- 張中白教授先後畢業於成功大學地球科學系及台灣大學地質研究所。民國85年在教育部以及法國政府經費補助下,進入巴黎第六大學(居禮大學)攻讀構造地質博士,於民國90年取得學位,回台服務。回台後先後於台灣大學地質研究所、中央研究院地球科學研究所、成功大學地球科學系、中央大學太空及遙測研究中心從事博士後研究工作,並於民國92年起聘為中央大學太空及遙測研究中心助理教授,民國95年升等副教授,民國101年升等教授。
- 擔任學術性職務
- 中華民國地球物理學會 理事長
- 中華民國地球科學會 理事
- 中華民國航遙測學會 理事
- TAO(地球科學集刊) 編輯
- Tetonophysics客座編輯
- JAES客座編輯
- 科技部地球科學學門 審議
- 主持:中央大學資源衛星接收站、中央大學太空及遙測研究中心地質遙測實驗室
- 法國巴黎第六大學構造地質學研究所博士, 2001/03
- 國立台灣大學地質學研究所碩士, 1996/06
- 國立成功大學地球科學系學士, 1991/06
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授兼主任 (2016/8~2017/10)
- 國立中央大學 研發處 副研發長 (2013/2~2013/10)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 教授 (2012/8~2016/7)
- 國立中央大學 研發處研究推動組 組長 (2007/8~2010/7)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 副教授 (2006/08-2012/07)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 助理教授 (2003/02~2006/07)
- 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心 博士後研究員 (2002/1~2003/1)
- 國立成功大學 地球科學系 博士後研究員 (2001/8~2001/12)
- Invited speaker of the 7th RAEG (Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics) International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 2003.
- Invited speaker of the 6th SEGJ (Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan) International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
- The prize of "Best Post" in the competition of "Ateliers de recherche sur les bassins sedimentaires, Paris, 1999" (conference of sedimentary basin research, Paris, 1999).
- The highest grade in the Ph.D. thesis defense (Very Honor with Committee's Congratulations), 2001.
- Scholarship for graduate students in Doctor program (sponsored by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan and the Institut Francais a Taipei), 1996-2001.
- Scholarship for the top 2 graduate students in Master program (sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan), 1995.
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists
- Chinese Geophysical Society
- European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- European Geophysical Society
- European Union of Geosciences
Professional Activities
- Reviewer of "Tectonophysics".
- Reviewer of "Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences".
- Technical assistant of "2002 International Workshop on Earthquake Precursor- Integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors" (06/2002, National Central University, Chungli).
- Field guide of "第三屆海峽兩岸祁連山地學研討會" pre-meeting field trip (03/2002, National Chengkung University, Tainan).
- Frequent cruises during 1994~ 1996 in the West Philippine Sea, the Southern China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait (R/V Ocean Researcher I and R/V Ocean Researcher III). Participant for the seismic reflection profile exploration and the sediment sampling.
- Abundant experiences in geological field work (e.g., Taiwan, the Tibet plateau, the Rocky Mountains, the Alps, and the Massif Central).
期刊論文 研討會論文 其他研究報告 其他著作
» 期刊論文 Journal Papers
2003 (4 papers)
- Chen, C.C., Chang, C.P. and Chen, K.S., 2003. Segmented faulting process of Chelungpu thrust: Implication of SAR interferograms. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 14, 241-247. (SCI)
- Pathier, E., Fruneau, B., Deffontaines, B., Angelier, J., Chang, C.P., Yu, S.B., Lee, C.T., 2003. Coseismic displacements of the footwall of Chelungpu fault by the 1999, Taiwan, Chi-Chi earthquake from InSAR and GPS data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 212, 73-88. (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Chang, T.Y., Angelier J., Kao, H., Lee, J.C. and Yu, S.B., 2003. Strain and stress field in Taiwan oblique convergent system: Constraints from GPS observations and tectonic data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 115-127. (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Lee, T.Q. and Huang, C.Y., 2003. From continental margin extension to collision orogen: Structural development of the Hengchun Peninsula and tectonic rotation, southern Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 361, 61-82. (SCI)
2001 (3 papers)
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Huang, C.Y. and Liu, C.S., 2001. Structure evolution and significance of a melange in a collision belt: the Lichi Melange and the Taiwan arc-continent collision. Geological Magazine, 138, 633-651. (SCI)
- Fruneau, B., Pathier, E., Raymond, D., Deffontaines, B., Lee, C.T., Wang, H.T., Angelier, J., Rudant, J. P. and Chang, C.P., 2001. Uplift of Tainan Tableland (SW Taiwan) revealed by SAR interferometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3071-3076. (SCI)
- Huang, C.Y., Yuan, P.B., Lin, C.W., Wang, T.K. and Chang, C.P., 2000. Geodynamic processes of Taiwan arc-continent collision and comparison with analogs in Timor, Papua New Guinea, Urals and Corsica. Tectonophysics, 325, 1-21. (SCI)
2000 (2 papers)
- Huang, C.Y., Yuan, P.B., Lin, C.W., Wang, T.K. and Chang, C.P., 2000. Geodynamic processes of Taiwan arc-continent collision and comparison with analogs in Timor, Papua New Guinea, Urals and Corsica. Tectonophysics, 325, 1-21. (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J. and Huang, C.Y., 2000. Origin and evolution of a melange: the active plate boundary and suture zone of the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 325, 43-62. (SCI)
1997 (1 papers)
- Huang, C.Y., Wu, W.Y., Chang, C.P., Tsao S., Yuan, P.B., Lin, C.W. and Xia, K.Y., 1997. Tectonic evolution of accretionary prism in the arc-continent collision terrance of Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 281, 31-51. (SCI)
» 研討會論文 Conference Papers
2011 (35 papers)
- Lin,G.P., Chang, C.P., Chiu, C.Y., Chang, W.L., 2011。Transition of Ground Uplift in Southwestern Taiwan from PSI and GPS Observations. 。AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Fan, K.T., Chang, C.P., Yen, H.Y., Yen, J.Y., Chen, C.H., 2011。Monitoring of Surface Deformation in Northern TAIWAN Using PSInSAR.。AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., 2011。Segmentation of convergent plate boundary in eastern Taiwan observed by Persistent SAR Interferometry.。AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Xu, X.W., Yuan, R., Li, K., Sun, X., Chen, W.S., 2011。Fault segmentation and structural evolution of the frontal Longmen San fault zone.。AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- 張中白,2011。太空遙測於地質災害之應用。2011海峽兩岸地質災害防治學術研討會。中壢,台灣。
- Fan, K.T., Chang ,C.P., Yen, H.Y., Yen, J.Y. and Chen, C.H.,2011。Monitoring of Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan Using PSInSar Tecniques. 。2011ACRS。台北,台灣。
- Chen, Y.A., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y.,2011。Application of Persistent Scatterer and Small-Baseline SAR Interferometry in Monitoring the Surface Deformation in Choushui River Alluvial Fan of Central Taiwan。2011ACRS。台北,台灣。
- Huang, C.C., Chang, C.P., Slawomir Jack Giletycz,2011。Structural Geology Implications as Crucial Factors to Facilitate Forming Typhoon-Triggered Landslides: Case From Hsiaolin Village During Typhoon MORAKOT, 2009,2011ACRS。台北,台灣。
- Lin, G.P., Chiu, C.Y., Chang, W.L., Chang, C.P.,2011。Comparison Between PSI and GPS Data: Northern and Southwestern Taiwan。2011ACRS。台北,台灣。
- Hsu, T.H., Chang, C.P., Lu, C.H., Liang, S.H.,2011。Tectonic Activity of The Pulibasin in Central Taiwan: Observation form Space and Fields。2011ACRS。台北,台灣。
- 張中白,陳怡安,顏君毅,洪偉嘉。2011。利用多重感測器觀測濁水溪沖積扇地區地層下陷。建國百年天氣分析預報與地震測報研討會。台北,台灣。
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., 2011. Investigation of Surface Deformation Along the Longitudinal Valley and Eastern Central Range Taiwan Using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. AOGS.
- 張中白,盧志恆,顏君毅,陳怡安,洪偉嘉。2011。Seasonal and long-term surface deformation monitoring of central Taiwan by using radar interferometry。第五屆兩岸遙測研討會。中國大陸,哈爾濱。
- 許庭瑄,張中白,盧志恆,梁勝雄,2011。Tectonic activity of the Puli Basin in Central Taiwan: Observation from space and fields。第五屆兩岸遙測研討會。中國大陸,哈爾濱。
- 許庭瑄,張中白,盧志恆,梁勝雄,2011。Tectonic activity of the Puli Basin in Central Taiwan: Observation from space and fields。第五屆兩岸遙測研討會。中國大陸,哈爾濱。
- 吳育雅,胡植慶,張中白,盧志恆,2011。應用永久散體干涉技術量測西南地區的地表變形。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 林耕霈,張午龍,張中白,盧志恆,2011。Study on fault-related surface deformation of southwestern Taiwan by using GPS and PSInSAR。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 徐乙君,張中白,2011。莫拉克風災崩塌地分布與河流地形之相關性研究。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 陳怡安,張中白,顏君毅,洪偉嘉,劉智超,吳上智,2011。利用 GPS與地陷監測井資料修正PSI觀測之濁水溪沖積扇地區地層下陷成果。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 盧志恆,張中白,顏君毅,陳怡安,洪偉嘉,2011。運用永久散射體與傳統差分干涉法監測濁水溪沖積扇地表的季節性變化。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- Munkh-Erdene, A., Chang, C.P.,2011。Mulitspectral Analysis of mineral discriminating using ASTER sensor image of the Gobi desert area in Southern Mongolia.。中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會100年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- Hsu, T.H., Chang, C.P., Lu, C.H., Liang, S.H.,2011。Tectonic Activity of The Pulibasin in Central Taiwan: Observation form Space and Fields。第五屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會,黑龍江,哈爾濱,中國。
- Hsu, Y.C., Kang, C.C., Chang, C.P., 2011。Determining the Surface Deformation in Ilan Plain of Northern Taiwan, Using PSI Technique。第五屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會,黑龍江,哈爾濱,中國。
- Chang, C.P.,2011。Seasonal and long-term surface deformation monitoring of central Taiwan by using radar interferometry。第五屆海峽兩岸遙感/遙測研討會,黑龍江,哈爾濱,中國。
- 張中白,2011。Evolution of Subductions Indicated by Melanges in Taiwan。黃奇瑜教授榮退,台北,台灣。
- 張中白,2011。應用遙測技術於地質調查及災害研究。中央大學太空及遙測研究中心使用者會議,中壢,台灣。
- Dong, J.J., Li, Y.S., Chang, C.P., Yang S.H., Yeh K.C., Liao J.J., Pan Y.W., 2011. Deriving Landslide Dam Geometry from Remote Sensing Image and Rapid Hazard Assessment Related to Outburst Flood. JSTARS (revised).
- Chen, L.C., Tsai, F., Chang, C.P., Chan, A., 2011. Remote Sensing for Disaster Investigation and Monitoring in Taiwan. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (revised).
- 張育仁,張中白,陳建良,2011。應用太空大地測量法分析桃園臺地群之地表變形。Western Pacific Earth Sciences (submitted).
- Ng, S.M., Chang, C.P., Hu J.C., 2011. Neotectonics of growth blind fault system in Taoyuan-Hsinchu area, northwestern Taiwan revealed by InSAR persistent scatterers. Tectonophysics (revised).
- Chang, C.P., Chen, G.H., Xu, X.W., Yuan, R.M., Kuo, Y.T., Chen, W.S., 2011. Influence of the pre-existing Xiaoyudong salient in surface rupture distribution of the Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.12.038. (SCI)
- Giletycz, S.J., Chang, C.P., Huang, C.C.,2011, Geological Structure as a crucial factor to facilitate forming typhoon-triggered landslides: case from Hsiaolin village, 2009 Typhoon Morakot. Western Pacific Earth Sciences (revised).
- 徐乙君,張中白,2011。莫拉克風災崩塌地分布與河流地形之相關性研究。Western Pacific Earth Sciences (revised).
- Hung, W.C., Hwang, C.H., Chen, Y.A., Chang, C.P., Yee, J.Y., Andrew Hooper and, Yang, C.Y., 2011, Surface deformation from persistent scatterers SAR Interferometry and fusion with leveling data: a case study over the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan. Remote sensing of environment (revised). (SCI)
- Chou, F.M., Chang, C.P., 2011. Determination of Land Surface deformation of northern Taiwan by using persistent scatterers InSAR. Bulletin of the Central Geological Survey (in press).
2010 (37 papers)
- Lu, C.H., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Chen, Y.A., Hung, W.C.,2010。Monitoring seasonal and long-term surface displacement of Choushui River Fluvial Plan in the central Taiwan Using PSI and DInSAR. 2011EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., 2011. Preliminary investigation of surface deformation in the mountainous and vegetated regions of central Taiwan using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. 2011EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- Chang, C.P., Chen, G.H., Xu, X.W., Yuan, R.M.,2010。Influence of the Xiaoyudong pre-existing salient in fault propagation of the Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. 2011EGU, Vienna, Austria.
- 張中白,2010。江山奮起-淺談台灣的造山運動與天然災害。第五屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇,中壢,台灣。
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y, Chen, Y.A., Lou, F., Hung, W.C., Chen, K.S., 2010. Monitoring of surface deformation in Taiwan by using DInSAR and PSInSAR(PSI) techniques. 2010台日遙測防災應用研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Kang, C.C. and Chang, C.P., 2010. Determining the Surface Deformation in Ilan Plain of Northern Taiwan, Using PSI Technique. The 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Chang, C.P. and Yen, J.Y., 2010. Recent deformation in and around the Eastern Taiwan Longitudinal Valley rev9ealed by PSI technique. The 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Hung, W.C., Hwang, C.W., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y. and Chen, Y.A., 2010. Using Persistent Scatterers SAR Interferometry and fusion with leveling data to monitor subsidence of the Choushui River Alluvial Fan in Taiwan. 2010 WPGM, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yen, J.Y. and Chang, C.P., 2010. Observing Surface Deformation Using Combined Persistent Scatterer And Small Baseline Interferometry - Examples From Eastern And Central Taiwan. 2010 WPGM, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lu, C.H., Liang, C.S., Chang, C.P. and Yen, J.Y.,2010 Detecting surface deformation of Puli Basin in the southern Hsuehshan Range using Persistent Scatterer and Small-baseline SAR Interferometry 2010 WPGM, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kang, C.C., Chang, C.P.,2010. Study on Tectonic Activity using Geomorphologic Analysis of the Eastern Flank of the Central Range in Taiwan.2010 WPGM, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2010. Recent deformation in and around the Eastern Taiwan Longitudinal Valley revealed by PSI technique. 2010 WPGM, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kang, C.C. and Chang, C.P., 2010, Determining the Active Surface Deformation in Ilan Plain of Northern Taiwan, Using PSI Technique and Topographic analysis. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Ng, S.M. and Chang, C.P., 2010, Application of InSAR persistent scatterers (PSI) on surface deformation in northwest Taiwan: from a geomorphological lineament to structural inversion. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Yen J.Y. and Chang, C.P., 2010. Tectonic activities of Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan inferred from Fluvial Longitudinal Profiles. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Yen Jiun-Yee and Chang, C.P., 2010. Faults Activities And Crustal Deformation Along The Arc ?Continent Collision Boundary, Eastern Taiwan ? Observed From Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Slawomir Jack Giletycz and Chang, C.P., 2010. Arc?continent initial collision zone of the southernmost tip of Taiwan Island. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Wang, C.T., Hooper, A., Chou, F.M., Chen, Y.A., Hung, W.C., 2010. Monitoring of surface deformation in Taiwan by using DInSAR and PSI techniques. The 6th Franco-Taiwan Earth Science colloquium, Aix-en-Provence, France.
- Huang, C.C., Chang, C.P., 2010. Detecting the surface change in southern Taiwan during typhoon Morakot by SPOT images. 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Hooper, A., Chou, F.M., Chen, Y.A., Hou, C.S., Hung, W.C., Kin, M.S., 2010. Monitoring of surface deformation in northern Taiwan using DInSAR and PSI techniques. 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Kang, C.C., Chang, C.P., 2010. The Application Measurement of PSI for Crustal Deformation in Ilan Plain of Northern Taiwan. 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Nguyen Van Hieu, Chang, C.P., 2010. Using Remotely Sensed images to detect the changes of the Mekong riverbank in Vietnam. 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Ng, S.M., Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., 2010. Can Persistent Scatterers InSAR (PSI) Reveal Possible Large Earthquake in Taoyuan-Hsinchu Area? 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Lu, C.H., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Lin, M.S., 2010. Detecting Crustal Deformation and Faults Activities near Hualien City, eastern Taiwan By Persistent Scatterer InSAR. 2010海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- 陳怡安,洪偉嘉,黃金維,張中白,顏君毅,楊勤儀,盧志恆,2010。應用永久散射體干涉技術觀測雲林地區之地表變形。中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- Lucas Mesalles, Chang, C.P., Chan, Yu-Chang,2010。Tectonic related topography in the Beidawushan area, Southern Taiwan. 中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 張文和,張中白,2010。Newly emerged deliberation on the southernmost Taiwan orogen-Hengchun Peninsula.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 盧志恆,梁勝雄,張中白,顏君毅,2010。Detecting surface deformation of Puli Basin中in the southern Hsuehshan Range using Persitent Scatterer and Small-baseline SAR Interferometry.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 黃志杰,張中白,2010。Detecting the surface change in southern Taiwan during typhoon Morakot by SPOT images.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 康竹君,張中白,2010。Study on Tectonic Activity using Geomorphologic Analysis of the Eastern Flank of the Central Range in Taiwan.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 顏君毅,張中白,2010。Faults activities and crustal deformation along the longitudinal valley, eastern Taiwan – observed from persistet scatterer sar interferometry.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 張中白,張文和,侯進雄,劉彥求,馬國鳳,2010。台灣西南部山區的東北-西南走向構造及其與甲仙地震之關係。中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- 張中白,顏君毅,2010。Recent deformation in and around the Eastern Taiwan Longitudinal Valley revealed by PSI technique.中華民國地球物理學會與地質學會99年年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣。
- Chang, C.P., Chen, G.H., Xu, X.W., Yuan, R.M., 2010. Insight from the co-seismic deformation of the Mw 8.0 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake around the Xiaoyudong area. 海峽兩岸汶川地震研討會,成都,中國。
- Yen, J-Y., Lu, C.H., Chang, C.P., A. J. Hooper, Chang, Y.H., Liang, W.T., Chang, T.Y., Lin, M.S., and Chen, K.S., 2010. Investigating the active deformation in the northern longitudinal valley and hualien city of eastern taiwan by using persistent scatterer and small-baseline sar interferometry. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 22(3). (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Hooper, A., Chou, F.M., Chen, Y.A., Hou, C.S., Hung, W.C., and Lin, M.S., 2010. Monitoring of surface deformation in northern Taiwan using DInSAR and PSInSAR techniques. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 21(3), 447-461. (SCI)
- Hung, W.C., Hwang, C.W., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Liu, C.H., and Yang, W.H., 2010. Monitoring severe subsidence in Taiwan by multi-sensors: Yunlin, the southern Choushui River Alluvial Fan. Environmental Earth Sciences, 59, 1535-1548 (doi 10.1007/s12665-009-0139-9). (SCI)
2009 (23 papers)
- Ng, S.M., Angelier, J., Chang, C.P., 2009. A recent observation on surface deformation of Taoyuan-Hsinchu area, using persistent scatterers. AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Chen, G.H., Xu, X.W., Yuan, R.M., 2009. Insight from the co-seismic deformation of the Mw 8.0 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake around the Xiaoyudong area. AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., 2009. From continental margin extension to plate convergence and collision: Tectonic evolution of the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. Seminar between Taiwan and Germany on Tectonic vs. climatic forcing of exhumation in collisional orogens, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chang, C.P., 2009. Application of Space-Borne Radar Interferometry on the Crustal Deformation in Taiwan. International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 周鋒泯,張中白,2009。應用永久散射體差分干涉法量測北台灣地區之地表變形。第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會,桃園,台灣。
- Slawomir Giletycz, Chung-Pai Chang, 2009. Compendious Debate from the Southern Taiwan Orogen: The Geological Relationship between the Hengchun Peninsula and Southern Central Range中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- Hsuan-Wei Huang, Yu-Chang Chan, Chung-Pai Chang, Jyr-Ching Hu., 2009. Evolution of Geologic Structures Offshore Northern Taiwan Based on Reinterpreted Seismic Profile and Balanced Cross Section. 中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 劉瑋恒,張中白,2009。台灣東部縱谷南端之活動構造研究。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 盧志恆,林明聖,顏君毅,張中白,2009。應用永久散射體差分干涉雷達探討花蓮市附近的斷層活動與地表變形。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 周鋒泯,張中白,2009。應用永久散射體差分干涉法量測北台灣地區之地表變形。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 劉瑋恒,張中白,2009。台灣東部縱谷南端之活動構造研究。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 康竹君,張中白,2009。利用地形分析探討中央山脈東翼之構造活動。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- Sin Mei Ng, Chang, C.P., 2009. Earthquake Cycle in Western Taiwan: Insights from Historical Seismicity. 中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 張中白,2009。汶川地震小魚洞破裂帶構造探討。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 張中白,2009。從衛星影像看汶川地震。中國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會98年年會暨學術研討會,嘉義,台灣。
- 114. 張中白,陳桂華,袁仁茂,潭錫斌,徐錫偉,2009。汶川地震小魚洞破裂帶構造探討。板塊聚合與穩定地台自然資源研討會,台南,台灣。
- 張中白,2009對台灣的地質災害。地質,第28卷,第4期,第30-31頁。
- Xu, X.W., Yu, G.H., Chen, G.H., Ran, Y.K., Li, C.X., Chen, Y.G., and Chang, C.P., 2009. Parameter of coseismic reverse-and-oblique-slip surface ruptures of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, eastern Tibetan Plateau, Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(4), 673-684.
- Ng, S.M., Angelier, J., and Chang, C.P., 2009. Earthquake Cycle in Western Taiwan: Insights from Historical Seismicity. Geophys. J. Int., 178, 753-774. (SCI)
- Chuang, S.C., Chen, H., Lin, G.W., Lin,C.W., and Chang, C.P., 2009. Increase in basin sediment yield from landslides in storms following major seismic disturbance. Engineering Geology, 103, 59-65. (SCI)
- Kao, H.M., Ren, H., Lee, C.S., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Lin, T.H., 2009. Determination of Shallow Water Depth Using Optical Satellite Images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 6241–6260. (SCI)
- Angelier, J., Chang T.Y., Hu J.C., Chang C.P., Siame, L., Lee J.C., Deffontaines, B., Chu H.T. and Lu C.Y., 2009. Does extrusion occurs at both tips of the Taiwan collision belt? Insights from active deformation studies in the Ilan Plain and Pingtung Plain regions. Tectonophysics, 466, 356-376 (doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.015). (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J, Lu, C.Y., 2009. Polyphase deformation in a newly emerged accretionary prism: Folding, faulting and rotation in the southern Taiwan mountain range. Tectonophysics , 466, 395-408 (doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.002). (SCI)
2008 (13 papers)
- 張中白,顏君毅,周鋒泯,2008。應用永久散射體差分干涉法量測北台灣地區之地表變形。2008台灣地震地質研討會,台南,台灣。
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Hooper, A., Chou, F.M., Chen, Y.A., Hou, C.S., Hung, W.C., and Lin, M.S., 2008. Space-borne Radar for surface deformation analysis of northern Taiwan area, Differential and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Yen, J.Y., Lu C.H., Chang, C.P., Chang, Y.H., Chen, K.S., and Lin M.S., 2008. Observing surface deformation in the Hualien area of eastern Taiwan using PSInSAR and precise leveling. 2008海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,桂林,廣西。
- Chang, C.P., Chou, F.M., and Yen J.Y., 2008. Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for surface deformation analysis, with application to Taipei area, northern Taiwan. 2008海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,桂林,廣西。
- Chang, C.P., and Chang, Y.J., 2008. Surface deformation of the northwestern Taiwan area detected by ENVISAT ASAR interferometry. 2008海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,桂林,廣西。
- 張育仁,張中白,2008。應用雷達差分干涉法探討湖口斷層及其鄰近區域之地表變形研究。2008地質/地物年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。
- 徐乙君,盧佳遇,張中白,葉恩肇,2008。利用壓影纖維構造分析台東太麻里地區變形歷史。2008地質/地物年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。
- 周鋒泯,張中白,顏君毅,2008。應用永久散射體差分干涉法量測北台灣地區之地表變形。2008地質/地物年會暨學術研討會,台南,台灣。
- 張中白,2008。由混同層探討台灣的隱?帶演化。2008台灣構造地質研討會,台北,台灣。
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J, Huang, C.Y., 2008. Evolution of Subductions Indicated by Melanges in Taiwan. IGCP 524, International Conference of Arc-Continent Collision, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Huang, C.Y., Chien, C.W., Yao, B.C., and Chang, C.P., 2008. The Lichi Melange: a collision melange formation along early arcward backthrusts during forearc basin closure, Taiwan arc-continent collision. GSA special paper, 436, 127-154. (SCI)
- Yen, J.-Y., Chen, K.-S., Chang, C.-P., and Boerner, W.-M., 2008, Evaluation of Potential and Surface Deformation Associated with Earthquake by Differential Radar Interferometry: Remote Sensing of Environment v. 112, p, 782–795.
- 張中白,2008。金門的衛星影像,地質,經濟部中央地質調查所,27(3),16-21。
2007 (25 papers)
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., Hung, W.C., Chen, K., Huan, J., 2007. Preliminary results of surface deformation in suburban central Taiwan observed by PSInSAR. AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Hung, W.C., Hwang, C.W., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Liu, C., 2007. Inter- comparison of multi-sensor results for high-speed rail risk analysis. AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, Y.J., Chang, C.P., 2007. Surface deformation adjacent to the Hukou fault in northwestern Taiwan . AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Huang, C.Y., 2007. Evolution of subductions indicated by melanges in Taiwan. AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., 2007. Ground deformation in and around the metropolitan Taipei observed by radar interferometry. 2007 Taiwan-Franco Workshop on Geo-Information Technology, Jhung-Li, Taiwan.
- 張中白,2007。新生增積岩體中的複雜變形記錄:台灣中央山脈南段的褶區、張裂與旋轉。兩岸海洋地質和教研基地研習營,中國,北京。
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Huang, C.Y., 2007. Evolution of Subductions Indicated by Melanges in Taiwan. Subduction Zone Geodynamics Conference, Montpellier, France.
- Chen, Y.A., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Lin, M.S., 2007. Application of DInSAR in Detecting the Land-Surface Deformation of Taipei Basin. 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Chou, F.M., Chang, C.P, Yen, J.Y, 2007. Preliminary Results of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry in and Around the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan. 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Yang, C.Y., Chang, C.P., Yen , J.Y., Ren , H., Kao, H.M., 2007. Application of satellite remote sensing to coastal topography generation – A study case in Northern Taiwan. 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Lu,Y.F., Hwang, C.W., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Hung, W.C., 2007. Preliminary result of land subsidence from radar interferometry in the Yunlin County of Central Taiwan. 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會,中壢,台灣。
- Chang, Y.J., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2007. Land Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan Determined by Radar Interferometry. 2007海峽兩岸遙測/遙感研討會, 中壢,台灣。
- Angelier, J., Chu, H.T., Bergerat, F., Lee, J.C., Chen, R.F., Chang, C.P., Chang, K.J., Chang, T/Y., Nicot, E., 2007. Serpentinite bodies provide records of tectonic history: the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan. 1st meeting of the International Laboratory (LIA) “ADEPT”, 18-19 December 2007, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. 6 pages.
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y. and Chen, Y.A., 2007. Ground deformation in and around metropolitan Taipei of northern Taiwan observed by radar interferometry. 2007 Symposium on Advanced Mechanics in Problems of Geology, Geomonitiring and Wind Engineering, Jungli, Taiwan. C-02-1~C-02-4.
- Jiun-Yee Yen, Chung-Pai Chang, Yu-Fang Lu, Hsin-Jie Huang, 2007. Overview of Applications of Persistant Scatterer InSAR in Taiwan. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- Jiun-Yee Yen, Kun-Shan Chen, Chung-Pai Chang, 2007. Evaluation of Potential and Surface Deformation Associated with Earthquake by Differential Radar Interferometry, Chiayi, Southwestern Taiwan. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- Chin-Yi Yang, Chung-Pai Chang, Jiun-Yee Yen, Hsuan Ren, Hung-Ming Kao, 2007. Application of satellite remote sensing to coastal topography generation–A study case in Northern Taiwan. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- 陳怡安、張中白、顏君毅、林明聖,2007。應用雷達差分干涉技術探討台北盆地地區之地表變形。2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- 楊萬慧、張中白、顏君毅,2007。Distribution of active uplift along the eastern flank of Central Range in Taiwan:Inferences from geomorphic analysis. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- Fong-Min Chou, Chung-Pai Chang, Jiun-Yee Yen, Preliminary Results of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry in and Around the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- Yu-Fang Lu, Cheinway Hwang, Chung-Pai Chang, Jiun-Yee Yen, and Wei-Chia Hung, 2007. Preliminary result of land subsidence from radar interferometry in the Yunlin County of Central Taiwan. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- Yu-Jen Chang, Chung-Pai Chang, and Jiun-Yee Yen, 2007. Land Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan Determined by Radar Interferometry. 2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- 梁勝雄、林殿順、張中白,2007。利用斷層古應力分析與地層資料探討台灣西南部盆地演化之過程。2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- 徐乙君、盧佳遇、張中白、陳致同,2007。利用壓影纖維構造分析台東太麻里地區變形歷史。2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
- 邱淑貞、張中白,2007。台灣東部花蓮地區的活動斷層觀測:利用雷達干涉法與野外調查。2007 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly,龍潭,台灣。
2006 (18 papers)
- Yang, W.H., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2006. Distribution of active uplift along eastern flank of Central Range in Taiwan: Inferences from bedrock channel longitudinal profiles. AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chen, Y.A., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., Lin, M.S., 2006. Surface deformation of Taipei basin detected by Differential SAR Interferometry. AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., 2006. Active faulting and folding of southwestern Taiwan revealed by DInSAR. AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y. and Chen, Y.A., 2006. Ground deformation in and around metropolitan Taipei of northern Taiwan observed by radar interferometry. AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- 梁勝雄、林殿順、張中白,2006。台灣西南部中新世晚期到更新世之盆地演化。九十五年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,中壢,台灣,119。
- 楊勤儀、張中白、顏君毅、高宏明,2006。利用衛星影像萃取近岸地形資料-以台灣北部為例。九十五年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,中壢,台灣,118。
- 陳怡安、張中白、顏君毅、林明聖,2006。應用雷達差分干涉法觀測壹北盆地地區之地表變形。九十五年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,中壢,台灣,117。
- Yang,W.H., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2006. Distribution of active uplift along the eastern flank of Central Range in Taiwan: Inferences from geomorphic analysis, 九十五年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,中壢,台灣,116。
- Chang, C.P., Chen, K.S., Chung, L.H., Shih, T.Y., 2006. Active Deformation Survey in the Suture Belt of Taiwan by Radar Interferometry and Field investigation. WPGM 2006, Beijing, China.
- Ho, S.C., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2006. Application of Space Geodetic Measurements to the Surface Deformation of Tainan Table-land, Southwestern Taiwan. WPGM 2006, Beijing, China.
- 劉政、黃明偉、蔡忠宏、張中白、顏宏元、劉瑩三、陳文山、蔡義本,2006。北埔斷層活動與構造特徵研究之初探。Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 87.
- 何世紀、張中白、顏君毅,2006。Aplication of Space Geodetic Measurements to the Surface Deformation of Tainan Tableland. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 78.
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J, Lu, C.Y., 2006. Polyphase deformation in a newly emerged accretionary prism: Folding, faulting and rotation in the southern Taiwan mountain range. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 39.
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., 2006. DInSAR observation of a graben-like structure in southwestern Taiwan and its tectonic implication. 梅山地震百週年紀念研討會, Chiayi, Taiwan.
- Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., Yen, J.Y., 2006. DInSAR observations of surface deformation associated with the Chichi Earthquake in western Taiwan. International Workshop on Earthquake Precursors, Chungli, Taiwan.
- 張中白,2006。衛星影像監測大地的變動–合成孔徑雷達差分干涉法。2006活動斷層與地質災害研討會,花蓮,台灣,103-114。
- Chang, C.P., Chen, K.S., Chung, L.H., Yen, J.Y., Shih T.S., 2006. Active Fault Propagation in Metropolitan Hualien of Eastern Taiwan: Observed by Radar Interferometry and Field Investigation. International Workshop: Applications of SAR Data in Taiwan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Yen, J.-Y., Chen, K.-S., Chang, C.P. and Ng, S.-M., 2006. Deformation and “Deformation Quiescence” Prior to the Chi-Chi Earthquake Evidenced By Dinsar and Groundwater Records During 1995–2002 in Central Taiwan. Earth, Planet, and Space, 58, 805-813.
2005 (23 papers)
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., Che, K.S., 2005. Observation of a Graben-like Structure in Southwestern Taiwan and its tectonic Implication. AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Chang, T.Y., Angelier, J., 2005. Folding and rotating of the southern Taiwan mountain range. AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- 何世紀、張中白、顏君毅,2005。應用太空大地測量法探討台南台地地區之地表變形。九十四年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,台北,台灣,134。
- 楊萬慧、張中白、任玄、顏君毅、張智安,2005。利用數值高程模型萃取地表現形特徵-以台灣東北部山區為例。九十四年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,台北,台灣,112。
- 顏君毅、張中白、陳錕山,2005。Seismic and aseismic deformation in Chiayi area, southwestern Taiwan: observed from DInSAR。九十四年度台灣地區地球物理 研討會,台北,台灣,41。
- 張中白、鍾令和、林啟文,2005。利用雷達差分干涉法探討米崙斷層的活動特性。九十四年度台灣地區地球物理研討會,台北,台灣,32。
- Chang, C.P., Ng, S.M., Yen, J.Y., Lin, C.W., 2005.Application of Space-borne Radar Interferometry on the Crustal Deformation in Taiwan. 4th Taiwan - Japan Joint Workshop on Hydrological Research for Earthquake Prediction. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., and Wang, C.T., 2005, Temporal and Spatial Pattern of the 1997 Manyi Earthquake using Differential InSAR. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, Seoul, Korea.
- 高宏明、張中白、任玄、顏君毅、李昭興,2005。運用光學衛星影像監測外傘頂洲的變遷。Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 280.
- 高宏明、任玄、張中白、吳善薇、李昭興,2005。利用OSP方法於光學衛星影像解析員林地區震前/震後地表的變化。Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 233.
- 高宏明、張中白、任玄、顏君毅、林唐煌、李昭興、許樹坤,2005。利用光學衛星影像推算淺水水深。Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 70.
- Fruneau, B., Hu, J.C., Deffontaines, B., Pathier, E., Chen, R.F., Arnaud, A., Lee, C.T., Chang, C.P., Chu, H.C., 2005. Interferometry (DINSAR and PSI) in Taiwan, the case example of Tainan. Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Taitung, Taiwan, 177.
- Yen, J.Y., Chang, C.P., Chen, K.S., 2005. DInSAR observation of a possible graben-like structure in southwestern Taiwan and its tectonic implication. Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Taitung, Taiwan, 183.
- Chang, C.P., Ng, S.M., Yen, J.Y., Lin, C.W., 2005. Application of Space-borne radar interferometry on the crustal deformation in Taiwan. Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium, Taitung, Taiwan, 189.
- Ng, S.M., Chang, C.P., 2005. The Effect of the Chi-Chi Earthquake on Land Subsidence in Yuanlin Area, Changhua County, Taiwan. 2005 Remote Sensing Symposium Across Taiwan Strait, Kunming, China, 4 pages.
- Kao, H.M., Chang, C.P., Ren, H., Yen, J.Y., Lin, T.H., Lee, C.S., Hsu, S.K., 2005. Determination of Shallow Water Depth between Isles by Using Optical Satellite Images. 2005 Remote Sensing Symposium Across Taiwan Strait, Kunming, China, 4 pages.
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., Ng, S.M., 2005. Deformation Quiescence Prior to the Chi-Chi earthquake observed by DInSAR and groundwater records during 1995-2002 in Central Taiwan. 2005 Remote Sensing Symposium Across Taiwan Strait, Kunming, China, 4 pages.
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chen, K.S., 2005. Application of DInSAR in Monitoring the Metropolitan Land-Surface Deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an Example. 2005 Remote Sensing Symposium Across Taiwan Strait, Kunming, China, 5 pages.
- Chang, C.P., Chung, L.H., 2005. Active Structure Survey in the Longitudinal Valley of Taiwan by Radar Interferometry. 2005 Remote Sensing Symposium Across Taiwan Strait. Kunming, China, 4 pages.
- 顏君毅、陳錕山、張中白、趙進福,2005。嘉義市附近的地表變形-以雷達差分干涉觀察。經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊,經濟部中央地質調查所,16, 31-40。
- 張中白,2005。從衛星看台灣的山脈。地質,經濟部中央地質調查所,24(4),62-72。
- Juang, J.C, Chang, C.P., Chen, Y.Y. and Ogata, 2005. A study on the background and clustering seismicity in the Taiwan region by using point process models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B05S18, doi:10.1029/2004JB003157. (SCI)
- 張中白,2005。從空中診斷大地-合成孔徑雷達[SAR]篇。科學發展月刊,行政院國家科學委員會,390,18-23。
2004 (12 papers)
- Chang, T.Y., Wang, Y., Chang, C.P., Lee, C.S., Signals embedded in the OBS records, in light of Gabor Spectral Analysis. AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P. and Ho, S.C., 2004. Application of DInSAR in Monitoring the Metropolitan Land-Surface Deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an Example. AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Yen, J.Y., Chen, K.S., Chang, C.P., and Wang, C. T., 2004, Predicted uplift rates in the Tibetan plateau and their geological implications. IGARSS 2004 Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Wang, H.C., Chen, K.S., 2004. Application of DInSAR in monitoring the metropolitan land-surface deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an example, IGARSS 2004 Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Chang, C.P., 2004. Application of Space-borne Radar Interferometry in Taiwan: Perspective from the Nature of Events. Natural Hazard and Geodynamics, Ville Franche, France, 33-37.
- 張中白,2004。衛星雷達─從空中診斷大地。台灣活斷層與地震災害研討會,台南,台灣,101-108。
- Chang, C.P., 2004. Application of Space-borne Radar Interferometry in Taiwan: Perspective from the Nature of Events. International Conference in Commemoration of 5th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan.
- Ng, S.M., Chang, C.P., 2004. Surface Subsidence Observed Using Radar Interferometry In The Taichung-Changhua Area。第十屆台灣地區地球物理研討會,龍潭,台灣,79。
- Chang, C.P., Chen, K.S., Wang, C.T., Yen, J.Y., Chang, T.Y., Lin, C.W., 2004. Application of Space-borne Radar Intererometry on Crustal Deformations in Taiwan: A Perspetive from the Nature of Events. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15(3), 445-465. (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Wang, H.C., Chen, K.S., 2004. Application of DInSAR in Monitoring the Metropolitan Land-Surface Deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an Example. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 9(3), 9-14.
- Chang, C.P., Chang, T.Y., Wang, C.T., Kuo, C.H. and Chen K.S., 2004. Land-surface deformation corresponding to seasonal ground-water fluctuation, determining by SAR interferometry in the SW Taiwan. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 67, 351-359. (SCI)
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S., Liang, L.S., Pathier, E. and Angelier, J., 2004. Application of SAR Interferometry to a large thrust deformation: the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chichi earthquake (Central Taiwan). Geophysical Journal International, 159, 9-16. (SCI)
2003 (13 papers)
- 劉振榮,陳宇敬,林唐煌,2003: 衛星資料反演水氣參數在乾旱分析上之應用初探,氣象預報與分析研討會,2003年09月8~10日,中央氣象局,台灣台北。
- 劉振榮,林唐煌,2003: 同步氣象衛星在沙塵暴監測之應用,第六屆區域氣候模擬研討會,p 30,2003年09月18~19日,國立中央大學,台灣中壢。
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Kuo, C.H. and Chen, K.S., 2003. Seasonal surface deformation in response to local tectonic activity, insight from InSAR observation in the SW Taiwan, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Kao, H.M., Lee, C.S. Chang, C.P., Lin, T.H. and Hsu, S.K., 2003. Determination of shallow water depth by using optical satellite images. AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
- Chang, C.P., Chang, T.Y., Wang, C.T., Chen, K.S., Liang, L.S., Lee, Y.C., 2003. Surface displacement field associated with the 1999, Mw=7.6, Chichi earthquake from space geodetic observations. IGARSS 2003 Symposium, Toulouse, France.
- Chang, C.P., 2003. Land-surface deformation corresponding to ground-water fluctuation, determining by SAR interferometry in the Taiwan area. 3rd Taiwan Central Asia Forum, Taipei, Taiwan, 11-20.
- 高宏明、張中白、林唐煌、許樹坤、李昭興,2003。SPOT衛星影像應用於淺海水深測繪。第十屆台灣地區地球物理研討會,嘉義,台灣,506-510。
- 蔡嘉信、張中白、陳建志,2003。利用雷達差分干涉法監測都會區地表下陷:以內壢工業區為例。第十屆台灣地區地球物理研討會,嘉義,台灣,61-64。
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Kuo, C.H. and Chen, K.S., 2003. Seasonal surface deformation in response to local tectonic activity, insight from InSAR observation in the SW Taiwan. Proceedings of the Chinese Geophysical Society Symposium, Chiayi, Taiwan, 413-415.
- 張中白、王志添、張翠玉、陳錕山、梁隆鑫、李元希,2003。Large-scale displacement corresponding to the 1999 Chichi earthquake, insights from space geodetic observations。二十二屆測量學術及應用研討會,桃園,台灣,111-118。
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chen, K.S. and Liang, L.S., 2003. Application of SAR interferometry in Taiwan crustal deformation. The 7th RAEG (Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics) International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 160-163.
- Chang, C.P., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S., Kao, H and Yu, S.B., 2003. Active crustal deformation of Taiwan in terms of space geodesy and seismotectonics. The 6th SEGJ (Society of Exploration Geophysics of Japan) International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 20-27.
- 張中白、張翠玉、劉政、李建成、蔡義本、姜國彰、黃信介、吳善薇,2003。台東縱谷池上地區之地表變形的營力機制。活動斷層與地震地質專輯,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,14,187-198。
2002 (6 papers)
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S. Liang, L.S., Pathier, E. and Angelier, J., 2002. Application of SAR interferometry to a large thrusting deformation: The 1999 Mw=7.6 Chichi earthquake (Central Taiwan). AGU 2002 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, T61B-1267.
- 張中白、王志添、郭欽慧、梁隆鑫、詹瑜璋、陳錕山,2002。Application of SAR interferometry in monitoring the crustal deformation: SW Taiwan as an example。2002兩岸青年遙感探測學術論壇,新竹,台灣,2-1~2-2。
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S. and Liang, L.S., 2002. Application of SAR interferometry to a large thrusting deformation: The 1999 Mw=7.6 Chichi earthquake (Central Taiwan). Proceedings of the Chinese Geophysical Society Symposium, Chungli, 140-141.
- 張中白、王志添、郭欽慧、梁隆鑫、詹瑜璋、陳錕山,2002。應用雷達差分干涉法於地殼變形研究:台灣西南地區為例。二十一屆測量學術及應用研討會,新竹,台灣,139-146。
- 王志添、張中白、郭欽慧、陳錕山、梁隆鑫,2002。雷達差分干涉應用於地層下陷監測研究。第五屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,雲林,台灣,F9-F12。
- Chang, C.P., Wang, C.T., Liang, L.S., Kuo, C.H., Chang, Y.C. and Chen, K.S., 2002. Recent deformation of the Pingtung and Taichung piggyback basins: Insights from SAR interferometry and GPS data. 2002 地球系統科學研討會, Chungli, Taiwan, G118-G124.
2001 (3 papers)
- Chang, C.P. and Angelier J., 2001. Tectonic evolution of the accretionary prism in arc-continent collision terrane: south of Taiwan. Abstracts of the XXVI general assembly of European Geophysical Society, Nice.
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Lee, T.Q. and Huang, C.Y., 2001. From continental margin extension to plate convergence and collision: Tectonic evolution of the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. Proceedings of the Chinese Geophysical Society Symposium, Taipei, 338-346.
- Chang, C.P. and Angelier, J., 2001. Tectonic evolution of the accretionary prism in arc-continent collision terrane: South of Taiwan. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake and Active Tectonics, Taipei, 122-124.
2000 (1 papers)
- Deffontaines, B., Lee C.T., Pathier E., Yu J.Y.H., Bruneau D., Chen H.H., Liang L.S., Chen A.J., Chen K.S., Raymond D., Tseng C.L., Rudant J.P., Tsai Y.B., Angelier J., Chang, C.P., Chang T.Y., Li F.C., Wang C.T. and His H.H., 2000. Preliminary Interferometric Results on 921 ChiChi Earthquake (Central Taiwan). Proceedings of International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake, Volume 1 – Science Aspect, Natl. Center for Res. on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 105-110.
1999 (6 papers)
- Chang, C.P., 1999. Evolution et origine d’un melange dans une faille active lithospherique: le Melange de Lichi dans la Vallee Longitudinale, Est de Taiwan. Resume du rapport d’activites 1998, Ateliers de recherche sur les bassins sedimentaires (ARBASS 99), Paris.
- Deffontaines, B., Chu H.T., Angelier J., Lee C.T., Mouthereau F., Li F.C., Brusset S., Chang C.P., Sibuet J.C., Chang T.Y., Lacombe O., Liu C.S., Deramond J., Lee J.C., Lu C.Y., Hu J.C., Yu M.S., Lee J.F., and Bureau D., 1999. Onshore-Offshore Taiwan Earth Sciences Database within a Geographical Information System. Active Subduction and Collision in Southeast Asia: data and models. Abstract of the International Conference and 4th French-Taiwan Symposium, 10-12 may 1999, Montpellier.
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Huang, C.Y. and Liu, C.S., 1999. Development of the Arc-Continent Collision of Taiwan: Evidence from Structural Evolution of Lichi Melange and Huatung Ridge. Abstracts of the International Conference and 4th French-Taiwan Symposium, 10-12 may 1999, Montpellier.
- Chang, C.P., Angelier, J., Huang, C.Y. and Liu, C.S., 1999. Structure evolution and significance of the Lichi Melange and the Huatung Ridge in the Taiwan arc-continent collision. Abstracts of the 10th conference of European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, 394.
- Huang, C.Y., Chang, C.P., Wu, W.Y. and Yuan, P.B., 1999. Progressive tectonics of Taiwan arc-continent collision. Abstract Volume and programs, Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Taipei, 258-259.
- Chang, C.P., Huang, C.Y., Angelier, J. and Liu, C.S., 1999. Structural evolution from Huatung Ridge to Lichi melange in Taiwan arc-continent collision.『二十世紀臺灣地區地球科學研究之回顧與展望』系列研討會(一):臺灣的大地構造,中國地質學會,242-250頁。
1998 (3 papers)
- Huang, C.Y., Wu, W.Y. and Chang, C. P., 1998. Tectonic evolution of the accretionary prism in the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 134-135.
- Chang, C.P., Huang, C.Y. and Liu, C.S., 1998. Structure evolution of the Lichi Melange. Abstracts of Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of China, Program with Abstract, 136.
- Chang, C.P. and Huang, C.Y., 1998. Evolution of plate boundary in the Taiwan arc-continent collision terrane. Abstracts of the XXIII general assembly of European Geophysical Society, C97, Nice.
1995 (1 papers)
- Huang, C.Y., Lin, C.W., Wu, W.Y. and Chang, C.P., 1995. Geological Significance of the Lichi and Kenting Melanges in Taiwan. Proceedings of ACT 3rd Sino-French Symposium, Taipei, 151-155.
» 其他研究報告
- 張中白,2011。台灣中大型地震震源資訊之快速彙整與提供。交通部中央氣象局期中報告。計劃編號:MOTC-CWB-100-E-08
- 張中白,2011。莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋(2/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。計劃編號:100-02-031
- 張中白,2010。地下水保育管理計畫-水文地質調查研究:台灣地下水水文地質圖繪編及水文地補查。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。
- 張中白,2010。莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋-地質構造、河流水系、緩坡地與階地形之判釋(1/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。計劃編號:99-02-031
- 張中白,2010。地下水保育管理計畫-水文地質調查研究:台灣地下水水文地質圖繪編及水文地補查。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。
- 張中白,2010。莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋-地質構造、河流水系、緩坡地與階地形之判釋。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。計劃編號:99-02-031
- 張中白,2007。衛星影像萃取近岸地形資訊。前瞻通訊實驗室計畫期末報告。
- 張中白,2006。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(3/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。計劃編號5226902000-02-95-04。
- 張中白,2006。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(3/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。計劃編號5226902000-02-95-04。
- Chu, H.T, Lee, J.C., Chang, C.P., Hsieh, M.L., Chen, Y.G., Lu, C.Y., 2005. Field Guidebook: Post-conference field trip of “Geodynamics and Environment in East Asia International Conference & 5th Taiwan-France Earth Science Symposium”, Taitung, Taiwan, pp. 47.
- 張中白,2005。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(2/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。計劃編號5226902000-02-9404。
- 張中白,2005。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(2/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。計劃編號5226902000-02-9404。
- 張中白,2004。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(1/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。計劃編號5226902000-03-93-04。
- Jahn, B.M., Chu, H.T., Chang, C.P., 2004. Field excursion guidebook to the Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan : International Workshop on Accretionary Orogens and Continental Growth, May, Longtan, Post conference Field Trip, pp. 32.
- 張中白,2004。衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形研究計畫(1/3)。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。計劃編號5226902000-03-93-04。
- 張中白,2003:地殼變形研究計畫:衛星雷達差分干涉量測區域性變形。經濟部中央地質調查所期末報告。
- 張中白,2003:地殼變形研究計畫:衛星雷達差分干涉量測區域性變形。經濟部中央地質調查所期中報告。
- Huang, C.Y., Chang, C.P., and Yuan, P.B., 2001. Guide to the pre-collision accretionary wedge on Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan: Field trip guide to active Taiwan arc-continent collision: JOIDES Resolution Keelung Port Call Activity, May, Taipei, 40-64.
- Chang, C.P., 2001. Reconstruction de la croissance d’une chaine de montagnes: le Sud de Taiwan. Ph.D. dissertation, Universite P. & M. Curie (Paris VI), France, 359 pp.
- Huang, C.Y., Wu, W.Y., Chang, C.P., Yuan, P.B. and Lin, C.W., 1997. Field trip guide to the geology of the Hengchun Peninsula, southerm Taiwan: International Conference and Sino-American Symposium on Tectonics of East Asia, October, Taipei, Pre-conference Field Trip, pp. 41-68.
- Chang, C.P., 1996. Geological relationship between the Lichi Melange in the Coastal Range and the Huatung Ridge in the active collision zone off southeastern Taiwan. MS. Thesis, Institute of Geology, Nat’l Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan, 120 pp.
- Huang, C.Y., Wu, W.Y., Chang, C.P., Yuan, P.B. and Lin, C.W., 1995. Field trip guide to the geology of the Hengchun Peninsula, southerm Taiwan : ACT the International Conference and 3rd Sino-French Symposium on ? Active Collision in Taiwan ?, March, Taipei, Post Conference Field Trip, 32-59.
» 其他著作
- 張中白,2009。從衛星看汶川地震。探索人文地理雜誌,第40期,42-51頁。
- 張中白,2009。傾聽大自然的聲音-台灣造山運動與天然災害。中大校訊,第169期,30-34頁。
- 張中白(主編)等,2008。關懷我們的家園。中央大學太遙中心。95頁
- 張中白,2008。變動的大地。探索人文地理雜誌,第25期,62-71頁。
- 張中白(主編)等,2006。發現台灣-台灣衛星影像故事。中央大學太遙中心,160頁。
- 王乾盈(主編)等,2006。地球與環境-上冊,全華科技圖書公司,233頁。
- 王乾盈(主編)等,2006。基礎地球科學,全華科技圖書公司,200頁。
- 張中白,2005。台灣側看似鱷魚。大地地理雜誌,第206期,24-26頁。
- 張中白,2005。拼接大地的魔術。大地地理雜誌,第205期,22-23頁。
- 張中白,2005。最高與最低之間。大地地理雜誌,第204期,18-19頁。
- 張中白,2005。人造衛星好眼力。大地地理雜誌,第202期,18-21頁。
- 張中白,2004。水庫身世現形記。大地地理雜誌,第201期,20-21頁。
- 張中白,2004。聚焦台中,解讀地貌。大地地理雜誌,第200期,90-93頁。
- 齊柏林,陳慧屏,張中白,吳立萍,2004。空拍看大地。大地地理雜誌,第200期,51-59頁。
- 張中白,2004。太空見真相-土石流大災問。大地地理雜誌,第197期,64-69頁。
- 齊柏林,張中白,陳慧屏,吳立萍,2004。飛閱台灣-我們的土地故事。秋雨文化事業股份有限公司,287頁。
- 張中白、姜國彰、徐明正,2003。台東地景。台東縣政府文化局,263頁。
- 張中白,2003。從太空看台東。台東文獻,第八期,14-29頁。
- 張中白,2002。衛星雷達-地表變形監測的新工具。大地地理雜誌,第176期,100-117頁。
- 張中白,2002。台東的地質景觀。九十一年度東區文化資產研習營研習手冊,行政院文化建設委員會,9頁。
- 張中白,2001。地質學家眼裡的台東。台東縣文化資產種資教師研習手冊,台東縣政府文化局,4頁。
- 張中白,2001。台東的由來與地質現況。台東縣地方人才培訓手冊,台東縣政府文化局,12頁。
年度 |
計畫名稱 |
計畫內擔任之工作 |
委託單位 |
105 |
105年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(104-106)(2/3) |
主持人 |
科技部 |
105 |
105年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(104-106)(2/3) |
主持人 |
科技部 |
104 |
104年度福衛二號全台正射影像及國內影像應用委辦服務案 |
主持人 |
國家太空中心 |
104 |
104年度龍門山及青藏地區的活動構造與地質災害研究 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
104 |
104年度長時期巨量衛星資料分析服務平台之規劃 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
104 |
104年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(104-106)(1/3) |
主持人 |
科技部 |
104 |
104年度臺灣地區104年大型與火山地震震源資訊之快速彙整與提供-震源區域地質與孕震構造之分析 |
主持人 |
交通部中央氣象局 |
104 |
104年度重大天然災害衛星雷達緊急觀測作業建置 |
共同主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展(II) |
主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度東亞地區地體構造整合研究-海峽兩岸地球科學合作計畫(II)-青藏高原東緣龍門山造山帶與川西前陸盆地之地體構造演化 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度臺灣北部火山地區岩石採樣檢測與構造解釋 |
主持人 |
工業技術研究院 |
103 |
103年度臺灣地區103年中大型與火山地震震源資訊之快速彙整與提供子計畫「震源區域地質與孕震構造之分析」 |
主持人 |
交通部中央氣象局 |
103 |
103年度資源衛星接收站運轉及發展 |
主持人 |
科技部 |
103 |
103年度新科GNSS與Radar定位技術之面面觀-應用衛星雷達於地表變形測量之誤差修正與探討 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
102 |
102年度東亞地區地體構造整合研究-海峽兩岸地球科學合作計畫(I)-西藏東緣龍門山造山帶與川西前陸盆 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
102 |
102年度宜蘭地區岩石採樣檢測與構造解釋 |
主持人 |
工業技術研究院 |
102 |
102年度南澳南北溪集水區蘇拉颱風災害細部調查規劃 |
主持人 |
智全工程技術顧問有限公司 |
102 |
102年度震源區域地質與孕震構造之分析 |
主持人 |
交通部中央氣象局 |
102 |
102年度新科GNSS與Radar定位技術之面面觀-應用衛星雷達於地表變形測量之誤差修正與探討 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
102 |
102年度台灣造山帶的地表變形與抬升及侵蝕(2/2) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度新科GNSS與Radar定位技術之面面觀-應用衛星雷達於地表變形測量之誤差修正與探討 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度四川盆地西緣龍門山造山帶構造演化過程研究 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度應用DInSAR及PSInSAR技術監測北印度地區(庫曼-喜馬拉雅及岡嘎盆地)現今地表變形 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度台灣造山帶的地表變形與抬升及侵蝕(1/2) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
101 |
101年度莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋 |
主持人 |
國立成功大學 |
101 |
101年度震源區域地質與孕震構造之分析 |
主持人 |
交通部氣象局 |
101 |
101年度宜蘭地區岩石採樣檢測與構造解釋 |
主持人 |
工業技術研究院 |
100 |
100年度極端氣候下可能產生之坡地崩塌潛勢評估與預警全天候高效能遙測資源平台構建-遙測資料於坡地崩塌 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年度台灣東部之地表變形與大地構造研究:雷達干涉、宇宙射線暴露定年及地形與斷層力學分析(III) |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
100 |
100年台灣中大型地震震源資訊之快速彙整與提供 |
主持人 |
中央氣象局 |
99 |
99年度台灣東部板塊縫合帶之地表變形與大地構造研究:雷達干涉.宇宙射線暴露定年及斷層力學分析 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
99 |
99年度地下水保育管理計畫-水文地質調查研究台灣地下水水文地質圖繪編及水文地質補查(1/2) |
主持人 |
嘉南藥理科技大學 |
99 |
99年度莫拉克颱風受災區域之構造地形判釋-地質構造、河流水系、緩坡地與階地形之判釋 |
主持人 |
國立成功大學 |
98 |
98年度莫拉克風災後之緊急成災原因與地質變化調查-(子計畫五)利用衛星影像分析莫拉克風災前後台灣南部 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
98 |
98年度台灣東部板塊縫合帶之地表變形與大地構造研究:雷達干涉及地形與斷層力學分析 |
主持人 |
國科會 |
- 2023 國立中央大學113年度研究傑出獎
- 2021 國立中央大學110學年度服務優良獎