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國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心 Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, NCU

蔡龍治 教授| 太空及遙測研究中心

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蔡龍治 教授


  • 電離層物理
  • 雷達信號處理


  • 蔡教授主要研究工作在高頻電波遙測電離層、電離層中電波傳播,以及相關雷達訊號處理與分析。研究生期間,主要在改進美國猶他州立大學電離層探測儀(Dynasonde)系統工程,之後在國立中央大學服務期間與劉正彥教授合作操作另一數位式電離層探測儀系統(Digisonde),更深入電離層遙測的科學研究工作及相關系統訊號處理與分析,也為國際間少數同時熟悉此兩套最著名數位式電離層探測儀系統的人士之一。
  • 在過去在中大服務六年多期間,發表了學術期刊論文 12 篇,研討會論文 37 篇,專書論文5 篇,以及專案技術報告 1 篇( "中華二號衛星科學酬載:大氣輝光光譜儀研究計畫評估" )。近年積極參與中華三號衛星COSMIC計畫電離層氣象觀測與研究。
  • 主持:電離層探測實驗室
  • 太遙中心主聘
  • 太空所從聘

  • 美國猶他州立大學電機與電腦工程系博士, 1995/03
  • 美國猶他州立大學電機工程系碩士, 1991/06
  • 國立交通大學電子工程系學士, 1986/06

  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 代理主任 (2017/11-2018/01)
  • 國立中央大學 學務處諮商輔導中心 主任 (2004/08-2007/07)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授 (2002/08-now)
  • 國立中央大學 太空所(從聘) 教授 (2002/08-now)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 副教授 (1996/08-2002/07)
  • 美國科蘿拉多州 NCAR 訪問學者 (1999/09-2000/02)
  • 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 講師 (1995/08-1996/07)
  • 美國猶他州立大學 Space Dynamic Laboratory 研究助理 (1991/07-1995/03)
  • 國立交通大學 半導體中心 助教 (1988/08-1989/07 )

  • Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1998
  • Research Vice President's Fellowship, Utah State University, USA, 1990

期刊論文     研討會論文     其他研究報告

» 期刊論文 Journal Papers
2007 (4 papers)
  • T. Y. Hsiao, L.-C. Tsai, and C. H. Liu, The initial results of coherent beacon radio receiving systems of transit satellites for low-latitude scintillation near Taiwan, TAO, in press, 2007.
  • T. Y. Hsiao, L.-C. Tsai, and F. T. Berkey, The initial results of the Chung-Li Dynasonde for the RF environment surveillance and ionospheric observations, TAO, in press, 2007.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C.H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Profiling of ionospheric electron density based on the FormoSat-3/COSMIC data: results from the intense observation period experiment, TAO, in press, 2007.
  • 蔡龍治、蕭棟元、陳政儀、蔡偉雄、朱延祥、劉兆漢,福衛三號於全球電離層氣象觀測與研究,物理雙月刊, 2007.
2006 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, J. Y. Chou, and C.H. Liu, Ionospheric tomography of the reference GPS/MET experiment through the IRI model, TAO (SCI Journal), 17(1), 263-276, 2006.
2004 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C. and W. H. Tsai, Improvement of GPS/MET ionospheric profiling and validation with Chung-Li ionosonde measurements and the IRI, Terrestial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (SCI Journal), 15 (4), 589-607, 2004.
2002 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, W. H. Tsai, and C. T. Liu, Tomographic imaging of the ionosphere using the GPS/MET and NNSS data, J. of Atmos. and Solar-Terr. Phys., 64(18), 2003-2011, 2002.
2001 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, A. Y. Wong, and Jackie Pau, Dynasonde observations of ionospheric modification experiments with the HIPAS observatory, J. of Atmos. and Solar-Terr. Phys., 63, 107-116, 2001.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, W. S. Schreiner, F. T. Berkey, and J. Y. Liu, Comparisons of GPS/MET retrieved ionospheric electron density and ground based ionosonde data, Earth Planets Space, 53, 193-205, 2001.
2000 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, L-C, and F. T. Berkey, Ionogram analysis using fuzzy segmentation and connectedness techniques, Radio Sci., 35(5), 1173-1186, 2000.
  • Liu, J. Y., Y.-H. Chu, M.-Q. Chen, L.-C. Tsai, and C.-M. Huang, Modeling and ground observations of the ionosphere related to the COSMIC project, Terrestial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 11 (1), 349-364, 2000.
1999 (3 papers)
  • Liu, J. Y., H. F. Tsai, C.-C. Wu, C. L. Tseng, L.-C. Tsai, W. H. Tsai, K. Liou, and J. K. Chao, The effect of geomagnetic storm on ionospheric total electron content at the equatorial anomaly region, Adv. Space Res., 24(11), 1491-1494, 1999.
  • Liu, J. Y., H. F. Tsai, L.-C. Tsai, and M. Q. Chen, Ionospheric total electron content observed during the 24 October 1995 solar eclipse, Adv. Space Res., 24(11), 1495-1498, 1999.
  • 鄭惇仁,蔡龍治,應用模糊集合理論於中壢電離層探測儀自動化電離圖判讀,物理雙月刊, 21(5), 592-599, 1999.
1998 (1 papers)
  • Liu, J.Y., C. C. Hsiao, L. C. Tsai, C. H. Liu, F. S. Kuo, H. Y. Lue, C. M. Huang, Vertical phase and group velocities of ionospheric gravity waves derived from ionograms, J. of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 60, 1679-1686, 1998.
1997 (3 papers)
  • Tsai L.-C., and J. Y. Liu, Ionospheric observations of the solar eclipse on 24 Oct. 1995 at Chung-Li, Terrestial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 8 (2), 221-232, 1997.
  • Tsai L.-C., J. Y. Liu, F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, The use of level singular value decomposition techniques for vector velocity determinations and its application to TID observations, Adv. Space Res., 20 (6), 1277-1280, 1997.
  • Tsai L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, Derivation and error analysis of echo phase parameters for the dynasonde, Radio Sci., 32 (2), 557-566, 1997.
1995 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, The true-height analysis of ionograms using simplified numerical procedures, Radio Sci., 30 (4), 949-959, 1995.
1993 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, On the derivation of an improved parameter configuration for the Dynasonde, Radio Sci., 28 (5), 785-793, 1993.
1991 (1 papers)
  • Stiles, G. S., F. T. Berkey, B. Whatcott, and L.-C. Tsai, The use of transputer for real-time data processing in an ionospheric radar, Applications of Transputers 3, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1-6, 1991.
» 研討會論文 Conference Papers
2007 (3 papers)
  • ANDREEVA E. S., STEVEN J. FRANKE, VIACHESLAV E. KUNITSYN, L.-C. TSAI, C. H. LIU, Research of Low-Latitude Ionosphere using Radio Tomography and Occultation Technique, AOGS 2007, July 29-Aug. 4, 2007, Bangkok.
  • Hsiao, T. Y., L.-C. Tsai, C. H. Liu, Initial results of coherent beacon radio receiving systems for low-latitude scintillation by New LITN Network, AOGS 2007, July 29-Aug. 4, 2007, Bangkok.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Multi-dimensional numerical modeling of the ionospheric electron density based on the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS radio occultation data, AOGS 2007, July 29-Aug. 4, 2007, Bangkok.
2006 (5 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Ionospheric electron density specification using the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data, FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Workshop 2006- Early Results and IOP Campaigns, Nov. 28-Dec.1, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Mapping of ionospheric characteristics at the F2-layer peak based on the GPS RO data, 第七屆海峽兩岸太空 / 空間研討會, Nov. 24-30, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Ionospheric electron density specification using the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data, LAPAN Seminar National Antariksa III, Nov. 15-16, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Hsiao, Ionospheric electron density specification and mapping of F2-layer characteristics using the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data, FS3/COSMIC Data Users Workshop, Oct. 16-18, 2006, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liu, and W. H. Tsai, Mapping of ionospheric characteristics at the F2-layer peak based on the GPS radio occultation data, the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, July 16-23, 2006, Beijing, China.
2005 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and C.H. Liu, Tomographic imaging of the ionosphere using GPS RO and NNSS data, the 2005 AOGS, June 20 - 24, Singapore.
  • Tsai, L.-C., C. H. Liou, and T. T. Hsiao, Numerical mapping of F2-layer critical frequency based on the GPS/MET data, the 2005 EGU General Assembly, April 24-29, Vienna.
2004 (6 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and C. Y. Chou, Ionospheric tomography from reference radio occultation experiments through the IRI Model, the 2004 AOGS, July 10 - July 14, Singapore.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and T. T. Hsiao, IRI NmF2 numerical mapping based on the GPS/MET data, the 2004 AOGS, July 10 - July 14, Singapore.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and C. H. Liu, Ionospheric tomography and numerical mapping of F2-layer critical frequency using GPS RO data, UCAR summer colloquium, June 28 - July 2, 2004, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Hsiao, T., T., L.-C. Tsai, F. T. Berkey, The initial results of the Chung-Li, NCU MF/HF ionospheric dynamics observation radar (dynasonde), 2004全國大氣科學學術研討會, May 17-20, 2004, Acer’s Aspire Park, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, Three-dimensional ionospheric tomography using RO data, ROCSAT-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Science Workshop (II), May 19-20, 2004, Acer’s Aspire Park, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W.H. Tsai, Numerical mapping of F2-layers critical frequency based on the GPS/MET data, ROCSAT-3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Science Workshop (II), May 19-20, 2004, Acer’s Aspire Park, Taiwan.
2003 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, W. H., L.-C. Tsai, Ionospheric tomography of the reference GPS/MET experiment through the IRI model, the 2003 COSMIC Workshop, Sep. 8, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, Improvement of GPS/MET ionospheric profiling and validation with Chung-Li ionosonde measurements and the IRI, the 2003 COSMIC Workshop, Sep. 8, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
2002 (4 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., Improving GPS/MET ionospheric electron density profiles using a "compensated" Abel inversion method, Radio Occultation Science Workshop, August 21-23, 2002, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Tsai, L.-C., Improvement of GPS/MET ionospheric profiling using a "compensated" Abel inversion method, Earth Science System Workshop, June 3-4, 2002, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, A. Y. Wong, and Jackie Pau, Dynasonde observations of ionospheric modification experiments with the HIPAS observatory, Earth Science System Workshop, June 3-4, 2002, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., Improving GPS/MET ionospheric electron density profiles using an “compensated" Abel inversion method, National Radio Science Meeting, January 9-12, 2002, Boulder, Colorado.
2001 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and C. T. Liu, Radiotomography of the ionosphere using the GPS/MET and NNSS data, 第七屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, Sep. 25-27, 2001, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and W. H. Tsai, The Chung-Li dynasonde (ionospheric sounder), 第七屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, Sep. 25-27, 2001, Taipei, Taiwan.
2000 (7 papers)
  • Liu, C. T, L.-C. Tsai, and W. H. Tsai, Computerized ionospheric tomography using the GPS/MET and NNSS data, the 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2000), Dec. 4-8, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and W. H. Tsai, Imaging the ionosphere using GPS data, COSPAR Colloquium, Sep. 27-29, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, and W. S. Schreiner, Ionospheric tomography with the global positioning system, PIERS 2000, July 5-14, 2000, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Tsai, L.-C, and W. H. Tsai, Ionospheric tomography with the global positioning system, paper O17, CEDAR 2000, Fifteenth Summer NSF Workshop, June 25-30, 2000, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
  • Liu, J. Y., M. Q. Chen, L.-C. Tsai, Ionospheric evolutions derived from the simulated COSMIC database, the 89 COSMIC Workshop, April 20, 2000, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., W. H. Tsai, W. S. Schreiner, F. T. Berkey, and J. Y. Liu, Validations of GPS/MET retrieved ionospheric electron density using ground based ionosonde data, the 89 COSMIC Workshop, April 20, 2000, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and W. H. Tsai, Tomographic imaging of the ionosphere during a solar eclipse, National Radio Science Meeting, January 5-8, 2000, Boulder, Colorado.
1999 (10 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C, W. H. Tsai, F. T. Berkey, and J. Y. Liu, Comparisons of GPS/MET retrieved ionospheric electron density and ground based ionosonde data, the 2nd Radio Science Symposium, December 20-21, 1999, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C, and W. H. Tsai, GPS/MET tomography of the ionospheric electron content, the 2nd Radio Science Symposium, December 20-21, 1999, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Fish, C. S., F. T. Berkey, and L. C. Tsai, Meteor Echo Studies at HF Using the NOAA Dynasonde, the XXVIth URSI General Assembly, August 13-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada.
  • Berkey, F. T, C. S. Fish, M. J. Taylor, and L.-C. Tsai, A study of meteor echoes at HF using the Bear Lake Dynasonde, IES 1999, May 4-7, 1999, Alexandria, Virginia
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, Fuzzy segmentation and classification of ionograms, IES 1999, May 4-7, 1999, Alexandria, Virginia.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, Observations of ionosphere radio frequency heating experiment using HF radar, 第六屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, April 29 - May 1, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 鄭惇仁,蔡龍治,應用模糊集合理論於自動化電離圖判讀之研究,第六屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, April 29 - May 1, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Lou, K. B., L.-C. Tsai, and K. S. Chen, Forest monitoring using image decorrelation, PIERS 1999, March 22-26, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chen, H., L.-C. Tsai, and K. S. Chen, Application of wavelet analysis to forest study, PIERS 1999, March 22-26, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, Observations by dynasonde of large-scale ionospheric modification, PIERS 1999, March 22-26, 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998 (4 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., K. S. Chen, and T. Y. Liao, Multilook processing of interferometric SAR imagery using discrete wavelet approximation, PIERS 1998, July 13-17, 1998, Nantes, France.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, Automatic scaling of ionospheric parameters using fuzzy classification techniques, PIERS 1998, July 13-17, 1998, Nantes, France.
  • Tsai, L.-C., Validation of ionospheric electron density deduced from GPS/MET, Paper C2-55, US-Taiwan Bilateral COSMIC Science Workshop, Feb. 26-28, 1998, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Berkey, F. T., L.-C. Tsai, and G. S. Stiles, Dynasonde Doppler velocity measurements during an ionospheric modification campaign, the National Radio Science Meeting, Jan. 5-8, 1998, Boulder, Colorado.
1997 (4 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., and J. Y. Liu, Collaborative observations of AGWs induced by the solar eclipse on 24 Oct. 1995 using the Chung-Li Digisonde and the Lunping HF Doppler sounders, Section 2.19, IAGA 1997 Secretary General, 1997, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Ye, Y., F. T. Berkey, G. S. Stiles, and L.-C. Tsai, Results from an analysis of mid-latitude dynasonde measurements using the method of singular value decomposition, CEDAR Meeting, Boulder, CO, June 1997.
  • Berkey, F. T., Y. Ye, L.-C. Tsai, and G. S. Stiles, On the derivation of ionospheric Doppler velocity using the singular value decomposition method, Paper SM31A-12, AGU 1997 Spring Meeting, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, A new pulse set pattern for the EISCAT Dynasonde, Paper SA41A-11, AGU 1997 Spring Meeting, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
1996 (5 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., J. Y. Liu, and F. T. Berkey, Automatic ionogram trace identification using fuzzy classification techniques (invited), Paper G5, URSI 25th General Assembly, 1996, Lille, France.
  • Tsai, L.-C., J. Y. Liu, F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, The use of level singular value decomposition techniques for vector velocity determinations and its application to TID observations, Paper C1.1-0085, the 31st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 1996, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
  • Lee, C. C., J. Y. Liu, and L. C. Tsai, On the behavior of ionospheric critical frequency and total electron content during the 24 October 1995 Solar Eclipse, Section II(B), 第五屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, June 26-29, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Chen, K. Y., J. Y. Liu, C. J. Pan, L. C. Tsai, and C. H. Liu, The study of ionospheric fluctuations during the 24 Oct. 1995 solar eclipse by using wavelet transform technique, Paper 024, Workshop for Data Comparison and Experimental Results of Oct. 24, 1995 Total Solar Eclipse, May 6-8, 1996, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Liu, J. Y., H. Y. Lue, C. C. Shiao, L. C. Tsai, F. S. Kuo, and C. M. Huang, A study of vertical propagation during the 24 October 1995 solar eclipse, Paper 013, Workshop for Data Comparison and Experimental Results of Oct. 24, 1995 Total Solar Eclipse, May 6-8, 1996, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
1995 (2 papers)
  • Tsai, L. C., and J. Y. Liu, Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse on 24 Oct. 1995 at Chung-Li, Paper 019, Workshop for Data Comparison and Experimental Results of Oct. 24, 1995 Total Solar Eclipse, May 6-8, 1996, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, The use of cone-shaped kernels for generalized time-frequency representations of simulated VLF banded emissions, Paper AS307, 1995 IUGG Meeting, 1995, Boulder, Colorado.
1993 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, Derivation of echo phase parameters for the Dynasonde: Error analysis and reduction of aliasing, Paper SA22A-11, AGU 1993 Fall Meeting, December 6-10, 1993, San Francisco, California.
1992 (1 papers)
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, On the derivation of an improved parameter configuration for the Dynasonde, Paper G3-8, National Radio Science Meeting, January 7-10, 1992, Boulder, Colorado.
1991 (1 papers)
  • Berkey, F. T., G. S. Stiles, L.-C. Tsai, and B. K. Whatcott, The application of parallel processing to ionospheric sounding, Paper SA12A-14, AGU 1991 Fall Meeting, December 9-13, 1991, San Francisco, California.
» 其他研究報告
  • Tsai, L.-C., and F. T. Berkey, Fuzzy segmentation and classification of ionograms, Ionospheric Effects Symposium 1999 (IES99) Proceeding, 2B3, pp.1-8, 1999.
  • “Mesosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Airglow Spectrograph/spectrometer (MITAS) on ROCSAT-2” feasibility study phase final report and implementation phase plan, June, 1998.
  • Tsai, L.-C., Validation of ionospheric electron density deduced from GPS/MET, Proceeding of US-Taiwan Bilateral COSMIC Science Workshop, 179-182, 1998.
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and J. Y. Liu, Automatic ionogram trace identification using fuzzy classification techniques, Computer Aided Processing of Ionograms and Ionosonde Records, Report UAG-105, Phil Wilkinson, Ed., pp. 45-50, World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, 1998.
  • Wong A. Y., M. McCarrick, R. F. Wuerker, J. Villasenor, B. Song, H. Zwi, G. Rosenthal, T. Nakamura, J. Pau, T. Fukuchi, D. D. Sentman, R. Smith, J. Kan, L.-C. Tsai, and F. T. Berkey, Ionospheric modification and Environmental research in the auroral region, Chapter 3 of Plasma Science and the Environment, W. Manheimer, edited by L. E. Sugiyama, and T. H. Stix, AIP Press, Woodbury, New York, 1997.
  • Tsai, L.-C., F. T. Berkey, and G. S. Stiles, Simplified numerical procedures applied to the true-height analysis of ionograms, Ionosonde Networks and Stations, Report UAG-104, Phil Wilkinson, Ed., pp. 87-93, World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, 1995.


年度 計畫名稱 計畫內擔任之工作 委託單位
105 105年度新的GNSS與Radar技術與應用發展-電離層經驗模式發展與其應用於GNSS定位校正與信號失鎖預測(2/3) 主持人 科技部
105 105年度結合全球導航衛星系統與福衛掩星觀測資料於電離層的多維模組研究 主持人 科技部
104 104年度雙向動態式電離層觀測系統於台灣中南部上空電離層觀測與其應用(3/3) 主持人 科技部
104 104年度新的GNSS與Radar技術與應用發展-電離層經驗模式發展與其應用於GNSS定位校正與信號失鎖預測(1/3) 主持人 科技部
104 104年度以中華衛星一號IPEI資料研究電離層赤道不規則體對太空通訊及導航的影響 主持人 The Air Force Office of Scientific Research Asian Office of Aerospace RD
104 104年度高頻無線電波通信干擾源分析與定位(I) 主持人 科技部
104 104年度結合全球導航衛星系統與福衛掩星觀測資料於電離層的多維模組研究 主持人 科技部
104 104年度台印國合計畫-以全球定位衛星之電波掩星技術來研究電離層產生地震前、後之信息 主持人 國科會
103 103年度以中華衛星一號IPEI資料研究電離層赤道不規則體對太空通訊及導航的影響 主持人 The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Asian Office of Aerospace R&D (AOARD)
103 103年度雙向動態式電離層觀測系統於台灣中南部上空電離層觀測與其應用(2/3) 主持人 科技部
103 103年度台印國合計畫-以全球定位衛星之電波掩星技術來研究電離層產生地震前、後之信息 主持人 國科會
102 102年度雙向動態式電離層觀測系統於台灣中南部上空電離層觀測與應用 主持人 國科會
102 102年度台印國合計畫-以全球定位衛星之電波掩星技術來研究電離層產生地震前、後之信息 主持人 國科會
102 102年度高頻無線電波通信效益提升提升與頻率管理(III) 主持人 國科會
101 101年度國際高頻信號標觀測與無線電波電離層傳播研究(I) 主持人 國科會
101 101年度高頻無線電波通信效益提升與頻率管理(II) 主持人 國科會
100 100年度高頻無線電波通信效益提升與頻率管理(I) 主持人 國科會
100 100年度利用動態式電離層觀測儀於中高頻無線電波環境監測與發射台定位研究 主持人 國科會
99 99年度全球定位科學應用研究委託案(1/3)-全球電離層電子密度估計與數值模式研究 主持人 國家太空中心
99 99年度電磁環境作戰支援整合系統之研究(III)-子計畫二:高頻頻帶背景資料庫之建置 主持人 國科會
99 99年度利用動態式電離層觀測儀於中高頻無線電波環境監測與發射台定位研究 主持人 國科會
98 98年度利用動態式電離層觀測儀於中高頻無線電波環境監測與發射台定位研究 主持人 國科會
98 98年度全球定位科學應用研究中心計畫-電波掩星法應用於全球電離層氣象與動態特性研究 主持人 國家太空中心
98 98年度電磁環境作戰支援整合系統之研究(II)-子計畫二:高頻頻帶背景資料庫之建置 主持人 國科會
96 全球定位科學應用研究中心計畫-電波掩星法應用於全球電離層氣象與動態特性研究 主持人 國家太空中心
96 中低緯電離層電腦斷層掃描網於電離層動態觀測與研究 共同主持人 國科會
96 中性與離化大氣耦合作用之雷達整合研究-子計畫三:使用干涉法於中高頻雷達電離層觀測與研究(1/2) 主持人 國科會


  • 2023 國立中央大學113年度研究傑出獎
  • 2023 國立中央大學112學年度服務優良獎
  • 2020 109學年度教師及研究人員研究傑出獲獎名單
  • 2020 研究傑出獎
  • 2019 國際大地測量學會(International Association of Geodesy, IAG)會士

320317 桃園市中壢區五權里2鄰中大路300號 國立中央大學太空及遙測研究中心
電話:(03)4257232;(03)422-7151 轉57600~57603 , 傳真:03-425-5535, E-mail: ncu7600@ncu.edu.tw
衛星影像申購 : (03)422-9332;(03)422-7151 轉57601 service@csrsr.ncu.edu.tw

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