S 2011)( 2011年湖泊-濕地-流域生態保護與3S技術國際學術研討會)」大會專題演講: 講題—Assessment of Rice Field and Yield by Remote Sensing Technology; 地點—南昌 (Nanchang), 中國; 日期—June 25-26.
  • 擔任2010年「Taiwan-Russia Joint Symposium – Remote sensing of physical and biological processes: Application for waters around Taiwan」大會專題演講: 講題—Recent observations of the retreat of Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland; 地點—基隆 (Keelung), 台灣; 日期—October 16.
  • 擔任2009年「黑河綜合遙感聯合試驗第二次學術研討會」大會專題演講: 講題—全球定位系統(GPS)觀測資料之應用於估算大氣參數; 地點—敦煌 (Dunhuang), 中國; 日期—August 19.
  • 擔任2009年中國測量工程學會第39屆第3次會員大會暨測量學術論文研討會專題講座:講題—福衛二號衛星影像之應用於極區觀測; 地點—桃園(Taoyuan), 台灣; 日期—March 7.
  • 擔任2009年中華空間資訊學會第四屆第一次會員(會員代表)大會暨第五屆空間資訊科技研討會大會專題演講:講題—“What do we learn from high-spatial resolution satellite imageries of polar regions?”(我們從極區高解析衛星影像中學到什麼?); 地點—台中 (Taichung), 台灣; 日期—February 20.
  • 擔任2008年中華民國航空太空工程學會第50屆全國學術研討會大會專題演講(The 50th Annual Meeting, Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China):講題—“On the contribution of Formosat-2 satellite mission to global warming”(福衛二號衛星任務在全球暖化的貢獻); 地點—台北 (Taipei), 台灣; 日期—December 6, 2008.
  • 擔任2007年先進機械問題應用於地質、大地監測與風力工程研討會(Symposium on Application of Advanced Mechanics to Problems of Geology, Geomonitoring and Wind Engineering 2007) Keynote Speaker:講題—“Taiwan’s first micro-satellite mission and its scientific achievements”(台灣第一個微衛星任務及其科學貢獻); 地點—中壢 (Chung-Li), 台灣; 日期—December 6-7, 2007.
  • 擔任2007年International Symposium on Remote Sensing Keynote Speaker:講題—“Contributions of Taiwan satellite missions to the Global community”; 地點—濟州島 (Jeju Island), 韓國,日期—October 31-November 2, 2007.


  • 2022-2023年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Earth Observations for Environmental Sustainability for the Next Decade II" in Remote Sensing專刊主編。
  • 2021-2022年擔任Guest Editor, Special Issue "Applications of Remotely Sensed Data in Hydrology and Climatology" in Remote Sensing專刊編輯委員。
  • 2019-2022年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Recent Advance in Drought Risk Assessment, Monitoring, and Forecasting" in Remote Sensing及Water專刊主編。
  • 2019-2020年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Earth Observations for Environmental Sustainability for the Next Decade" in Remote Sensing專刊主編。
  • 2017/11年起擔任Remote Sensing編輯委員(associate editor/academic editor)。
  • 2017/9年起擔任Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk編輯委員。
  • 2017/5年起擔任Progress in Earth and Planetary Science編輯委員。
  • 2017-2018年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue " Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges " in Remote Sensing專刊主編。
  • 2016年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue " Earth Observations for a Better Future Earth " in Remote Sensing專刊主編。
  • 2015-2016年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Earth Observations for Improving Meteorological Investigations and Analyses " in Atmospheric Research專刊主編。
  • 2014-2015年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Earth Observations for the Sustainable Development " in Remote Sensing專刊主編。
  • 2014-2015年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue " Earth Observations and Societal Impacts " in Advances in Meteorology專刊主編。
  • 2013-2014年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue " Earth Observations and Societal Impacts " in Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences專刊主編。
  • 2013年擔任Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue "Earth Observations and Societal Impacts" in Advances in Meteorology專刊主編。
  • 2011年起擔任IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)專刊主編。
  • 2010年擔任GPS Solutions期刊專刊 “GPS Radio Occultation (RO) Experiments II”主編
  • 2009年起擔任航空、太空及民航學刊(Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation)編輯委員。
  • 2008年起擔任IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)編輯委員。
  • 2001年起擔任SCI期刊GPS Solutions編輯委員
  • 2008年擔任IEEE Tran. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 之專刊 “Meteorology, Climate, Ionosphere, Geodesy, and Reflections from the Ocean surfaces: Studies by Radio Occultation Methods”主編(November 2008出版)。
  • 2005年擔任GPS Solutions期刊專刊 “GPS Radio Occultation (RO) Experiments”主編


  • 擔任多項國際研討會大會主席、共同主席(general chairman): 2017及2019年地球觀測及自然災害國際研討會大會(International Conference on Earth Observations and Natural Hazards (ICEO-NH))主席、2016年International Conference on Hydrometeorological Hazards by Earth Observations大會共同主席、2011-2016年地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會大會(International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI))主席[2017-2019年共同榮譽主席]、2008及2010年海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會大會主席、2013年「遙感與社會發展」國際學術研討會大會副主席 IGARSS
  • 協助推動多項國際學術學會會議來我國辦理: 1997年國際遙測研討會; 1999年國際電磁研究發展研討會 (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium; PIERS’99)年會; 2001年國際水文科學研討會; 2010年Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC)等
  • 擔任多項國際研討會International Advisory Committee: PIERS 2013 in Taipei;
  • 擔任多項國際研討會指導委員會委員(Steering committee): 2006-2013年International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) Steering committee; 2006年Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC); PORSEC 2010 (於2006年協助推動來我國辦理)
  • 擔任多項國際研討會議學術/籌備委員會委員: The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008; The 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009), Chengdu, China, May 25-29, 2009; International Symposium on GPS/GNSS2010, October 26-28; PORSEC2010, October 18-23; 2011 International Conference on Ecological Protection of Lakes-Wetlands-Watershed and Application of 3S Technology; 2013 IGARSS; 2013, 2015, 2017年9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin; 2016年15th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) World Conference;
  • 擔任多項國際研討會議程召集人(Convener): 2005年美國地球物理學聯合學會(American Geophysical Union)秋季年會議程“GPS Radio Occultation Space Experiments”; 2007年大洋洲地球科學學會(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)年會議程“Development of GPS data processing science and technology for climate, meteorology, ionosphere, and geodesy”; 2008、2010、2011年大洋洲地球科學學會(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)年會議程“GPS meteorology from space-borne occultation and ground-based network”及”Lower and middle atmospheric studies using GPSRO” 等等
  • 擔任多項國際研討會議程主席(Chairperson): 1999、2000年電磁波學研究進展國際研討會(Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium); 2000年第五屆中外空間科學討論會(5th International Space and Science Workshop); 2001, 2005年國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium); 2002年第五屆GPS衛星科技研討會(The 5th Symposium on GPS Technology); 2003年Int’l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly; 2005年國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(The Second International Workshop on Global Precipitation Measurement Ground Validation); 2005年FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp; 2006年美國地球物理學聯合學會(American Geophysical Union)秋季年會; 2008年Asian Space Conference等等
  • 擔任國際期刊評審委員: Annales Geophysicae; Asian Journal of Geoinformatics; Climate Change; Earth, Planets, and Space; Geophysics Research Letters; GPS Solutions; Hydrological Processes; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing; IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing; International Journal of Remote Sensing; J. Meteoro. Soc. Japan; Journal of Geophysical Research; Radio Science; Remote Sensing of Environment; Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Water Resources Research; Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics等等.
  • 國際研討會邀請演講 (invited speech): 1998年西太平洋地球科學會議(1998WPGM); 2000年大氣輻射與遙測應用近期發展研討會(Workshop for the Recent Progress in Atmospheric Radiation and Applications of Remote Sensing Research); 2000/2001年國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium); 2000年COSPAR/COSMIC Colloquium; 2001年International Beacon Satellite Symposium; 2003年國際全球定位系統氣象學術研討會(Int’l International Workshop on GPS Meteorology - GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Space-Borne Applications); 2003年Int’l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly; 2005年FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp; 2006年東亞季風實驗國際會議(International Workshop for the East Asian Monsoon Experiment); 2006年The 2nd Capacity Building Program for CAWSES in AOPR Region; 2007年European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007; 2007年The 1st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination); 2007年The 4th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting; JAPAN-TAIWAN (RESTEC-NCU) Workshop 2008 on Remote Sensing Applications for Global Environment Monitoring and Disaster Mitigation; 2008 The Global Warming and Polar Conservation Conference ; 2012年International Seminar on Urban Ecosystem Services and Weather Observation; 2013年「International workshop on Modeling Impact of Climate Variability on Agriculture」等等
  • 邀請國際知名學者來台訪問,舉行研討會、參與論壇及教育與學術交流,包含美國[Prof. Eric Wood at University of Princeton、太空人Prof. Anthony England at University of Michigan、工程院院士Prof. Fawwaz Ulaby at University of Michigan、太空總署(NASA)GPM衛星計畫主持人Prof. Eric Smith、太空總署趙丰博士、工程院院士葉文工教授at UCLA]、中國[Prof. Jiemin Wang、Prof. Xin Li、Prof. & Academician Jianya Gong、Prof. Xiong Hu、Prof. Mingguo Ma、Prof. Qinhuo Liu at中國科學院、Prof. Qingyung Duan at BNU]、俄羅斯[無線電波實驗室主任培夫里夫、俄國科學院(Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS)射頻工程與電子研究院(Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, IRE) 院長Yuri V. Gulyaev院士、Mironov, Valery L. 院士]、韓國[遙測學會理事長Choen Kim教授、太空總署署長Dr. Hong-Yul Paik、遙測學會副理事長Kiwon Lee教授、KAGIS理事長Yongseung Kim教授、亞洲GIS理事長Myung-Hee Jo教授、PKNU校長Young-Seup Kim等]、日本[遙測學會理事長Yasushi Yamaguchi教授、遙測學會副理事長Hajime Fukushima教授、JAMESTEC Dr. Rikie Suzuki等]、荷蘭[Prof. Bob Su at荷蘭科學院]、西班牙[Dr. Manuel Hernandez-Pajares (gAGE/UPC) 教授、Dr. Angela Aragon等]、德國[太空總署首席科學家/國際宇宙航行科學院院士Rainer Sandau、Prof. Jens Wickert等]、澳大利亞[Dr. Keife Zhang教授及Dr. Yuriy Kuleshov教授]…,在基礎科學教育與學術交流上,皆有實質之貢獻…。
  • 國際電機電子工程師(IEEE)學會資深會員(Senior Member, since 2001)、美國地球物理學學會(AGU)會員、美國氣象學學會(AMS)會員、國際水文科學學會(IAHS)會員、中華民國地球科學學會會員、中華民國氣象學會會員、中華民國航遙測學會會員及台灣地球觀測學會會員等。

期刊論文     研討會論文     其他研究報告     其他著作     其他學術活動

» 期刊論文 Journal Papers
2022 (10 papers)
  • Khan, D., A. Raziq, H.-W. V. Young, T. Sardar, and Y.-A. Liou*, 2022. Identifying Potential Sites for Rainwater Harvesting Structures in Ghazi Tehsil, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, using Geospatial approach. Remote Sens. 2022, 14(19), 5008; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14195008. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (0/0/0)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Q.-V. Nguyen, D.-V. Hoang, D.-P. Tran, 2022. Prediction of soil erosion and sediment transport in a mountainous basin of Taiwan. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-022-00512-4. (SCI, IF = 3.875, RF = 71/201, Geosciences) (0/0/0)
  • Pandey, R.S., Liou, Y.A.*, 2022. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and SST anomaly (SSTA) datasets over the Last Four Decades (1977–2016) during Typhoon Season (May to November) in the entire Global Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Philippine Sea, South China Sea and Eastern China Sea. Data in Brief, doi:10.1016/j.dib.2022.108646, Data in Brief 45 (2022) 10864. (ESCI, JCI = 0.28, RF = 71/134, Multidisciplinary Sciences) (0/0/0)
  • Nguyen, K.A., Liou, Y.-A.*, H.-P. Tran, P.-P. Hoang & T.-H. Nguyen, 2020. Comment on ‘Soil salinity assessment by using near-infrared channel and Vegetation Soil Salinity Index derived from Landsat 8 OLI data: a case study in the Tra Vinh Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam’ by Kim-Anh Nguyen, Yuei-An Liou, Ha-Phuong Tran, Phi-Phung Hoang and Thanh-Hung Nguyen. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2022 9:46; doi:10.1186/s40645-022-00505-3; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40645-022-00505-3 (SCI, IF = 3.875, RF = 71/201, Geosciences) (0/0/0) [published online September 2, 2022.]
  • Wang, L.-C., H.-D. Vinh and Y.-A. Liou*, 2022. Quantifying the impacts of 2020 flood on crop production and food security in middle reaches of Yangtze River, China. Remote Sens., 2022, 14(13), 3140; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14133140 (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (0/0/0).
  • Shahfahad, S. Talukdar, R. Ali, K.-A. Nguyen, M. W. Naikoo, Y.-A. Liou*, A. R. M. T. Islam, J. Mallick, and A. Rahman, 2022. Modeling Drought Pattern in a Semi-arid Region of the Western Part of India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 29 Apr 2022, 194(6):396. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-022-10028-5. (SCI, IF = 3.307, RF = 193/324, Environmental Sciences) (0/0/0)
  • Pandey, R.S., and Y.-A. Liou*, 2022. Typhoon strength rising in the past four decades. Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 36, June 2022, 100446. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2022.100446. (SCI, IF=7.761, RF = 9/94, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (0/0/0)
  • Chauhan, A., and Liou, Y.-A.*, 2022. Influence of major typhoons on ocean, atmosphere and air quality of Northwest Pacific during August 2020. Atmospheric Environment. Volume 271, 15 February 2022, 11892. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118923 (SCI, IF = 5.755, RF = 19/94, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (1/0/1)
  • Joshi, P. , Chauhan, A., Dua, P., Malik, S., and Liou, Y.-A.*, 2022. Physicochemical and biological analysis of river Yamuna at Palla station from 2009 to 2019. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-06900-6 (SCI, IF = 4.996, RF = 19/73, Multidisciplinary Sciences) (1/0/1)
  • RavindraBabu, S. and Liou, Y.-A.*, 2021. Day-to-day variability of upper troposphere and lower stratosphere temperature in response to Taal volcanic eruption inferred from COSMIC-2 RO measurements. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 421, January 2022, 107445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021. (SCI, IF = 2.986, RF = 102/201, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) (0/0/0)
2021 (12 papers)
  • Terry JP, Lau AA, Nguyen, K.-A, Liou, Y.-A and Switzer AD, 2021. Clustered, Stacked and Imbricated Large Coastal Rock Clasts on Ludao Island, Southeast Taiwan, and Their Application to Palaeotyphoon Intensity Assessment. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9:792369. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.792369. (SCI, IF=3.661, RF = 76/201, Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) (2/1/2)
  • Vu, T.A., Pham B.T., Nguyen, K.-A, Liou, Y.-A*, and Phan M.-T., 2021/08. Human impacts on estuaries erosion-deposition in the Southern Center Vietnam. Sustainability, 2021, 13(15), 8303; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158303. (SCI, IF= 3.889, RF = 133/279, Environmental Sciences) (2/1/2)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Kuleshov, Y., Ho, C.-R., Barriot, J.-P., and Lee, C.-T., 2021. Preface: Earth Observations for Environmental Sustainability for the Next Decade. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2871. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13152871. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (0/0/0)
  • Le, M.S., Liou, Y.-A.*, 2021. Temperature-soil Moisture Dryness Index for Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture Assessment, Taiwan. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter, https://doi:10.1109/LGRS.2021.3095170. (SCI, IF=3.966, RF=10/30, REMOTE SENSING) (3/0/3)
  • Nguyen, K.-A, Liou, Y.-A.*, T.-H. Vo, D.C. Dao, H.S. Nguyen, 2021. Evaluation of urban greenspace vulnerability to typhoon in Taiwan. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 63, August 2021, 127191, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127191. (SSCI, IF=5.766; RF = 4/90, Forestry) (2/2/2)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Nguyen, K.-A, Ho, L.-T., 2021. Altering urban greenspace patterns and heat stress risk in Hanoi city during Master Plan 2030 implementation. Land Use Policy 105 (2021) 105405. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105405. (SSCI, IF = 6.189, RF = 39/169, Environment Studies) (12/6/12)
  • Pal, S., Das, P., Mandal, I., Sarda, R., Mahato, S., Nguyen, K.-A., Liou, Y.-A.*, Talukdar, S., Saha, T.K., Debanshi, S., 2021. Effects of lockdown due to COVID-19 outbreak on air quality and anthropogenic heat in an industrial belt of India. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126674. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126674. (SCI, IF = 11.072, RF = 24/279, Environment Sciences) (12/3/12)
  • Wu, X., Yan, X.-H., Li, Y., Mei, H., Liou, Y.-A.; Li, G., 2021. Climatic Variation of Maximum Intensification Rate for Major Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 494. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12040494. (SCI, IF = 3.110, RF = 69/108, Meteorology & Atmospheric) (1/0/1)
  • Le, M.S., Liou, Y.-A.*, 2021. Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Moisture and Evapotranspiration Variability Using Remote Sensing Techniques. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 1667. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13091667. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (5/1/5)
  • Pandey, R.S., Liou, Y.-A.*, J.C. Liu, 2021. Season-dependent variability and influential environmental factors of super-typhoons in the Northwest Pacific basin during 2013-2017. Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 31 (2021) 100307; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2021.100307. (SCI, IF=7.761, RF = 9/94, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (4/3/4)
  • RavindraBabu, S., Liou, Y.-A.*, 2021. Tropical tropopause layer evolution during 2015–16 El Nino event inferred from COSMIC RO measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 212 (2021) 105507; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105507 (SCI, IF = 1.735, RF = 74/93, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (3/2/3)
  • Tran, A.T., Nguyen, K.-A., Liou, Y.-A.*, Le, M.H., Vu, V.T., Nguyen, D.D. Nguyen. 2021. Classification and Observed Seasonal Phenology of Broadleaf Deciduous Forests in a Tropical Region by Using Multitemporal Sentinel-1A and Landsat 8 Data. Forests 2021, 12(2), 235; https://doi.org/10.3390/f12020235. (SCI, IF = 3.282, RF = 14/69, Forestry) (9/4/9)
2020 (10 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and Pandey, R.S., 2020. Interactions between typhoons Parma and Melor (2009) in North West Pacific Ocean. Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 29, Sept. 2020, 100272. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2020.100272 (SCI, IF=7.761, RF = 9/94, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (2/2/2)
  • Rousta, I., Olafsson, H., Moniruzzaman, M., Zhang, H., Liou, Y.-A.*. Terence Darlington Mushore, Amitesh Gupta 2020: Impacts of drought on vegetation assessed by vegetation indices and meteorological factors in Afghanistan. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12(15), 2433; https://doi:10.3390/rs12152433. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (63/8/63) [Recognition of Highly Cited Paper in Remote Sensing in 2022]
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, RavindraBabu, S., 2020. ENSO signatures observed in tropical tropopause layer parameters using long-term COSMIC RO data. GPS Solutions, 24(4), 98; doi:10.1007/s10291-020-01009-7. (SCI, IF = 4.066, RF = 11/168, Earth and Planetary Sciences) (2/1/2)
  • Pandey, R.S., Liou, Y.A., 2020. Refined and Improved Tropical Storm 6-hourly data and track Sinuosity measurements for the North West Pacific basin during 1977-2016. Mendeley Data, v1. http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/3927f6gm72.1.
  • Pandey, R.S., Liou, Y.-A.*, 2020. Decadal behaviors of tropical storm tracks in the North West Pacific Ocean. Atmospheric Research. 246, 105143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105143. (SCI, IF = 5.965, RF = 14/108, Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences) (9/6/9)
  • Lin, J.-J., Liou, Y.-A.*. 2020. Integrating in-situ data and RS-GIS techniques to identify groundwater potential sites in mountainous regions of Taiwan. Applied Sciences, 10, 4119; https://doi:10.3390/app10124119. (SCI, IF = 2.838, RF = 76/161, Physics, Applied) (0/0/0)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Kuleshov, Y., Ho, C.-R., Barriot, J.-P., and Lee, C.-T., 2020. Preface: Earth observations for addressing global challenges. Remote Sensing, 12, 841; https://doi:10.3390/rs12050841. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (0/0/0)
  • Talukdar, S., Singha, P., Mahato, S., Shahfahad, Pal, S., Liou, Y.-A*, and Rahman, A., 2020. Land-use land-cover classification by machine learning classifiers for satellite observations—A review. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1135; https://doi: 10.3390/rs12071135. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (238/21/238) [Recognition of Highly Cited Paper in Web of Science in 2022; Recognition of Highly Cited Paper (most cited & downloaded) in Remote Sensing in 2022]
  • Getachew, M. M. and Liou, Y.-A.*, 2020. Application of artificial neural networks in forecasting a standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index for the upper Blue Nile basin. Water, 2020,12,643; https://doi:10.3390/w12030643. (SCI, IF = 3.530, RF = 36/100, Water Resources) (33/4/33)
  • Nguyen, K.A., Liou, Y.-A.*, H.-P. Tran, P.-P. Hoang & T.-H. Nguyen, 2020. Soil salinity assessment by using an indicator derived from Landsat 8 OLI data: a case study in the Tra Vinh Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 1 (2020); https://doi:10.1186/s40645-019-0311-0 (SCI, IF = 3.875, RF = 71/201, Geosciences) (65/8/65) [“Progress in Earth and Planetary Science” Most Downloaded Paper Awards 2021]
2019 (11 papers)
  • Zhang, Y.H., Ge, T.T., Tian, W., and Liou, Y.-A.*, 2019. Debris flow susceptibility mapping using machine-learning techniques in Shigatse area, China. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 2801; https://doi:10.3390/rs11232801. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing)(51/18/51)
  • Wu, X.B., Qing, X.*, Li, G., Liou, Y.-A., Bin, W., Huan, M., and Kai, T., 2019/10. Remotely-observed early spring warming in the Southwestern Yellow Sea due to weakened winter monsoon. Remote Sensing, 11(21), 2478; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11212478. (SCI, IF = 5.349, RF = 11/34, Remote Sensing) (3/0/3)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, J.-C. Liu, C.-C. Liu, C.H. Chen, K.A. Nguyen, and J.P. Terry. 2019b: Consecutive dual-vortex interactions among quadruple typhoons Noru, Kulap, Nesat and Haitang during the 2017 typhoon season. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11(16), 1843; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11161843. (SCI)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Getachew Mehabie Mulualem. 2019: Spatio-temporal Assessment of Drought in Ethiopia and the Impact of Recent Intense Droughts. Remote Sens. 2019, 11(15), 1828; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11151828. (SCI)
  • Chane Ming, F., S. Jolivet, Y.-A. Liou*, F. Jegou, D. Mekies and J.-S. Hong. 2019: Elliptical structures of gravity waves produced by Typhoon Soudelor in 2015 near Taiwan. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 260; doi:10.3390/atmos10050260 (SCI)
  • Nguyen, K.A., Y.-A. Liou*, and J.P. Terry. 2019: Vulnerability and adaptive capacity maps of Vietnam in response to typhoons. Science of the Total Environment (2019) doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.069.(SCI)
  • Nguyen, K.A., Y.-A. Liou*, 2019b: Mapping global eco-environment vulnerability due to human and nature disturbances. MethodsX (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2019.03.023.
  • RavindraBabu, S., M.V. Ratnam, G. Basha, Y.-A. Liou* and N.N. Reddy, 2019. Large Anomalies in the Tropical Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gases Observed during the Extreme 2015–16 El Niño Event by Using Satellite Measurements. Remote Sensing, 11(6), 687; doi:10.3390/rs11060687. (SCI)
  • Kar, Sanjib, Y.-A. Liou*, 2019. Influence of land use and land cover change on the formation of local lightning. Remote Sensing, 11, 407; doi:10.3390/rs11040407. (SCI)
  • Nguyen, K.A, Y.-A. Liou*, 2019. Global mapping of eco-environmental vulnerability from human and nature disturbances. Science of the Total Environment, 664, 995–1004. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.407. (SCI)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Mai Son Le, and Hwa Chien, 2019a: Normalized Difference Latent Heat Index for Remote Sensing of Land Surface Energy Fluxes, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(3), 1423 - 1433, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2018.2866555. (SCI)
2018 (3 papers)
  • Nguyen Thanh Hoan, Yuei-An Liou*, Anh Kim Nguyen, Ram C. Sharma, Tran Duy Phien, Chia-Ling Liou, and Dao Dinh Cham, 2018. Assessing the Effects of Land-Use Types in Surface Urban Heat Islands for Developing Comfortable Living in Hanoi City., Remote Sensing, 10(12), 1965, doi: 10.3390/rs10121965. (SCI)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, J.-C. Liu, C.-P. Liu, and C.-C. Liu, 2018. Season-dependent distributions and profiles of seven super-typhoons (2014) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean from satellite cloud images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(5), 2949-2957, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2017.2787606. (MOST 105-2111-M-008-024-MY2, MOST 105-2221-E-008-056-MY3) (SCI)
  • Gubenko, V., Pavelyev, A. G., I. Kirillovich, Y. A. Liou*, 2018. Case study of inclined sporadic E layers in the Earth's ionosphere observed by CHAMP/GPS radio occultations: coupling between the tilted plasma layers and internal waves, Advances in Space Research, 61(7), 1702-1716. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2017.10.001 (SCI)
2017 (3 papers)
2016 (6 papers)
  • Yuei-An Liou*, Chung-Ru Ho, Yuriy Kuleshov, Jean-Pierre Barriot, 2016: Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2015, Advances in Meteorology, 2016 (2016), Article ID 8517659, doi:10.1155/2016/8517659. (SCI, IF=1.107, RF=68/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (0/0/0) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/8517659)
  • Dorjsuren, M., Y.-A. Liou*, and Chi-Han Cheng, 2016: Time series MODIS and in-situ data analysis for Mongolia drought, Remote Sensing, 8(6), 509, doi:10.3390/rs8060509. [Miss Dorjsuren is a phd student of Prof. Liou] (SCI, IF=3.036, RF=5/28, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0) (http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/8/6/509/htm)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, Ji-Chyun Liu, Meng-Xi Wu, Yueh-Jyun Lee, Chi-Han Cheng, Ching-Ping Kuei, and Rong-Moo Hong, 2016: Generalized Empirical Formulas of Threshold Distance to Characterize Cyclone–Cyclone Interactions, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 54, Issue 6, pp. 3502-3512, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2519538. (SCI, IF=3.360, RF=4/28, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0) (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7401024)
  • Nguyen, A. K., Y.-A. Liou*, M.-H. Li, and T. A. Tran, 2016: Zoning eco-environmental vulnerability for environmental management and protection. Ecological Indicators, 69, 100–117, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.03.026. [Miss Nguyen is a phd student of Prof. Liou] (SCI, IF=3.190, RF=52/225, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES) (1/1/1) (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X16301303)
  • Kuleshov, Y., S. Choy, E. F. Fu, F. Chane-Ming, Y.-A. Liou, and A. G. Pavelyev , 2016: Analysis of meteorological variables in the Australasian region using ground- and space-based GPS Techniques. Atmospheric Research, Volumes 176-177, 276–289, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.02.021. (SCI, IF=3.377, RF=18/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (1/1/1) (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169809516300382)
  • Wang, Z. Y., T. Che, and Y.-A. Liou*, 2016: Global Sensitivity Analysis of the L-MEB Model for Retrieving Soil Moisture. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, no. 5, 2949-2962, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2509176. (SCI, IF=3.360, RF=21/225, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (1/0/1) (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7389400)
2015 (8 papers)
  • Cheng, C.-H., F. Nnadi, Y.-A. Liou*, 2015: A Regional Land Use Drought Index for Florida, Remote Sensing, 7(12), 17149–17167, doi:10.3390/rs71215879. [Mr Chengis a former MS student and post-Doctor of Prof. Liou] (SCI, IF=3.036, RF=5/28, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0) (http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/7/12/15879/pdf)
  • Hsu, Wei-Chen, Hung-Cheng Chang, Kuan-Tsung Chang, En-Kai Lin, Jin-King Liu, and Y.-A. Liou*, 2015: Observing Land Subsidence and Revealing the Factors That Influence It Using a Multi-Sensor Approach in Yunlin County, Taiwan, Remote Sensing, 7, 8202-8223, doi: 10.3390/rs70608202. [Mr Hsu is a former MS student at CSRSR.] (SCI, IF=3.036, RF=5/28, REMOTE SENSING) (1/0/1) (http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/7/6/8202/htm)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, C. T. Lee, C. R. Ho, and M. H. Li, 2015: Preface to the special issue on “Earth Observations and Societal Impacts”. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 26, I-II, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2014.10.07.01(EOSI). (SCI, IF=0.556, RF=52/61, OCEANOGRAPHY) (0/0/0)(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/YueiAn_Liou/publication/277022187.pdf)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, H. L. Liu, T. S. Wang, and C. H. Chou, 2015: Vanishing ponds and regional water resources in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 26(2), 161-168, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2014.12.02.01(EOSI). (SCI, IF=0.556, RF=52/61, OCEANOGRAPHY) (0/0/0) (http://tao.cgu.org.tw/pdf/v262-IIp161.pdf)
  • Dao, Phuong D. and Y.-A. Liou*, 2015: Object-based Flood Mapping and Affected Rice Field Estimation with Landsat 8 OLI and MODIS Data. Remote Sensing, 7(5), 5077-5097, doi: 10.3390/rs70505077. [Mr. Dao is a MS student of Prof. Liou.] (SCI, IF=3.036, RF=5/28, REMOTE SENSING) (4/2/4) (http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/7/5/5077/pdf)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, S. S. Matyugov, A.A. Pavelyev, V. N. Gubenko, K. Zhang, and Y. Kuleshov, 2015: Application of the locality principle to radio occultation studies of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 2885–2899, doi: 10.5194/amtd-8-2885-2015. (www.atmos-meas-tech.net/8/2885/2015/) (SCI, IF=2.929, RF=23/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (0/0/0) (http://www.atmos-meas-tech.net/8/2885/2015/amt-8-2885-2015.pdf)
  • Li, W., Y.-B. Yuan, J.-K. Ou, Y.-J. Chai, Z.-S. Li, Y.-A. Liou, and N.-B. Wang, 2015: New versions of the BDS/GNSS zenith tropospheric delay model IGGtrop, Journal of Geodesy, 89, 73–80, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s00190-014-0761-5. (NSC 101-2111-M-008-018) (SCI, IF=2.486, RF=27/81, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) (0/0/0) (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00190-014-0761-5)
  • Liu, Ji-Chyun, Y.-A. Liou*, Meng-Xi Wu, Yueh-Jyun Lee, Chi-Han Cheng, and Ching-Ping Kuei, 2015: Analysis of interactions among two tropical depressions and typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by using satellite cloud images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(3), 1394-1402, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2014.2339220. (NSC 101-2221-E-008-019, NSC 101-2111-M-008-018) (SCI, IF=3.360, RF=21/255, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (0/0/0) (http://hrsl.csrsr.ncu.edu.tw/05paper/paperdata/periodical/2011-2015/2015-IEEE-TGRS-TwoTyphoons-Depressions.pdf)
2014 (8 papers)
  • Yeh, W.-H., C.-Y. Huang, T.-C. Chiu, M.-Q. Chen, J.-Y. Liu, and Y.-A. Liou, 2014: Ray tracing simulation in nonspherically symmetric atmosphere for radio occultation, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 6, 801-812, December 2014. doi: 10.3319/TAO.2014.07.07.01(A). (SCI, IF=0.556, RF=52/61, OCEANOGRAPHY) (0/0/0) (http://tao.cgu.org.tw/pdf/v256p801.pdf)
  • Kar, S. K. and Y.-A. Liou*, 2014: Analysis of cloud-to-ground lightning and its relation with surface pollutants over Taipei, Taiwan. Annales Geophysicae, 32, 1–8, doi: 10.5194/angeo-32-1-2014. (NSC 102-2111-M-008-027; 102-2221-E-008-034). (SCI, IF=1.731, RF=85/184, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (2/0/2) (http://ann-geophys.net/32/1085/2014/angeo-32-1085-2014.pdf)
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, C.-R. Ho, Y. Kuleshov, and J.-P. Barriot, 2014: Editorial - Earth Observations and Societal Impacts. Advances in Meteorology, 2014, Article ID 619203, 3 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/619203. (SCI, IF=1.107, RF=68/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (0/0/0) (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/619203/)
  • Kar, S.K. and Y.-A. Liou*, 2014: Enhancement of cloud-to-ground Lightning activity over Taipei, Taiwan in relation to urbanization. Atmospheric Research, 147-148, 111–120, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.05.017. (NSC 102-2111-M-008-027; 102-2221-E-008 -034) (SCI, IF=3.377 RF=18/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (5/0/5) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.05.017)
  • Liou, Y.-A.* and Kar, S. K., 2014. Evapotranspiration estimation with Remote Sensing and various surface energy balance algorithms – a review. Energies, 7 (5), 2821-2849; https://doi:10.3390/en7052821. (NSC 101-2221-E-008-019, NSC 101-2111-M-008-018) (SCI, IF = 3.252, RF = 80/119, ENERGY & FUELS) (307/21/307) ( [2018年獲Energies雜誌頒 “十週年最佳論文獎”; Energies “10th Anniversary Best Paper Awards”] [Recognition of Highly Cited Paper by Web of Science in 2022]
  • Cheng, C.-H., F. Nnadi, and Y.-A. Liou*, 2014: Energy budget on various land use areas using reanalysis data in Florida, Advances in Meteorology, 2014, Article ID 232457, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/232457. (SCI, IF=1.107, RF=68/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (2/1/2) [Dr. Cheng is a former MS student and post-Doctor of Prof. Liou] (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/232457/)
  • Chane Ming, F., C. Ibrahim, C. Barthe, S. Jolivet, P. Keckhut, Y.-A. Liou, and Y. Kuleshov, 2014: Observation and a numerical study of gravity waves during tropical cyclone Ivan (2008), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 641-658, doi:10.5194/acp-14-641-2014. (SCI, IF= 5.510, RF=3/74 METEOROLOGY &ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (6/2/6) (http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/14/641/2014/acp-14-641-2014.pdf)
  • Che, Tao, Lin Xiao, and Y.-A. Liou*, Changes in glaciers and glacial lakes and the identification of dangerous glacial lakes in the Pumqu river basin, Xizang (Tibet), Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2014, Article ID, 903709, 8 pages, 2014. doi: 10.1155/2014/903709. (NSC 102-2111-M-008-027; 102-2221-E-008 -034) (SCI, IF=1.107, RF=64/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (3/0/3) (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/903709/)
2013 (2 papers)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., K. Zhang, Y.-A. Liou*, A.A. Pavelyev, C. S. Wang, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, and Y. Kuleshov, 2013: Principle of locality and analysis of radio occultation data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 51(6), 3240-3249, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2225629. (NSC 101-2111-M-008-018, 101-2221-E-008-019)(SCI, IF=3.360, RF=21/255, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (3/1/3) (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6416041)
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-S. Wang, and H.-P. Chan, Impacts of Pond Change on the Regional Sustainability of Water Resources in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2013, Article ID 243456, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/243456. (NSC 101-2221-E-008-019, NSC 101-2111-M-008-018) (SCI, IF=1.107, RF=68/84, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (2/1/2) (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2013/243456/abs/)
2012 (5 papers)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou, K. Zhang, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, V. N. Gubenko, A. A. Pavelyev, R. R. Salimzjanov and Y. Kuleshov, 2012/1: Identification and localization of layers in the ionosphere using the eikonal and amplitude of radio occultation signals. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 1–16, doi:10.5194/amt-5-1-2012. (NSC-98-2111-M-008-012-MY3) (SCI, IF= 3.205, RF=15/74, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (2/0/2)
  • Chang, T.-Y., Y.C. Wang, C.-C. Feng, A.D. Ziegler, T. W. Giambelluca, and Y.-A. Liou, 2012/6: Estimation of Root Zone Soil Moisture using Apparent Thermal Inertia with MODIS Imagery over the Tropical Catchment of Northern Thailand. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5 (3), pp. 752-761, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2190588. (June 2012) (SCI, IF= 2.874, RF=4/27, REMOTE SENSING, RF=5/21, IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY) (The first author is a former student of Prof. YA Liou) (2/1/2)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., K. Zhang, C. S. Wang, Y.-A. Liou, and Y. Kuleshov, 2012/8: Analytical method for determining the location of ionospheric and atmospheric layers from radio occultation data. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, Volume 55 (3), 168-175, August 2012. doi: 10.1007/s11141-012-9357-1. (NSC-98-2111-M-008-012-MY3) (SCI, IF= 0.955, RF=137/242, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (0/0/0)
  • Yeh, W.-H., C.-Y. Huang, T.-Y. Hsiao, T.-C. Chiu, C. H. Lin, and Y.-A. Liou, 2012/12, Amplitude morphology of GPS radio occultation data for sporadic-E layer, Volume 117, A11304, doi: 10.1029/2012JA017875, J. Geophys. Res.. (SCI, IF= 3.174, RF=23/170, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (0/0/0) [培養研究團隊之成果,共同作者含兩名指導博士生、兩名所上畢業生]
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, H.-C. Sha, T.-M. Chen, T.-S. Wang, Y.-T. Li, Y.-C. Lai, M.-H. Chiang, and L.-T. Lu, 2012/12: Assessment of disaster losses in rice field and yield after tsunami induced by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(6), 618-623, doi: 10.6119/JMST-012-0328-2. (NSC-98-2111-M-008-012-MY3) (SCI-E, IF= 0.845 , RF=4/14, ENGINEERING, MARINE) (0/0/0)
2011 (6 papers)
  • Lin, C.Y., H.-M. Hsu, Y.-F. Sheng, C.-H. Kuo, and Y.-A. Liou, 2011, Mesoscale Processes for Super Heavy Rainfall of Typhoon Morakot (2009) over Southern Taiwan, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 345–361, 2011, doi:10.5194/acp-11-345-2011. (SCI, IF= 5.309, RF=1/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (0/0/0)
  • Song, S.-L., W.Y. Zhu, Q.-M. Chen and Y.-A. Liou, 2011: Establishment of a new tropospheric delay correction model over China area, Science China Physics, Mechanic and Astronomy, 54 (12), 2271-2283, December 2011, DOI 10.1007/s11433-011-4530-7.
  • Chen, Q.-M., S.-L. Song, S. Heise, Y.-A. Liou*, W.-Y. Zhu, J.-Y. Zhao, 2011: Assessment of ZTD derived from ECMWF/NCEP data with GPS ZTD over China, GPS Solutions, accepted on December 2, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s10291-010-020. (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., K. Zhang, C. S. Wang, Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, and Y. Kuleshov, 2011: Identification of inclined ionospheric layers using analysis of GPS occultation data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 49 (6), pp. 2374 – 2384, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2091138. (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., K.Zhang, S.S. Matyugov, Y.-A. Liou, C. S. Wang, O.I. Yakovlev, I.A. Kucherjavenkov, Yu. Kuleshov, 2011: Analytical model of bistatic reflections and radio occultation signals. Radio Science, Vol. 46, RS1009, doi:10.1029/2010RS004434. (SCI, IF = 0.950, RF=34/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RF=15/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Aragon-Angel, Angela, Yuei-An Liou, Chien-Chih Lee, Bodo Reinisch, Manuel Hernandez-Pajares, J. Miguel Juan, and Jaume Sanz:2011: Improvement of retrieved FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron densities validated by using Jicamarca DPS measurementsRadio Science, Vol. 46, RS5001, doi: 1029/2010RS004578. (SCI, IF = 0.95, RF=34/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS; RF=15/23, REMOTE SENSING)
2010 (10 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Kar, S.K., 2010: Study of cloud-to-ground lightning and precipitation and their seasonal and geographical characteristics over Taiwan. Atmospheric Research, 95, 115–122, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2009.08.016. (NSC 95-2811-M008-033)(SCI, IF= 1.597, RF=35/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (0/0/0)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, J. Wickert, T.Schmidt, A.A. Pavelyev, and S.S. Matyugov, 2010: Phase acceleration: a new important parameter in GPS occultation technology. GPS Solutions, 14 (1), pp. 3-11, doi:10.1007/s10291-009-0128-1. (NSC 96-2811-M-008-061, 97-NSPO(B)-SP-FA07-03(F))(SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (4/3/44)
  • Hsiao, C. C., J. Y. Liu, K. -I. Oyama, N. L. Yen, Y.-A. Liou, S. S. Chen, J. J. Miau, 2010: Seismo-ionospheric precursor of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, GPS Solutions, 14 (1), pp. 83-89, DOI 10.1007/s10291-009-0129-0.(SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (2/0/7)
  • Liou, Y.-A., 2010: Letter from the guest editor. GPS Solutions, 14, pp. 1-2, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-009-0151-2.(SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Chang, T.-Y., Y.-A. Liou*, C.-Y. Lin, C.-S. Liu, and Y.-C. Wang, 2010: Evaluation of surface heat fluxes in Chiayi plain of Taiwan by remotely sensed data. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 31(13), pp. 3885-3898, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.483481.(SCI, IF= 1.182, RF=9/23, REMOTE SENSING) (1/0/8) [The first author is a student of Prof. Y.-A. Liou.]
  • Liou, Y.-A., S.K. Kar, and L.-Y. Chang, 2010: Use of high-resolution Formosat-2 satellite images for post-earthquake disaster assessment: A study following 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 31(13), pp 3355-3368, DOI: 10.1080/01431161003727655.(SCI, IF= 1.182, RF=9/23, REMOTE SENSING) (2/0/18)
  • Wang, Y.-C., T.-Y. Chang, Y.-A. Liou, and A. Ziegler, 2010: Terrain correction for increased estimation accuracy of evapotranspiration in a mountainous watershed. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Letters, 7(2), pp. 352-356, April 2010, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2009.2035138. (SCI, IF=1.42 9, RF=8/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • 董家鈞、劉說安、張立雨、李錫堤、廖志中、潘以文,"遙測影像與數值地形模型於堰塞湖災害評估之應用,"航空測量及遙感探測會刊,第十五卷 第1 期,第1-13頁,民國99 年3 月。J.-J. Dong, Y.-A. Liou, L.-Y. Chang, C.-T. Lee, J.-J. Liao, and Y.-W. Pa, 2010: Application of Satellite Images and DEM for the Hazard Assessment of Landslide Dams. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 15(1), pp. 1-13, March 2010.
  • 劉說安,"臺灣災害應變機制檢討與改變策略,"研考雙月刊,第34 卷第3 期,20-31,2010.6。
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, J. Wickert, K. Zhang, C.-S. Wang, and Y. Kuleshov, 2010: Analytical model of electromagnetic waves propagation and location of inclined plasma layers using occultation data. Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER), pp. 177-202, July 2010, doi: 10.2528/PIER10042707.(SCI, IF= 3.745, RF=2/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS) (0/0/0)
2009 (8 papers)
  • Fong, C.J., N. Yen, V. Chu, E. Yang, A. Shiau, C.-Y. Huang, S. Chi, S.S. Chen, Y.A. Liou, and Y.H. Kuo, 2009: FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC spacecraft constellation system, mission results and prospect for follow-on mission, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 1-19, Feb. 2009.(SCI, IF=0.59, RF=46/59, OCEANOGRAPHY) (5/1/40)
  • Fong, C.J., N. Yen, C.-H. Chu, C. C. Hsiao, Y.A. Liou, and S. Chi, 2009: Space-based global weather monitoring System – FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation and its follow-on mission, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 46, No. 4, PP. 883-891, July–August 2009, doi: 10.2514/1.41203.(SCI, IF=1.147, RF=3/27, ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE) (1/0/12)
  • Kar, S.K., Y.-A. Liou*, and K.-J. Ha, 2009: Aerosol effects on the enhancement of cloud-to-ground lightning over major urban areas of South Korea. Atmospheric Research, Volume 92, No. 1, pp. 80—87, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2008.09.004. (NSC 95-2811-M008-033)(SCI, IF= 1.597, RF=35/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (5/1/22)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, A.A. Pavelyev, and K. Igarashi, 2009: New applications and advances of the GPS radio occultation technology as recovered by analysis of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and CHAMP database. In New Horizons in Occultation Research - Studies in Atmosphere and Climate, Steiner, A.; Pirscher, B.; Foelsche, U.; Kirchengast, G. (Eds.), pp. 163-176, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-00320-2. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Lee, C. C., F. D. Chu, W. S. Chen, J. Y. Liu, S.-Y. Su, Y.-A. Liou, and S. B. Yu (2009), Spread F, GPS phase fluctuations, and plasma bubbles near the crest of equatorial ionization anomaly during solar maximum. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, A08302, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014195.(SCI, IF=3.303, RF=15/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (2/1/29)
  • Hu, X., Y.-A. Liou, X.-Y. Gong, T.-C. Chiu, Yeh, W.-H. Yeh, X. Wang, X.-C. Wu, C.-Y. Xiao, L. Xu, 2009: Inversion of COSMIC atmospheric open-loop radio occultation data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 52 (9): 2195-2200, 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2009.09.002.(SCI, IF=0.832, RF=54/77, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) (0/0/0)
  • 劉說安、李孟潔、沙學均(2009),"臺灣2009年莫拉克颱風災後情勢分析",《中國防汛抗旱》,2009年第6期。
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, J. Wickert, A.L. Gavrik, and C.C. Lee, 2009: Eikonal acceleration technique for studying of the earth and planetary atmospheres by radio occultation method, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L21807, doi:10.1029/2009GL040979.(SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (2/1/32)
2008 (14 papers)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, and Y.-A. Liou, 2008: Localization of plasma layers in the ionosphere based on observing variations in the phase and amplitude of radiowaves along the satellite-to-satellite path. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 1-9, January 2008, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.02.006.(SCI, IF=0.49, RF=184/247, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (3/2/31)
  • Lin, C.-Y., W.-C. Chen, S. C. Liu, Y.A. Liou, G. R. Liu, and T. H. Lin, 2008: Numerical study of the impact of urbanization on the precipitation over Taiwan, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 42, 2934-2947, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2007.12.054. (NSC 95-2111-M001-008) (SCI, IF=3.226, RF=9/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (6/0/30)
  • Pavelyev, A. G., Y. A. Liou, J. Wickert, A.A. Pavelyev, T. Schmidt, K. Igarashi, and S.S. Matyugov, 2008, Location of layered structures in the ionosphere and atmosphere by use of GPS occultation data, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 42, Issue 1, pp 224-228, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.02.006. (NSC 94-2811-M008-055)(SCI, IF= 1.076, RF=96/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (3/2/19)
  • 林銘郎、董家鈞、胡植慶、劉桓吉、陳江准、孫思優、劉說安、李錫堤(2008),"向大自然學習我們準備好了嗎? ~從地工角度看四川汶川地震之相關議題,"地工技術,第116期 (2008年6月),第97-112頁。(Sino-Geotechnics, No.116 (June, 2008) pp.97-112)
  • Fong, C.J., C.-Y. Huang, C.-H. Chu, N. Yen, Y.H. Kuo, Y.A. Liou, and S. Chi, 2008: Mission results from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation system, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 1293-1302, Nov./Dec., 2008. doi: 10.2514/1.34427.(SCI, IF=1.147, RF=3/27, ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE) (3/2/44)
  • Lin, C.-Y., F. Chen, J.C. Huang, W.-C. Chen, Y.A. Liou, and W.-N. Chen, 2008: Urban heat island effect and its impact on boundary layer development and land-sea circulation over Northern Taiwan, Atmospheric Environment, 42, 5639-5649 , doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.03.01. (NSC 96-2111-M001-004-MY3)(SCI, IF=3.226, RF=9/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (8/0/71)
  • Chien, Tzu-Chieh, Y.A. Liou*, and Chang, T.-Y., 2008: Using remote sensing to estimate Evapotranspiration of paddy field. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 13, No. 1, pp. 1-18, March 2008. (NSC93-2111-M-008-015-AP2, 中研院).
  • Yeh, T.-K., Y.A. Liou*, C. S. Wang, and C.-S. Chen, 2008: Identifying the degraded environment and bad receivers setting by using the GPS data quality indices, Metrologia 45, 562-570, doi:10.1088/0026-1394/45/5/010. (SCI, IF=1.684, RF=17/61, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (1/0/10)
  • Liou, Y.-A., M. Hernandez-Pajares, V. Chandrasekar, and E. R. Westwater, 2008: Guest Editorial – Special Session on Meteorology, Climate, Ionosphere, Geodesy, and Reflections from the Ocean Surfaces: Studies by Radio Occultation Methods, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 11, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2008.2005049.(SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Fong, C.J., W.T. Shiau, C.T. Lin, T.C. Kuo, C.H. Chu, S.K. Yang, N. Yen, S.S. Chen, Y.H. Kuo, Y.A. Liou*, and S. Chi, 2008a: Constellation deployment for FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 3367-3379, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2008.2005202.(SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (6/4/78)
  • Fong, C.J., S.-K. Yang, C.-H. Chu, C.-Y. Huang, J.-J. Yeh, C.T. Lin, T.C. Kuo, T.-Y. Liu, N. Yen, S.-S. Chen, Y.H. Kuo, Y.A. Liou*, and S. Chi, 2008b: FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation spacecraft system performance: After one year in orbit, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 3380-3394, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2008.2005203.(SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (8/4/98)
  • Chiu, T.-C., Y.A. Liou*, W.-H. Yeh, and C.-Y. Huang, 2008: NCURO data retrieval algorithm in FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio constellation mission, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, No. 11, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2008.2005038. (96-NSPO(B)-SP-FA07-02(N))(SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (2/2/38)
  • Wang, C., Y.-A. Liou*, and T. Yeh (2008), Impact of surface meteorological measurements on GPS height determination, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23809, doi:10.1029/2008GL035929. (NSC 95-2119-M-008-036)(SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (2/1/20) [The first author is a student of Prof. Y.-A. Liou.]
  • Lee, C. C., Y.-A. Liou, Y. Otsuka, F. D. Chu, T. K. Yeh, K. Hoshinoo, and K. Matunaga, 2008: Nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances detected by network GPS receivers in Taiwan. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 113, A12316, doi:10.1029/2008JA013250, 2008. (NSC 95-2111-M-008-011-MY3)(SCI, IF=3.303, RF=15/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (8/0/57)
2007 (4 papers)
  • Pavelyev, A. G., Y. A. Liou*, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, A. A. Pavelyev, and S. F. Liu, 2007, Effects of the ionosphere and solar activity on radio occultation signals: Application to CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res., 112 (A6), A06326, doi:10.1029/2006JA011625. (NSC 94-2811-M008-055)(SCI, IF=3.303, RF=15/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (10/3/85)
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, S. F. Liu, A.A. Pavelyev, N. Yen, C.Y. Huang, C. J. Fong, 2007: FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation mission: preliminary results, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, No. 10, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2007.903365. (NSC 94-2811-M008-055) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (33/25/232)
  • Kar, S.K., Y.-A. Liou*, and K.-J, Ha, 2007, Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning activity over Seoul, South Korea in relation to urban effect, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 1-6. (NSC 95-2811-M-008-033).(SCI, IF=1.62, RF=66/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (0/0/0)
  • Huang, J.-C., S.-J. Kao, M.-L. Hsu, and Y.-A. Liu, 2007, Influence of specific contributing area algorithms on slope failure prediction in landslide modeling, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 1-12. (NSC 95-2116-M001-001) (SCI, IF = 1.792, RF=58/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (1/0/10)
2006 (5 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, J. Wicker, S.F. Liu, A.A. Pavelyev, T. Schmidt, and K. Igarashi, 2006: Application of GPS radio occultation method for observations of the internal waves in the atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D06104, doi: 10.1029/2005JD005823. (NSC 94-2811-M-008-055, NSC 94-2811-M-008-008-001) (SCI, IF=3.303, RF=15/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (17/10/117)
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou*, 2006: A study on the relationship between seasonal tropospheric variation and positioning accuracy by GPS. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 11(2), 191-200.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, C.Y. Huang, and A.A. Pavelyev, 2006: FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation mission: preliminary results, Coordinates, 2(7), 6-9.
  • Yeh, T. K., C. S. Wang, C. W. Lee, Y. A. Liou, 2006. Construction and uncertainty evaluation of a calibration system for GPS receivers, Metrologia, 43, 451-460, doi: 10.1088/0026-1394/43/5/017. (SCI, IF=1.684, RF=17/61, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) (11/3/84)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and A. G. Pavelyev (2006), Simultaneous observations of radio wave phase and intensity variations for locating the plasma layers in the ionosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L23102, doi:10.1029/2006GL027112. (NSC 94-2811-M-008-055) (SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (10/10/72)
2005 (7 papers)
  • Liou, Y.A., A.G. Pavelyev, and J. Wickert, 2005: Observation of the gravity waves from GPS/MET radio occultation data. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67(3), 219-228, February 2005, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2004.08.001. (NSC 92-2811-M008-001, NSC 91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528). (SCI, IF= 1.579, RF=20/77, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) (6/5/55)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, Ch. Reigber, S. S. Matyugov, A.A. Pavelyev, Y.-A. Liou, and K. Igarashi: Effect of solar activity in late October 2003 on radio occultation signals from the CHAMP German satellite. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2005, Pages 134-139. (SCI, IF= 0.947, RF=42/63, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) (2/2/16)
  • Liou, Y.-A., 2005: Letter from the guest editor. GPS Solutions, 9, 85-87, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-005-0136-8. (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou*, Ch. Reigber, T.Schmidt, A.A. Pavelyev, and S.S. Matyugov, 2005: Different mechanisms of the ionospheric influence on GPS occultation signals. GPS Solutions, 9(2), 96-104, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-005-0138-6. (SCI) (NSC 93-2811-M008-010, 92-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA07-03) (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (2/2/10)
  • Liou, Y.A., A.G. Pavelyev, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, and A.A. Pavelyev, 2005: Analysis of Atmospheric and Ionospheric Structures using the GPS/MET and CHAMP Radio Occultation Database: a Methodological Review. GPS Solutions, 9(2), 122-143, DOI: 10.1007/s10291-005-0141-y. (NSC 93-2811-M008-010, 92-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA07-03) (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (10/15/98)
  • Huang, C.-Y., Y.A. Liou*, Y.-C. Chiang, and Y.-J. Lin, 2005: Reconstruction of 3-D wet refractivity structure of the troposphere using simulated GPS measurements. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 10(3), 275-286. (NSC92-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA07-01, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.A. Liou*, 2005: Using LANDSAT data derived-air temperature to quantify the magnitude of urban heat island effect. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 10(4), 385-392. (NSC93-2111-M-008-015-AP2, 中研院).
2004 (7 papers)
  • Kar, S.K., A.B. Bhattacharya, and Y.-A. Liou, 2004: Solar effects on terrestrial radio communication disturbances and associated tropospheric and ionospheric variations. Ind. J. of Phys., 78B(2), 151-163, April. (SCI, IF=0.291, RF=69/71, PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (1/0/10)
  • Liou, Y.-A., C.-Y. Huang, S. K. Kar, and A.B. Bhattacharya, 2004: Geophysical phenomena associated with GPS observed PW during the passage of a typhoon. IETE Technical Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, 67-74, JAN-FEB. (NSC 89-2111-M-008-059 and ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF=0.37, RF=202/247, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, RF=58/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS) (0/0/0)
  • Liu, J. Y., C. H. Lin, H. F. Tsai, and Y.-A. Liou, 2004: Ionospheric Solar Flare Effects Monitored by the Ground-Based GPS Receivers–Theory and Observation, J. Geophys. Res.-Space Physics, Vol. 109, A01307, doi:10.1029/2003JA009931, 2004. (ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF=3.303, RF=15/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (18/0/126)
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, J. Wickert, C.-Y. Huang, S.-K. Yan, S.-F. Liu, 2004: Response of GPS occultation signals to atmospheric gravity waves and retrieval of gravity wave parameters. GPS Solutions, 8, 103-111. (DOI: 10.1007/s10291-004-0090-x) (NSC 92-2811-M008-001, 92-NSPO(B)-RS3-FA07-03, ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (2/3/19)
  • Pavelyev A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, and J. Wickert, 2004: Diffractive vector and scalar integrals for bistatic radio-holographic remote sensing, Radio Science, Vol. 39, 39(4), RS4011, 1-16, doi:10.1029/2003RS002935. (NSC 92-2811-M008-001, NSC 91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF = 0.950, RF=34/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RF=15/23, REMOTE SENSING) (9/9/48)
  • 廖志中、潘以文、楊錦釧、黃安斌、林志平、謝德勇、黃明萬、董家鈞、李錫堤、王仲宇、周憲德、李俊憲、劉說安(2004),"七二水災大安溪及烏溪流域勘災結果與建議,"土木水利,第三十一卷,第四期,第13-18頁。
  • Wickert, J., A.G. Pavelyev, Y.-A. Liou, T. Schmidt, Ch. Reigber, K. Igarashi, A.A. Pavelyev, and S. Matyugov, 2004: Amplitude variations in the GPS signals as a possible indicator of the ionospheric structures. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 31, L24801, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020607. (SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (20/10/17)
2003 (3 papers)
  • Pavelyev A.G., T. Tsuda, K. Igarashi, Y.-A. Liou, and K. Hocke, 2003: Wave structures in the electron density profile in the ionospheric D and E-layers observed by radio holography analysis of the GPS/MET radio occultation data. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 65(1), 59-70. (SCI, IF= 1.579, RF=20/77, GEOCHEMISTRY & GEOPHYSICS) (14/7/75)
  • Xu, Junyi, Jian Yang, Yingning Peng, Chao Wang, and Y.-A. Liou, 2003: Using similarity parameters for supervised SAR image classification. Inst. Electronics Information Communications Engineers (IEICE) Trans. on Communications, Vol. E85-B, No. 12, 2934-2942. (SCI, IF =0.281, RF=212/247, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC) (4/0/17)
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, C.-Y. Huang, K. Igarashi, K. Hocke, and S.-K. Yan, 2003: An analytic method for observing the gravity waves using radio occultation data. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 30, no. 20, 2021, doi: 10.1029/2003GL017818. (NSC 92-2811-M008-001, NSC 91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (9/4/50)
2002 (5 papers)
  • Sui, C.-H., C.-Y. Huang, Y.-B. Tsai, C.-S. Chen, P.-L. Lin, S.-L. Shieh, M.-H. Li, Y.-A. Liou, T.-C. C. Wang, R.-S. Wu, G.-R. Liu, Y.-H. Chu, 2002: Typhoon Nari and Taipei Flood - A pilot meteorology-hydrology study. EOS, Trans, Amer. Geophys. Union, 83, Number 24, 11 June 2002, 265-270.
  • Pavelyev A.G., Y.-A. Liou*, C. Reigber, J. Wickert, K. Igarashi, K. Hocke, C.Y. Huang, 2002: GPS radio holography as a tool for remote sensing of the atmosphere and mesosphere from space. GPS Solutions, 100-108, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, 2002. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC 90-2111-M008-047-AGC, ONR N00014-00-0528) (SCI, IF=1.483, RF=6/23, REMOTE SENSING) (0/0/0)
  • Liu, S.-F., Y.-A. Liou*, W.-J. Wang, J.-P. Wigneron, and J.-B. Lee, 2002: Retrieval of crop biomass and soil moisture from measured 1.4 and 10.65 brightness temperatures. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 40(6), 1260-1268. (NSC89-2111-M-008-025-AP3) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (10/0/18)
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, C.-Y. Huang, K. Igarashi, and K. Hocke, 2002: Simultaneous observation of the vertical gradients of refractivity in the atmosphere and electron density in the lower ionosphere by radio occultation amplitude method. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 29, No. 19, 43-1-43-4, doi:10.1029/2002GL015155. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC90-2111-M008-047-AGC, ONR N00014–00-0528) (SCI, IF=3.505, RF=12/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (7/5/52)
  • Teng, Y-W, W-J Wang, and Y-A Liou, 2002: GA-based fuzzy modeling with an exponential-partitioned structure. Int’l J. Fuzzy System, Vol. 4, No. 4, 905-910.
2001 (3 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A. K.-S. Chen, and T.-D. Wu, 2001a: Reanalysis of L-band brightness predicted by the LSP/R model: Incorporation of rough surface scattering. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 39(1), 129-135. (NSC89-2111-M-008-025-AP3)(USD982) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (3/1/11)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y.-T. Teng, T. Van Hove, and J. Liljegren, 2001b: Comparison of precipitable water observations in the near tropics by GPS, microwave radiometer, and radiosondes. J. Appl. Meteor, 40(1), 5-15. (NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05) (USD1600) (SCI, IF=1.918, RF=25/68, METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES) (26/5/117)
  • Liou, Y.-A., S.-F. Liu, and W.-J. Wang, 2001c: Retrieving soil moisture from simulated brightness temperatures by a neural network. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing. 39(8), 1662-1673. (NSC 89-2111-M-008-025-AP3)(USD1,750) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (11/0/41)
2000 (4 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A. 2000: Radiometric observation of atmospheric influence on satellite-to-earth Ka-band propagation in Taiwan. Proc. NSC Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, 24 (3), 238-247. (NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05) (NSC89-2212-E-008-006) (EI)
  • 劉說安、張銓倫,2000: 地面雙頻微波輻射偵測大氣中水氣含量及溫度剖面,大氣科學,28(1),17-26。 (NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05)(10,000)
  • Liou, Y.-A., C.-Y. Huang, and Y.-T. Teng, 2000: Precipitable water observed by ground-based GPS receivers and microwave radiometry. Earth, Planets, and Space, 52(6), 445-450. (NSC 89-2111-M-008-025) (NSC 89-2212-E-008-006) (USD350)(SCI, IF=1.112, RF=94/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (22/3/80)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and C.-Y. Huang, 2000: GPS observation of PW during the passage of a typhoon. Earth, Planets, and Space, 52(10), 709-712. (NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05) (SCI, IF=1.112, RF=94/165, GEOSCIENCES, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) (9/1/38)
1999 (7 papers)
  • 劉說安、楊名,1999, “GPS估算可降水量: WVR約束法”,大氣科學,27,131-140。 (NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05) (NSC87-2621-P-008-016)
  • 劉說安,1999a, “地面微波輻射偵測大氣中可降水之動態”,大氣科學,27,141-158。(NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05)
  • Liou, Y.-A., J. Galantowicz, and A. W. England, 1999a: A land surface process/radiobrightness with coupled heat and moisture transport for prairie grassland. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 37 (4), 1 848-1 859. (NSC87-2111-M-008-021) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (23/5/95)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y. C. Tzeng, and K. S. Chen, 1999b: The use of neural networks in radiometric studies of land surface parameters. Proc. NSC Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, 23 (4), 511-518. (NSC86-2111-M-008-035-T) (NSC87-2111-M-008-021) (EI)
  • Judge, J., A. W. England, W. L. Crosson, C. A. Laymon, B. K. Hornbuckle, D. L. Boprie, E. J. Kim, and Y.-A. Liou, 1999: A growing season Land Surface Process/Radiobrightness model for wheat-stubble in The Southern Great Plains. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 37 (5), 2 152-2 158. (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (15/0/51)
  • 劉說安,1999b, “地面雙頻微波輻射計觀測濕遲延之空間變化”,航測及遙測學刊,4,31-41。(NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y. C. Tzeng, and K. S. Chen, 1999c: A neural network approach to radiometric sensing of land surface parameters. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 37 (6), 2718-2724. (NSC86-2111-M-008-035-T) (NSC87-2111-M-008-021) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (18/3/29)
1998 (4 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and A. W. England, 1998a: A land surface process/radiobrightness model with coupled heat and moisture transport in soil. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 36, 273-286. (入圍期刊年度最佳論文獎候選作品) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (24/8/49)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and A. W. England, 1998b: A land surface process/radiobrightness model with coupled heat and moisture transport for freezing soils. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 36, 669-677. (NSC86-2111-M-008-035-T) (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (32/6/88)
  • 劉說安,1998: 一個地表過程/亮溫模組對土壤參數靈敏度的研究,大氣科學,26,95-108. (NSC86-2111-M-008-035-T) (NSC87-2111-M-008-021)
  • Liou, Y.-A., E. J. Kim, and A. W. England, 1998: Radiobrightness of prairie soil and grassland during dry-down simulations. Radio Sci., 33, 259-265. (SCI, IF = 0.950, RF=34/78, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, RF=15/23, REMOTE SENSING) (11/2/34)
1996 (1 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and A. W. England, 1996: Annual temperature and radiobrightness signatures for bare soils. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 34, 981-990. (SCI, IF=2.47, RF=2/23, REMOTE SENSING) (21/6/52)
» 研討會論文 Conference Papers
2022 (29 papers)
  • Ampil, L.J., Liou, Y.-A., and Chien, H. Atmospheric and Oceanic Environmental Factors for Typhoon Development in Northwestern Pacific Ocean and South China Sea: Case Study of Super Typhoon Rai (2021). AGU. Hybrid Meeting; Chicago, 12-15 December 2022.
  • Chauhan, A., L. J. Ampil, and Liou, Y.-A. Interactions of successive typhoons with the Ocean in Northwestern Pacific during 2021. AGU. Hybrid Meeting; Chicago, 12-15 December 2022.
  • Nguyen, K.A and Liou, Y-A., Shot-term global eco-environmental vulnerability effects of COVID-19 pandemic and solutions for long-term sustainability. AGU. Hybrid Meeting; Chicago, 12-15 December 2022.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Vo, Trong-Hoang, Nguyen, Kim-Anh, Spring drought in Taiwan during the last four decades from 1982 to 2021. AGU. Hybrid Meeting; Chicago, 12-15 December 2022.
  • Hoang, D.V., Nguyen, K.-A. and Liou, Y.-A. Inundation dynamics in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta in the last two decades. Water Security and Climate Change Conference. Hybrid Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-3 December 2022.
  • Hoang, D.V., Y.-A. Liou, "Rapid evaluation of flood-related rice crop loss based on Sentinel 1 SAR data," IAG’i, 3-5 November 2022, Jeju, Korea.
  • Liou, Y.-A., " Remote Sensing Techniques for Ecosystem Services and Natural Hazard Research," IAG’i, 3-5 November 2022, Jeju, Korea. [Keynote speech]
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou, " Global eco-environmental getting greener due to Covid-19," IAG’i, 3-5 November 2022, Jeju, Korea.
  • Bui, A.H., Y.-A. Liou, " Effects of precipitation reduction on soil energy cycle in Taiwan," IAG’i, 3-5 November 2022, Jeju, Korea.
  • Le, T.V., Y.A. Liou, “Estimation of monthly air temperature using Random Forest algorithm,” The 2022 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2022), Changhua, Taiwan, October 14-16, 2022.
  • Tran, D.P., Y.A. Liou, “ENSO-based Ensemble Learning Approach for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation,” The 2022 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2022), Changhua, Taiwan, October 14-16, 2022.
  • Liou, Y-A. Assessment of Ecosystem Services, and Natural Hazards using Remote Sensing Techniques for Sustainable Future. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2022 ICEO&SI), Hualien, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2022. [Keynote Speech]
  • Liou, Y-A. and Nguyen, K.A. Spatiotemporal changes in global eco-environmental vulnerability from human and nature impacts. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2022 ICEO&SI), Hualien, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2022.
  • Nguyen, Q.V. and Liou, Y.-A. “Soil erosion assessment joined in slopeland capability classification to develop land use scenarios for mountainous basin management,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2022 ICEO&SI), Hualien, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2022.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and Vo, T.H. “Spatio-temporal drought assessment employing multiple water-related indices,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2022 ICEO&SI), Hualien, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2022.
  • Hoang, D.V., and Liou, Y.-A. “Rapid assessment of rice yield loss caused by floods (2022) in Quang Binh, a central coastal province of Vietnam”. International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2022 ICEO&SI), Hualien, Taiwan, August 30-31, 2022.
  • Nguyen, K.A and Liou, Y-A. Assessment of drought vulnerability in Taiwan. IGARSS, Kualalumpur, Malaysia, July, 17-22, 2022.
  • Chauhan, A. and Liou, Y.-A. “Typhoon Footprint on Ocean, Atmosphere, and Meteorology in Northwest Pacific during August 2020,” Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Ampil, L.J., Liou, Y.-A., and Chien, H. "Investigating the relationship between western North Pacific subtropical high and tropical cyclone activity," Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 7-10, 2022.
  • Mekonnen, N.E., Liou, Y.-A., Damene, S., Gebremariam, E., and Mulualem, M.G. "Spatio-temporal Climate Variability Analysis: Central Ethiopia Rift Valley,” Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (2022 TGA), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Pandey, R.S. and Liou, Y.-A. "Climate change and increasing intensity of tropical cyclones in the North West Pacific," Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (2022 TGA), Nangang, Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Nguyen, K.A and Liou, Y-A. Drought vulnerability assessment in Taiwan. Taiwan Geosciences Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Le, T.V. and Liou, Y.-A. “Random Forest Combined with Boruta Feature Selection for Tropical Cyclone Classification”, Taiwan Geoscience Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 7-10, 2022.
  • Thai, M.T., Tran, D.-P., Liou, Y.-A., & Nguyen, K-A. “Using a machine learning approach for estimating monthly air temperature in Taiwan”. Taiwan Geoscience Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 7-10, 2022.
  • Thai, M.T., Liou, Y.-A., and Nguyen, K.A. “Using Temperature-Soil Moisture Dryness Index for Rapid Evapotranspiration Estimation,” Taiwan Geoscience Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Hoang, D.V., and Liou, Y.-A. “Estimation of Flood Water Depth using SAR Images and Digital Elevation Models,” Taiwan Geoscience Assembly (2022 TGA), Taipei, Taiwan, June 07-10, 2022.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A., and Vo, T.H. Extraction of urban greenspace in Taiwan using Sentinel 2 MSI data. JPGU, Makuhari, Japan, May, 22-27, 2022.
  • Terry, J., A. Lau, K.A. Nguyen, Y.A. Liou, and A. Switzer. Imbricated trains of massive coastal rock clasts (103–104 kg) on Ludao Island, Taiwan: what they can and cannot tell us about palaeotyphoons. EGU 2021. Virtual Meeting, 23-27 May 2022.
  • 劉說安、阮金英、何淑霓、武重皇 、陳德帆、黎梅山,“氣候變遷下台灣的乾旱風險評估”,2022大氣科學學門研究成果發表會,2022年2月11-12日。
2021 (24 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Vo, Trong-Hoang, Nguyen, Kim-Anh, Improved air quality during the COVID-19 lockdown and its benefit on public health. AGU. Virtual Meeting; New Orleans, 13-17 December 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. Nguyen, Kim-Anh Hanoi’s urban greenspace dynamics and heat stress risk during Master Plan 2030 implementation. AGU. Virtual Meeting; New Orleans, 13-17 December 2021.
  • Akshansha Chauhan, Liou, Y.-A. Influence of Sand Storm on Atmospheric and Meteorological conditions of China and Taiwan during March 2021. AGU. Virtual Meeting; New Orleans, 13-17 December 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Influence of Natural Calamities under the Context of Climate Change for Sustained Development,” The 33rd Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphology (IGI), Virtual Meeting, December 3-4, 2021. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A. & Le, Truong-Vinh, “Geometric clustering analysis of typhoon track and its impact on Northwest Pacific countries,” The 2021 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-27, 2021. [Best Paper Award]
  • Hoang, Duc Vinh, Y.A. Liou, “Applications of Sentinel -1 SAR data for flood damage assessment,” The 2021 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-27, 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. & Thai, Minh-Tin, “Diurnal Evaluation of Temperature-Soil Moisture Dryness Index (TMDI) for Surface Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration Analysis,” The 2021 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-27, 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. & Tran, Duy-Phien, Nguyen, Kim-Anh, “Diurnal and seasonal characteristics of surface urban heat island in Taiwan,” The 2021 The 1st IET Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications (IET CETA 2021), Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-27, 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Remote Sensing Analysis of the Agricultural Water Stress, Natural Hazards and Air Quality using Copernicus Platform,” The Ministry of Science and Technology Aerospace Studies Research Project Outcomes Presentation Workshop, October 30, 2021. [Best (Number 1) Paper Award ]
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Engagement of Copernicus data and information to monitor water use for agricultural crop and natural hazards,” The Ministry of Science and Technology Aerospace Studies Research Project Outcomes Presentation Workshop, October 30, 2021. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Analyzing the Influence of Natural Calamities under the Context of Climate Change for Sustained Development,” Taiwan-Russia online meeting on Sustainable Development and Disaster Prevention, Virtual Meeting, October 4, 2021. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., “以遙測及統計地理資訊技術建構桃竹苗客庄生活品質指標,” 109年度客家知識體系計畫成果分享會,Taoyuan, Taiwan, September 10, 2021.
  • Pandey, R. S., & Liou, Y. A. (2021, August 01 – 06). Increasing Super-typhoons and Their Detected Predominant Assisting Seasonal Environmental Factors in the North West Pacific [Paper presentation: AS17-A006]. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Virtual
  • Nguyen, K.A. Liou,Y.-A. and T. H. Vo. Identifying urban greenspace in Taiwan and its vulnerability to typhoons. IGARSS 2021. Virtual Meeting, 11-16 July 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Le, V.T. “Association between typhoon frequency and drought in Taiwan, 1981-2020,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2021 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Vo, T.H. “The Vegetation Response and its relations with Rainfall for Different Land Cover Types in Taiwan,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2021 ICEO&SI), Miaoli, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2021.
  • Hoang, D.V. and Liou,Y.-A. “The role of greenspace area in reducing urban flood probability,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2021 ICEO&SI), Miaoli, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2021.
  • Nguyen, K.A. Liou,Y.-A. D.C. Phan, P. Minderhoud. Recent LULC change in Vietnamese Mekong Delta and its relation to land subsidence after implementation of the Resolution No.120/NQ-CP. JPGU 2021. Virtual Meeting, 3-6 June 2021.
  • Pandey, R. S., & Liou, Y. A. (2021, May 30– June 06). Climate change initiated variation in the tracks of typhoons in the North West Pacific basin [iPoster presentation: AAS02-P04]. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), Virtual.
  • Pandey, R. S., & Liou, Y. A. (2021, May 30– June 06). Increase in the strength of typhoons to Taiwan due to global warming [Paper presentation: AAS02-10]. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU), Virtual.
  • Chauhan, A. and Liou, Y.-A. Deadly Dust Storm (March 2021) impact on Air Quality, Atmosphere and Meteorology over China and Taiwan. AGU Natural Hazards. Virtual Meeting, 24-28 May 2021.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Akshansha Chauhan. Global Tropical Cyclones: Challenges and Future Scope. AGU Natural Hazards. Virtual Meeting, 24-28 May 2021.
  • Nguyen, K.A. Liou,Y.-A. and L.T Ho . A view of recent forest fire in Australia by satellite derived indices. EGU 2021. Virtual Meeting, 19-30 April 2021.
  • Hoang, D.V. and Liou,Y.-A. Flash flood susceptibility mapping using machine learning techniques. Water Security and Climate Change Conference. Virtual Meeting, 1-4 March 2021.
2020 (8 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Pandey, R.S., “Quantitative and climatological analysis on the tracks of typhoons in the North West Pacific [iPoster presentation],” AGU 2020, Virtual Meeting, 01–17 Dec. 2020.
  • Nguyen, K.A., Y.-A. Liou and L.T Ho. Evaluating the NDLI’s performance for identifying water surface using Sentinel-2 MSI data. IEEE, International Geoscience, and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2020 online meeting. Setp. 26-Oct.1, 2020.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A., “Geoinformatics advancements for environmental studies and management strategies,” Recent Advances in Environmental Research, Virtual Meeting, Sept. 24-25, 2020. [Invited speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Observed increasing super-typhoons in the Northwest Pacific basin in recent decades,” The AOGS-EGU Joint Conference Series on New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia, Virtual Meeting, Sept. 21-23, 2020. [Invited speech]
  • Pandey, R.S., Y.-A. Liou, An overall investigation of changing nature of Tropical Storms in the North West Pacific basin. JpGU-AGU, Virtual Meeting, 12-19 July 2020.
  • Pandey, R.S., Y.-A. Liou, Increasing strength of typhoons in the Northwest Pacific Ocean in the recent years and their influencing seasonal factors. JpGU-AGU, Virtual Meeting, 12-19 July 2020.
  • Nguyen, K.A., Y.-A. Liou, Landsat 8 data for soil salinity mapping in Tra Vinh Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. JpGU-AGU, Virtual Meeting, 12-19 July 2020.
  • Nguyen, K.A., Y.-A. Liou, 2020. GIS and remote sensing-based framework for urban greenspaces management: assessment of vulnerability to typhoons in Taiwan. EGU 4-8 May 2020 online meeting.
2019 (25 papers)
  • Getachew, M.M., Y.-A. Liou, "Drought events and their impacts on vegetation productivity in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia," AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Pandey, R.S., Y.-A. Liou, "On the nature of tracks of tropical storms over four decades in the North West Pacific basin and their spatiotemporal association with storm fundamental parameters and phases of ENSO," AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, A. K., "A generalized eco-environmental vulnerability assessment framework due to human-made and natural disturbances," AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou, "Global eco-environmental vulnerability and its correlation with PM2.5," AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Elizabeth Sitorus, Nguyen, A. K., Y.-A. Liou, "Eco-environment vulnerability assessment to forest fire in tropical rainforest." AGU 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., "Formulas for defining dual-typhoon interactions and eco-environmental vulnerability assessment frameworks with earth observations & GIS," 2019 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2019), Dec. 3-6, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. [Invited speech]
  • Vo, T.H, Y.-A. Liou, "Estimation of high resolution ground-level particulate matters by MODIS AOD and meteorological factors for Taiwan," ICEO&NH 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 18-22, 2019.
  • Getachew, M.M., Y.-A. Liou, "Drought monitoring on the Awash river basin of Ethiopia," IAG’i, 18-20 October 2019, Tokushima, Japan.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, A. K., M.H. Li, "A generalized conceptual framework for eco-environmental vulnerability assessment at different scales and timespans," IAG’i, 18-20 October 2019, Tokushima, Japan. [Keynote speech]
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou, "Multi-indicator eco-environmental vulnerability assessment in Africa," IAG’i, 18-20 October 2019, Tokushima, Japan.
  • Ravi S. P., Y.-A. Liou, "Study on the shape of tracks of tropical storms in the North West Pacific basin," IAG’i, 18-20 October 2019, Tokushima, Japan.
  • Pandey, R.S., Y.-A. Liou, "Typhoons Parma and Melor: A Fujiwhara Case Study," AOGS 2019, 28 July-2 August, 2019.
  • Getachew Mehabie, Y.-A. Liou, “Drought features and trends in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia,” ICEO&SI 2019, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-26, 2019.
  • Le, M.S, Y.-A. Liou, Chien, H., “A new satellite multi-band index and its applications,” ICEO&SI 2019, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-26, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, A. K., “Nature and human-caused vulnerability to the global eco-environment,” ICEO&SI 2019, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-26, 2019.
  • Nguyen, A. K., Y.-A. Liou, “Urban greenspace, public health, and environment margin: Improved management of the greenness in making comfortable living environment in the context of climate,” ICEO&SI 2019, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-26, 2019.
  • Nguyen, K.A, Y.-A. Liou*. Remote Sensing and GIS for Quantifying Eco-environmental and Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards and Manmade Disturbances for Improved Adaptive Capacity. AOGS 2019, Singapore Invited Distinguish lecture, 28 July-2 August, 2019. [Invited]
  • Nguyen, K.A, J. Terry and Y.-A. Liou*. A spatial assessment of typhoon vulnerability across Vietnam, based on hazard exposure and adaptive capacity. AOGS 2019, 28 July-2 August, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A. Ho, L.T. Urban greenspaces and heat stress risk patterns in Taipei City by Sentinel 2 Imagery. IGARSS 2019. Yokohama, Japan, 28 July-2 August, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Le Mai Son. Rapid Identification of Evapotranspiration Features using Normalized Difference Latent heat Index (NDLI). IGARSS 2019. Yokohama, Japan, 28 July-2 August, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A. Understanding and classifying spatial patterns of global eco-environmental vulnerability. JpGU Meeting 2019 Chiba, Japan, May 25-31, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A. Urban greenspace spatial patterns and eco-function by using Sentinel 2 imagery. JpGU Meeting 2019 Chiba, Japan, May 25-31, 2019.
  • Lin., J.-J., Chou, P.-Y., C.-C. Ke, Y.-A. Liou, W.-Z. Lu, Y.-T. Lin, C.-H. Lai. Hydrogeological investigation of groundwater recharge zones in Taichung Basin, Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Taipei, Taiwan, May 14-17, 2019.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Nguyen, K.A. Ho, L.T. Hanoi urban greenspace observed by Sentinel 2 images: A framework for assessing urban heat stress risk from remote sensed data. EGU General Assembly Meeting. Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019..
  • 劉說安、黎梅山、鄭琦翰、鄒致瑋,“陸氣水與能量循環之研究-土地利用類型與乾旱”,2019大氣科學學門研究成果發表會,2019年2月15-16日。
2018 (26 papers)
  • Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. 2018. A map of human and nature impacts on Eco-environment in Africa. The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, December 10-14, 2018. (Convener)
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou*, “Adaptive capacity mapping of Vietnam response to risk from tropical cyclones,” AGU 2018, DC Washington, Dec. 10-14, 2018.
  • Lin, J.J, Y.-A. Liou*, C.-C. Ke 3, S.-Y. Chi 3, Y.-T. Lin, “Comparison of soil moisture derived from Landsat and MODIS imagery at Qing-shui catchment, Taiwan,” AGU 2018, DC Washington, Dec. 10-14, 2018. (Convener).
  • Le, S. M., Y.-A. Liou, 2018. Determination of Potential Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Techniques. The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, December 10-14, 2018.
  • Sitorus, E., A. K. Nguyen, Y.-A. Liou, 2018. Forest fire impact on and vulnerability assessment of eco-environment in tropical rainforest: A case study of Leuser ecosystem-Aceh, Indonesia. The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, December 10-14, 2018.
  • Mulualem M. G., Y.-A. Liou, 2018. Data-driven forecasting of meteorological drought for the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., U.S.A, December 10-14, 2018.
  • Terry, J.P., Gienko, G., Liou, Y.-A. and Winspear, N. 2018. Big Earth Data needs for typhoon track analysis. The 3rd Digital Belt and Road Conference, 5–7 December 2018, Tengchong, China.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “GIS Development in Taiwan,” The International Conference on GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth & Allied Sciences, Can Tho, Vietnam, November 22-25, 2018.
  • Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K. “Vulnerability of the global environment.” International Conference on Environmental Geography and Social Science Education. Jember, East-Java, Indonesia, November 17-18, 2018. [Plenary speech]
  • Liou, Y.A. Nguyen, A.K., James P. Terry, “Vulnerability and adaptive-capacity maps of Vietnam in response to typhoons,” Vietnam National Conference on Geography Science, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 7-10, 2018. [Invited speech]
  • Liou, Y.A., Nguyen, A.K. “Analysis of typhoon tracks and their resulting impacts on the human sectors of Vietnam from 1951 to 2013.” South China Sea Annual Meeting. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, October 26-28, 2018. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., Ji-Chyun Liu, Fabrice Chane-Ming, Jing-Shan Hong, Ching-Yuang Huang, Po-Kuan Chiang, Samuel Jolivet, “Vulnerability of the global environment.” Remote Sensing of the Ocean: Significant Dates and Current State. Vladivostok, Russia, October 10-11, 2018.
  • Liou, Y.A., Nguyen, A.K. “GIS for Environmental Sciences and Educational Programs.” International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Tokyo, Japan, September 8-9, 2018. [Keynote speech].
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, “Eco-environmental evaluation to support environmental protection for twin Taipei Cities by LANDSAT data,” IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain, July 22-27, 2018.
  • Nguyen, A. K., Y.-A. Liou, “An approach for risk maps of vector-borne infectious diseases: ecological and adaptive capacity indicators,” IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain, July 22-27, 2018.
  • Chiao-An Chung, Y.-A. Liou, Horng-Syi Shen, “A numerical model study for Typhoon Meranti (2016),” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Fabrice Chane-Ming, Samuel Jolivet, Y.-A. Liou, Fabrice Jegou, Jing-Shan Hong, “Analysis of Meteorological variables over French Guina using space-based GPS techniques,” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Fabrice Chane-Ming, Laurent Linguet, Emma Bordier, Mouhamet Diallo, Y.-A. Liou, Yuriy Kuleshov, “Modelling gravity waves produced by TC Soudelor (2015) near Taiwan,” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Le Mai Son, Y.-A. Liou, Hwa Chien, “A New Technique for investigation of Surface Latent Heat Flux Using Remote Sensing Data,” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Getachew Mehabie Mulualem, Y.-A. Liou, “Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Monthly Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index for the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia,” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Nguyen, A. K., Y.-A. Liou, “An approach for eco-environmental vulnerability evaluation over a global scale,” ICEO&SI 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 1-3, 2018.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, “Impacts of nature and manmade disturbances on global eco-environment,” Taiwan Strait and South China Sea Dynamics Process Workshop, Machu, Taiwan, June 21-24, 2018. [keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, “A global eco-environmental vulnerability map by utilizing essential datasets,” JpGU 2018, Chiba, Japan, May 20-24, 2018. [invited]
  • Nguyen,A. K., Y.-A. Liou, “Risk mapping for vector-borne infectious diseases by using multi-drivers,” JpGU 2018, Chiba, Japan, May 20-24, 2018.
  • Lin, J.-J. Lin, Y.-A. Liou, C.-C. Ke, “Observed abnormality of soil moisture index at Youcheliao Landslide, Taiwan,” JpGU 2018, Chiba, Japan, May 20-24, 2018.
  • 劉說安、鄒致瑋,“多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究”,2018大氣科學學門研究成果發表會,2018年3月10-11日。
2017 (21 papers)
  • Y.-A. Liou, A.K. Nguyen, “Land surface and climate parameters and malaria features in Vietnam,” AGU 2017, San Francisco, Dec. 11-15, 2017. (Convener)
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou, “Spatial analysis of vector-borne infectious diseases and ecological indicators using GIS and remote sensing,” AGU 2017, San Francisco, Dec. 11-15, 2017. (Convener)
  • Nguyen, A.K., Y.-A. Liou, A. V. Tran, B. V Do, “Arsenic contamination in groundwater and its abstraction-induced land subsidence in Hanoi City, Vietnam,” ICEO&NH 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 21-26, 2017.
  • Y.-A. Liou, A.K. Nguyen, “Satellite remote sensing for typhoon, inundation, earthquake, land subsidence, and drought,” ICEO&NH 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 21-26, 2017. (invited)
  • Lin, J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, C.-C. Ke, N.C. Chen and S.-Y. Chi, “MODIS-derived soil moisture and its correlation with landslide,” ICEO&NH 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 21-26, 2017.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Anh Kim Nguyen, “Eco-environmental vulnerability assessment and proposed regions for environmental protection for Twin Taipei Cities by Landsat data,” 2016 AASRC Conference, Taichung, December 9, 2017.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Environmental remote sensing and GIS for land surfaces,” The 3rd International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, October 31 – November 1, 2017. (keynote)
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Environmental remote sensing and GIS for land surfaces,” Conference of SBKS on SNOW - an ecological phenomenon, Smolenice, Slovakia, September 18-21, 2017. (invited)
  • Chane Ming, F., S. Jolivet, Y.-A. Liou, F. Jegou Le, “Stratospheric gravity waves produced by asymmetric TC Soudelor (2015) near Taiwan,” International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Assembly 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, August 27 – September 1, 2017.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, A. V. Tran, B. V Do, “Groundwater Arsenic contamination and land subsidence in Hanoi City, Vietnam,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2017), Fort Worth, TX, USA, July 23-28, 2017.
  • Mehabie, G., A.K. Nguyen, Y.-A. Liou, “Assessment of drought in Ethiopia by integrating MODIS and TAMSAT time series data,” ICEO&SI 2017, Ilan, Taiwan, June 25-27, 2017.
  • Le, M. S., Y.-A. Liou, H. Chien, “Evapotranspiration retrieval from Lansat 8 OLI/TIRS,” ICEO&SI 2017, Ilan, Taiwan, June 25-27, 2017.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, “Urban land use and land cover changes and its impact on regional environment by remote sensing data,” ICEO&SI 2017, Ilan, Taiwan, June 25-27, 2017.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, Chih-Wei Chou, “GIS framework for urban green spaces information system toward citizen’s science,” ISRS 2017, Nagoya, Japan, May 17-19, 2017.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, M.H. Li, “Remote sensing and GIS based method for mapping changes in green patterns and its impact on urban environment,” JpGU 2017, Chiba, Japan, May 20-25, 2017. [invited]
  • Lin, J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, C.-C. Ke, and S.-Y. Chi, “Integrating remote sensing and in-situ data to delineate vulnerable groundwater recharge areas in urban cities of Taiwan,” JpGU 2017, Chiba, Japan, May 20-25, 2017.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, “Urbanization and its impact on local environment: An assessment based on historical baselines of land use/ land cover and future scenarios,” JpGU 2017, Chiba, Japan, May 20-25, 2017.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, “Impacts of Super Typhoon Nepartak (2016) on Southeastern Taiwan as Observed by Satellite(s),” The 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, April 24 – 28, 2017.
  • 劉說安,“劉說安,“小王子眼中21世紀的地球”,科技部104年度科普活動計畫成果發表會,台南,2017年3月24-25日
  • 劉說安,“多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究”,「政府巨量資料應用研究試辦計畫」研究成果發表會,2017年2月22日
  • 劉說安、鄒致瑋、江柏寬、阮金英、黎梅山、愛麗莎、梁玉玲,“地球觀測資料應用於氣象與地表環境之研究”,2017大氣科學學門研究成果發表會,西湖渡假村 ,苗栗縣,2017年2月9-10日
2016 (30 papers)
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, "Spatial-temporal eco-environmental vulnerability assessment and its influential factors based on Landsat data," AGU, 12-16 December 2016, San Fransico, USA.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, "Mapping eco-environmental vulnerability patterns: An assessment framework based on remote sensing, GIS, and AHP," AGU, 12-16 December 2016, San Fransico, USA.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, M.H. Li, "Land Surface Temperature Variation and Land Cover Changes Based on Satellite Imagery Data," GSDI, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li, "Classification of eco-environmental vulnerability for environmental protection in the Thua Thien – Hue Province, Vietnam," GSDI, Nov. 28 - Dec. 2, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Son, L.-M., Y.-A. Liou, and H. Chien, “Evapotranspiration estimation with remote sensing and surface energy balance algorithm,” IAG’i, 14-16 October 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. K. Nguyen, M.H. Li, "GIS & RS framework for monitoring eco-environmental changes and influential factors," IAG’i, 14-16 October 2016, Tokyo, Japan. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A. “Nguyen, A.K, Y.-A. Liou, M.H. Li "Eco-environmental vulnerability evaluation and land use/land cover changes through Landsat time series data," IAG’i, 14-16 October 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Liou, Y.-A. “Analysis of eco-environmental vulnerabilities and influential factors by remote sensing data,” Taiwan Professional Surveying Engineers Association Annual Assembly, Ilan, Taiwan, 13 August 2016. [Plenary speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A. “Earth Observations for Societal Challenges by HRSL,” International Conference on Hydrometeorological Hazards by Earth Observations, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-28 July 2016. [Plenary speech]
  • Anh Kim Nguyen, Y.-A. Liou, and Ming-Hsu Li, “Eco-environmental vulnerabilities and influential factors by remote sensing data,” International Conference on Hydro-meteorological Hazards by Earth Observations, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 22-27, 2016.
  • Jung-Jun Lin, Yuei-An Liou, Shih-Meng Hsu, Su-Yun Chi, “Characteristic of multispectral images and well yields of hydrogeological units in fracture bedrock, Taiwan,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2016), Beijing, China, July 10-15, 2016.
  • Gubenko, Vladimir Nikolaevich, I.A. Kirillovich, Y.-A. Liou, and A. PPavelyev, “Radio occultation monitoring of internal gravity waves (IGW) in the Arctic and Antarctic atmosphere for the period from 2006 to 2009,” XXV Russian conference “Radio Wave Propagation,” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1505.5768, Tomsk, Russia, July 4-9, 2016. (http://symp.iao.ru/en/rwp/25/oral)
  • Kar, S., Y.-A. Liou, “Dependence of lightning activity on land use land cover change, land surface temperature and altitude in northern Taiwan,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., P.-K. Chiang, Y.-W. Hu, and K.-A. Nguyen, “Development of a System for Aggregating Earth Observation Data and Evaluating Disaster Information,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y.-W. Hu, and P.-K. Chiang, “An Integrated Platform for Interpreting Disaster Prevention Information and Analyzing Social Media Opinion,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Pavelyev, A. A., Y.-A. Liou, V.A. Anufriev, S. S. Matyugov, A.G. Pavelyev, and O.I. Yakovlev, “GNSS radio occultation remote sensing: advances and perspectives,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2016), Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A. A. Pavelyev, V.A. Anufriev, S.S. Matyugov, and A.G. Pavelyev, “Radio occultation as a radio-meteorological tool for monitoring of the atmosphere,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and C.-W. Chou, “A standardized procedure of environmental assessments for investigation of urbanization impact on regional environment,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and P.-K. Chiang, “Long-term validation of land surface process parameterization in multiple areas,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Nguyen, K.-A., Y.-A. Liou, and M.-H. Li, “Eco-environmental vulnerability changes evaluation based on satellite imagery data,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Son, L.-M., Y.-A. Liou, and H. Chien, “SPI - NDVI correlation analysis to assess the drought condition in two highland provinces in Vietnam from 2007 to 2013,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Chane-Ming, F., Jolivet, S., and Y.-A. Liou, “Stratospheric gravity waves produced by asymmetric typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Lin, J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, and S.-M. Hsu, “Automatic Lineament Extraction from Landsat Imagery and its Application on Water Resources and Geo-hazard Ocean,” ICEO&SI 2016, Keelung, Taiwan, June 26-28, 2016.
  • Nguyen, K.-A., Y.-A. Liou, and M.-H. Li, “Developing Ecological Thermal Indices Based on Satellite Imagery Data,” The 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, Texas, USA, June 6-10, 2016.
  • Nguyen, K.-A., Y.-A. Liou, and M.-H. Li, “Eco-environmental Vulnerability Evaluation Based on Satellite Imagery Data,” APEC Typhoon Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, May 24-25, 2016.
  • Lin, J.-J., C.C. Ke, P.Y. Chou, S.M. Hsu, Y.-A. Liou, Y.T. Lin, C.C. Huang, Preliminary identification and delineation of groundwater recharge zones in Taichung Basin, Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Taipei, Taiwan, May 16-20, 2016.
  • Lin, J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, S.-M. Hsu, and S.-Y. Chi, “Mapping of potential groundwater sites by remote sensing data,” ISRS 2016, Jeju, Korea, April 20-22, 2016.
  • Kirillovich, I.A., Vladimir Nikolaevich Gubenko, Y.-A. Liou, and A. PPavelyev, “Activity of internal waves in the Arctic and Antarctic atmosphere revealed by COSMIC RO data,” The 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2585.3202, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 21–25, 2016.
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.G. Pavelyev, S.S. Matyugov, A.A. Pavelyev, and V.N. Gubenko, “New direction of the GNSS RO investigation for future low orbital missions,” International Conference on GPS Radio Occultation (ICGPSRO 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, March 9-11, 2016.
  • Pavelyev, A.G. and Y.-A. Liou, “Advances of the satellite radio-holography and radio occultation remote sensing of the atmosphere and ionosphere of the Earth and planets,” ICGPSRO 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, March 9-11, 2016.
2015 (14 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., P.-K. Chiang, T.-S. Wang, and H.-Y. Lin, “Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Investigating the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Changes on Thermal Environment,” 2015 AASRC Conference, Huwei, Yunlin, December 5, 2015.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Kim-Anh Nguyen, and Ming-Hsu Li, “LANDSAT 8 Operational Land Imager-derived environmental variables for Taoyuan Risk Assessment,” IGARSS, Milan, Italy, July 26–31, 2015.
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-Y. Lin, and T.-S. Wang, “On the Relationship between LULC Changes and Regional Thermal Environment in Taoyuan, Taiwan,” 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2015 ICEO&SI), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and C.-W. Chou, “A Study on Land surface process parameterization and observations,” 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2015 ICEO&SI), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Lin H.-Y., and Y.-A. Liou, “Use of MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16) for Pan Evaporation Estimation,” 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2015 ICEO&SI), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Lin J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, S.-M. Hsu, C.-C. Huang, P.-Y. Chou, and S.-Y. Chi, “Comparision of Remote Sensing Imagery and WetSpass Model to Identify Sensitive Groundwater Recharge Area: A Case Study in Taichung Basin,” 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2015 ICEO&SI), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Nguyen, Kim-Anh, Y.-A. Liou, and Ming-Hsu Li, “Zoning ecological vulnerability for environmental management and protection toward sustainable development by using GeNguyen, K.-A., Y.-A. Liou, and M.-H. Li, “Monitoring of hydropower dam stability with ALOS/PALSAR interferometry,” 2015 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Busan, November 5-6, 2015.
  • Lin, J.-J., Y.-A. Liou, and S.-M. Hsu, “Groundwater discharge and recharge estimate by remote sensing data,” 2015 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Busan, November 5-6, 2015.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “On the interactions among two tropical depressions and two typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012),” Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-17, 2015. (invited)
  • Dorjsuren M., and Y.-A. Liou, “Comparison of the Drought Severity Index (DSI) derived from Terra MODIS data and in-situ measurements in Mongolia,” 2015 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2015 ICEO&SI), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Nguyen, Kim-Anh, Y.-A. Liou, and Ming-Hsu Li, “Zoning ecological vulnerability for environmental management and protection toward sustainable development by using Geoinformation,” ICEO&SI 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 28-30, 2015.
  • Nguyen, Kim-Anh, Y.-A. Liou and Ming-Hsu Li, “Integrating Remote Sensing, GIS and AHP to assess Eco-environmental Vulnerability, a case study of Hue province, Vietnam,” The Fifth Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2015 (ACSEE2015), Kobe, Kansai Region, Japan, June 11-14, 2015.
  • Dao, Phuong Duc and Y.-A. Liou, “Paddy rice monitoring and updates for flood vulnerable regions in Cambodia with MODIS vegetation index products,” ISRS 2014, Tainan, Taiwan, April 22-24, 2015.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Ming-An Lee, Li-Yuan Fei, and Jin-King Liu, “National Airborne LiDAR Mapping as a Part of NSDI for Geohazard Mitigation t,” The 7th World Water Forum 2015 (WWF7), Daegu & Gyeongbuk, Korea, April 12-17, 2015.
2014 (15 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-S. Wang, Lin H.-Y. and Sha S.-C, “Remote sensing data for analyzing the impact of Taoyuan ponds change on the regional thermal environment,” The 2014 AASRC Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 15 November 2014.
  • Liu, J.-K., W.-C. Hsu, H.-C. Chang, and Y.-A. Liou, “Improving Point Cloud Penetration Rate by Full Waveform LiDAR in Forest Land,” 2014 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Jeju Island, 31 October -1 November 2014.
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-Y. Lin “The applications of high-spatial resolution satellite images,” The Sixth Cross-Strait Symposium of Constructed Wetland and Summit Forum, Hangzhou, China, 27 October - 1 November 2014. [Keynote speech].
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-Y. Lin “Analysis of Interactions among Two Tropical Depressions and Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by Using Satellite Cloud Images,” Global Water Remote Sensing Technology and Application Workshop, Lanzhou, China, 18 October 2014. [Keynote speech]
  • Liou, Y.-A., Tao Che, and Lin Xiao, “Decadal trend of glaciers and glacial lakes in the Pumqu river basin, Xizang (Tibet),” International Conference on Modern Information Technologies in the Earth Sciences, Petropavlovsk on Kamchatka, Russia, 8-13 September 2014.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Hai-Po Chan, “Quantifying thermal anomaly along faulted structures in Ilan of Taiwan by using satellite imagery,” International Conference on Modern Information Technologies in the Earth Sciences, Petropavlovsk on Kamchatka, Russia, 8-13 September 2014.
  • Kirillovich, I.A., Gubenko, V. N., Y.-A. Liou, and A. G. Pavelyev, “Internal wave activity in the polar atmospheric regions during 2006 – 2009 revealed by COSMIC radio occultation data,” The 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August 2014.
  • C.-H. Cheng, F. Nnadi, D.-P. Dao and Yui-An Liou*, “Developing a Regional Land Use Drought Index in Florida,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • D.-P. Dao and Yui-An Liou*, “Flood mapping and losses assessment in agriculture In Thailand, 2011 with object-oriented image analysis,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • S. K. Kar and Yui-An Liou*, “Impact of land use and land cover change on local lightning formation,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • Dorjsuren, Munkhzul and Yui-An Liou*, “Comparison of the vegetation index derived from TERRA MODIS data and in-situ measurements in Mongolia,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-S. Wang, and H.-C. Sha, “Taoyuan Ponds Change and Regional Thermal Environment,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI) , Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • Hai-Po Chan and Yui-An Liou*, “Heat Flux Measurement and Thermal Anomaly Mapping from Satellite Imagery in Ilan, Taiwan,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (2014 ICEO&SI), Miaoli, Taiwan, June 22-24, 2014.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Zengyan Wang, Tao Che, “On the parameter sensitivity analysis of the L-MEB model for passive microwave soil moisture retrieval,” Soil Moisture from Satellite: Development and Application, Nanjing, China, 16-18 May 2014. (Keynote speech)
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Assimilating ground-based navigation satellite data to improve weather forecast – Afternoon thunderstorms and the Great 612 flood (2012),” HiWATER 2014, Beijing, China, 8-10 January 2014. (Keynote speech)
2013 (23 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and S. Kar, “Taiwan’s Contribution to Post Sichuan Earthquake monitoring and disaster losses assessment and its future prospect,”2013 Shanghai Remote Sensing and Social Development (2013 SRSSD), Shanghai, China, 2-5 December 2013. (Keynote speech)
  • Hai-Po Chan, Yui-An Liou*, Tai-Sheng Wang, “Pond Change Impacts on Agricultural Environment in Taoyuan, Taiwan,”2013 Shanghai Remote Sensing and Social Development (2013 SRSSD), Shanghai, China, 2-5 December 2013
  • Chung, S.S. and Y.-A. Liou, “The radar cross section of known low observable satellite shape,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Chungli, Taiwan, 18-22 March, 2013.
  • Liu, J.-C. Liu, W.-S. Chua, C.-P. Kuei, and Y.-A. Liou, “Card-type HF/UHF dual-band RFID tag design with Hilbert-curve loop and metamaterial inspired stub,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 March, 2013.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou, A. A. Pavelyev, K. Zhang, and Y. Kuleshov, “Principle of Locality and Remote Sensing from Space,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 March, 2013.
  • Pavelyev, A.A., S. Matyugov, Y.-A. Liou, A. G. Pavelyev, and O. Yakovlev, “Radio-meteorological Characteristics Found from Analysis of GPS Occultation Data,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-28 March, 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and H.-C. Sha, “Applying remotely sensed imagery for monitoring land surface sate evolution and damage assessment following disasters,” The 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, April 8 – 12, 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “On the monitoring of various recent disasters,” The 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, April 8 – 12, 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Taiwan Ground-based GPS Observation Network for Improving Weather Forecast – A Case Study on 612 Flood Disaster in 2012,” 2013 China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC), Guangzhou, China, 15-17 May 2013. (Keynote speech of Session 8)
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-C. Sha, and T.-S. Wang, “Application of remote sensing technologies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on crop production,” AgMIP-Pakistan Kickoff Workshop & International Seminar on Climate Change - Crop Modeling – An Artistic Tool for Risk Management in Agriculture,” Faisalabad, Pakistan, 4-6 June, 2013. (Keynote speech)
  • Hsu, Wei-Chen, En-Kai Lin, Jin-King Liu, and Y.-A. Liou, “Using GPS Continuous Stations, Monitoring Wells and Leveling Survey to Observe Land Subsidence of Yunlin County, Middle Taiwan,” 2013 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Tainan, Taiwan, 23-25 June 2013.
  • Dorjsuren, Munkhzul and Y.-A. Liou, “Remote sensing and satellite data applications of drought in Mongolia,” 2013 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Tainan, Taiwan, 23-25 June 2013.
  • Liu, Hsiao-Lan Liu, Y.-A. Liou, T.-S. Wang, and Huang-Yu Wang, “Pond and Water Resource in Taoyuan,” 2013 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Tainan, Taiwan, 23-25 June 2013.
  • Chung, Shen Shou, B.-J. Tsai, T.-Y. Chang, and Y.-A. Liou, “Possible Role of Photosynthesis in Surface Energy Balance Closure,” 2013 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Tainan, Taiwan, 23-25 June 2013.
  • Kuleshov, Y., F. Chane-Ming, S.-L. Choy, E. Fu, N. Chrisman, J. Dawson, M.-H. Jia, H. Veremes, Y. Padre, M. Larroque, P. Gastrin, Y. Ding, Y.-A. Liou, and A. G. Pavelyev, “Advancing climate studies in the Australasian region using ground- and space-based GPS techniques – an overview of recent progress,” 2013 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI), Tainan, Taiwan, 23-25 June 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., N. Yen, C.-J. Fong, and A. G. Pavelyev, “On the achievements of FORMOSAT-3 space mission and its follow-on FORMOSAT-7 space mission status,” International Conference on Remote Sensing of Environment: scientific and Applied Research in Asia-Pacific (RSAP 2013), Vladivostok, Russia, 24-27 September 2013. (Invited speech)
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-L. Liu, and T.-S. Wang, “Impact of Vanishing Irrigation Ponds on Regional Water Resources –Taoyuan Area as an example,” International Conference on Remote Sensing of Environment: scientific and Applied Research in Asia-Pacific (RSAP 2013), Vladivostok, Russia, 24-27 September 2013.
  • Wang, T. S., Y.-A. Liou, and S. C. Sha, “Impact of Changes of Irrigation Ponds on Taoyuan Agricultural Environment,” The 21th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, I-Lan, Taiwan, October 25-26, 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and T.-S. Wang, “Remote Sensing Data for Analyzing the Impact of Taoyuan LULC Changes on the Regional Environment,” The 2013 AASRC Conference, Tamsui, New Taipei, 30 November 2013.
  • Chan, H. P., Y.-A. Liou, and T.S. Wang, “Analyzing LULC Changes with Remote Sensing Data in Taoyuan, Taiwan,” 2013 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Jeju Island, 31 October -1 November 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-L. Liu, and T.-S. Wang, “Digital, smart, and green Taoyuan Aerotropolis Project,” The 2nd World Emerging Industries Summit, Wuhan, China, 21-23 November 2013. (Invited Speech)
  • Hai-Po Chan, Yui-An Liou*, Tai-Sheng Wang, “Pond Change Impacts on Agricultural Environment in Taoyuan, Taiwan,”2013 Shanghai Remote Sensing and Social Development (2013 SRSSD), Shanghai, China, 2-5 December 2013.
  • Liou, Y.-A.*, and S. Kar, “Taiwan’s Contribution to Post Sichuan Earthquake monitoring and disaster losses assessment and its future prospect,”2013 Shanghai Remote Sensing and Social Development (2013 SRSSD), Shanghai, China, 2-5 December 2013。(Keynote speech)
2012 (23 papers)
  • Pavelyev, A., V. Gubenko, Y.-A. Liou, K. Zhang, A.A. Pavelyev, J. Wickert, Y. Kuleshov, “Radio occultation criterion and detection of internal gravity waves,” EGU General Assembly 2012, 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria, p.4999.
  • Pavelyev, A., K. Zhang, Y.-A. Liou, C. Wang, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, A.A. Pavelyev, Y. Kuleshov, “Experimental and theoretical analysis of the ionospheric impact on the amplitude and phase oscillations of GPS signals in the satellite-to-satellite and satellite-to ground communications links,” EGU General Assembly 2012, 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria, p.3513.
  • Yeh, W.-H., C.–Y. Huang, T.-Y. Hsiao, T.-C. Chiu and Y.-A. Liou, “Detection of lower ionosphere by using signal to noise ratio data of radio occultation technique,” EGU General Assembly 2012, 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria, p.3403.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “A Review on FORMOSAT-3 Mission Achievements and Current Status of FORMOSAT-7 Mission,” 2012 China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC), Guangzhou, China, 15-19 May 2012. (Keynote speech of Session 8)
  • Yeh, W.-H., C.–Y. Huang, T.-Y. Hsiao, T.-C. Chiu and Y.-A. Liou, “Detect ionospheric sporadic E layer by using radio occultation amplitude data,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Li, Y.-C., Y.-A. Liou, and C.Y. Huang, “A study of using Taiwan GPS ground station to Investigate the phenomenon of day and night, seasonal or annual changes,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Pavelyev, A., Y.-A. Liou, K. Zhang, S. Matyugov, and Y. Kuleshov, “Bistatic Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Earth’s Surface Using Radio Occultation Signals,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Pavelyev, A., Y.-A. Liou, A. Pavelyev, S. Matyugov, O. Yakovlev, “Studying radio-climate characteristics of the atmosphere by use of GPS occultation data,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Kuleshov, Y., E. Fu, X. L, C. Wang, Y. Feng, K. Zhang, K. Marion, X. Zhou, Y.-A. Liou, and A. G. Pavelyev, “Estimating recent atmospheric temperature trends over the Australian region and Antarctica from GPS radio occultation observations and in-situ radiosonde data,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-S. Wang, and Y.-J. Wang, “Analysis of the causation of climate change on SIA, SST and APW in the Arctic,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and B.J. Tsai, “On the closure of energy balance by using observations from surface micrometeorological stations,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Munkhzul Dorjsuren, “Drought Monitoring Using the Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index over Mongolia,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012
  • Liou, Y.-A. and H.-C. Sha, “Estimation of Northeastern Thailand rainfed rice paddy areas from MODIS imagery,” 2012 The International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 June 2012.
  • Yeh, W.-H., T.-C. Chiu, E. Li, Y.-A. Liou, M.-Q. Chen, and C.–Y. Huang, “Ray tracing simulations for GPS radio occultation in non-spherically symmetric atmosphere with ECMWF analysis,” IGARSS, Munich, Germany, July 22-27, 2012. (EI).
  • Liou, Y.-A. and H.-C. Sha, “Using MODIS imagery to estimate the damage of rainfed rice in northeastern Thailand,” IGARSS, Munich, Germany, July 22-27, 2012. (EI).
  • Yeh, W.-H., C.–Y. Huang, T.-Y. Hsiao, T.-C. Chiu and Y.-A. Liou, “Use signal to noise ratio data of GPS radio occultation to detect the ionospheric E region,” 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 8-13, 2012.
  • Pavelyev, A., A.A. Pavelyev, Y.-A. Liou, V. Gubenko, K. Zhang, and J. Wickert, “Radio Occultation Criterion and Possibility to Measure Direction of Internal Gravity Waves Propagation,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Moscow, Russia, 19-23 August, 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Munkhzul Dorjsuren, “Drought monitoring over Mongolia by using temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI),” ISRS2012ICSANE, Incheon, Korea, October 10-12, 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A., L.-C. Wang, C.-M. Chang, B.-J. Tsai, S.-S. Chung, T.-Y. Chang, C.-Y. Lin, and S. C. Liu, “Analysis of uncertainties in closure of energy balance as observed from surface micrometeorological stations,” 2012 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Jeju Island, Korea, November 8-9, 2012.
  • Chang, K.-T., Y.-Y. Jiang, G.-W. Lee, J.-K. Liu, and Y.-A. Liou, “Performance Assessment of Mobile Natural Disaster Information Push Systems,” 2012 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Jeju Island, Korea, November 8-9, 2012.
  • S.-S. Chung and Y.-A. Liou, “Influence of Bandwidth on Radar Cross Section inW-band Sub-millimeter stations wave,” 2012 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Chuanghua, Taiwan, November 16-17, 2012.
  • S.-S. Chung and Y.-A. Liou, “X-band Radar Cross Section Changes Induced by Air Plasma Layer,” The 21st Conference on National Defense Science and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, November 23, 2012.
  • Liou, Y.-A., TS Wang, Shaw Liu, TM Chen, L Chen, LJ Wang, HL Liu, HY Wang, TP Lin, CH Tan, LT Lu, CH Chou, MH Chiang, and SH Li, “Using Temporal and Spatial Observational Data to Evaluate Environmental Change and Societal Impact in Taoyuan Area,” 2012 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society, Soul and Jeju Island, 10-12 December 2012. (invited)
2011 (19 papers)
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Remote sensing of rice yield,” The 4th AP-BON Workshop & The 5th Asia-Pacific GEOSS Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, March 14-15 & March 16-18, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A., MA Lee, JK Liu, FP Lin, CC Lin, and KT Shao, “Taiwan Group on Earth Observations (Ecosystem, Biodiversity, Disaster, Agriculture, Atmosphere, and Climate),” The 5th Asia-Pacific GEOSS Symposium AP-BON Parallel Session, Tokyo, Japan, March 16-18, 2011.
  • 劉說安,“海峽兩岸衛星資料應用合作之願景”,海峽兩岸航天發展-應用-法律暨合作研討會,台北,台灣,2011/3/28-30
  • Pavelyev, A., Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, V.N. Gubenko, Yu Gavrik, and T. Schmidt, “ Basic principles and innovative technique for occultation remote sensing of the atmospheres, ionospheres and surface of Earth and Venus,” The 5th FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data Users Workshop and International Conference on GPS Radio Occultation 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, April 7-11, 2011. (invited talk)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Hsueh-Chun Sha, and Lu-Wei Liao, “Estimation of Rice Yield in Southern Taiwan Using MODIS Data,” Geoinformation for Disaster Management, Antalya, Turkey, May 3-8, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Taiwan Group on Earth Observations – Establishment and Missions,” The XII International Forum -- Modern information society development - problems, perspectives, innovation approaches, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 30-June 3, 2011.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou, A.A. Pavelyev, R.R. Salimzyanov, K. Zhang, and Y. Kuleshov, “Radioimaging of layers in the atmosphere and ionosphere based on GPS radio occultation data,” International Symposium Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics (ISARD-2011), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 21-24, 2011.
  • Gubenko V.N., A. Pavelyev, V.E. Andreev, R.R. Salimzyanov, J. Wickert, and Y.-A. Liou, “Investigation of internal gravity waves by the method of analysis of shear instability amplitudes from the radio occultation retrievals of temperature profiles in the earth’s stratosphere,” International Symposium Atmospheric Radiation and Dynamics (ISARD-2011), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 21-24, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Hsueh-Chun Sha, and Lu-Wei Liao, “Assessment of Rice Field and Yield by Remote Sensing Technology,” 2011 International Conference on Ecological Protection of Lakes-Wetlands-Watershed and Application of 3S Technology (EPLWW3S2011), Nanchang, China, June 25-26, 2011. (keynote speech)
  • Chang, T.Y., Y.-A. Liou, Y.-C. Wang, and A.D. Ziegler, “Root zone soil moisture estimation by TERRA/MODIS imagery over the tropical catchment in northern Thailand,” IGARSS, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2011. (EI)
  • 劉說安、王瑞源、李新、沙學均、梁隆鑫、王泰盛,“整合地球觀測資源於探討貢嘎山冰川退縮與區域生態環境之演變”,海峽兩岸生態環境與生物多樣性資訊技術及應用學術研討會,北京,July 25-29,2011。(主題報告)
  • 李育齊、劉說安、黃成勇,“精密單點定位近即時處理之探討”,海峽兩岸遙感會議,哈爾濱,中國,2011/8/8-12。
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Hsueh-Chun Sha, “Improved methodology for rice field mapping and yield estimate by remotely send imagery,”Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Harbin, China, August 8-12, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Yan-Chun Wang, “The correlation between sea surface temperature and Arctic sea ice extent,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Keelung, Taiwan, August 14-16, 2011.
  • Liang, Long-Shin and Y.-A. Liou, “Investigating 40-year evolution of ponds and urbanization of Taoyuan county in Taiwan by using multi-temporal satellite images,” International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), Keelung, Taiwan, August 14-16, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and Hsueh-Chun Sha, “Quantifying rice map and yield by using remotely-sensed imagery,” PIERS, Suzhou, China, September 12-16, 2011.
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-Y. Chang, J.-J. Dong, H.-C. Sha, and T.-S. Wang, “A fast response analysis system of high-spatial optical satellite imageries after natural disasters,” the The 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5), Tsukuba, Japan, September 27-29, 2011.
  • Fabrice Chane Ming, Florence Pignolet, Hélène Veremes, Yuriy Kuleshov and Y.-A. Liou, , “Tropical waves in the South West Indian Basin during TC season 2008,” 2011 NDACC Symposium, Reunion Island, France, 7-10 November 2011.
  • Yeh, W.-H., C. Chiu, and Y.A. Liou, “Lower ionospheric detection by using radio occultation signal to noise ratio data,” AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, December 5-9, 2009
2010 (20 papers)
  • Sha, H.-C., Y.-A. Liou, L.-W. Liao, and S.-W. Chen, “Estimate of paddy rice yield in Chiayi Plain of Southern Taiwan based on MODIS data,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Chung-Li, Taiwan, March 15- 19, 2010.
  • Chen, K.-H., Y.-A. Liou, and S.-K. Yan, “The Morphology of Gravity waves activity in the Asian-Australian Monsoon region observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation technique,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Chung-Li, Taiwan, March 15- 19, 2010.
  • Chang, T.-Y., Y.-A. Liou, and H.-J. Ho, “Estimation the evapotranspiration in a sub-tropical mountainous watershed,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Chung-Li, Taiwan, March 15- 19, 2010.
  • Kuleshov, Y., K. Zhang, Y.-A. Liou, A. G. Pavelyev, F. Chane-Ming, and F. Roux, “Indian ocean tropical cyclone investigations using satellite remote sensing,” The 4th Oceans from Space Symposium, Vienna, April 26-30, 2010.
  • Zhang, K, E.J. Fu, C.-S. Wang, Y.-A. Liou, A. G. Pavelyev, and Y. Kuleshov, “Temperature estimates in the troposphere using GPS radio occultation data over Antarctica,” EGU General Assembly, Vienna, May 02-07, 2010.
  • Pavelyev, A., Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, N. Yen, J. Fong and C.C. Hsiao, “Global monitoring of sporadic plasma layers in the lower ionosphere during period 2001-2008 by use of the CHAMP and FORMOSAT-3 GPS occultation data,” International Beacon Satellite Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, June 7-11, 2010. (invited talk)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Tzu-Yin Chang, and Yi-Chen Wang, “ Evapotranspiration Estimation over the Tropical and Subtropical Regions,” Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, June 22-25, 2010. (invited talk)
  • Kefei Zhang, Peter Teunissen, Chris Rizos, Samsung Lim, Jizhang Sang, Graeme Hopper, Y.-A. Liou, Howard Diamond, John Le Marshall, and Yuriy Kuleshov, “onitoring the global climate change and the regional tropical climatic hazards in Asia Oceania from space,” The 7th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Kondapur, Hyderabad - 500081, India, 5 - 9 July, 2010. (Convener)
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Use of high-resolution Formosat-2 satellite images in response to natural disasters,” Inernational Specialized Symposium “Space and Global Security of Humanity”, Riga, Latvia, 5 - 9 July, 2010.
  • Liou, Y.-A., L.R. Chen, and K.S. Yan, “ Investigation on the GPS RO retrieval data quality and its improvement,” Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics Workshop On Progress in Space Geodesy and Earth Environment Change, Shanghai, China, August 16-20, 2010.
  • 廖祿偉、鍾玉龍、劉說安,“應用MODIS衛星影像評估台灣都會區之都市熱島效應”,第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會,台北,September 2-3,2010。
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-C. Sha, L.-H. Liang, and A.-M. Wu, “Recent observations of the retreat of Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland,” 2010 Taiwan-Russia Joint Symposium – Remote sensing of physical and biological processes: Application for waters around Taiwan, Keelung, Taiwan, October 15-16, 2010. (keynote speech)
  • Yuriy Kuleshov, Erjiang Fu, Xiaolan L. Wang, Yang Feng, Kefei Zhang, Kaye Marion, Xinjia Zhou, Yuei-An Liou, and Alexander Pavelyev, “Temperature trends in the Antarctic lower atmosphere estimated by GPS Radio Occultation method,” PORSEC 2010 (Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference), Keelung, Taiwan, October 18-23, 2010.
  • Wang, Y.-J., and Y.A. Liou, “Application of SSM/I data to monitor the sec ice extent in the Arctic,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 27-29, 2010.
  • Huang, C.-Y., and Y.A. Liou, “Analysis of the orbit’s perturbation force acting on the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC satellites,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 27-29, 2010.
  • Yan, S.-K., and Y.A. Liou, “Variations of gravity wave activities in polar regions using FORMOSAT3 radio occultation data,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 27-29, 2010.
  • Liou, Y.-A., and S.-K. Yan, “An Improved Version of NCURO Data Processing Algorithm for FORMOSAT-3/COMIC Mission,” 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS, Taipei, Taiwan, October 26-28, 2010.
  • Liou, Y.-A., S.-K. Yan, and C.-Y. Huang, “Evaluation of NCURO Data Processing Algorithm for Sensing the Atmosphere from Radio Occultation Measurements,” The 49th Autumn Conference of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, Kagoshima, Japan, 9–10 November, 2010.
  • 劉說安、黃成勇、顏翔崑、王傳盛、曾珮莉,“地面及衛星GPS氣象”,氣象預測報技術應用與防災研討會,高雄,November 19,2010。
  • 劉說安、黃成勇、王傳盛、張克非、葉大綱,“對流層延遲誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究”,中華民國航太學會學術研討會,高雄, December 4,2010。
2009 (23 papers)
  • Yen, N., C.-J. Fong, V. Chu, C.C. Hsiao, J.J. Miau, and Y.A. Liou, “International Collaboration of the Global Radio Occultation Mission for Meteorology Beyond 2011,” The 89th AMS Annual Meeting, The 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), COSMIC Special Session, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Jan. 11-15, 2009.
  • Fong, C.-J., N. Yen, V. Chu, C.-C. Hsiao, M. Lin, S.S. Chen, Y.-A. Liou, and S. Chi, “In quest of global radio occultation mission for meteorology beyond 2011,” IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 7-14, 2009.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and H.-Y. Lin, “On the observations of polar ice signatures by Formosat-2,” The Formosat-2 5th Anniversary Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 22, 2009.
  • Liou, Y.-A., H.-Y. Lin, and A.-M. Wu, “Observing polar ice signatures by Formosat-2 imagery,” 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009), Chengdu, China, May 25-29, 2009.
  • 劉說安、江曉波、林欣穎、吳岸明、李新、計偉,“全球變化與生態環境—以貢嘎山區域演變特徵為例”,南水北調座談會(南水北調工程考察),北京,June 19 (June 18-28),2009。
  • Pavelyev A.G., J. Wickert, and Y.-A. Liou, “Identification and Localization of Layers in the Atmosphere and Ionosphere Based on Observing Variations in the Phase and Amplitude of Radio Waves along the Satellite-to-satellite Path,” The 26th PIERS, Moscow, Russia, August 18-21, 2009.
  • 陳聲偉、劉說安,“應用MODIS影像對嘉義地區水稻產量之推估研究”,第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會,中壢,August 27-28,2009。
  • 廖祿偉、劉說安,“應用衛星遙測影像資料推估都市地區不同土地覆蓋類型之都市熱島效應強度”,第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會,中壢,August 27-28,2009。
  • Zhang, K.F., E.J. Fu, Y.-A. Liou, J. LeMarshall, and Y. Kuleshov, “GNSS Radio Occultation Technique and Detailed Evaluation Study Using FORMOSAT-3 Data for Australia,” The 28th Surveying and Geoinformatics Symposium, Chungli, August 27-28, 2009.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Zhang, K.F., Fabrice Chane-Ming, and Y. Kuleshov, “GNSS Radio Occultation Technique and Detailed Evaluation Study Using FORMOSAT-3 Data for Australia,” Workshop on OSSE for the Formosat-3/COSMIC Follow-on Mission, Taipei, September 3-4, 2009.
  • Tsuang, Ben-Jei, Chiai-Ying Tu, Jeng-Lin Tsai, Yuei-An Liou, Ping-Ho Lee, Ming-Hwi Yao, Ming-Tung Shueh, “Observations of surface energy, water and momentum fluxes and the derived land characteristics during Asia summer monsoon in Taiwan,” The 2nd Science Workshop of SoWMEX/TiMREX, Taipei, October 20-22, 2009.
  • Liou, Y.-A., An-Ming Wu, Li-Yu Chang, Nick Yen, Shiang-Kun Yan, Chen-Joe Fong, Hsin-Ying Lin, Chun-Chieh Hsiao, Hsueh-Chun Sha, and Meng-Chieh Lee, “GNSS Radio Occultation Technique and Detailed Evaluation Study Using FORMOSAT-3 Data for Australia,” The Fifth Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nantou, Taiwan. Oct. 21-24, 2009.
  • Liao, Lu-Wei, Y.-A. Liou, and Sheng-Wei Chen “Application of MODIS imagery to derive rice yield in Chiayi plain of southern Taiwan,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • Hu, Yu-Sheng, Ta-Kang Yeh, and Y.-A. Liou, “Analysis on landslide monitoring using e-GPS system and multi-antenna GPS technology,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • Lee, Meng-Chieh, Hsueh-Chun Sha, and Y.-A. Liou, “Using Formosat-2 images to characterize the landslides and debris flows triggered by typhoon Morakot (2009),” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • Hsu, Hsin-Jen, Y.-A. Liou, Tsung-Chiang Wu, and Lu-Wei Liao, “The Estimation of Urban Heat Island Effect Intensity for Different Land Cover Type in Urban Area by Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • Hsu, Hsin-Jen, Y.-A. Liou, Tsung-Chiang Wu, and Lu-Wei Liao, “The Estimation of Urban Heat Island Effect Intensity for Different Land Cover Type in Urban Area by Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • Chen, Kun-Xin, Y.-A. Liou, and Shiang-Kun Yan, “Gravity waves activity in the East Asia Monsoon region observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation technique,” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Busan, October 28-30, 2009.
  • 劉說安,“空間資訊於512川震之應用”, 第四屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇,南京,中國,November 7-8,2009。
  • Wang, C.S., Y.A. Liou, K. Zhang, T.K. Yeh and S. Wu, “Impact of water vapour radiometer measurements on the determination of GPS baseline length and height.” IGNSS Symposium 2009, Queensland, Australia, December 1-3, 20
  • 葉大綱、鍾鎮宇、陳春盛、劉說安,“GPS接收儀時錶誤差與定位精度影響”, 2009中華民國航空太空學會/中華民用航空學會聯合學術研討會(2009 AASRC/CSCA Joint Conference),台北,December 12,2009。
  • 劉說安、王傳盛、葉大綱,“對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究”, 2009中華民國航空太空學會/中華民用航空學會聯合學術研討會(2009 AASRC/CSCA Joint Conference),台北,December 12,2009。Liou, Y.-A., Yu-Sheng Hu, Chuan-Sheng Wang, Ta-Kang Yeh, and Kefei Zhang, “A study on the relationship between the error of tropospheric delay and GPS post-kinematic positioning,” 2009 AASRC/CSCA Joint Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, December 12, 2008.
  • Chen, Kun-Hsin, Y.A. Liou, and Shiang-Kun Yan, “A study of gravity wave activities in the polar regions using FORMOSAT3/COSMIC radio occultation data.” AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18, 2009.
2008 (17 papers)
  • Yeh, T.K., S.-Y., Chien, Y.-A. Liou, and C.S. Wang, “The verification of precipitable water vapor measurement by GPS and WVR,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Wang, C.-S., Y.-A. Liou, and T.K. Yeh, “The effect of surface meteorological measurements on high-precision GPS positing determination,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Chang, T.-Y., Y.-A. Liou, and H.-J. Ho, “A study on the estimation of evapotranspiration over paddy fields with MODIS images,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, and A.A. Pavelyev, “Effects of radio wave propagation as revealed from GPS radio occultation experiments,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou, J. Wickert, V.N. Gubenko, and A.A. Pavelyev, “New applications and advances of the GPS radio occultation technology as recovered by analysis of the FORMOSAT-3 and CHAMP data-base,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Kar, S. K., and Y.-A. Liou, “Geographical and seasonal characteristics of the relationship between CG-flash density and precipitation over Taiwan,” The Asian Space Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2008.
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.-Y. Chang, H.-J. Ho, “Estimation of evapotranspiration by using MODIS imagery over Chiayi Plain in Taiwan,”Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop, Guilin, China, September 15- 19, 2008.
  • Fong, C.-J., N. Yen, V. Chu, C.-C. Hsiao, S.S. Chen, J.J. Miau, Y.-A. Liou, and S. Chi, “Space-based global weather monitoring system – FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation and its follow-on mission,” SPACE 2008 Conference & Exposition, San Diego, Calfornia, September 9-11, 2008. (Convener)
  • Rao, D.N, Y.-A. Liou, C-T Cheng, W-H Yeh, H Bencherif, M.V. Ratnam, “Identification of stratopause using bending angle profile from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation data : a radio stratopause,” The XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI), Chicago, Illinois, USA on August 07-16, 2008.
  • Pavelyev A.G., J. Wickert, V.N. Gubenko, and Y.A. Liou, , “Layered Structures and Internal Waves in the Ionosphere and Atmosphere as Seen from GPS Occultation Data,” 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada , July 13-20, 2008.
  • Pavelyev A.G., J. Wickert, Vitali Andreev, and Y.A. Liou, “Derivation of the intrinsic frequency and other internal gravity wave parameters from a single vertical temperature profile: applications to the radio occultation temperature data obtained from GPS/FORMOSAT-3 and CHAMP missions,” 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 13-20, 2008.
  • Fong, C-J, N Yen, V Chu, Y.-A. Liou, and S Chi, “Prospected radio occultation mission for global weather monitoring and predition,” IGARSS, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., July 6-11, 2008. (EI)
  • Chang, T.Y., Y.-A. Liou, Y.Y. Chen, and H.J. Ho, “Estimation of the regional evapotranspiration over rice paddy using multi-spectral remote sensing data,” IGARSS, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., July 6-11, 2008. (EI)
  • Kar, S. K., Y.-A. Liou, and F.S.Lin, “Study of Aerosol and Thermal effects on the enhancement of CG-lightning over urban areas of Taiwan,” The 5th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008. (Convener)
  • Yen, N., C.-J. Fong, V. Chu, C.-C. Hsiao, J.-J. Miau, Y.-A. Liou, and C.Y. Huang, “The impacts of the first GPS radio occultation constellation mission and the prospective FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC follow-on mission,” The 5th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008. (Convener)
  • Chiu, T.-C., Y.-A. Liou, W.-H. Yeh, S.-K. Yan, “Gravity wave activity using FORMOSAT-3 GPS radio occultation observations,” The 5th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, 2008.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and T.Y. Chang, “Using AMSR-E satellite data to retrieve soil moisture on the Mongolia Plateau,” PIERS, Hangzhou, China, March 24–28, 2008.
2007 (34 papers)
  • Lin, C., F. Chen, J. Huang, Y.A. Liou, W. Chen, and W. Chen, “Urban heat island effect and its impact on boundary layer development and land-sea circulation over Northern Taiwan.” AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, December 10-14, 2007
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou , “ Tropospheric path delay corrections for vertical positioning precision by using GPS. ” AGU , San Francisco , California , USA , December 10-14, 2007 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. and NSPO , “A study on the different methods of tropospheric path delay corrections for high precision GPS Positioning.” 2007 Symposium on Advanced Mechanics in Problems of Geology, Geomonitoring and Wind Engineering , Jung-Li, Taiwan, 6-7, Dec., 2007.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and T.Y. Chang, “A comparison on the soil moisture retrieval algorithms by using microwave remote sensing data,” 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 12-16, 2007.
  • Yeh, T.K., Y.-S. Hu, M.-H. Chang, Z.-Y. Lee, and Y.A. Liou, “Datum problem of network-based RTK-GPS positioning in Taiwan.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 31-November 2, 2007.
  • Yang, D., Y.A. Liou, and P.L. Tseng, “Near-Real-Time Estimation of Precipitable Water from Short Baseline GPS Observations.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 31-November 2, 2007.
  • Wang, C.S., and Y.A. Liou , “A study on the different methods of tropospheric path delay corrections for high precision GPS Positioning.” 2007 Symposium on Advanced Mechanics in Problems of Geology, Geomonitoring and Wind Engineering , Jung-Li, Taiwan, 6-7, Dec., 2007.
  • Chang, T.Y., and Y.A. Liou, “Using remote sensing data to estimate the surface heat fluxes over Taiwan’s Chaiyi Plain.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 31-November 2, 2007.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and S.K. Yan, “Gravity wave activities in the polar region using FORMOSAT-3 GPS RO observations.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 31-November 2, 2007. (Steering Committee; Chairperson)
  • Liou, Y.-A., S.K. Yan, N. Yen, C.J. Fong, V. Chu, B.F. Chao, and A.M. Wu, “Contributions of Taiwan satellite missions to the global community,” The Fourth Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hakone, Japan, October 29-30, 2007.
  • Pavelyev A.G., Y.A. Liou, J. Wickert, A.A. Pavelyev, and V.N. Gubenko, “New applications and advances of the GPS Radio Occultation Technology as recovered by analysis of the CHAMP and FORMOSAT-3 data base,” OPAC-3 Workshop, Graz, Austria, September 17-21, 2007. (Invited)
  • Fong, C.J., C.Y. Huang, Chu, C.H., A. Hsiao, E. Yang, S.S. Chen, D. Hawes, Y.H. Kuo, Y.A. Liou , and S. Chi, “Mission Results from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Constellation System,” AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference & Exposition , Long Beach, CA, September, 2007 .
  • 王傳盛 、 劉說安 、陳杰宗、廖純傑 ,“ 大氣延遲量水平梯度影響 GPS 定位精度之研究 ”, 第二十 六 屆測量學術及應用研討會 ,宜蘭, September 6-7 , 2007 。
  • Chu, C.H., S.K. Yang, C.J. Fong, N. Yen, T.Y. Liu, W.J. Chen, D. Hawes, Y.A. Liou , and B. Kuo, “The Most Accurate and Stable Space-Borne Thermometers – FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Constellation,” The 21st Annual Conference on Small Satellites, SSC07-VII-1, Logan, Utah, USA, August 13-16, 2007 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. , and C.-S. Wang, C.-S. , “ Study of neutral atmospheric effect on high precision GPS positioning, ” The 4th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, July 30-August 4, 2007. ( Invited talk , Chairperson, Convener)
  • Wang, C.S., Y.-A. Liou , and T.K. Yeh, “The impact of surface meteorological measurements on GPS height determination , ” IGARSS , Barcelona , Spain , July 23-27, 2007 . (EI)
  • Chang, T.Y., and Y.-A. Liou , “Using microwave satellite data to study the spatial soil moisture changes on the Tibetan Plateau , ” IGARSS , Barcelona , Spain , July 23-27, 2007 . (EI)
  • Liou, Y.-A. , J. Lin, A.M. Wu, and G.S. Chang, “Study of Arctic and Antarctic ice dynamics and wind field by using Formosat-2 satellite data , ” IGARSS , Barcelona, Spain, July 23-27, 2007 . (EI)
  • Yeh, T.K., M.-H., Chang, C.W. Hwang, and Y.A. Liou , and B. Chao , “Ocean tide loading effects on GPS positioning around Taiwan,” International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly , July 2-13, 2007: XXIVth IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy.
  • Yen, N., Fong, C.J., C.-Y. Huang, J.S. Chern, Y.A. Liou , and B. Chao, “Overview of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC space mission,” The 1st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination), Jeju , Korea , May 28-30, 2007 .
  • Chern, J.S., C.-Y. Huang,, Y.A. Liou , N. Yen, Fong, C.J., and B. Chao, “ FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC measurement of neutral atmosphere: Results, data quality statistics, and status,” The 1 st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination), Jeju, Korea, May 28-30, 2007 .
  • Fong, C.J., V. Chu , E. Yang, N. Yen, C.-Y. Huang, J.S. Chern, S.S. Chen, Y.A. Liou , and B. Chao, “ FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC constellation spacecraft system performance: After one-year in orbit,” The 1 st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination), Jeju, Korea, May 28-30, 2007 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. , and Formosat-3 RO Group, “ Advancement of ground and space borne GPS observation processing techniques for meteorology in Taiwan,” The 1 st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination), Jeju, Korea, May 28-30, 2007 . ( invited )
  • Yeh W.-H., T.-C. Chiu, Y.-A. Liou , , C.-Y. Huang, “ Open Loop Effect in Radio Occultation Data ”, UNIVERSAT-2007, Near-Earth Environment Exploration for Outreach, Jhong-Li , Taiwan , May 23-25, 2007 .
  • Huang, C.Y., Y.-A. Liou , N. Yen, and C.J. Fong, “ FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC measurement of neutral atmosphere,” Taiwan Geosciences Assembly , Acer Aspire Park , Longtan, Taoyuan , Taiwan , May 15-18, 2007 .
  • Yeh, W.H., T.C. Chiu, Y.-A. Liou , and C.Y. Huang, “The method for open-loop recovery,” Taiwan Geosciences Assembly , Acer Aspire Park , Longtan, Taoyuan , Taiwan , May 15-18, 2007 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. , S. K. Kar, and F. S. Lin, “ Estimation of convective precipitation from cloud-to-ground lightning data over Taiwan ,” European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 , Vienna , Austria , April 15-26, 2007 . ( invited )
  • Liou, Y.-A. and T.Y. Chang, “A comparison on the soil moisture retrieval algorithms by using microwave radiometry,” PIERS , Beijing , China , March 26-30, 2007 .
  • Yan, S.-K., and Y.-A. Liou , “ Retrieval of atmospheric temperature profiles using Tikhonov and Twomey regularization method ,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop , March 19-23, 2007 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. , J. Lin, A.-M. Wu, Y. Liu, and L. Wu , “ Use of Formosat-2 satellite observations for Arctic sea and South Pole ice dynamics and wind field ,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop , March 19-23, 2007 .
  • Yeh, W.-H., T.-C. Chiu, Y.-A. Liou , and C.Y. Huang, “ A Study on the Open Loop Effect in Radio Occultation Data ,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop , March 19-23, 2007 .
  • Wang, C.-S., Y.-A. Liou , S.K. Yan, and Y.W. Huang, “ Tropospheric path delay and high precision GPS positioning ,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop , March 19-23, 2007 .
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.-A. Liou , “ Comparative Studies in the Soil Moisture Algorithms by Using Microwave Satellite Data on the Tibetan Plateau ,” Cross-Strait Remote Sensing Workshop , March 19-23, 2007
  • Chao, B, Y.-A. Liou , C.K. Shum, “Contributions of the FormaSat-3/COSMIC GPS-Occultation Space Mission to IPY,” International Symposium Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008 , March 1, 2007 . ( invited )
2006 (20 papers)
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.A. Liou , “Using satellite microwave data to retrieve soil moisture on the Tibetan Plateau . ” AGU , San Francisco , California , USA , December 11-15, 2006 .
  • Wang, C.-S., Y.A. Liou , and Y.W. Huang, “ On the methods of tropospheric path delay corrections for high precision GPS Positioning. ” AGU , San Francisco , California , USA , December 11-15, 2006 .
  • Liou, Y.-A. , T.Y. Chang, and J. Lin, “ Heat island effects on the regional hydrosphere balance, ” 2006 Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Application of Remote Sensing for Disaster Monitoring and Mitigation, December 4, 2006.
  • Yeh, W.-H., T.-C. Chiu, Y.A. Liou , and C.Y. Huang, “ The influence of open loop on radio occultation data, ” FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006 – Early Results and IOP Campaign s, Taipei , Taiwan , November 28 – December 1, 2006 .
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.A. Liou , J. Wickert , “Radio-Holographic methods for investigations of the atmosphere and ionosphere by use of FORMOSAT-3 and CHAMP radio occultation data.” FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006 – Early Results and IOP Campaign s, Taipei , Taiwan , November 28 – December 1, 2006 . ( invited )
  • Wang, C.-S., Y.A. Liou , “A preliminary study on the feedback of water vapor radiometer measurements on GPS positioning , ” The Seventh Cross-Strait Space Sciences Workshop (CSSSW7) , Chung-Li, Taiwan, Nov. 24-30, 2006 .
  • Yeh, W.-H., T.-C. Chiu, Y.A. Liou , and C.Y. Huang, “ Development of retrieval algorithms for atmospheric parameters from radio occultation data , ” The Seventh Cross-Strait Space Sciences Workshop (CSSSW7) , Chung-Li , Taiwan , Nov. 24-30, 2006 .
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.A. Liou , “ A comparison on the soil moisture retrieval algorithms by using passive microwave radiometry ,” The Seventh Cross-Strait Space Sciences Workshop (CSSSW7) , Chung-Li , Taiwan , Nov. 24-30, 2006 .
  • Yeh, T. K., M. H. Chang, Y. A. Liou , C. S. Chen, 2006, “Enhancing the precision of GPS static relative positioning using the ocean tide loading correction.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2006 , Busan , Korea , November 2-4, 2006 . ( Steering Committee )
  • Huang, Y.W., C.S. Wang, Y.A. Liou , and T.K. Yeh, “On the investigation of relationship between surface meteorological measurements and GPS height determination. ” International Symposium on Remote Sensing , Busan , Korea , November 2-4, 2006 . ( Steering Committee )
  • Chern, J.S., Y.A. Liou , and L. Wu, “FORMOSAT-2's effectiveness to Taiwan 's public education. ” International Symposium on Remote Sensing , Busan , Korea , November 2-4, 2006 . ( Steering Committee )
  • Chang, Z.Y., T.C. Chien, and Y.A. Liou , “Application of remote sensing imagery on the estimate of evapotransporation over paddy field. ” International Symposium on Remote Sensing , Busan , Korea , November 2-4, 2006 . ( Steering Committee )
  • Liou, Y.-A. , and S.-K. Yan, “ A Study of Low-level Boundary-layer Temperature Inversion Events in Taiwan .” International Symposium on Remote Sensing , Busan , Korea , November 2-4, 2006 . ( Steering Committee )
  • Liou, Y.-A. , “The use of ground-based GPS network for measuring atmospheric moisture field.” International Workshop for the East Asian Monsoon Experiment , Chung-Li , Taiwan , September 29-30, 2006 . ( invited )
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.A. Liou , J. Wickert, A. A. Pavelyev , T. Schmidt, V. N. Gubenko, “Application of GPS radio occultation method for observation of the internal waves in the atmosphere with global coverage.” SPIE Europe Remote Sensing , Stockholm , Sweden , 11 – 14 April 2006 [6362-56] .
  • 王傳盛 、 劉說安 、顏翔崑、黃鈺雯 ,“ 水氣微波輻射儀應用於 GPS 定位之初期研究 ”, 第二十五屆測量學術及應用研討會 ,中壢, September 7-8 , 2006 。
  • Liou, Y.-A. , and S.-K. Yan, “ Two-year microwave radiometric observations of boundary-layer temperature inversion signatures ”, IGARSS06 , Denver, CO, USA , July 31 to August 4, 2006 .
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.A. Liou , J. Wickert, A. A. Pavelyev , T. Schmidt, V. N. Gubenko, “Application of GPS radio occultation method for observation of the internal waves in the atmosphere with global coverage.” European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006 , Vienna , Austria , 02 – 07 April 2006 .
  • Liou, Y.-A ., and C.S. Wang , “ A study on precision GPS height determination and its potential improvement with microwave radiometry . ” European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006 , Vienna , Austria , 02 – 07 April 2006 .
  • Wu, B. H., C.J. Fong, C.Y. Huang, Y.A. Liou , N. Yen, and P. Chen, “FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission to global earth weather monitoring, operation, and TACC/CDAAC post-processing,” 86th AMS Annual Meeting,- 14th conf. satellite meteorology and oceanography, Jan. 2006.
2005 (18 papers)
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou, “A study on the relationship between the surface meteorological measurements and the precision GPS height determination”, AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, December 8-12, 2005. (Convener; Chairperson)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., A.A. Pavelyev, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, Y.-A. Liou, and, K. Igarashi “GPS amplitude radio holography: Application to remote sensing of the atmospheric and Ionospheric processes”, 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 7-11, 2005.
  • 王傳盛 、 劉說安 ,“ GPS 高程定位與地面氣象觀測資料關係之研究 ”, 地球物理學會年會暨蔡義本教授榮退專題研討會 ,台北, October 27-28 , 2005 。
  • Fu, C.-L., B.-H. Wu, Y.A. Liou, W.-J. Chen, and H.-P. Pan, “Quantitative analysis of the errors induced by orbit uncertainty for FORMOSAT3.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Yeh, T.-K., C.-S. Chen, C.-G. Wang, Y.A. Liou, and C.-S. Wang, “Study on the Certificating Method of GPS Data Quality.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y.Y. Chen, T.-C. Chien, and T.-Y. Chang, “A New Method to Retrieve Sensible Heat and Latent Heat Fluxes from the Remote Sensing Data.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.A. Liou,“Using TRMM Satellite C Band Data to Retrieve Soil Moisture on the Tibetan Plateau.”International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou, “The effect of surface meteorological measurements on precision GPS height determination.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Huang, C.-Y., and Y.A. Liou,“Ionospheric Correction for retrieving atmospheric variables from GPS occultation data.”International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and S.-K. Yan, “Characteristics of low level temperature inversion in Taiwan.” International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2005, Jeju Island, Korea, October 12-14, 2005. (Organizing Committee; Chairperson)
  • 劉說安、曾珮莉、王傳盛,“近即時GPS觀測大氣可降水含量技術之開發”,第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會,台北,September 8-9,2005。
  • 王傳盛、劉說安、王成機、葉大綱,“地表氣象觀測與GPS高程定位精度關係之研究”,第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會,台北,September 8-9,2005。
  • Fu, C.-L., B.-H. Wu, and Y.A. Liou, “Investigation of POD instrumentation factors for FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission.” FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, May 30-June 3, 2005.
  • Huang, C.-Y., and Y.A. Liou, “GPS radio occultation data retrieval.” FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, May 30-June 3, 2005. (Invited, Chairman)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., Y.-A. Liou , J. Wickert , and V.N. Gubenko , “ Solar activity influence as seen in the GPS radio occultation data. ” European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005 , Vienna , Austria , April 24-29, 2005 .
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou, T. Schmidt, and A.A. Pavelyev: “Characteristics of the internal gravity waves in the middle atmosphere obtained from analysis of the GPS occultation data”, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, April 24-29, 2005.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou, A.A. Pavelyev, T. Schmidt, and S.S. Matyugov: Results of radio holographic analysis of GPS occultation signals registered during CHAMP and GPS/MET small satellites missions. 5th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany, April 4 - 8, 2005.
  • 劉說安、黃成勇、張良君、侯淑慧,“掩星資料反演大氣參數與其誤差影響之研究”,FORMOSAT-3 TACC Semi-Annual Workshop (IV),台北,2005/2/22。
2004 (12 papers)
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou, “Seasonal variation of GPS height determination in Taiwan”, AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, December 13-17, 2004.
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.A. Liou, “The use of land-air energy fluxes as an indicator of heat island effect”, 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-26, 2004.
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou, “A study on the relationship between seasonal variation and positioning accuracy by GPS”, 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 22-26, 2004.
  • 張子瑩、劉說安,“利用地表熱通量分析不同地物之熱島效應強度”,The 7th Regional Climate Simulation Workshop,中壢,2004年10月5-6日。
  • Wang, C.-S., and Y.A. Liou, “The influence of atmospheric factor on high-precision GPS positioning determination”, IGARSS2004, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 20-24, 2004.
  • Liou, Y.-A., C.H. Cheng, and C.-S. Wang, “Estimate of evapotranspiration over rice paddy by airborne remote sensing”, IGARSS2004, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, September 20-24, 2004.
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou, Ch. Jacobi, V.N. Gubenko, and A.A. Pavelyev: Analysis of atmospheric and ionospheric structures using the CHAMP radio occultation database: A review. OPAC-2 Workshop, Graz, Austria, September 13-17, 2004. (Invited)
  • 王傳盛、劉說安、王成機、李瓊武、葉大綱,“季節性氣候變化影響GPS衛星定位精度之研究”,第二十三屆測量學術及應用研討會,台中,September 9-10,2004。
  • Huang, C.-Y., and Y.A. Liou, 2004: A simulation study of the diffraction effect on the GPS radio occultation retrievals. Radio Occultation Science Workshop (II), Acer Aspire Park, Taiwan, May 19-20, 2004.
  • 劉說安、陳奕穎、張子瑩,“空載多波段資料推估地表蒸發散量之研究”,第八屆全國大氣科學學術研討會,龍潭渴望村(Acer Aspire Learning Center),2004年5月17-19日。(Chairperson)
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、楊之遠,“台灣地區逆溫現象型態之研究”,第八屆全國大氣科學學術研討會,龍潭渴望村(Acer Aspire Learning Center),2004年5月17-19日。(Chairperson)
  • Liou, Y.-A., C.-C. Chiang, and C.-Y. Huang, 2004: A simulation study to retrieve 3-D atmospheric wet refractivity structure from GPS signals. 84th AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, January 11-15.
2003 (23 papers)
  • Wang, C.-S. and Y-A Liou, “The Influence of Atmospheric Water Vapor on High-precision GPS Positing Determination”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 8-12, 2003.
  • Liou, Y.-A., C. S. Wang, and C.-H. Cheng, “Diurnal signatures of atmospheric water vapor observed by GPS receivers on Taiwan”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 8-12, 2003.
  • Chen, Y.-Y., and Y.-A. Liou, “Airborne Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration over Rice Paddy”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • Chang, T.-Y., and Y.-A. Liou, “The use of remotely sensed data to estimate the heat island effect in the central part of Taiwan”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • Cheng, C.-H., and Y.-A. Liou, “Diurnal variation of atmospheric water vapor based on GPS observations over Taiwan”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • Chiang, C.-C., and Y.-A. Liou, “A simulation study on the use of GPS signals to infer 3-D atmospheric wet refractivity structure”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • Liou, Y.-A. and C. S. Wang, “A Permanent GPS Ground Network for Atmospheric Research on Taiwan”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • Wang, C.-S. and Y-A Liou, “The Effect of Surface Meteorological Measurements on High-precision GPS Positing Determination”, 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Busan, Korea, Nov. 3-7, 2003.
  • 陳奕穎、劉說安,“利用空載多波段資料推求水稻田蒸發散量之研究”,中央氣象局九十二年天氣分析與預報研討會,台北,September 15-17,2003。(Chairperson)
  • 張子瑩、劉說安,“利用衛星資料估算地表熱通量及中部地區熱島效應強度之研究”,中央氣象局九十二年天氣分析與預報研討會,台北,September 15-17,2003。(Chairperson)
  • 王傳盛、劉說安,“GPS網形求解大氣遲延及可降水量之研究”,中央氣象局九十二年天氣分析與預報研討會,台北,September 15-17,2003。(Chairperson)
  • 王傳盛、劉說安、李瓊武,“利用地表氣象資料回饋GPS定位精度之研究”,第二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會,龍潭,September 15-16,2003。
  • Liou, Y.-A., and C.Y. Huang, “Simulation of the atmospheric diffraction effect on radio occultation data”,Taiwan ROCSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop,台北,2003/9/4。
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, C. Reigber, T. Schmidt, Y.-A. Liou, C.Y. Huang, S.S. Matyugov, D.A. Pavelyev: Amplitude variations of CHAMP radio occultation data as an indicator of the ionospheric activity. 2nd CHAMP science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Postsdam, Germany, September 1-4, 2003.
  • Huang, C. Y., J. Wickert, A.G. Pavelyev, Y.-A. Liou, S.S. Matugov: Validation of the radio physical model of the ionospheric influence on the radio occultation signal using CHAMP data. 2nd CHAMP science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Postsdam, Germany, September 1-4, 2003.
  • Pavelyev, A.G. and Y.-A. Liou,: Diffractive vector and scalar integrals for bistatic radio-holographic remote sensing. 2nd CHAMP science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Postsdam, Germany, September 1-4, 2003.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Pavelyev, A.G., C. Reigber, J. Wickert, T. Schmidt, G. Beyerle, C.Y. Huang, K. Igarashi, and K. Hocke: Portraits of gravity waves recovered from CHAMP radio occultation data. 2nd CHAMP science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum Postsdam, Germany, September 1-4, 2003.
  • Liou, Y.-A., T-K Chiu, C-M Hu, C-C Chiang, C-Y Huang, H-F Ai, “A study on the role of GPS-observed precipitable water in improving satellite’s quantitative precipitation estimation during the passages of typhoons”, IGARSS2003, Toulouse, France, July 21-25, 2003. (invited)
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,“CHAMP掩星觀測資料之分析”,ROCSAT-3 TACC Semi-annual Workshop,台北,2003/7/21。
  • Liou, Y.-A., Pavelyev A.G., J. Wickert, K. Igarashi, K. Hocke, “The possibility to estimate the vertical profiles of the horizontal wind speed perturbations in the tropopause and stratosphere by the GPS/MET and CHAMP occultation data”, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, June 30-July 11, 2003. (chairperson)
  • Liou, Y.-A., T.K. Chiu, C.M. Hu, L.S. Chiu, C.Y. Huang, H.K. Liang, D.B. Shin, and S.F. Ai, 2003: The potential of combining TRMM, GMS-5, radar, and GPS measurements to improve quantitative precipitation estimation: A case study during the passage of Typhoon Nari (0116). 3rd GPM Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, June 24 - 26.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Yu-Jen Lin, Chen-Ching Chiang, and Cheng-Yung Huang, 2003: Retrieval of 3D wet refractivity structures of the troposphere from GPS measurements. 22nd AMS Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA, January 19-23.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Yu-Jen Lin, Chen-Ching Chiang, and Cheng-Yung Huang, “3D wet refractivity structures of the troposphere derived from GPS observations,” International Workshop on GPS Meteorology - GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Space-Borne Applications, Tsukuba, Japan, January 14-16, 2003. (invited)
2002 (12 papers)
  • 劉正彥、林建宏、蔡和芳、劉說安,“利用GPS監測電離層太陽閃燄效應”,第五屆GPS衛星科技研討會,276-282,台北,2002年12月2-3日。J.Y. Liu, C.H. Lin, H.-F. Tsai, Y.-A. Liou, Ionospheric solar flare effects monitored by the ground-based GPS receivers, 276-282, The 5th Symposium on GPS Technology, 186-190, Dec. 2-3, 2002.(chairperson)
  • 劉說安、丘台光、胡婕美、艾雪芳、黃成勇,“GPS可降水量觀測改進颱風期間定量降水預報之研究”,第五屆GPS衛星科技研討會,台北,2002年12月2-3日。
  • Liou, Y.-A., Yu-Jen Lin, Chen-Ching Chiang, and Cheng-Yung Huang, “Reconstructing 3D wet refractivity structures of the lower troposphere from GPS measurements”, The 23rd Asia Conference on Remote Sensing, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 25-29, 2002.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Shou-Fang Liu, Wen-June Wang, and Jean-Pierre Wigneron, “A case study on radiometric sensing of vegetation water content and soil moisture”, Recent Advances in Qualitative Remote Sensing, Valencia, Spain, 16- 20 September 2002.
  • 林祐任、江振慶、黃成勇、劉說安,“GPS斷層掃描估算大氣濕折射度模式”,第二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會,新竹,September 5-6,2002。
  • C.Y. Huang, Pavelyev A.G., J. C. Chang, and Y.A. Liou, “A case study on radiometric sensing of vegetation water content and soil moisture”, The US-Taiwan COSMIC Science Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, August 21-23, 2002.
  • 黃成勇、Pavelyev A.G.、劉說安,“Abel反演法與全像術反演法之比較”,地球系統科學研討會,中壢,2002/6/3-4。
  • Liou, Y.-A., Pay-Liam Lin, and Ben Jong-Dao Jou, “A potential Taiwan’s role to the GPM mission”, The 2nd GPM International Planning Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, May 21-23, 2002.
  • Liu, Shou-Fang, Y.-A. Liou, Wen-June Wang, and Jean-Pierre Wigneron, “A case study on radiometric sensing of vegetation water content and soil moisture”, 27th EGS, Nice, France, 21 - 26 April 2002.
  • Liou, Y.-A., C.-M. Wang, Hsin-Chih Lai, Pay-Liam Lin, and Ben Jong-Dao Jou, “Boundary layer activities observed by a multi-channel radiometer during GIMEX”, Workshop on GIMEX Preliminary Scientific Results, Taitung, Taiwan, Feb. 25-27, 2002.
  • 劉說安、鍾譯靚、李天浩,“利用高解析度衛星遙測多光譜資料估算蒸發散量之研究”,海峽兩岸遙測技術及農業生物技術研討會,中壢,2002/2/22-25。Liou, Yuei-An, Yi-Ching Chuang, Tim Lee, “Estimate of evapotranspiration over rice fields using high resolution DMSV imagery data”, pp 42-50, Proc. 2002 Cross-Strait Symp. on the Remote Sensing and Agricultural Biotechnology, Chungli, Taiwan, Feb 22-25, 2002.
  • Kar, S.K., A.B.Bhattacharya and Y.-A. Liou : Cloud-to Ground lightning discharges and thunderstorm activity over India and Taiwan . 12 th National Space Science Symposium (NSSS-2002), February, 2002.
2001 (13 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Ben Jong-Dao Jou, Chi-Ming Wang, and Pao-Liang Chang, "A comparison on cloud liquid water measurements from ground-based radar and multi-channel radiometer during GIMEX", Specialist Meeting on Microwave Remote Sensing, Boulder, Colorado, USA, Nov 6-8, 2001.
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,"利用探空氣球觀測資料改進掩星觀測大氣溫度剖面",第七屆全國大氣科學學術研討會,台北,2001年9月25-27日。
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,"利用探空氣球觀測資料改進掩星觀測大氣溫度剖面",第七屆全國大氣科學學術研討會,台北,2001年9月25-27日。
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Ben Jong-Dao Jou, Chi-Ming Wang, and Pao-Liang Chang, "A preliminary comparison on cloud liquid water observations from passive and active microwave sensors during GIMEX", International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, September 26-28, 2001.
  • 劉說安、鍾譯靚、李天浩、梁隆鑫、楊純明、申庸,“利用遙測估算水稻田蒸發散量之研究”,「水稻精準農業(耕)體系之研究」計畫研討會,台中,2001/8/30。
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and C.-Y. Huang, "Atmospheric refractivity and temperature profiles derived from GPS limb-sounding: Development of retrieval algorithms for the COSMIC mission", Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'01), Tokyo, Japan, Aug 1-4, 2001.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Cheng-Yung Huang, and Chun-Chieh Wu, "Taiwanese GPS network for atmospheric research: A comparison in PW derived from GPS and MM5", Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'01), Tokyo, Japan, Aug 1-4, 2001.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Cheng-Yung Huang, and Chun-Chieh Wu, "Taiwanese GPS network for atmospheric research: A comparison in PW derived from GPS and MM5", Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC'01), Tokyo, Japan, Aug 1-4, 2001.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Shou-Fang Liu, Jann-Bin Lee, Wen-June Wang, and Jean-Pierre Wigneron, "Retrievals of land surface parameters from measured brightness temperatures at 1.4 and 10.65 GHz by a neural network", IGARSS2001, Sydney, Australia, 9-13 July 2001.(invited)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and Cheng-Yung Huang, "Atmospheric refractivity and temperature derived from GPS Occultation: A 3D vector analysis based algorithm for the COSMIC mission", Beacon Satellite Symposium 2001 (BSS'01), Boston, USA, June 3-6, 2001. (invited)
  • 鍾譯靚、劉說安、李天浩,"利用遙測估算作物蒸發散量之研究", 水利工程研討會,台南。
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and C.-Y. Huang, 2001: Atmospheric profiles derived from GPS occultation. 21st AMS Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 14-19. (USD170)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Chun-Chieh Wu, Cheng-Yung Huang, and Kun-Hsuan Chou, 2001: 200 GPS sites on Taiwan for atmospheric research and education. 21st AMS Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, January 14-19. (USD170)
2000 (18 papers)
  • Liu, Shou-Fang, Yuei-An Liou, and Wen-June Wang, "Retrieving soil moisture content profille by integrated SMOS and AMSR radiometry based on field experiments", AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000. (USD30)
  • Yuei-An Liou, Liu, Shou-Fang, and Wen-June Wang, "Retrieving soil moisture content by integrated SMOS and AMSR radiometry", AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000. (USD50)
  • Huang, Chen-Yung, and Yuei-An Liou, "Active sounding of atmospheric profiles from GPS occultation", 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Taipei, December 4-8, 2000.
  • Liu, Shou-Fang, Yuei-An Liou, and Wen-June Wang, "On the Retrievals of Surface Soil Moisture from Simulated SMOS and AMSR Brightness Temperatures", 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Taipei, December 4-8, 2000.
  • 黃成勇、劉說安,"由COSMIC掩星觀測大氣參數剖面",第四屆GPS衛星科技研討會,台南,October 5-6,2000。(Chairperson)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and C.-Y. Huang, 2000: Active limb sounding of atmospheric profiles by GPS occultation. COSPAR Colloquium, Pacific Green Bay, Wanli, Taipei, Taiwan, September 27-29. (invited)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Chun-Chieh Wu, Cheng-Yung Huang, and Kun-Hsuan Chou, 2000: GPS-observed PW dynamics associated with severe weather systems during 1998. 第五屆中外空間科學討論會,烏魯木其,新疆,September 9-11. (Chairperson)
  • Chen, K. S., Y. C. Tzeng, J. C. Shi, Yuei-An Liou, and Wei-Yi Liu, "A Kalman filter algorithm for retrieval of soil moisture using multi-temporal radar or radiometric measurements", IGARSS2000, Hawaii, U.S.A., July 24-28, 2000.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Cheng-Yung Huang, and Chun-Chieh Wu, "GPS observations of precipitable water dynamics associated with Typhoon Zeb (1998)", IGARSS2000, Hawaii, U.S.A., July 24-28, 2000. (invited)
  • 劉說安、黃成勇、王啟明,"GPS與WVR觀測可降水含量之比較",中央氣象局八十九年天氣分析與預報研討會,台北,July 10-12,2000。
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,"GPS/MET掩星觀測大氣剖面之研究",中央氣象局八十九年天氣分析與預報研討會,台北,July 10-12,2000。
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Cheng-Yung Huang, "Precipitable water dynamics of server weather systems observed by GPS in Taiwan", PIERS2000, Boston, MA, U.S.A., July 5-14, 2000. (Chairperson)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Kun-Shan, Chen, and Yu-Chung Tzeng, "A further study on the L-band radiometric sensing of land surface parameters by a neural network approach", PIERS2000, Boston, MA, U.S.A., July 5-14, 2000.
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,"應用地面微波幅射觀測增進地殼變形監測之探討",地震活動及地殼變形研討會,中壢,May 5,2000。
  • 劉說安、黃成勇,"一個GPS掩星觀測大氣參數剖面的模式",89年COSMIC學術研討會,中壢,April 20,2000。
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Yu-Chung Tzeng, and Jean-Pierre Wigneron, "Probing Soil Moisture Profiles by L-band 2-D Radiometry over a Wheat Field", Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000 Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2-7, 2000.
  • Hai-Po Chan, Jih-Hao Hung, and Yuei-An Liou, "GPS survey on crustal deformation including Juili earthquake in 1998" (利用GPS資料估算嘉南地區1998瑞里地震之震前、同震及震後變形),中國地質學會八十九年度年會暨學術研討會,March 30-31,2000.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, "Ground-Based Radiometric Sensing of Tropospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles," 大氣輻射與遙測應用近期發展研討會(Workshop for the Recent Progress in Atmospheric Radiation and Applications of Remote Sensing Research), Taipei, Taiwan, January 6-7, 2000. (invited)
1999 (11 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Cheng-Yuang Huang, “The use of GPS in monitoring 1998 Typhoon Zeb,” 2nd (1999) Radio Science Symposium, Chung-Li, Taiwan, December 20-21, 1999.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Cheng-Yuang Huang, “Radiometric sensor measurements of atmospheric influence on space-to-earth Ka-band propagation in Taiwan,” 2nd (1999) Radio Science Symposium, Chung-Li, Taiwan, December 20-21, 1999.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and C-L. Chang, “Ground-based radiometric sensing of water vapor and temperature profiles,” 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hong Kong, November 22-25, 1999.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Yu-Tun Teng, and Cheng-Yuang Huang, “GPS Observation of PW Depletion after Typhoon,” 20th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hong Kong, November 22-25, 1999.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Yu-Tun Teng, “Precipitable water dynamics of 1998 typhoon Zeb observed by GPS in Taiwan,” International Symposium on GPS Application to Earth Sciences and Interaction with Other Space Geodetic Techniques, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, October 18-22, 1999. (invited)
  • 劉說安、張銓倫,“應用WVR於可降水量之估算”, 第六屆全國大氣科學學術研討會暨中華衛星三號(COSMIC)研討會,台北, 04/29-05/01,1999。
  • 劉說安、鄧諭敦,“Ground-based GPS Sensing of Precipitable Water”, 第六屆全國大氣科學學術研討會暨中華衛星三號(COSMIC)研討會,台北, 04/29-05/01,1999。
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Ming Yang, “Ground-Based GPS Sensing of Precipitable Water Vapor,” PIERS, Taipei, March 22-26, 1999.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, “Ground-Based Radiometric Sensing of Atmospheric Variables,” PIERS, Taipei, March 22-26, 1999.
  • 劉說安,“地面微波輻射及GPS估算總可降水量之研究”, 海峽兩岸災變天氣學術研討會,台北,March 910,1999。
  • Wang, Jiemin, Joon Kim, and Yuei-An Liou, “Energy balance analysis and one-dimensional simulation of land surface processes in a short grass site of Central Tibetan Plateau,” The First International Workshop on GAME-Tibet, Xi'an, China, January 11-13, 1999.
1998 (10 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, “Observed spatial variation in precipitable water vapor by a ground-based, dual-channel radiometer,” 19th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Manila, November 16-20, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Ming Yang, “GPS sensing of precipitable water vapor,” 3rd Int’l Symp. on GPS Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, November 10-11, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, “Ground-based radiometric sensing of wet delay,” 17th Workshop on Surveying Engineering and Applications, Tainan, Taiwan, September 7-9, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, S. G. Lin, Y. T. Teng, S. L. Chen, C. L. Chang, Y. H. Chen, J. Wu, F. Solheim, and R. Ware, “The use of GPS in sensing precipitable water vapor,” 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, July 21-24, 1998.
  • Chen, K. S., A. K. Fung, Y.-A. Liou, and A. W. England, “An IEM emission model and its application to L-band radiometric sensing of soil moisture”, IGARSS’98, Seattle, USA, July 6-10, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Y. C. Tzeng, and K. S. Chen, “Simulations on passive microwave remote sensing of the soil moisture,” PIERS, France, July 6-10, 1998.
  • 劉說安,“地面微波輻射偵測大氣中可降水不均勻性”,八十七年度航空氣象分析與預報研討會,台北,June 6,1998。
  • Liou, Yuei-An and F. S. Solheim, “Verification of water vapor profile retrieved from GPS/MET”, US-Taiwan Bilateral Workshop on COSMIC, Taipei, Feb. 26-28, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, S. G. Lin, and Y. T. Teng, “On the study of GPS sensing of atmospheric water vapor”, US-Taiwan Bilateral Workshop on COSMIC, Taipei, Feb. 26-28, 1998.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and Shiou-Gwo Lin,“Ground-based GPS sensing of atmospheric integrated water vapor,”Weather Analysis and Forecasting Workshop, Taipei, Feb. 23-25, 1998.
1997 (8 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Y. -C. Tzeng, and A. W. England, “Retrieval of soil moisture using a dynamic learning neural network trained with a 1-dimensional Hydrology/Radiobrightness model,” Proc. IGARSS'97 Symp., Singapore, Aug. 3-8, 1997.
  • Judge, J., Y. A. Liou, and A. W. England, “Linking Passive Microwave Observations to a Summertime LSP/Radiobrightness Model for Northern Prairie Grassland,” Proc. IGARSS’ 97 Symp., Singapore, Aug. 3-8, 1997.
  • Judge, J., J. R. Metcalfe, Y. A. Liou, and A. w. England, “Validation of a Summertime LSP/Radiobrightness Model for Bare Soils in Northern Prairie,” Proc. IGARSS’ 97 Symp., Singapore, Aug. 3-8, 1997.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, Y. -C. Tzeng, K. -S. Chen, and A. W. England, “Inversions of Land Surface Parameters Using a Neural Network Trained with a 1-dimensional Hydrology/Radiobrightness Model,” PIERS 1997, Boston, July 7-11, 1997.
  • Kim, E. J., Y. A. Liou, and A. W. England,“Passive microwave detection and modeling of frozen soils in tundra and grassland areas,”Seasonally Frozen Soils Symposium, Fairbanks, June 10-12, 1997.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England, “The sensitivity of a land-surface process/radiobrightness model to soil and vegetation parameters,” 1997 AGU Spring Meeting, May 27-30, 1997.
  • England, A. W., Y. A. Liou, J. Judge, and J. Galantowicz,“Radiobrightness of mixed pixels of bare soil and prairie grassland during 60 day dry-down simulations,”AMS Annual Meeting (13th Conference on Hydrology), Long Beach, CA, February 2-7, 1997.
  • Kim, E. J., Y. A. Liou, and A. W. England,“A sensitivity of a one-dimensional hydrology/radiobrightness model for grassland areas,”AMS Annual Meeting (13th Conference on Hydrology), Long Beach, CA, February 2-7, 1997.
1996 (6 papers)
  • England, A. W., Y. A. Liou, J. F. Galantowicz, and J. Judge,“Radiobrightness of prairie soil and grassland during dry-down simulations,”Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing of the Environment (5th Specialist Meeting), Boston, November 4-6, 1996
  • Judge, Jasmeet, Y. A. Liou, and A. W. England,“An LSP/Radiobrightness model for Northern Prairie in Summer,”Third International Workshop on Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology, October 16-18, 1996.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England,“The sensitivity of the SSM/I and L-band radiometry to soil moisture in prairie grassland,”Third International Workshop on Application of Remote Sensing in Hydrology, October 16-18, 1996.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England,“A coupled moisture and temperature 1-d hydrology/radiobrightness model for freezing and thawing bare soils,”Proc. IGARSS’96 Symp., Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, May 27-31, 1996.
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England,“Summertime hydrology/radiobrightness signatures of Northern Prairie”, 1996 AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May. 20-24, 1996.
  • Kim, E. J., Y. A. Liou, and A. W. England,“Land surface process modeling of tundra for microwave remote sensing applications,”Arctic System Science Modeling Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, USA, January 15-16, 1996.
1995 (2 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England,“A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model with associated SSM/I radiobrightness predictions for prairie,”Proc. IGARSS’95 Symp., Florence, Italy, July 10-14, 1995.
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, E. J. Kim, Y. A. Liou, and J. Judge,“Development of SVAT/radiobrightness models,”Remote Sensing Science Workshop, Goddard Space Flight Center, February 27-March 1, 1995.
1994 (1 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An, and A. W. England,“Effect of latent heat transfer on diurnal and annual prediction of temperature and radiobrightness of northern prairie,”Proc. IGARSS’94 Symp., 131-133, Pasadena, August 8-12, 1994.
1992 (2 papers)
  • Liou, Yuei-An and A. W. England,“An annual model of SSM/I radiobrightness for dry soil”, Proc. IGARSS’92 Symp., Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992.
  • Liou, Yuei-An and A. W. England,“An annual model of SSM/I radiobrightness for dry soil”, Proc. IGARSS’92 Symp., Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992.
» 其他研究報告
  • 劉說安、阮金英、梁玉玲、武重皇、黃德榮、潘瑞維, 〝應用GIS和遙測於城市綠地管理框架:台灣對颱風脆弱度評估的改善〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2020。 (MOST 108-2923-M-008-002-MY3)
  • 劉說安、阮金英、何淑霓、鄒致瑋、葛太丘、潘瑞維、武重皇、黎梅山、山吉拉維卓, 〝陸氣水與能量交換之研究-土地利用類型、乾旱與水相關指數〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2020。 (MOST 108-2111-M-008-036-MY2)
  • 劉說安、黎梅山、阮光越、陳德帆、蔡明庭、黃靖媛、梁玉玲, 〝應用哥白尼數據及資訊於監測農業作物之用水〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2020。 (MOST 109-2923-E-008-004-MY2)
  • 劉說安、何淑霓、涂珮芸、武重皇,〝遙測技術應用於桃竹苗客庄產業經濟分析研究〞期末報告, 行政院客家委員會補助大學校院發展客家學術機構計畫,成果報告書, 2020。
  • 劉說安、阮光越、黃德榮、黃靖媛、梁玉玲、鄒致瑋,〝評估濁水溪集水區水土保持之水土流失、逕流和土地利用方案之研究〞期末報告, 行政院農業委員會水土保持局109年度創新研究計畫,成果報告書, 2020。
  • 劉說安, 阮金英, 何淑霓, 愛麗莎, 潘瑞維, 葛太丘, 皇德榮, 武重皇, 〝土地型態變遷影響下環境衝擊評估與調適策略擬定〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2019。 (MOST 105-2221-E-008-056-MY3)
  • 劉說安, 鄒致瑋, 梁玉玲, 黎梅山, 葛太丘, 潘瑞維, 山吉拉維卓, 〝陸氣水與能量循環之研究–土地利用類型與乾旱〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2019。 (MOST 107-2111-M-008-036)
  • 劉說安, 鄒致瑋, 何淑霓、梁玉玲、皇德榮、武重皇、阮金英, 〝智慧化綠地管理系統之應用〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2019。 (MOST 107-2622-E-008-006-CC3)
  • 劉說安, 鄭琦翰, 鄒致瑋, 梁玉玲, 阮金英, 黎梅山, 愛麗莎, 葛太丘, 〝多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究(3/3)〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2018。 (MOST 105-2111-M-008-024-MY2)
  • 劉說安, 阮金英, 何淑霓, 愛麗莎, 〝土地型態變遷影響下環境衝擊評估與調適策略擬定〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2018。 (MOST 105-2221-E-008-056-MY3)
  • 劉說安, 鄒致瑋, 江柏寬, 梁玉玲, 阮金英, 黎梅山, 愛麗莎, 〝多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究(2/3)〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2017。 (MOST 105-2111-M-008-024-MY2)
  • 劉說安, 江柏寬, 何淑霓, 阮金英, 〝土地型態變遷影響下環境衝擊評估與調適策略擬定〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2017。 (MOST 105-2221-E-008-056-MY3)
  • 劉說安、鄒致瑋、江柏寬、梁玉玲、阮金英、黎梅山、愛麗莎、孟可竹, 〝多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2016。 (MOST 104-2111-M-008-004)
  • 劉說安、江柏寬、何淑霓、阮金英, 〝都市化影響下環境衝擊評估與調適策略擬定〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2016。 (MOST 104-2221-E-008-067)
  • 劉說安、何淑霓、林榮潤、阮金英, 〝新媒體科普傳播:小王子眼中21世紀的地球〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2016。 (MOST 104-2515-S-008-003)
  • 劉說安、張嘉惠、蔡宗翰、林榮潤、阮金英、黎梅山、陳昱瑾、蔣佳峰、陳暐翰、湯珮茹、陳沛伃、蔡融易、張哲瑋, 〝防救災情資整合判釋與輿論分析回應平台-防救災情資整合判釋與輿論分析回應平台〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2015。(MOST 104-2119-M-008-025)
  • 劉說安, 何淑霓, 孟可竹,〝桃園地區陂塘變遷與客家產業轉變之初探〞期末報告, 行政院客家委員會補助大學校院發展客家學術機構計畫,成果報告書, 2016
  • 劉說安、沙學均、鄒致瑋、林軒宇、梁玉玲、阮金英、陶德方, 〝地表過程參數化及觀測之研究(3/3)〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2015。 (MOST 103-2111-M-008-023)
  • 劉說安、林軒宇、何淑霓、阮金英、陳恩浩, 〝遙測資料於分析桃園埤塘變遷對熱環境之衝擊(2/2)〞, 科技部專題研究報告, 2015。 (MOST 103-2111-M-008-023)
  • 劉說安, 何淑霓, 孟可竹,〝從桃園埤塘變遷探究客家族群之水資源運用〞期末報告, 行政院客家委員會補助大學校院發展客家學術機構計畫,成果報告書, 2015
  • 劉說安、王泰盛、何淑霓、詹海柏、李育齊, 〝遙測資料於分析桃園埤塘變遷對熱環境之衝擊〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2014。 (NSC 102-2221-E-008-034)
  • 劉說安、王泰盛、沙學均、梁玉玲、詹海柏、孟可竹、卡山吉庫馬, 〝地表過程參數化及觀測之研究〞(A Study on Land surface process parameterization and observations), 國科會專題研究報告, 2014。 (NSC 102-2111-M-008-027)
  • 劉說安、林傳堯、張子瑩、蔡秉直, 〝整合地球觀測資源於陸面過程監測與模擬之改善〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2013。 (NSC 101-2915-I-008-026)
  • 劉說安、王泰盛、沙學鈞、莊璧華、龔毓晨、李育齊, 〝遙測資料於分析桃園地物變遷對區域環境之影響〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2013。 (NSC 101-2221-E-008-019)
  • 劉說安、沙學鈞、邱靜如、莊璧華、張淵鈞、李育齊, 〝科普活動:認識太空之眼〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2012。 (NSC 101-2515-S-008-002)
  • 劉說安、李明旭、王泰盛、蔡秉直、謝欣璇、許瑋娟、沙學均、邱靜如、莊璧華、梁玉玲,〝參與世界水協會及水利國際交流協助作業(2/2)〞期末報告, 行政院經濟部水利署,成果報告書, 2012。
  • 劉說安與龔毓晨,〝桃園水利空間與客家環境變遷-地景〞期末報告, 行政院客家委員會補助大學校院發展客家學術機構計畫,成果報告書, 2012。
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、胡毓盛、王傳盛、沙學均、陳坤新、黃成勇, 〝對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究(III)〞(A study on the error of the tropospheric delay and GPS post-kinematic positioning (III)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2011。 (NSC 98-2221-E-008-075-MY3)
  • 劉說安、王泰盛、張子瑩、顏翔崑、沙學鈞、謝欣璇, 〝L波段輻射儀探測土壤含水率(III)〞(Monitoring of Soil Moisture by L-band Radiometer (III)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2011。 (NSC 98-2111-M-008-012-MY3)
  • 劉說安、李明旭、王泰盛、蔡秉直、張子瑩、王瑞源、葉文豪、謝欣璇、許瑋娟、沙學均、廖珠佑玲,〝參與世界水協會及水利國際交流協助作業(1/2)〞期末報告, 行政院經濟部水利署,成果報告書, 2011。
  • 劉說安與邱盈滋,〝子計畫十一:環境變遷對客家聚落空間影響之初探-以新竹縣芎林鄉下山村為例〞期末報告, 行政院客家委員會補助大學校院發展客家學術機構計畫,成果報告書, 2011。
  • 劉說安,蘇信一、顏翔崑、趙吉光,〝全球定位科學應用研究託案(1/3)-成立福衛三號COSMIC科學資料控制中心〞研究計畫期末報告, 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家太空中心, 2011。
  • 劉說安、沙學均、王瑞源、王泰盛,〝應用MODIS衛星於建立水稻產量推估之模式〞期末報告, 中央大學前瞻實驗室, 2011。
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、葉大綱、黃婉綺、王傳盛、王彥鈞,〝微波輻射計資料品質校正作業〞期末報告,內政部國土測繪中心, 2011。
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、胡毓盛、沙學均、陳坤新, 〝對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究(II)〞(A study on the error of the tropospheric delay and GPS post-kinematic positioning (II)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2010。 (NSC 98-2221-E-008-075-MY3)
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、廖祿偉, 〝L波段輻射儀探測土壤含水率〞(Monitoring of Soil Moisture by L-band Radiometer (II)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2010。 (NSC 95-2111-M-008-012-MY3)
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、張子瑩、齊宇薇, 〝福衛三號掩星觀測資料對極區大氣波動之研究(III)〞(Use of FORMOSAT3 radio occultation data for the atmospheric research in polar regions (III)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2009。 (NSC 95-2111-M-008-011-MY3)
  • 劉說安、陳聲偉、廖祿偉、何漢傑、沙學均、王傳盛、張子瑩、齊宇薇、陳坤新、劉振昇、許歆仁, 〝利用MODIS對經濟作物(水稻)產量推估之先期研究〞期末報告,中央大學前瞻實驗室, 2009。
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑, 〝使用GPS掩星觀測探討全球重力波活動〞(A study of gravity wave activity on the global scale using GPS RO observations), 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家太空中心研究計畫期末報告, 2009。 (98-NSPO(B)-IC-FA07-01)
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、黃成勇、齊宇薇、何漢傑、楊承益、張子瑩, 〝福衛三號掩星觀測資料對極區大氣波動之研究(II)〞(Use of FORMOSAT3 radio occultation data for the atmospheric research in polar regions (II)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2008。 (NSC 95-2111-M-008-011-MY3)
  • 劉說安、陳聲偉、何漢傑、張子瑩、王傳盛、陳坤新, 〝衛星影像處理整合大氣模組之先期研究〞期末報告,中央大學前瞻實驗室, 2008。
  • 劉說安、顏翔崑、黃成勇、葉文豪、張子瑩、余竹樺、黃鈺雯、齊宇薇, 〝福衛三號掩星觀測資料對極區大氣波動之研究(I)〞(Use of FORMOSAT3 radio occultation data for the atmospheric research in polar regions(I)), 國科會專題研究報告, 2007。 (NSC 95-2111-M-008-011-MY3)
  • 劉說安、曾佩莉、王傳盛、趙文論、楊承益, 〝對流層遲延與GPS高程定位精度之研究〞(Tropospheric delay and high accuracy GPS positioning), 國科會專題研究報告, 2007。 (NSC 95-2119-M-008-036)
  • 劉說安、周曼榕、陳文建、王傳盛, 〝水氣資訊改善氣象衛星估計降水之研究(II)〞(The use of precipitable water in improving meteorological satellite estimate), 國科會專題研究報告, 2006。 (NSC 94-22625-Z-008-008)
  • 劉說安、鄭琦翰、周曼榕、陳文建、王傳盛, 〝水氣資訊改善氣象衛星估計降水之研究(I)〞(The use of precipitable water in improving meteorological satellite estimate), 國科會專題研究報告, 2005。 (NSC 93-2625-Z-008-017)
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、顏翔崑、簡子杰, 〝遙測邊界層水循環因子之研究〞(Remote sensing of water cycle components at the boundary layer), 國科會專題研究報告, 2005。 (NSC 93-2111-M-008-015-AP2)
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、顏翔崑、李秀芳、陳奕穎, 〝遙測邊界層水循環因子之研究 II〞(Remote sensing of water cycle components at the boundary layer II), 國科會專題研究報告, 2004。 (NSC 92-2111-M-008-017-AP2)
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、徐誌豪、陳奕穎, 〝遙測土壤含水率及蒸發散量之研究〞(A study in the development of remote sensing techniques for soil moisture and surface evapotranspiration), 國科會專題研究報告, 2003。 (NSC 91-2111-M-008-029)
  • 劉說安、張子瑩、顏翔崑、李秀芳、陳奕穎, 〝遙測邊界層水循環因子之研究 II〞(Remote sensing of water cycle components at the boundary layer II), 國科會專題研究報告, 2004。 (NSC 92-2111-M-008-017-AP2)
  • Liou, Y.-A.,“Retrieving ionospheric electron density distribution with COSMIC occultation,” Office of Naval Research – Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space Fiscal Year 2002 Annual Reports, December 2001. (ONR 00014-00-1-0528)
  • 劉說安、黃成勇, G. Pavelyev, K. Igarashi, K. Hocke,〝COSMIC整合研究計畫─子計畫二:中華三號衛星中性大氣層參數反演與驗證(1/2)〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2002。 (NSC90-2111-M-008-047-AGC)
  • 劉說安、林佑任、黃成勇、江振慶,〝應用地面微波輻射計增進地殼變形監測之研究〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2002。 (NSC90-2119-M-008-014)
  • 劉說安、劉振榮、賴信志、王啟明,〝「應用地面微波輻射計觀測促進飛安預警之研究」(A study on the use of ground-based radiometer measurements to improve flight safety warning)〞, 交通部民用航空局專題研究報告, 2002。 (CAA-ATSD-90-1-01)
  • 劉說安及王文俊,〝應用地面微波輻射計增進地殼變形監測之研究〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2001。 (NSC89-2921-M-008-019-EAF)
  • 劉說安,〝中華三號衛星中性大氣層參數反演與驗證(一)〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2001。 (NSC89-2111-M-008-059)
  • 劉說安、吳瑞賢、張志誠,〝水文遙測模式在水權與水資源管理之應用研討〞, 經濟部水利處專題研究報告, 2001。
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Retrieving ionospheric electron density distribution with COSMIC occultation,” Office of Naval Research – Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Reports, December 2000. (ONR 00014-00-1-0528)
  • 劉說安,〝L-band輻射量測土壤濕度之研究(二)〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2000。 (NSC 89-2211-M-008-025-AP3)
  • 劉說安,〝大氣參數影響Ka-band無線通訊之定量分析〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 2000。 (NSC 89-2212-E-008-006)
  • Liou, Y.-A., “Retrieving ionospheric electron density distribution with COSMIC occultation: An analysis of the effects of geometric and mathematical delays on TEC inversions from GPS/MET occultation data,” Office of Naval Research – Ocean, Atmosphere, and Space Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Reports, December 2001. (ONR 00014-00-1-0528)
  • 劉說安,〝L-band輻射量測土壤濕度之研究〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 1999。 (NSC88-2111-M-008-031-AP3)
  • 劉說安,〝GPS/MET探測個案研究-全球定位系統(GPS)觀測大氣中水汽含量實驗〞, 太空計畫室委託專題研究報告, 1998。 (NSC 87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-06)
  • 劉說安,〝以GPS估計大氣中水汽含量(Ⅰ)〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 1998。 (NSC 87-2111-M-008-021)
  • 劉說安,〝一個地表過程模式及其應用〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 1998。 (NSC 87-2621-P-008-016)
  • 劉說安,〝一維水文/亮溫模式訓練動態神經網路反演地表參數之研究〞, 國科會專題研究報告, 1997。 (NSC 86-2111-M-008-035-T)
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, Y. A. Liou, E. J. Kim, and J. Judge,“Linking GCM hydrological parameters to the radiobrightness of northern prairie and arctic tundra,”UM Radiation Laboratory Technical Report 030613-3-T, Annual Report for NASA Research Grant NAGW-3430, November 4, 1994.
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, Y. A. Liou, E. J. Kim, and J. Judge,“Linking GCM hydrological parameters to the radiobrightness of northern prairie and arctic tundra,”UM Radiation Laboratory Technical Report 030613-2-T, Annual Report for NASA Research Grant NAGW-3430, December 6, 1993.
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, Y. A. Liou, E. J. Kim, and P. A. Dahl,“Mapping the boundary between continuous and discontinuous permafrost in Alaska,”UM Radiation Laboratory Technical Report 027396-1-F, Final Report for NASA Grant NAGW-1983 for the period 1/1/90 - 6/30/93, August 10, 1993.
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, Y. A. Liou, E. J. Kim, and P. A. Dahl,“Mapping the boundary between continuous and discontinuous permafrost in Alaska,”UM Radiation Laboratory Technical Report 028676-1-T, Annual Report for Water Resources Research Grant 14-08-0001-G2109, March 1993.
» 其他著作
  • Chauhan, A., R Kumar, YA Liou, RP Singh (2022). Effect of cyclones on atmospheric and meteorological parameters. Asian Atmospheric Pollution : Souces, Chanracteristics and Impacts, 521-547, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816693-2.00021-4 Elsevier.
  • Nguyen, K-A, Liou, Y.-A. (2020). Eco-environmental vulnerability assessment at regional and global scales. Publishing House for Science and Technology, ISBN: 978-604-9955-01-3.
  • Liou, Y.-A., Yuriy Kuleshov, Chung-Ru Ho, Jean-Pierre Barriot and Chyi-Tyi Lee (2020). Earth Observations for Addressing Global Challenges. Remote sensing. https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-03936-271-4. ISBN 978-3-03936-270-7 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-03936-271-4
  • Liou, Y.-A., Ji-Chyun Liu, Fabrice Chane-Ming, Jing-Shan Hong, Ching-Yuang Huang, Po-Kuan Chiang, and Samuel Jolivet (2019), Remote Sensing for Improved Forecast of Typhoons, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94067-0_14. Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019 V. Barale and M. Gade (eds.), Remote Sensing of the Asian Seas, ISBN: 978-3-319-94065-6.(212 downloads as of March 28th, 2019)(1002 accesses as of 2022/10/12).
  • Liou, Y.-A., A.-M. Wu, and H.-Y. Lin (2016): FORMOSAT-2 Quick Imaging. - In: S-E Qian (Editor), Optical Payloads for Space Missions, ISBN 9781118945148, Wiley, Oxford, UK, 1008 pages, January 2016.
  • Alexey Pavelyev, Alexander Pavelyev, Stanislav Matyugov, Oleg Yakovlev, Yuei-An Liou, Kefei Zhang and Jens Wickert (2013). Radio Wave Propagation Phenomena from GPS Occultation Data Analysis, Wave Propagation Theories and Applications, Dr. Yi Zheng (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0979-2, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/55480. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/wave-propagation-theories-and-applications/radio-wave-propagation-phenomena-from-gps-occultation-data-analysis
  • Liou, Y.A., A.G. Pavelyev, S.S. Matugov, O.I. Yakovlev, and J. Wickert, 2010 (February), Radio occultation method for remote sensing of the atmosphere and ionosphere. ISBN 978-953-7619-60-2, pp. 176, I-Tech Education and Publishing KG, Croatia.[Online-download 4427 times as of 2016/9/16), Citation number =14/34 (Web of Science /google scholar): http://www.intechopen.com/books/radio-occultation-method-for-remote-sensing-of-the-atmosphere-and-ionosphere]
  • Yen, N. L., C.-J. Fong, C.-H. Chu, J.-J. Miau, Y.-A. Liou, and Y.-H.Kuo, 2010, Global radio occultation mission for Meteorology, Ionosphere & Climate. In Aerospace Technologies Advancements, Book edited by: Dr. Thawar T. Arif, ISBN 978-953-7619-96-1, pp. 492, January 2010, INTECH, Croatia.[Online download 79 times as of May 20, 2010: http://sciyo.com/articles/show/title/global-gnss-radio-occultation-mission-for-meteorology-ionosphere-amp-climate.]
  • 劉說安,“空間資訊於5•12汶川地震之應用”,收錄於「災害與公共管理-第四屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇」,童星、張海波(主編),南京大學出版社,2010/6。
  • 劉說安、江曉波、林欣穎、吳岸明、李新、計偉,“全球變化與生態環境—以貢嘎山區域演變特徵為例”,收錄於「泛長江渡黃河-我看南水北調」(ISBN: 978-986-84889-5-3),余範英、王浩(主編),余紀忠文教基金會叢書53,2010/12。
  • Liou, Y.A., H.-Y. Lin, and A.-M. Wu,2008, On the Use of Formosat-2 Imagery for Polar Monitoring. In Proceedings “Vanishing White Earth: Global Warming and Polar Conservation,” Taipei, 2008.
  • 劉說安,2008,"現代千里眼—汶川地震衛星影像的判釋與分析,"科學月刊,第三十九卷第七期,第2-6頁。(Science Monthly, No. 39, Vol. 7, pp. 2-6)
  • Pavelyev, A. G., J. Wickert, C. Reigber, T. Schmidt, Y.-A. Liou, C.-Y. Huang, S.S. Matyugov, D.A. Pavelyev, 2005, Amplitude variations of CHAMP radio occultation data as an indicator of the ionospheric activity - In: Reigber, C.; Luhr, H.; Schwintzer, P.; Wickert, J. (Eds.), Earth Observation with CHAMP: Results from Three Years in Orbit, Springer, 431-440. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Pavelyev, A.G., J. Wickert, and, Y.-A. Liou, 2005, Diffractive integrals for bistatic remote sensing using GPS signals 513-518. In Earth Observation with CHAMP Results from Three Years in Orbit Reigber, C.; Luhr, H.; Schwintzer, P.; Wickert, J. (Eds.) , XVI, 628 p. 445 illus., 96 in colour., Hardcover ISBN: 3-540-22804-7. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Liou, Y.A., J. Wickert, A.G. Pavelyev, C. Reigber, T. Schmidt, C.Y. Huang, and S. Yan, 2005, Gravity wave "portrait" reconstructed by radio holographic analysis of the amplitude of GPS radio occultation signals 549-554. In Earth Observation with CHAMP Results from Three Years in Orbit Reigber, C.; Luhr, H.; Schwintzer, P.; Wickert, J. (Eds.) 2005, XVI, 628 p. 445 illus., 96 in colour., Hardcover ISBN: 3-540-22804-7. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC91-2111-M008-029, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Pavelyev, A. G.; Y.-A. Liou; J. Wickert; C.Y. Huang; K. Igarashi; K. Hocke, 2004, The Radio-holographic approach for GNSS occultation data analysis: Review and application to resolving fine structures in the atmosphere and mesosphere - In: Kirchengast, G.; Foelsche, U.; Steiner, A.K: (Eds.), Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate, Springer, 25-39. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC90-2111-M008-047-AGC, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • 劉說安、陳奕穎、張子瑩、徐誌豪、申雍、楊純明、吳啟南,“利用空載多波段資料推求水稻田蒸發散量之研究”,收錄於「水稻精準農業體系」(ISBN: 957-01-4787-3),楊純明、林俊義(主編),行政院農業委員會農業試驗所,2003/9。Liou, Y.-A., Y.-Y. Chen, T.-Y. Chang, Z.-h. Hsu, Y. Shen, C.-M. Yang, and C.-N. Wu, 2003, “Airborne remote sensing of evapotranspiration over rice paddy,” In: Rice Precision Farming System, 252 pp., Chwen-Ming Yang and Chien-Yih Lin (ed). Pub. Shyue-An Press, Taichung, pp. 62-72. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  • Pavelyev A.G., J. Wickert, Y.-A. Liou, K. Igarashi, K. Hocke, C.Y. Huang, 2003, High-precision observation of the mesosphere and atmosphere using radioholographic analysis of GPS/MET and CHAMP radio occultation database. In: First CHAMP Mission Results for Gravity, Magnetic and Atmospheric Studies, Ch. Reigber, H. Luhr, P. Schwintzer and J. Wickert. (ed). Pub. Springer, Berlin, pp. 500-507. (NSC91-2811-M008-001, NSC90-2111-M008-047-AGC, ONR N00014-00-0528)
  • Liou, Y.-A., and C.-Y. Huang, 2002, Active limb sounding of atmospheric refractivity and dry temperature profiles by GPS/Met occultation. In: Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques, Ling-Hsiao Lyu (ed). COSPAR Colloquia Series, 325-328, 12. (NSC 89-2111-M-008-025-AP3; ONR N00014-00-1-0528)
  • Liou, Y.-A., Y.-C. Tzeng, and J.-P. Wigneron, 2002, Probing soil moisture profiles by microwave radiometry over a wheat field. In: Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, M. Owe and K. Brubaker (ed). IAHS Redbook Publ. No. 267, Wallingford, UK. (NSC89-2111-M-008-025-AP3)
  • 劉說安,2001, “大氣參數影響Ka-band無線通訊之定量分析”,工程科技通訊,國科會,143-146,55。(NSC87-NSPO(A)-PC-FA07-05及NSC 89-2212-E-008-006) (邀稿)
  • 劉說安,2000, “淺談全球衛星定位系統: 以大氣觀測為例”,電工通訊,中國工程師學會。(邀稿)
  • England, A. W., J. F. Galantowicz, Y. A. Liou, E. J. Kim, and P. A. Dahl, 1996, “A model for the radiobrightness of northern prairie,” in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Edited by B. J. Choudhury, Y. H. Kerr, E. G. Njoku, and P. Pampaloni, International Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 551-567, 1996.
» 其他學術活動
  • 2019-2022年IEEE/GRSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 擔任Scientific Program Committee
  • 2018年IEEE/GRSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 23-27 July, 2018, Valencia, Spain擔任Scientific Program Committee.
  • 2017年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Natural Hazards (ICEO&NH)大會主席/大會共同創辦人(時間: 11月21-26日; 地點: 河內)
  • 2017年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會創辦人(時間: 6月25-27日; 地點: 宜蘭)
  • 2017年11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 24 – 28, 2017, Berlin, Germany擔任Scientific Program Committee.
  • 2016年擔任International Conference on Hydrometeorological Hazards by Earth Observations大會共同主席(時間: 7月22-27日; 地點: 越南河內)
  • 2016年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 6月26-28日; 地點: 基隆)
  • 2015年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 6月28-30日; 地點: 高雄)
  • 2014年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 6月22-24日; 地點: 苗栗)
  • 2013年擔任「遙感與社會發展」國際學術研討會大會副主席; 地點—上海 (Shanghai), 中國; 日期—December 2 – 5.
  • 2013年擔任IEEE/GRSS International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) Scientific Committee member (時間: 7月21-26日; 地點: Melbourne, Australia)
  • 2013年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 6月23-25日; 地點: 台南)
  • 2013年9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 8 – 12, 2013, Berlin, Germany擔任Scientific Program Committee.
  • 2013年電磁波學研究進展國際研討會(Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium)擔任International Advisory Committee (Taipei, March 25-28, 2013)
  • 2012年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 6月25-27日; 地點: 台北)
  • 2011年擔任International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI)大會主席(時間: 8月14-16日; 地點: 基隆)
  • 2011年擔任湖泊-濕地-流域生態保護與3S 技術應用國際學術研討會(2011 International Conference on Ecological Protection of Lakes-Wetlands-Watershed and Application of 3S Technology) 學術委員會委員 (時間: 6月25-26日; 地點: 中國江西省南昌市)
  • 2010年擔任泛海洋遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2010年Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) Steering committee.
  • 2010年擔任國際遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2010年International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) Steering committee.
  • 2010年擔任海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會會議主席(時間: 3月15-19日; 地點: 中壢)
  • 2009年The 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009)擔任大會Scientific Committee
  • 2008年擔任國際遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2008年International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) Steering committee.
  • 2008年Asian Space Conference擔任大會Scientific Committee, 論文競賽裁判, 議程主席
  • 2008年擔任海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會會議執行主席(時間: 9月15-19日; 地點: 廣西桂林)
  • 2008年擔任大洋洲地球科學學會(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)年會議程“GPS meteorology from space-borne occultation and ground-based network”及”Lower and middle atmospheric studies using GPSRO”召集人(Convener)
  • 2007年擔任國際遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2007年International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) Steering committee.
  • 2007年擔任大洋洲地球科學學會(Asia Oceania Geosciences Society)年會議程“Development of GPS data processing science and technology for climate, meteorology, ionosphere, and geodesy” 召集人(Convener)
  • 2006年擔任國際遙測研討會暨汎海洋遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2006年ISRS and Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC) 2006 (ISRS 2006 PORSEC) Steering committee.
  • 2005年擔任國際遙測研討會指導委員會委員: 2005年International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS) Steering committee;
  • 2005年美國地球物理學聯合學會(American Geophysical Union)秋季年會議程“GPS Radio Occultation Space Experiments” 召集人(Convener)及擔任議程主席
  • 2005年The 2nd International GPM GV Workshop擔任議程主席
  • 2005年FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp擔任議程主席
  • 2004年第八屆全國大氣科學學術研討會擔任議程主席
  • 2003年24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing擔任議程主席
  • 2003年Int’l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly擔任議程主席
  • 2003年中央氣象局九十二年天氣分析與預報研討會擔任議程主席
  • 2002年第五屆GPS衛星科技研討會(The 5th Symposium on GPS Technology)擔任議程主席
  • 2001, 2005年國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(In'll Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)擔任議程主席
  • 2000年第五屆中外空間科學討論會(5th Int'l Space and Science Workshop)擔任議程主席
  • 1999年美國地球物理學聯合學會(American Geophysical Union)秋季年會Hydrology Section Student Paper Judge.
  • 1999、2000年電磁波學研究進展國際研討會(Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium)擔任議程主席(Chairperson)
  • 2016年10月14日應The First International Association of Geo-informatics Symposium邀請講座,主題為”GIS & RS framework for monitoring eco-environmental changes and influential factors” (105/10/14-16),日本東京。
  • 2016年7月25日應越南科學與技術研究院邀請講座,主題為“Earth observations for societal challenges by HRSL”(105/07/25),越南河內。
  • 2015年9月15日應Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting大會特邀報告,主題為” On the interactions among two tropical depressions and two typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012)”,(104/9/15),台灣台北。
  • 2015年5月20日應中國江西師範大學地理與環境學院邀請講座,主題為“水文遙測研究之進展”(104/05/20),中國江西。
  • 2015年1月7日應中國科學院遙感與數字地球研究所邀請講座,主題為“消失中自然地景之初探 (冰川、土林及埤塘)”(104/01/07),中國北京。
  • 2013年9月21日應中國科學院青藏高原研究所邀請講座,主題為”消失中自然地景之探索 (冰川、土林及埤塘)”,(102/09/21),中國北京。
  • 2013年8月14日應中國西南科技大學(生命科學與工程學院)邀請講座,主題為 “Rice Yield from Remote Sensing Imagery and GIS”(102/08/14),中國綿陽。
  • 2013年8月13日應中國成都電子科技大學邀請講座,主題為 “全球變化與生態環境—以貢嘎山區域演變特徵為例”(102/08/13),中國成都。
  • 2013年6月4日應International workshop on Modeling Impact of Climate Variability on Agriculture大會特邀報告,主題為”Assessment of disaster losses in rice yield after tsunami induced by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake”,(102/6/4),巴基斯坦費沙拉巴德。
  • 2013年5月13日應中國科學院測量與地球物理研究所邀請講座,主題為 “Implementation of satellite navigation ground-based observation network data to improve weather forecast – The Great 612 flood (2012) in Taiwan as an example”,(102/5/13),中國武漢。
  • 2013年4月22日應International workshop on Modeling Impact of Climate Variability on Agriculture大會特邀報告,主題為”Assessment of disaster losses in rice yield after tsunami induced by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake”,(102/04/22),巴基斯坦費薩拉巴德。
  • 2012年12月10日應2012 KAGIS Fall Conference for the Smart Geospatial Information Society”大會特邀報告,主題為” Using Temporal and Spatial Observational Data to Evaluate Environmental Change and Societal Impact in Taoyuan Area”,(101/12/10-12),韓國首爾及濟州。
  • 2012年5月18日應中國科學院南海海洋研究所邀請講座,主題為“福爾摩沙衛星系列計畫: 回顧、現況與展望”,(100/5/18),中國廣州。
  • 2012年5月15日應中國科學院測量與地球物理研究所邀請講座,主題為 “福爾摩沙衛星系列計畫: 回顧、現況與展望”,(100/5/15),中國武漢。
  • 2011年7月20日應中國北京師範大學邀請講座,主題為 “從目睹格陵蘭冰川退縮談全球暖化”,(100/7/20),中國北京。
  • 2011年6月24日應中國江西南昌大學邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “從目睹格陵蘭冰川退縮談全球暖化”,(100/6/24),中國南昌。
  • 2011年6月23日應中國江西師範大學邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “從目睹格陵蘭冰川退縮談全球暖化”,(100/6/23),中國南昌。
  • 2010年6月22日應中國福州大學邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “遙測資料與全球環境變遷”,(99/6/22),中國福州。
  • 2009年5月23日應中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “福爾摩沙衛星二號與消失中的白色大地”,(98/5/23)。
  • 2009年應School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University (Australia)、Bureau of Meteorology邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “Formosat-3 Mission – The Past, Current Status, and Follow on”,(98/1/21-29),澳洲墨爾本。(協助促成澳洲國家氣象局於2009年6月將Formosat-3觀測資料作業化)
  • 2008年應JAPAN-TAIWAN (RESTEC-NCU) Workshop 2008 on Remote Sensing Applications for Global Environment Monitoring and Disaster Mitigation邀請講座,主題為“Monitoring polar ice using FORMOSAT-2 imagery”,(97/11/21-22),日本東京。
  • 2008年應The Global Warming and Polar Conservation Conference邀請講座,主題為“On the use of FORMOSAT-2 imagery for polar monitoring”,(97/11/24-25),台灣台北。
  • 2008年7月10日應中國科學院上海天文台、中國國家天文台、中國國家氣象局邀請,於GPS-MET研討會中做學術報告,主題為 “FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC Current Status & Its Follow-on Mission Planning”,(97/7/10),中國北京。
  • 2007年應國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(Int’l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium; IGARSS)年會特邀報告,主題為“Study of Arctic and South Pole ice dynamics and wind field using Formosat-2 satellite data”,(96/7/23-27),西班牙巴塞隆納。
  • 2007年應The 4th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting特邀報告,主題為“Study of neutral atmospheric effect on high precision GPS positioning”,(96/7/30-8/4),泰國曼谷。
  • 2007年應The 1st International Workshop on AOPOD (Atmospheric Occultation and Precision Orbit Determination)特邀報告,主題為“Advancement of ground and space borne GPS observation processing techniques for meteorology in Taiwan”,(96/5/28-30),韓國濟州島。
  • 2007年應European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007邀請演講,主題為“Estimation of convective precipitation from cloud-to-ground lightning data over Taiwan”,(96/4/15-26),奧地利維也納。(博士生Sonya Todorova代為宣讀)
  • 2007年3月28日應中國科學院空間科學與應用研究中心邀請演講,做學術報告,主題為 “Ground-based GPS Meteorology in FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and the New GPS Scientific Application and Research Center”,(96/3/28)。
  • 2006年應東亞季風實驗國際會議(International Workshop for the East Asian Monsoon Experiment)邀請演講,主題為“The use of ground-based GPS network for measuring atmospheric moisture field”,(95/9/29-30),台灣中壢。
  • 2006年應東亞季風實驗國際會議(International Workshop for the East Asian Monsoon Experiment)邀請演講,主題為“The use of ground-based GPS network for measuring atmospheric moisture field”,(95/9/29-30),台灣中壢。
  • 2005年應FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Science Summer Camp邀請演講,主題為“GPS radio occultation data retrieval”,(94/5/30-6/3),台灣台北。
  • 2004年應俄國科學院(Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences)及俄國水文氣象局中央航空氣候觀測所(Central Aerological Observatory, Russian State Hydro Meteorological Service)邀請進行學術交流,洽談合作事宜,簽署合作備忘錄,議題包含衛星計畫、遙測技術開發、水文氣象、環境監測等等,(93/8/25-9/6)。
  • 2003年應中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所邀請講學,做兩場學術報告: 該所所對於土壤凍融的陸面過程及輻射傳遞耦合(LSP/R)模式以及辨識冰雪覆蓋區域、遙測土壤水份技術特別需要,本人在相關方面已有些成果,此行為協助該所發展相關技術。在中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所演講“介紹台灣遙測(遙感)相關領域的研究情況—以太空及遙測研究中心為例” (92/09/26)及“地表過程遙測”(92/09/29); 在中國清華大學演講“關於GPS的最新研究近展”(92/9/30)。
  • 2003年應Int’l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly邀請演講,主題為“The possibility to estimate the vertical profiles of the horizontal wind speed perturbations in the tropopause and stratosphere by the GPS/MET and CHAMP occultation data”,(92/6/30-7/11),日本札幌。
  • 2003年應國際全球定位系統氣象學術研討會(Int’l International Workshop on GPS Meteorology – GPS Meteorology: Ground-Based and Space-Borne Applications)邀請演講,主題為“3D wet refractivity structures of the troposphere derived from GPS observations”,(92/1/13-18),日本筑波。
  • 2002年應Occultations for Probing Atmosphere and Climate邀請演講,主題為“The radio-holography approach in GNSS occultation data analysis: Review and application to resolving fine structures in the atmosphere and mesosphere”,(91/9/16-20),奧地利格拉茨。
  • 2001年應國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(Int’l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)年會特邀報告,主題為“Retrievals of land surface parameters from measured brightness temperatures at 1.4 and 10.65 GHz by a neural network”,(90/7/9-13),澳洲雪梨。
  • 2001年應International Beacon Satellite Symposium邀請演講,主題為 “Atmospheric profiles derived from GPS Occultation: A 3D vector analysis based algorithm for the COSMIC mission”,(90/6/3-6),美國波士頓。
  • 2001年應美國UCAR邀請訪問,協助推展四維資料同化GPS觀測的PW,來提昇數值氣象模擬功效,裨益中尺度防颱、防豪雨及改善飛航安全,(90/1/6-20)。
  • 2000年應COSPAR/COSMIC Colloquium特邀演講,主題為“Active limb sounding of atmospheric profiles by GPS occultation,(89/9/27-29),台灣台北。
  • 2000年應國際地球科學與遙測學術研討會(Int’l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)年會特邀報告,主題為“GPS observations of precipitable water dynamics associated with Typhoon Zeb (1998)”,(89/7/24-28),美國夏威夷。
  • 2000年應大氣輻射與遙測應用近期發展研討會(Workshop for the Recent Progress in Atmospheric Radiation and Applications of Remote Sensing Research)特邀報告,主題為“Ground-Based Radiometric Sensing of Tropospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles”,(89/1/6-7),台灣台北。
  • 1998年應荷蘭農業科學院邀請講學,荷蘭農業科學院執行歐洲太空總署(European Space Agency; ESA)的“地表過程暨交互作用任務(Land Surface Processes and Interactions Mission; LSPIM)”計畫,其主要目的在於研究地表與大氣間交互作用,增進對區域與中尺度環流模式的了解與改進,因此邀請本人赴荷蘭講學“地表過程/亮溫模式及其應用”,並引進本人所發展的地表過程/亮溫模式,以利改善該單位地表過程/亮溫模式暨促進LSPIM計畫目標之圓滿達成,(87/10/29-11/7)。
  • 1998年應西太平洋地球科學會議(1998WPGM)特邀演講,主題為“The Use of GPS in Sensing Precipitable Water Vapor”,(87/7/21-24),台灣台北。
  • 2016年3月10日至3月16日期間,邀請俄國科學院學者Dr. Alexander Pavelyev (IRERAS)來訪,參加國家太空中心主辦之第三屆國際GPS掩星觀測研討會,促進國內外無線電波及GPS系統觀測資料應用於地球科學相關研究學術發展與互動,並推展雙方在無線電波及GPS系統應用於台灣地球科學相關研究合作契機。
  • 2011~2016年辦理「地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會」( International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, ICEO&SI )期間,每年分別邀請韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (金燀)Former President, Korean Society of Remote Sensing)等十個國家學者數十餘人來台參與國際研討會。
  • 2012年11月28日至12月4日期間,配合執行2012年度國科會補助參與歐盟FP7計畫FP7-SPACE-2012-1「Coordinating Earth observation data validation for RE-analysis for Climate Services」之計畫「整合地球觀測資源於陸面過程監測與模擬之改善(Integrating Earth observation resources for improving land surface processes monitoring and modeling)」,邀請Dr. Bob Su訪台,進行學術演講、技術指導、了解國內水文及氣象研究,進一步規劃未來具體合作。Z. (Bob) Su is Professor of Spatial Hydrology and Water Resources Management and chairman of the Department of Water Resources in the Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, the Netherlands.
  • 2011年及2012年辦理ICEO&SI期間,分別邀請韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (金燀)Former President, Korean Society of Remote Sensing)等十個國家學者十餘人來台參與國際研討會。
  • 2010年2月4日至7日期間,邀請韓國國立釜慶大學教授Prof. Young-Seup KIM (President, Korean Society of Remote Sensing), Prof. Sang-Hoon BAE, Prof. Chul-Uong CHOI, Prof. Yong-Cheol SUH, Prof. Kyung-Soo HAN, 及 Prof. Yang-Won LEE來台短期訪問,簽署雙方合作協議,推展雙方遙測科技與教育學術合作交流。
  • 2009年8月25日至29日期間,邀請韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (金燀)Former President, Korean Society of Remote Sensing)、韓國學者Dr. Ki-Won, Lee (李箕遠); Hong-Yul Paik(白鴻悅; Former President, Korean Aerospace Research Institute); 及Dr. Yongseung Kim來台短期參訪、及日本學者Hajime Fukushima (福島甫; Chair Professor, School of High-Technology for Human Welfare, Tokai University) 講座教授來訪,參加國家實驗研究院TIEOS&EMSEA國際論壇及第28屆測量及空間資訊研討會,推展及建立國際太空及遙測科技學術合作交流。
  • 2009年6月1日至22日期間,邀請中國科學院寒區旱區環境與工程研究所學者Dr. 李新來訪,在衛載與空載影像處理、大尺度實驗、地表過程及資料同化分析各方面,進行研究經驗的交流與分享。
  • 2009年5月18日- 5月24日期間,邀請澳大利亞學者Dr. Kefei Zhang (SPORT Centre, The RMIT University)來訪,應用台灣福衛三號觀測資料於結合大氣數值模式,以改善氣象預報。
  • 2009年2月1日- 7月31日期間,邀請俄國科學院學者Dr. Alexander Pavelyev (IRERAS ; 09/30-10/05)來訪,精進台灣福衛三號觀測資料之應用於大氣參數反演與波動現象分析。
  • 2008年12 月 8日 至 12 月 12 日期間,邀請美國學者Prof. Steven Craig Reising來訪,分享微小型水氣微波輻射計製作及其觀測大氣水氣含量的技術,增加地面GPS觀測大氣水氣技術的精確度,同時用來解決GPS RO在反演低層大氣時,無法同時解析大氣溫度及水氣的問題。
  • 2008年9月30日- 10月7日期間,邀請韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (President, Korean Society of Remote Sensing; 09/30-10/05)、俄國科學院學者Dr. Alexander Pavelyev (IRERAS ; 09/30-10/05)、澳大利亞學者Dr. Kefei Zhang (SPORT Centre, The RMIT University; 09/30-10/04)、及西班牙學者Dr. Manuel Hernandez-Pajares (AGE/UPC; 09/30-10/07))來訪,推展及建立雙方太空及遙測科技學術合作交流。
  • 2008年3月30至4月8日期間,邀請日本學者鈴木力衛教授(日本海洋研究開發機構全球變遷研究中心)來訪,推展及建立雙方遙測科技學術合作交流。
  • 2007年12月1日至8日期間,邀請日本學者澤邊賴子博士(Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Intelligent Media Systems Research Department; 12/01-06)、韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (President, The Korean Society of Remote Sensing; 12/05-08)來訪,推展及建立雙方遙測科技學術合作交流。
  • 2006年9月6日至10日期間,邀請韓國學者Prof. Choen Kim (President, The Korean Society of Remote Sensing)及Prof. Kwang-Hoon Chi來訪,推展及建立雙方遙測科技學術合作交流。
  • 2005年6月3-9月2日邀請美國太空總署(NASA)趙丰博士來台訪問。趙丰博士現為NASA Space Geodesy Laboratory之Chief、美國地球物理學會Geodesy Session President (2004-2006),並為International Association of Geodesy會士(Fellow),多項榮耀集於一身。趙博士客座期間,將在多個學研單位做學術演講、技術指導及講學,並協助推動國科會「台灣地區災變天氣整合研究」之「遙測邊界層水循環因子之研究」,著重於全球水文循環因子之觀測,尤其是利用福爾摩沙衛星三號掩星驗觀形式之技術於量測大氣中水氣含量。並針對US NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM)結合GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellite mission的重力觀測資料,對地球水文變化做一相當具前瞻性的研究。--The proposed work is to combine satellite remote sensing data of different and complementary types to study hydrological budget in various components. Specifically, the following two data types will be explored: (1) The precipitation minus evapotranspiration (P-E) data from the US NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). (2) The time-variable gravity data from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) satellite mission.
  • 2005年1月24-2月4日邀請俄國科學院(Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS)射頻工程與電子研究院(Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, IRE) 院長Yuri V. Gulyaev院士來台,促成中央大學與IRE簽訂學術合作協議,對我國科技研發極為重要,除了可吸取俄國科技技術外,更可提昇本國相關科技研發研究人員的視野,建立台俄合作關係。雙方的合作重點將放在衛星計畫、遙測計畫設備及技術開發、人員互訪等。此外,由於台灣經濟能力較強、民生富裕、電子科技產品優良,可藉此機會推銷台灣產品給俄國及建立雙方產、官、學合作交流。Gulyaev院士來台期間,亦拜訪國科會及國家太空計畫室,以利建立台俄合作關係。
  • 2003年邀請美國太空總署(NASA)趙丰博士來台訪問,趙丰博士為NASA總部Space Geodesy Laboratory之Chief、美國地球物理學會President(2004-2006),並為International Association of Geodesy會士。多項榮耀集於一身。趙博士訪台客座期間,在中央大學、交通大學、中央研究院、中央氣象局及中正理工學院做了許多學術演講,協助台灣的一些研究機構在相關實務及研究方面的推展。
  • 2002年邀請俄羅斯無線電波實驗室主任培夫里夫來台參與衛星掩星觀測「中性大氣層參數反演與驗證研究計畫」,促成中央大學太空遙測中心與俄國科學院(Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS)射頻工程與電子研究院(IRE)簽訂學術合作協議,俄羅斯科學院將派員協助中大建立航太訓練經驗,協助參與日俄航太研究計畫,相互參與教學和協助衛星掩星觀測研究。
衛星遙測與全球暖化 – 從目睹格陵蘭冰川再退縮談起國立清華大學動力機械工程系100/06/16
從目睹格陵蘭冰川退縮談全球暖化台北客家扶輪社 (天成飯店-北市忠孝西路1段43號)100/04/26
北極在燃燒 - 從太空看地球、關懷我們的家園 桃園扶輪社105/07/29
福爾摩沙衛星二號計畫 – 科學與環境監測應用國立臺灣海洋大學海洋科學與資源學院98/11/04
應用高解析度衛星影像進行災害判釋與分析: 以八八水災為例荒野保護協會(100台北市中正區詔安街204號)98/9/16
Observation of polar ice signatures by Formosat-2成功大學航空太空工程學系98/4/24
衛星遙測的現況與發展 – 救災與環境監測建國科技大學工程學院土木工程學系97/12/24
從衛星遙測談全球暖化觀測 – 以極區海冰變化為例國立中山大學海洋科學院97/12/12
我國遙測衛星計畫 – 科學與應用國立雲林科技大學工程學院(太空科技論壇)97/10/15
大氣中水氣的觀測原理: 微波輻射計之應用交通大學土木工程學系94/10/18
GPS sensing of atmospheric variables.台灣師範大學地球科學系91/03/12
GPS觀測大氣參數: 從地面到衛星中央大學大氣物理學系89/05/09
Radiometric Sensing of Land Surface Parameters交通大學土木工程學系89/02/22
Ground-based GPS sensing of water vapor and its validation交通大學土木工程學系87/04/21
Land Surface Process/Radiobrightness Models for Northern Prairie中央大學大氣物理系85/11/26
Land Surface Process/Radiobrightness Models for Northern Prairie中央氣象局85/11/19
Land Surface Process/Radiobrightness Models for Northern Prairie太空及遙測研究中心85/11/06
Passive Microwave Remote Sensing中央大學電機工程學系85/10/09


年度 計畫名稱 計畫內擔任之工作 委託單位
105 105年度客家族群與多元文化下在地實踐與全球脈絡-子計畫3:桃園地區陂塘變遷與客家產業轉變之初探(客院計畫) 主持人 客家委員會
104 104年度衛星影像技術在桃科園區辦理環境監測管理計畫 主持人 桃園市政府經濟發展局
104 104年度防救災情資整合判釋與輿論分析回應平台-防救災情資整合判釋與輿論分析回應平台 主持人 科技部
104 104年度新媒體科普傳播:小王子眼中21世紀的地球 主持人 科技部
104 104年度多區域長期驗證地表過程參數化之研究 主持人 科技部
104 104年度都市化影響下環境衝擊評估與調適策略擬定 主持人 科技部
103 103年度遙測資料於分析桃園埤塘變遷對區域熱環境之衝繫(2/2) 主持人 科技部
103 103年度地表過程參數化及觀測之研究(3/3) 主持人 科技部
102 102年度地表過程參數化及觀測之研究 主持人 國科會
102 102年度遙測資料於分析桃園埤塘變遷對區域熱環境之衝擊 主持人 國科會
101 101年度遙測資料於分析桃園地物變遷對區域環境之影響 主持人 國科會
101 101年度科普活動:認識太空之眼 主持人 國科會
101 101年度地表過程參數化及觀測之研究 主持人 國科會
101 101年度2012歐盟FP7嘗試參與計畫:整合地球觀測資源於陸面過程監測與模擬之改善 主持人 國科會
100 100年度L波段輻射儀探測土壤含水率 主持人 國科會
100 100年度台灣地面GPS測站日夜、季節或週年變化的現象 主持人 國科會
100 100年度參與世界水協會及水利國際交流協助作業(1/2) 主持人 水利署
100 100年度對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究 主持人 國科會
99 99年度設置資源衛星接收站(三)運轉及發展階段(18) 共同主持人 國家太空中心
99 99年度全球定位科學應用研究委託案(1/3)-成立福衛三號/COSMIC科學資料控制中心 主持人 國家太空中心
99 99年度微波輻射計資料品質校正作業 主持人 國土測繪中心
99 99年度對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究 主持人 國科會
99 99年度L波段輻射儀探測土壤含水率 主持人 國科會
98 98年度資源衛星接收站(三)運轉及發展階段(17) 共同主持人 國家太空中心
98 98年度強化及落實運用衛星遙測於中央管河川(含淡水及磺溪水系)河川區域之變遷監測技術 共同主持人 經濟部水利署
98 98年度對流層遲延誤差與GPS後處理動態定位精度之研究 主持人 國科會
98 98年度L波段輻射儀探測土壤含水率 主持人 國科會
98 98年度全球定位科學應用研究中心(GPS-ARC)-使用GPS掩星觀測探討全球重力波活動 主持人 國家太空中心
96 福爾摩沙衛星三號星系之IPY研究總計畫-子計畫一:福衛三號掩星觀測資料對極區大氣波動之研究 主持人 國家太空中心


  • 2023 113年度特聘教授
  • 2021 「110年航太學門成果發表會」
  • 2021 2021 年第一屆 IET 工程技術與應用研討會(IET CETA 2021)
  • 2021 教育部國立海洋科技博物館榮譽講座獎
  • 2020 109學年度特聘教授獲獎名單
  • 2019 108年度科技部傑出研究獎


  • 匈牙利國家研究、發展和創新辦公室專家團委員會(地球科學(GEOEXT))委員:National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), Hungary,2022/03~: The NRDI Office is the main organization in Hungary providing funds for R&D, including basic (discovery) research; NRDI 辦公室是匈牙利為研發提供資金的主要機構,包括基礎(發現)研究。
  • 美國商務部國家海洋和大氣總署(USA Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NOAA)專案顧問,2021/01~ 協助NOAA對台灣水文及海洋科學的了解,及執行NOAA-CWB(台灣中央氣象局)國際合作計畫之諮詢。
  • The Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Educational Series Chair, 2020~. GRSS fosters engagement of its members for the benefit of society through science, engineering, applications, and education as related to the development of the field of geoscience and remote sensing.
  • 全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)中華民國委員會委員(The Republic of China National Committee for GBIF (Taipei, TAIWAN))(GBIF, Global Biodiversity Information Facility), 2011/4/27~。


  • 典試委員(Members of the Board of Examiners) 考試院(Examination Yuan), 2022/07~
  • 桃園市政府永續發展會第一屆委員,2021/05:落實桃園市健康友善、安居樂業及智慧韌性之永續發展理念。
  • 科技部傑出研究獎審查委員,2020/9~現在。
  • 雲林縣政府縣政顧問,2019/4~2022/12/24。
  • 教育部玉山(青年)學者計畫審查委員,2018/6~: 協助教育部評比延攬優秀人才(玉山學者或玉山青年學者)。教育部自107學年度開始,規劃「教育部協助大專校院延攬國際頂尖人才實施計畫」(簡稱玉山學者計畫),以吸引國際人才來臺任教,讓國際人才的學術能量能在臺灣學術環境扎根,並提升我國高等教育之國際影響力。補助金額:每三年補助(薪資)獎額以不超過新台幣1950 萬元為原則。106、108年度教學實踐研究計畫審查委員,2018/4~。
  • (李遠哲院士)「財團法人傑出人才發展基金會」傑出人才講座審查委員,2015/8~: 協助「財團法人傑出人才發展基金會」評比延攬傑出人才講座。「財團法人傑出人才發展基金會」為協助國內學術單位與研究機構吸收及獎勵傑出人才,設置「傑出人才講座」。申請資格為具學術領導才能之國際知名學者專家。補助金額:每三年補助(薪資)獎額以不超過新台幣360 萬元為原則。
  • 科技部工程處航太學門專題計畫複審會委員,2017/1~現在。 協助規劃學門未來研究發展方向,發掘前瞻研究主題及擬定達成之策略;協助評估學門研究現況及成果,並追蹤國際發展趨勢;協助審核學門各項研究補助計畫、獎勵申請案及相關學術案件;協助推薦本會其他各項研究獎勵及補助案之審查委員;協助考核學門各項研究補助計畫之研究成果;協助綜整及推廣學門研究成果,如:年鑑、年報及年會等。協助解決學門業務推動時所遭遇之困難;協助本會與學界間之溝通橋樑;協助本會辦理政府重要科技計畫事項;協助新進研究人員啟動及規劃未來研究方向;協助其他學術相關諮詢及建議事項。
  • 在台越南專家協會(Vietnamese Experts Association in Taiwan; www.vneat.org) 榮譽理事長,2016/11~現在。
  • 台灣地球觀測學會(Taiwan Group on Earth Observations; tgeo.org.tw) 創會理事長,2010/8~現在。
  • 行政院公共工程委員會採購申訴審議委員會諮詢委員,2010/5/27~現在。
  • 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心/遙測科技碩士學位學程學生導師,2015/08~現在。
  • 多項政府單位採購、規劃、建置案評選委員會委員:如科技部、經濟部(水利署、水利規劃試驗所)、環保署、交通部(本部、中央氣象局)、內政部(本部、土地重劃局)、海巡署(本部、海巡總局)、研考會、法務部、國安局、國防部(本部、各軍種)、警政署(本部、縣市警察局)、縣市政府、新竹科學園區管理局…等政府單位評選委員會。


  • 俄羅斯聯邦Skolkovo基金會 (Skolkovo Foundation)專家團委員會委員: Skolkovo計畫,於2010年中,由當時俄羅斯總統Dmitry Medvedev推動,由聯邦政府出資42億美金,並邀請俄羅斯境內及世界各國企業集資所創立。計畫場址位於莫斯科市西方之環狀高速公路邊,距市中心約19公里。此計畫設有Skolkovo基金會、創新中心 (Innovation Center)、科技研究所 (Skoltech)、及管理研究所 (The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo)等機構。規劃2020年時,R&D方面設立50個研究中心,園區內10個公用中心,9000個研發人員,而Skolkovo科技研究所 (Skoltech)學生達1200名,500名碩博生,和15個研究中心,投資額每年可達5-10億美元以上。(2014/1~2018/12)
  • 國際宇宙航行科學院: Review Member, IAA Study Group,2013年10月起。
  • 國際太空研究委員會在地球觀測集團任務組COSPAR Task Group (TG) on the Group on Earth Observations (GEO): Support COSPAR Headquarters on GEO activities, such as: (1) promoting the importance of fundamental discoveries and improved understanding of the global integrated Earth system as critical attributes of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS); (2) promoting the effective adoption and implementation of the GEOSS data sharing principle of free and open data distribution with minimum time delay and minimum cost; (3) promoting education and outreach in developing countries for contributions to global data sets; and (4) organizing events at COSPAR Scientific Assemblies,2013年6月21日起。
  • 亞太水論壇(Asia-Pacific Water Forum)理事會觀察員:台灣地球觀測學會於2012年5月8日成為亞太水論壇(Asia-Pacific Water Forum)觀察員,於2012年11月2日首次受邀出席第十二屆理事會會議,參與2013年亞太水高峰會和2015年世界水論壇籌備,2012年11月起。
  • 國際大地測量學會遙測和大氣的模型工作小組委員會委員 International Association of Geodesy in Sub-Commission SC 4.3 – Remote sensing and modelling of the atmosphere WG4.3.3 Integration of GNSS atmosphere models with NWP models工作小組成員,2012年5月起。
  • 聯合國地球觀測集團亞太生物多樣性觀測網絡第七工作小組成員Member of Working Group 7, Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (AP BON, GEO), 2010/8/~。
  • 國際泛洋衛星遙測研討會 (Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference Steering Organizing Committee)執行委員會委員: 2010/10/~。
  • 國際全球航空航天監測系統(IGMASS: International Global Monitoring Aerospace System)國際執行委員會委員: 因應日漸複雜與惡化的全球變遷、及其對自然環境產生的壓力以及衍生的天然災害,國際宇宙航行科學院(IAA: International Academy of Astronautics)及俄羅斯宇宙航行科學院,於2008年推動國際全球航空航天監測系統(IGMASS: International Global Monitoring Aerospace System),響應GEO或全球地球觀測總系統(Global Earth Observations System of Systems; GEOSS),成為地球觀測的一環,特別加強毀滅性自然災害和人為造成災難的防範與預測,擬結合現有及前瞻科技於地球監測,包括電離層、大氣、海洋、岩石圈和外太空等等的監測資訊,改善有關災害管理的努力以及預測潛在高風險和高代價的事件,以保全人類的生命與財產,2010/4/~。
  • 東亞空間環境監測常委會 Standing Committee of Environmental Monitoring from Space of East Asia (EMSEA) 台灣主席(2006/11起): 由韓國Prof. Soondal Choi及已故日本Prof. Mikio Takagi於1991年領導成立之國際組織,關懷環境變遷之監測及對政府提供決策之建議。於1994年起,開起平台國際遙測研討會(International Conference on Remote Sensing; ISRS),在三國共同努力下,發揚光大,至今成為東亞地區之跨國遙測學術界與地球觀測相關研究人員之學術盛事。
  • 馬來西亞泰萊大學訪問教授Visiting professor, School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, Malaysia, 2012/1/1~2014/12/31。創立於1969年,馬來西亞歷史最悠久、學術表現最卓越的私立高等學府之一。
  • 澳大利亞太空研究計畫2號(標題:太空、大氣和氣候平台技術)聯盟成員,澳大利亞創新、工業、科學和研究部: 一個800萬美元的空間技術合作夥伴關係,宗旨在監測氣候變化和開發與空間有關的先進技術平台,包括在太空跟踪和導航、精確定位、太空天氣、大氣和氣候的監測, 2010/4/~2015/3。

兼任-過去 (國內)

  • 國家實驗研究院『推動參與地球觀測集團策略規劃專案計畫』推動小組委員,2008/10/1~。
  • 行政院國家科學委員會(科技部)政府科技計畫審議作業群組專家,2007/01~,協助科技部執行「政府科技發展計畫之綜合規劃、協調、評量考核及科技預算之審議」。
  • 國立中央大學全球定位科學應用研究中心(GPS-ARC)執行委員,2007~2016
  • 桃園縣政府氣候變遷專家諮詢小組委員,2013~2015。為因應氣候變遷之衝擊提供諮詢,按氣候變遷對人民生活的影響是全面性的,無論是自然生態、經濟、社會、政治、文化各方面,衝擊深入且無可逃避。氣候變遷所造成的衝擊是沒有界線的,它的穿透力是擴及所有領域及議題,需要以互動性的新思維作為氣候變遷的因應之道。依照國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領,台灣的主要調適領域包括災害、維生基礎設施、水資源、土地使用、海岸、能源供給及產業、農業生產及生物多樣性與健康等八項領域。而可能造成人類自然與社會經濟影響與衝擊的氣候變遷主要現象包括「海平面上升」、「溫度上升」、「水文變化」、「極端天氣事件」等。
  • 新竹縣環境教育基金管理會委員,2012/1~12
  • 國立台灣大學2012學年度教師評鑑委員。
  • 國立中央大學校務會議代表,2007~2012; 2016-2017
  • 國立中央大學客家學院教師評審委員會委員,2008/08~2011/08
  • 行政院國家科學委員會自然處地球科學研究推動中心審議委員,2009/01~2010/07
  • 國立中央大學招生委員會委員、推廣教育審核小組委員、研究發展會議委員、教務會議代表、校務會議代表,2007~2010。
  • 『中華國防工業發展協會』科技顧問,2007/7/11-2010/7/1 : 本協會宗旨積極推動國防產業根植民間,並國際性事務,促進國防產業升級,創造人民福祉。
  • 行政院國家科學委員會工程處航太學門專題計畫複審會委員,2007/1~2009/12; 2013/01~2015/12。
  • 『桃園縣政府採購稽核小組』稽核諮詢委員,2008/1/1-2010/12/31 : 協助桃園縣政府稽核監督機關辦理採購有無違反政府採購法令。稽核監督依政府採購法第四條、第五條接受機關補助或受委託法人、團體辦理採購有無違反政府採購法令。
  • 行政院原子能委員會放射性物料安全諮詢委員會委員,2004/10/01~2010/09/30: 增進我國放射性物料管理之安全,防止放射性危害,確保環境品質及民眾健康。
  • 行政院國家科學委員會全民防衛動員準備業務會報委員,2006/4/1-2009/3/31 : 協助行政院國家科學委員會辦理科技動員準備事項,任務包含:科技動員準備方案之策訂及動員準備分類計畫之審議; 行政院動員會報決議事項之綜合協調與執行; 行政動員準備支援軍事動員準備之政軍協調; 行政院動員會報交辦有關科技動員準備事項之執行及法令之審議; 直轄市及縣(市)政府相關配合執行計畫之審議。
  • 國防科技發展推行委員會學界代表,2005/3~ : 由國防部、國科會及經濟部成立該委員會,為結合民間力量發展國防科技工業,以加速推行建設自主國防,該委員會並受行政院指導。任務如後:規劃、擬(修)訂國防科技工業發展方案,及監督該方案之推行。相關機構、法人團體及產品資料之調查及建立。軍品外購之技術轉移等工業合作之協調及配合推動。相關人才之培育及運用。與學術、研究機構及工業界之協調配合。從事國防科技研究發展、產製、維修、銷售計畫與特殊個案之協調及推動。其他有關結合民間力量發展國防科技工業之協調及推動。
  • 國立中央大學地球科學院水文科學研究所籌備小組委員會 委員兼執行秘書 創立全國唯一之水文科學研究所。
  • 中央氣象局GPS連續觀測網工作小組委員會委員,協助規劃與增設150 GPS連續觀測網: 深入瞭解台灣地形變化與地震活動的關連性,設置永久性的全球衛星定位追蹤站(簡稱GPS站),以連續監測記錄方式量測各追蹤站之高程及水平變位,可長期調查全島地殼變化的概況,並可經由與地震發生時序之比對,研判台灣未來地震活動之趨勢,從而建立地震預測之能力。
  • 私立健行科技大學電機工程學系 兼任教授
  • 國立中央大學校務會議研究中心代表、電腦資源管理規劃委員會委員、創新教學計畫補助評議委員會、環保暨安全衛生委員會研究中心代表、圖書館委員會委員、資訊系統管理委員會委員、國際學術交流委員會委員(對俄羅斯事務)
  • 國立中央大學 太空科學研究所 學生事務委員會委員、課程委員會委員
  • 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 人事評審委員會委員兼召集人、學術委員會委員兼召集人、經費管理委員會委員

320317 桃園市中壢區五權里2鄰中大路300號 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心
電話:(03)4257232;(03)422-7151 轉57600~57603 , 傳真:03-425-5535, E-mail: ncu7600@ncu.edu.tw
衛星影像申購 : (03)422-9332;(03)422-7151 轉57601 service@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw

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